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Let's Celebrate Resident Evil 6s 5th Anniversary & talk about the future of Action RE


They were trying to phase her out since the beginning. 3 was originally a side story after all. You'll notice every game since 3 featuring a female character was either a side game, or had them as a secondary main or supporting character.

Stop pulling stuff out out of your ass. Rebecca was the lead of Zero and Fake Jill was the primary lead for revelations.


At this point, CAPCOM should just create a new IP based around the action-design of RE6 without the lore restrictions and keep the RE/Bio franchise into it's horror roots.

There's no need really. Everything around the RE 'mediaverse' from live action films, CG films, manga, novels, and the franchise itself has been action focused since 2004 up until this year, so the lore holds up fine. RE can absolutely carry crazy action as much as horror. A new action co-op game under the Resident Evil franchise would be no oddity nor seem out of place.

Stop pulling stuff out out of your ass. Rebecca was the lead of Zero and Fake Jill was the primary lead for revelations.



I don't see how this is a party.gif

Shit game, has aged like shit because it's shit.



RE6 is my absolute favorite, and it honestly feels like the direction the series should have been heading. Hell, RE5 and RE6 being Capcom's two highest selling games period probably speaks enough for that.

Both classic and action style games can coexist though. Games are all fun.
RE6 is an anomaly. I've never seen a game with such a gulf between core mechanics and scenario design. I'm still salty that Capcom seemingly threw those mechanics out. An action game with RE6's gameplay and RE4's level of encounter design, economy, and bosses would be the GOAT.


RE6 is an anomaly. I've never seen a game with such a gulf between core mechanics and scenario design. I'm still salty that Capcom seemingly threw those mechanics out. An action game with RE6's gameplay and RE4's level of encounter design, economy, and bosses would be the GOAT.

Exactly. That's the main reason the game has the fans it does. The potential for what could be is outstanding. Don't care if it's a spinoff or an IP. They need to do something with them again.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
RE6 is an anomaly. I've never seen a game with such a gulf between core mechanics and scenario design. I'm still salty that Capcom seemingly threw those mechanics out. An action game with RE6's gameplay and RE4's level of encounter design, economy, and bosses would be the GOAT.
The reason RE4's scenario design feels so good is because it's designed with RE4's core mechanics in mind.


RE6 is a flawed game for sure, but damn I still love it. I have 4 different versions of the game, and I must have played it over 300 hours total, easily. So good.

RE6 is an anomaly. I've never seen a game with such a gulf between core mechanics and scenario design. I'm still salty that Capcom seemingly threw those mechanics out. An action game with RE6's gameplay and RE4's level of encounter design, economy, and bosses would be the GOAT.
Yep, a game with RE6's gameplay mechanics but with actually good level design would be incredible.
Started playing this in No Hope Left in co-op recently (beat it a few years ago but never got the chance to play the hardest mode with someone). Game is definitely pretty fantastic despite being unpolished compared to Resident Evil 4 and 5; I might actually like it more than 5 overall. Honestly, I think there are two big problems with the game, putting aside the lack of polish and awkward non-standard bits - 1) despite being pretty complex mechanically, the game doesn't really explain your abilities and their uses well at all (nor does it put you in situations that organically teach you the strengths and weaknesses of your weapons and such, which is understandable given the game's complexity and the multi-campaign system) and 2) the difficulty modes seem poorly balanced and are mostly too easy. Normal is mindless, Veteran is a little easy (seems to be a slight step down in difficulty from even RE5's standard mode), Professional is what you'd expect the regular mode to be like, and the only mode over that is the super-hard mode that most people probably never touch. And most of the game's modes being too easy is a problem because without a reasonable degree of difficulty, most players aren't going to bother experimenting with their toolsets and learning all the cool options they have in interaction with enemies, so most people are going to just mash their way through the game not understanding how interesting its combat scenarios can get. Not saying RE6 doesn't have other problems, or that everyone should be able to overlook those two issues like I personally do, but if the game was smarter / a little less forgiving about its difficulty setup and did a little more to expose its options to the player (probably should have forced the player through a comprehensive Vanquish-like tutorial at the start of the game), it may have been received much, much better.

