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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable

Yeah, I think I not gonna touch this game without friends anymore, got paired with 3 unranked on my team, THREE.

These guys didnt tried to farm in tower, WW didnt wanted to use his R and the top was in his lane never using TP


Yeah, I think I not gonna touch this game without friends anymore, got paired with 3 unranked on my team, THREE.

These guys didnt tried to farm in tower, WW didnt wanted to use his R and the top was in his lane never using TP
Just climb to an elo where you don't get matched with unranked people.


Eh 7% really isn't a high playrate. But yeah I agree, Ahri and Shaco are extremely problematic.
all the champions in that list deserve whatever nerf they get (idk about top rammus, haven't ever seen him but it's rammus so yeah....)

ahri being high up isn't bad cos she's easy to play, i find it more problematic that champions that are supposed to be unique and weird like inven or shaco are that high up
The point is, is that you're probably not better than the unranked players you're getting matched up against. Most unranked players get placed in Silver 5 anyways.

I am afraid thats the case. still annoying since some unranked is their first ranked match


I am afraid thats the case. still annoying since some unranked is their first ranked match

For sure. Just remember that there's a higher probability the unranked players are on the enemy team since there are 4 spots excluding you on your team but 5 on the enemy team.



i think i like it less when the rampaging mastery yi is on my team

something feels really wrong about him 1v5ing after the extremely generous q untargetability bullshitted him out of a cassi ult that i saw TOTALLY LANDED with my two own eyes

like it's my first non mid game after like 25 games so winning is a blessing but i don't enjoy it when it's like this lol

i picked pantheon cos i saw he had really high winrate and i played some pantheon like 3 years ago lol. all i did was bait yasuo for yi and that started him off on his snowballing spree

absolutely terrible lol


Also, I think I should mention that time of day you play at really matters.

Now I play at around 3PM PST and I've been a lot more successful.
Man, playing against Quinn top is so cancerous. God bless Ninja Tabis.

I appreciate those ult changes that make her burst less obscene when building lethality.

Please destroy every quinn top you see

-Someone who generally plays squishy champs in lanes that deal with the result of fed quinns


losing games because your teammates pick champs that that have no practice with.

ori mid on my team went 5/12. looked her up turns out she has no ranked games this season with ori, but has a 55 percent win rate on both kat and fizz.

like bruh why ORI.
losing games because your teammates pick champs that that have no practice with.

ori mid on my team went 5/12. looked her up turns out she has no ranked games this season with ori, but has a 55 percent win rate on both kat and fizz.

like bruh why ORI.

Did they have games on Ori last season at all? It's not like Ori has changed that much over the last few seasons. Otherwise I agree, please don't first-time champs in ranked for the most part.


She must of been really rusty then because she was 0/5/5 the first 22 mins

Edit: not going to lie my last 10-14 I have been playing like a bronze player


Ori continues to be Riot's best designed champion.

She's fun, she has counterplay, her kit is always relevant but not disgusting, and her actual concept is cool.

Sometimes she needs some tuning but Ori is what all champions should strive to be.
I'm having a blast playing Akali, however I find that I kind of go into button mashing mode when things are getting crazy. I guess I should be memorizing my cooldowns so I'm not hitting things when they are down. It's not a problem 1v1 but usually when shit is going down it gets a little frantic. I've also been playing for like 5 god damn years and still forget to use my damn items all the time. Granted, it's usually normals with friends but I'd still like to get better.


sealed with a kiss
Ori continues to be Riot's best designed champion.

She's fun, she has counterplay, her kit is always relevant but not disgusting, and her actual concept is cool.

Sometimes she needs some tuning but Ori is what all champions should strive to be.
The "Ori is best balanced champ" is such a dumb meme, she's pretty much the og overloaded overpowered kit
I believe when people talk about a kit being overloaded they're usually referring to multiple abilities doing lots of things. The standard case would probably be release Camille, specifically her E.

