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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

I'm so fucking bad. :(

Went 1/7/6 as Lissandra in a bot game. I just kept dying and was unable to actually do enough lethal damage to ever finish anything off. I've no clue why.

lol. There's a trick to killing bots. You gotta poke them down enough to the point where they're low, but not low enough to run away. Then you go all in on them when they move away from turret.

When you want to kill something as Lissandra, go in close with E, root them with W, do a Q or something and then ult and they should be dead if you've got them low enough beforehand.



lol. There's a trick to killing bots. You gotta poke them down enough to the point where they're low, but not low enough to run away. Then you go all in on them when they move away from turret.

When you want to kill something as Lissandra, go in close with E, root them with W, do a Q or something and then ult and they should be dead if you've got them low enough beforehand.
actually you want to ult before w'ing since ult stuns them. if you just snare them they can suddenly like lux combo you or something and kill you anyways

also ideally you ult q wait w q again ignite for the finisher!

actually you want to ult before w'ing since ult stuns them. if you just snare them they can suddenly like lux combo you or something and kill you anyways

also ideally you ult q wait w q again ignite for the finisher!

Yeah, that probably works better. But as long you chain your CC correctly you should get the kill.


i was kind of hoping they would be able to keep all his spells targeted simply because that was kind of ryze's thing

but it's just too hard to balance, so just axe that shit
haha yea, lizzy's not the best mid if you want to deal the damagess

she's more like an engager type, you're supposed to be looking for flanks so you can claw from an unpredictable position, ult someone, dump all your spells and zhonyas while your team cleans up, but she wont like oneshot people like annie or something

she's kind of a unique midlaner

also don't build roa on her, get morellos/athenes into zhonyas.

Ah that explains why I never could seem to burst someone to death.
What do I prioritize? Harassing the enemy and staying out of enemy fire range, or last hitting creeps? The answer is probably to do both, but how...


What do I prioritize? Harassing the enemy and staying out of enemy fire range, or last hitting creeps? The answer is probably to do both, but how...
well, that's kind of a broad question, so it's usually just a very situational thing.

lizzy isn't really a lane bully because her range and damage are lower than other mids, so she's more of a passive laner. you want to avoid poke as much as you can, because champions like xerath or karthus can really punish your farming. you want to avoid getting pushed to turret and just easily cs while staying healthy.

lizzy is great at following up ganks because of her great, easy to land cc and the reach on her claw so just hanging back and waiting for jungler to gank for you is generally the most solid strategy

she's not that great at sieging or poking under turret so you don't really want to push too much (tho she can escape ganks easier than most mids), so you should try and make it so that lane's usually reset or frozen on your side. so watch out for too much q harass as it pushes the lane

in general this applies for most mids, playing passive, farming up and waiting for ganks works most of the times while recklessly trying to make "plays" can backfire with how often junglers camp mid, so focusing on good csing and staying up on health and mana is super important


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What do I prioritize? Harassing the enemy and staying out of enemy fire range, or last hitting creeps? The answer is probably to do both, but how...
Regular income is the most important thing. Like 70% of people's skill level is their ability to earn gold.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
The sprinkling of gold borders in low silver is pretty funny.
Why is Cho'Gath so stronk! Recently picked up Cho in my main account as jungler and just wrecked people. At lvl6 your power spike is just huge in comparison to a lot of other jungler. I 1v1 a 2/0 ammu at level 6 in his jungle and only lost half my health before killing him.

In another game I was playing Udyr and after a fairly weak early game, I gave him one gank and he just snowballed to 14/3/14 0_0

I actually wouldn't be suprised to see a nerf come out on him in the next couple of patches. I mean all you have to do to be op, is take him into the jungle, farm up the stacks, smite gromp and buy thornmail. Late game I was doing 230 dmg to their adc just with the gromp smite, every time he hit me.
On another note, is Rito trying to stealth buff Shen back into the meta? A patch or so ago they decreased the cost of his taunt, now the cool down of his ult. Not enough to bring him back yet, but certainly make you think about him.

If they upped his base health or better ad scaling throughout the game, he could quite possibly see a strong comeback.


On another note, is Rito trying to stealth buff Shen back into the meta? A patch or so ago they decreased the cost of his taunt, now the cool down of his ult. Not enough to bring him back yet, but certainly make you think about him.

If they upped his base health or better ad scaling throughout the game, he could quite possibly see a strong comeback.

its not stealth if they admit it

Now in color~



Man its just Teemo everywhere right now because of that new skin. Think I will ban him whenever I am doing bans.

On a side note think I might try and talk a few mates into going to worlds this year. Been thinking the 2nd week in Paris would be good. Anyone on here thinking of going to any of the events for worlds?


Now in color~
no more penises pls

On another note, is Rito trying to stealth buff Shen back into the meta? A patch or so ago they decreased the cost of his taunt, now the cool down of his ult. Not enough to bring him back yet, but certainly make you think about him.

If they upped his base health or better ad scaling throughout the game, he could quite possibly see a strong comeback.

i mean they're super open about it so i wouldn't say stealth buff
Penises are fine as long as they're on women

The problem with Ryze Q being targeted is that coupling that with his W is what makes him a bitch to balance in top lane and against melee in general. If they kept his Q targeted his W would have been destroyed 100%


Liandry's are great, but why would u exactly buy a Rylai? Doesn't ur damage skill already slow enemies anyway? Either Morellonomicon or a Grail would be great and cheap AP item for more CDR.
More slow never hurts in case u hit with ulted q which will slow them a little more to get damaged by the 2nd hit.
Morello or grail are sound alternatives tho.
Last game I was Udyr going up against malphite. He was definitely a presence towards the end of mid game, but his early game was so weak. I was level 6 with twice the CS when he was level 4. 6mins in.

I think Malphite a solid top laner, but he could be strong in the jungle, if maybe they gave him some neutral camp scaling, he would be picked up a bit more. I don't know. It would have to be really fine.
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