Like, imagine if Resident Evil 4 had three difficulty modes - one named Normal (let's say it's an easier mode than the easy settings that appeared in later RE4 releases), one named Ultra Hard (let's say it's identical to RE4's normal mode) and one named European Extreme Death (identical to RE4's Professional). This is basically what happened with RE6 - most people who play the game are going to pick the "standard" mode, which feels kneecapped since combat can only be so engaging or interesting when the enemies can't really damage you and die to a stiff breeze. On top of that, pretend this imaginary version of RE4 has no tutorials at all, which might make the melee system opaque to a lot of people - this version of the game might not have been so beloved back in 2005.

I definitely don't agree that Mercenaries is massively better than the campaign - No Mercy is definitely a fantastic supplement to the main game, as RE5's Mercenaries was, but regular RE6 Mercenaries is kind of sparse. The individual fights in RE6's campaigns are generally very good, even in some of the game's worse levels like Leon-1, and the level design is actually really good about handling co-op (does a better job of incentivizing or forcing players to split up than RE5 did).

I really ended up liking Resident Evil 7, but it's definitely disappointing that Capcom didn't follow up RE6 with one of their patented Iterative Capcom Sequels - the game probably deserved a second pass more than even RE4, honestly.


The weird positivity around RE6 after launch is so baffling to me. The game was really fucking bad and the mechanics were flashy but not necessarily intuitive or fun. Enemies were a chore to fight and the game has zero sense of exploration or tension. The story is a nonsensical trainwreck and not in the "so bad it's good" way that past RE games could be at times.

It says a lot that I bought the game for 15 bucks on PC expecting to turn my brain off and play it in coop and have a good stupid fun time, and could barely stomach one campaign before calling it quits.

Mercenaries makes the whole thing worth it. I had so much fun in that mode.
I just beat this recently. I prefer action to horror and as a fan of 4 and 5, I thought I would really enjoy this. I did not. I found The Mercenaries mode to be its only major upside since it focuses on action while not having you experience all of the other bullshit.

RE5, on the other hand, I've beaten at least four times now. Excellent co-op game. Not even co-op could save 6.

Bolded was my experience too, I thoroughly enjoyed Terminator Salvation thanks to it being co-op. RE6 was one of my worst gaming experiences ever.

RE experience:
I played 4 and loved it. Played 6 and loathed it. Played 7 and liked it a lot until a certain point where I would’ve been super happy had the game ended. Instead I ended up quitting a few hours later after it turned to crap.

Certain point =
getting in the boat and leaving the house. Instead the game throws you in a different actiony type game where you chase a little girl and shoot inkblot monsters a lot. Gone were the interesting characters and environments, replaced by greasy corridors and boring encounters
Shockingly bad game, Took the decent co-op aspect from 5 and ruined it in 6 by not allowing you to keep you're items like you could in 5.

Luckily todays gaming has moved on from cover shooters that were everywhere in the 360 era.

Hopefully Resi 8 sticks to first person mode and VR.


The sexiness shall return
Yes, please. Jake needs to return. Moira and Sherry too.

And thanks for reminding me how good RE character designs used to be. Hopefully they'll abandon that boring realistic style of RE7, and go back to the superior stylized character designs for future games.


Don't believe the lies of some Neogaf posters. Game is trash. My brother and I picked it up for cheap because we liked playing RE5 coop.

Ugh, so many better options out there we could have purchased.


Bolded was my experience too, I thoroughly enjoyed Terminator Salvation thanks to it being co-op. RE6 was one of my worst gaming experiences ever.

Somehow I completely missed this game last gen. This would have been the type of game I'd get through Gamefly in a weekend. I don't even remember it coming out.
Jake and Sherry were a fun duo
Agent Hunt was fun around launch
The throwback polygon costumes

The rest.

I've never replayed 6. I'm not one of those "Action RE is trash" folks either, I loved 5 and it was my second favorite mainline game behind RE2 before 7 came out this year. Six just fails miserably at almost everything they tried.