I just checked Ori's patch history as well. Between season 2 and now she's received two 2 updates to her base stats, 2 updates to her ability costs (command attack and shockwave had their cost lowered, Shockwave had CD lowered as well), a number of QoL improvements and bug fixes, and some very minor changes to her GCD after using some abilities. In spite of any major changes (barring the cost change to command attack, which is pretty nice) she's been played on and off in the competitive scene based on buffs to items and what laners are popular, and buffs to the champ herself. Also, the large majority of her match ups are considered skill match ups as far as I know. Every ability does basically one thing.


sealed with a kiss

Q: Damage
W: Slow and damage
E: Shield
R: Damage and displacement

wow overloaded
Overloaded because she does everything too well
Too much burst - wow she can press qw and take 1/3 your health every few seconds with zero downside to her
W speeds her team up too, have fun trying to chase an Ori with her slows,speedups,shields, and ridiculous q poke with minimal cooldown
Best zoning in the game with a low cooldown ult
"She has weak autos tho" except for her passive that completely negates that
Her shield does damage as well if it passes through an enemy
Disgustingly safe champ with 0 weakness, too much burst, too much zone control, most of her abilities have too many effects

Yeah she's a dumb unfun op overloaded champ

Tbf the gross CDR creep that's taken over leeg is making a lot of kits way too strong that could otherwise be balanced with appropriate cooldowns


She's been sub-50% winrate for like 5 patches and this patch she's sitting right at 50%. All of her statistics are right in the middle.

I dunno. Did you have a bad game against one recently or something?


sealed with a kiss
She's been sub-50% winrate for like 5 patches and this patch she's sitting right at 50%. All of her statistics are right in the middle.

I dunno. Did you have a bad game against one recently or something?
Anything above azir level wr is too much for a champ like Ori

Actually I'll let Ori slide if riot makes azir great again
Ironic that riot cratered azir for being too good at everything despite his average winrate but leave Ori completely untouched when she has all the same problems

At least azir has to put himself in Danger to use his ult offensively while Ori can just q or shield someone and get it off for free


Anything above azir level wr is too much for a champ like Ori

Actually I'll let Ori slide if riot makes azir great again
Ironic that riot cratered azir for being too good at everything despite his average winrate but leave Ori completely untouched when she has all the same problems

At least azir has to put himself in Danger to use his ult offensively while Ori can just q or shield someone and get it off for free

The difference is that Azir is too good for pro play at 44% solo queue winrate while Ori is not.


Not ignoring it, you're just wrong. But you're emotionally invested, so it's not worth arguing. Just like me and a fukin' Illaoi skin or Breezy and Swain...anything.
I refuse to play awful champs like trynd, udyr, Ori, etc.

It's really easy to say that a champ is OP without actually playing it yourself. Also, the best way to learn a champ's weaknesses is to play it. Did you know that the Q cast range is 300 units shorter than the ball's leash range?


sealed with a kiss
It's really easy to say that a champ is OP without actually playing it yourself. Also, the best way to learn a champ's weaknesses is to play it. Did you know that the Q cast range is 300 units shorter than the ball's leash range?
Yep I know about the cast/leash thing since a lot of champs have similar mechanics - lebonk, karma, azir, maybe more?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
She must of been really rusty then because she was 0/5/5 the first 22 mins
This is like the least egregious instance of inting I've ever seen someone complain about.
Ori continues to be Riot's best designed champion.

She's fun, she has counterplay, her kit is always relevant but not disgusting, and her actual concept is cool.

Sometimes she needs some tuning but Ori is what all champions should strive to be.
Eh. Ori is not really a champion I get mad at in isolation but so much of what she does in mid/late game is oriented around shield/W and abusing the safety net it provides for the team. It's a very passive playstyle and she only becomes an aggressor really when she's piggy backing off an engaging teammate. There are other passive champions like this but they usually have a harass pattern or less reliable disengage. Obviously people like seeing the ult hit and that's cool, but part of the reason it's exciting is probably because Orianna is much better at stopping fights or turning them than starting them on her own. The ult is also the only piece of her kit that really feels like it rewards careful timing or thought...
Oh boy, now I feel even worse for the team I beat yesterday. Hypothetical scenario. Your teammate locks in Yasuo, and you see this is his op.gg. What do youdo.
I loaded up the video thinking it was gonna be like an overhaul of the game, but it's just "Progression 2.0"

Multiplayer progression in 2017 LUL.

Progression is that carrot on a stick. As someone who still plays heroes from time to time, I definitely don't hate this update. Not sure I'm a huge fan of loot chests. Honestly, though, a lot of this looks like the items from Dota 2 which I am a big fan of.
Need something to keep people hooked when the game has no depth.

About time

League did it years ago with their undercooked character progression and loot boxes

..atleast in hots you dont need keys and you get chests each level as well as it being retroactive. And a wider depth of customization too~
Nice ego boost to win a game that was largely 4v5 due to a raging/feeding Kog'Maw and get told by three members of the enemy team you were the real MVP (poor support Janna who had to put up with him was probably as influential). I've ended up as a one-trick pony Rumble player with all my other champions either nerfed or reworked, but at least I still know the trick well.
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