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Let's predict what the world will be like in the year 2500

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The title says it all. What will the world look like in the year 2500? Think of something new and exciting that might be possible. Remember we will likely living in a post-Singularity society.

1.) A.I. will replace humans as the number one source of music. Pretty shocking to think about but I'm going to take it a step further. Not only will A.I. replace humans as the biggest source of music but most artificially created music will be created on a per person basis. In the future, an artificial intelligence could easily extract data from all the music out there and listening habits of everyone in the world to create music that is generally liked by whatever target group it is aiming for. But imagine a program like Spotify or whatever that tracks all the music you listen to and what songs you like the most and is able to pickup on what appeals to you to create music just for you. And do it in an instant. You want a new song created just for you and want it now, just say the word and you will be listening to a new song that no one has ever heard before. Data could also come from a variety of sources to pickup on topics that appeal to you or emotions that you are currently experiencing. You breakup with your significant other and the A.I. already has a playlist of new sad songs just for you. :D

I realize that is a bit difficult to do. Like in the article I linked to, try to explain what the internet is to someone in the year 1500. And hopefully we will get some good responses instead of stupid jokes. :p
Shit, 2050 is hard, fuck 2500

I guess cats will be our overlords by then. Robots tried but they were no match

We go around hunting for fish and other treats for our adorable overlords


I take the easy road and say by that time we bombed ourself back into the dark ages. Basically, we are in the middle of one of those JRPGs, with a long lost advanced civilization. And we can of course use magic, which is just some advanced technology we still possess.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
By that time, I think technology will be advanced enough so that a team of crazy people can build a bomb capable of destroying most of the world.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
We better be beyond the moon by then. Colonizing Mars at least, by that point.

I think we'll have figured out how to terraform the earth. Pollution is a hit or miss. We'll either have figured out how to get rid of it or get around it. Biodomes might be a thing.


Overcrowded, much of the modern costline will be under water, polar caps melted, erratic weather, more multicultural, higher wealth inequality and miniscule amount of forests as well as wild animals(Compared to today). Automation will replace cheap labour but there will be no adequate welfare despite that and there will probably be a spike in authoritative ideology. This is the happy version.


We'll probably be a space faring civilization by that point...

Most people will live in virtual space, allowing for dramatic information and experiential expansion, unbounded by the limits of physical space.

We'll exist as a plethora of species - original human, augmented humans, cyborgs, AI minds, etc.

Post Scarcity, post singularity - the only conflicts that occur, occur because we desire it to be so - for experiential purposes.

Closer to Iain M Banks The Culture than not.

Assuming we survive this century.


That damn generation DZB has it so easy, in our time we had to step in our flying cars ourselves instead of having them appear around us. And learning a new language took five minutes, not those five seconds now. They're too lazy to pay attention for five minutes to learn a new language.
i see two future, our mind and consciousness will be uploaded it in some kind of network, and we download our self into empty shells when we want to do activity outside that notwork.

on the other hand, there is always the prediction of WW4 and weapon of choice ...

Permanently A

Junior Member
Assuming we didn't fuck up, I imagine at that point we can freely manipulate weather, transfer our consciousness and our thoughts freely over whatever WiFi evolves into, and are making serious progress into terraforming other planets.


Midi-chlorians will still not be a thing.

Also, chances are we will have scorched the earth beyond all recognition, so a moot point really.


Sidhe / PikPok
I think it is literally impossible to comprehend.

Over the next 500 years, barring some global catastrophe that obliterates humanity, it's virtually impossible for the combination of advancements in AI, quantum computing, nanotechnology and biotechnology to have radically transformed the depth of human knowledge and the nature of humanity itself.

The scale of scientific and societal advancement made even in this next 100 years will likely be exponentially more than the last 100.


In 400 years, the Earth will still be here. The Earth heals itself, it casts down that which ails it then marches on into the next biological era without a care in the world.

We will be gone, but the Earth will endure.
Mostly underwater with unbreathable air.
Not even joking. Just look what we did in 150 years since the industrial revolution. No way you can stop or reverse what China and India are about to unleash on the planet.
Some of you really think humanity will be extinct then? Social collapse, possible. But totally gone? I doubt it. 500 years is not that much time. We have been around for 50.000 years or something? In 500 years, somewhere humans will be living. Let's hope it is a good life instead of a wasteland due to climate change or war.
Mostly underwater with unbreathable air.
Not even joking. Just look what we did in 150 years since the industrial revolution. No way you can stop or reverse what China and India are about to unleash on the planet.

Now now let's not put the blame on china and india. The west fucked up big time, but at least now they're trying to change. China and india though, they're like "oh you did it back then so we can do it now lol" which is pretty fucking stupid, yeah.
There'll be no winter...anywhere. Lots of water and new technology thatll allow us to live on said water, boats and jetskis everywhere. Sharks and other dangerous water animals will be our enemies. Jokes on them cause we'll all be wifi-ed by then lol


Impossible to say, really. I don't think the human race will be extinct by then, 500 years is a comparably tiny amount of time. However, I think by then a select few will have moved on to other planets to build new civilizations there, leaving the majority to rot on earth while shit's going down there. I wish I could watch all this from a comfy seat in heaven but alas lol
There would be a controlled but totally sustainable amount of humans on earth. no pollution and people could live forever but it's not allowed. No one actually does manual work but those that are alive are part of a combined mental super grid which solves problems without the users knowing half their brain power is dedicated to it.


My great great great grandchildren will be alive long enough toiling in their chinese concentration camps to witness the crab people begin their sideways march out of the oceans.
Overcrowded, much of the modern costline will be under water, polar caps melted, erratic weather, more multicultural, higher wealth inequality and miniscule amount of forests as well as wild animals(Compared to today). Automation will replace cheap labour but there will be no adequate welfare despite that and there will probably be a spike in authoritative ideology. This is the happy version.
C'mon, that's like 2050. Get dark, b -- we're talking about 2500 here and you're talking about kiddie stuff.
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