Enemy design was shit, outside of Jake, the new characters were either just boring terrible (and not laughably terrible either), the THREE campaigns are all terrible.

As much as I loved RE7, I honestly wouldn't mind a return to something like 4 or 5. It's the folks that talk about RE6 like a flawed masterpiece that worry me.


I just want to point out that you just insulted the intelligence of another poster while utilizing impressively bad grammar. The irony here is palpable. Also, what's wrong with communicating like a decent human being? All anyone did was post their opinions, opinions that sometimes aligned with your's and some that differed, and yet you pick out the opinions that differ and try to insult them and complain about their posting in the thread at all. I mean just review what you said to him first, you were rude to begin with.

They're not from an English speaking country, English isn't their first languague, and that person was rude and immature to begin with.

Cut them some slack.


Resident Evil 6 is the perfection of the B-movie in video-game form.

Many people think of Resident Evil 4 as the gaming equivalent to a great B-movie, but that does a disservice to RE4. That game is a masterpiece that transcends labels and will never be replicated again. It's irrelevant that RE5 and RE6 are worse than RE4, because every game ever made or that likely ever will be made is also worse than RE4.

RE6 though? That's a B-movie, and a glorious one at that. The best way to enjoy RE6 is to bask in the golden aura of its bullshit and savor it like a fine wine.

I have never seen a game that was simultaneously so fun to play, and so amazingly terrible. It is a notable achievement that Capcom should be commended for in the annals of B-grade entertainment. You can't manufacture this kind of inspired mediocrity. It's a one-of-a-kind lightning strike, just like RE4 was in a different way.

One of my favorite games of all time.


I just want to point out that you just insulted the intelligence of another poster while utilizing impressively bad grammar. The irony here is palpable. Also, what's wrong with communicating like a decent human being? All anyone did was post their opinions, opinions that sometimes aligned with your's and some that differed, and yet you pick out the opinions that differ and try to insult them and complain about their posting in the thread at all. I mean just review what you said to him first, you were rude to begin with.

Mira este niño que cree que toda la gente en gaf habla con su primera lengua.

Nadie quiere las opiniones negativas cuando es una celebración. Si no tienes algo de contribuir, pues no entres. Qué grosero entrar aquí para ser negativo. Así no se celebra.


Probably the most disappointed I've ever been with a game. The reveal trailer remains one of the best introductions to a game I've seen. The finished product has moments where the promise of that trailer can be glimpsed, but they're all too brief and buried amongst so much bullshit.

I really wish I could love it as much as some of you and I'm all for Capcom taking another stab at this type of Resi, but they'd need to take a serious look at the scenario designs of Resi 4 and 5 and reign things back down to that level.
Yep, a game with RE6's gameplay mechanics but with actually good level design would be incredible.

It's just baffling. Like the combat designers and level designers hardly talked to each other.

IMO RE6's enemy designs are generally decent-to-good. Really like the shapeshifting J'avo and enemies that hatch from chrysalides. Parrying Bloodshots is uber satisfying. They just aren't served particularly well by the encounter design. Zombies are kinda blah.


Stop pulling stuff out out of your ass. Rebecca was the lead of Zero and Fake Jill was the primary lead for revelations.

0 is not 4 and Revelations is not 6. Even in Revelations Jill had to share screen time with Chris, whereas Chris had full campaigns in 5 and 6.
It's just baffling. Like the combat designers and level designers hardly talked to each other.

IMO RE6's enemy designs are generally decent-to-good. Really like the shapeshifting J'avo and enemies that hatch from chrysalides. Parrying Bloodshots is uber satisfying. They just aren't served particularly well by the encounter design. Zombies are kinda blah.

I think they literally didn't - they may have been handled by entirely separate departments or something, a symptom of RE6 having been developed by like the entire staff of Capcom.

RE6 has really good enemies, generally. (The bosses though...) And even though the individual encounters aren't as refined and guided as RE4's for the most part (which I think is a natural consequence of the game being so much less restrictive - Vanquish feels similar), they make up for it through RE6's great implementation of co-op and its more complex mechanics. I think it's kind of an equal tradeoff.

Where RE6 (and 5) fall short in comparison to 4 isn't in encounter design (outside of some of the weirder stuff in 6), but in overall pacing. RE4 does a great job balancing out basic exploration segments, smaller encounters, and large fights in ways that RE5 and 6 can't, maybe because of their separated campaigns and shorter runtimes.


I remember being really hyped for it, then let down once I started playing through it with friends. Mercenaries was pretty fucking awesome in this though, I'd buy a standalone game of that using this system in a heartbeat.

RE5 is still my favorite in the series, though I did also really like the direction the Revelations games were/are going in. RE7 was fun to watch friends playthrough it a few times and I may buy it just for that Chris DLC at some point, but other than that I'm not terribly interested in playing it myself.


RE5 is probably my game of the last generation. RE6 is one of the worst games I have ever played in my life.

This is how I feel as well. RE5 was bloody amazing, RE6 on another hand... well, I would rather not talk about this game at all and pretend that it never existed.


I remember I absolutely hated RE6 after playing the demo. I was expecting the same type of gameplay from RE4 and 5, but it didn't feel like that at all. I thought the Quick Shot + Melee was the replacement for the Stun + Melee system from the old games, so I quickly ran out of stamina. Plus tripping over dead bodies, wtf. I was all aboard the RE6 hate train.

But for some reason I still ended up buying the game. So many frustrating moments. The freaking blizzard level, that one HUGE slope in it, and every single vehicle section was a nightmare. "Yeah, this game sucks," I thought.

Then I started playing Mercenaries Mode. It was then I learned the actual Stun + Melee system, recognizing the patterns of which stun equated to which contextual melee. I learned the proper use for Quick Shot, I found out about dodging and sliding. I learned the timing for counters to take out those Bloodshots in one go. Holy crap, I was having fun.

I took this knowledge to the campaign, and, while it didn't help with the glaring design issues like constantly taking camera control away from you while keeping you vulnerable to enemy attacks, understanding the combat made it a LOT of fun.

I realized that RE6 plays unlike any other shooter out there. Just like Max Payne 3, ignore the cover system and take advantage of the unique mechanics and the game becomes a blast to play. A game so strange should be treasured...without ignoring some of its awful scenario design, lol.

I just hope we get a Switch version at some point so I can finally get RE6 Mercs on-the-go.


This is how I feel as well. RE5 was bloody amazing, RE6 on another hand... well, I would rather not talk about this game at all and pretend that it never existed.

Played 4 too many times to count across platforms

Beat 5 solo twice and co-op a few times.

Had to force myself to finish 6 once. It was the pacing - the start/stop, no-flow of it all.


Gold Member
Mira este niño que cree que toda la gente en gaf habla con su primera lengua.

Nadie quiere las opiniones negativas cuando es una celebración. Si no tienes algo de contribuir, pues no entres. Qué grosero entrar aquí para ser negativo. Así no se celebra.

Mira a este niño que no leyó los términos de servicio de GAF, donde dice que NeoGAF es un foro en inglés. En caso de que usted no lo sabía, también es un lugar para la discusión, e incluso la OP acogió con beneplácito la discusión del juego si era negativo o positivo, así que tal vez crecer y sacar el pie de la boca.

En cuanto a las cuestiones gramaticales del póster debido a que su primer idioma no es el inglés, Considérelo. Digamos que voy a un foro principalmente español y luego denigrar a otro miembro de dicho foro con insultos mientras hablo español muy mal, ya que el inglés es mi primer idioma, ¿no diría usted que la comunidad del Foro estaría en el derecho de llamarme en mi mierda de Toro? , o, por lo menos, notar la ironía inherente a esa mierda?

Alright that's enough of that, I've made my point. If you've anything further to say to me, do so in English as I'm not a big fan of not observing the Terms of Service and I actually value my account, I just chose to mirror your method to communicate how nonsensical and illogical your's was.
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