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LittleBigPlanet 3 reviews


I have been trying to be as non-biased as possible. But at this point Xbox is doing something behind the scenes. Both Sunset and Halo getting full passes in many reviews was something I have been curious about, as I think neither game is 9 worthy in its current state. Now LBP getting not even a 7 lol... while 9s are being handed out to a broken Halo game? IDK but after that Eurogamer Driveclub review I just stopped taking these people seriously. It's getting really Hollywood in these reviews.
First of all, I and several others never had issues with the controls. But for those that did, this game has very much improved player controls.

Neither do I. The fact remainds however, that it does not have the same level of precision as most platformers and its a constant knock against the brand.


Read the IGN review first, got scared. Especially since I thoroughly hated LBPK (long live ModNation). I'm glad the other reviews are assuaging my fears. I'll probably pick this up some time soon.

The Lamp

Neither do I. The fact remainds however, that it does not have the same level of precision as most platformers and its a constant knock against the brand.

It doesn't really require precision platforming imo, at least not anymore. The level design is much more forgiving than things like The Bunker (pre-exploit) from LBP1 (which I aced within 24 hours of launch, it really wasn't hard). The level design is more about cleverness than precisely landing with the right momentum.
Have you played 3?

Yes. Couple months back at eurogamer. However ive only played as oddsock. Even then, the controls still felt a bit more floaty than something like mario. Not a big issue for me, but I totally get where people are coming from.

It doesn't really require precision platforming imo, at least not anymore. The level design is much more forgiving than things like The Bunker (pre-exploit) from LBP1 (which I aced within 24 hours of launch, it really wasn't hard). The level design is more about cleverness than precisely landing with the right momentum.

This is true.


Game breaking bugs on the PS4?

I had to restart a few times because sackboy wouldn't respawn. Game just showed the respawn circle, but sackboy didn't jump out. Only one i encountered, but had it a few times.

I really liked though. Best lpb campaign with level design that's a few notches up from media molecules
I have been trying to be as non-biased as possible. But at this point Xbox is doing something behind the scenes. Both Sunset and Halo getting full passes in many reviews was something I have been curious about, as I think neither game is 9 worthy in its current state. Now LBP getting not even a 7 lol... while 9s are being handed out to a broken Halo game? IDK but after that Eurogamer Driveclub review I just stopped taking these people seriously. It's getting really Hollywood in these reviews.

I don't think it's really anything more than opinions, personally.

The games media isn't shy to admit that they're crazy stoked for MCC, Halo and all that Chief. It comes up in many podcast and stuff. However, LBP is shrugged off in the same breath because it's no longer an exciting IP to many of them. Sunset is unique and new, thus it gets attention and love, but LBP3 is the fourth in an IP that frankly, pours its love to creators more than anyone else.


will any new game on the ps4 get a 90 or above on metacritic this year? i.e. excluding rereleases.

With the current reviewers it would take a game almost near perfection from Sony. Reviewers just seem to want to nitpick every Sony made game in existence. It just seems so many reviewes for each Sony game are all over the place. I guess Infamous was consistent.


Well I am loving this game so far. I have been there for each LBP launch day (or earlier) and this is the smoothest online experience yet.

I can't say much about the story mode yet but it seems like standard LBP fair. The added depth to levels is really nice.

Game has surpassed my expectations so far.


will any new game on the ps4 get a 90 or above on metacritic this year? i.e. excluding rereleases.

How about any new game this gen getting above a 90?

There's Bayonetta 2... and... hm.
With the current reviewers it would take a game almost near perfection from Sony. Reviewers just seem to want to nitpick every Sony made game in existence. It just seems so many reviewes for each Sony game are all over the place. I guess Infamous was consistent.

Did you ever think the exclusives released for PS4 just aren't very good?


I don't think it's really anything more than opinions, personally.

The games media isn't shy to admit that they're crazy stoked for MCC, Halo and all that Chief. It comes up in many podcast and stuff. However, LBP is shrugged off in the same breath because it's no longer an exciting IP to many of them. Sunset is unique and new, thus it gets attention and love, but LBP3 is the fourth in an IP that frankly, pours its love to creators more than anyone else.


2D/3D LBP adventure. Where you play some parts of the game in a 2D perspective and others in a full 3D one like tearaway.

The game is about creation first and foremost. If it gives creators alot more items and mechanics to use, and looks / performs better than previous entries, it served its purpose imo.

Next will probably be Little Big Universe or something with actual full 3D worlds.

I could see 3D worlds being a natural next step for the franchise if they decide to pump out a sequel. We will have to wait and see what happens but the tea leaves over here don't look good. My expectations are a new IP from them. Is that really such a bad thing?
I could see 3D worlds being a natural next step for the franchise if they decide to pump out a sequel. We will have to wait and see what happens but the tea leaves over here don't look good. My expectations are a new IP from them. Is that really such a bad thing?

They are working on a new IP.

It's simply... taking a long time to make it.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I wish more websites would use Famitsu's reviewing method. Four people, four scores, one total.


How about any new game this gen getting above a 90?

There's Bayonetta 2... and... hm.

Did you ever think the exclusives released for PS4 just aren't very good?

That isn't the point really. I could nitpick The Last of Us the way they do every other game and push it down to an 8 as we move on in games. ND does get a pass too at times and I don't agree with that either. I don't think they will be getting a pass if current Sony logic continues. 1886 already has a target on its back. If Bloodborne is not perfect it too will be ripped apart. I'm glad they delayed it.

It's the other reviews getting passes that I have problems with. Halo MCC is not a 9 game. I have played it. I like it even. It's simply not a 9 game in its current buggy and unfinished state and that should be reflected in these reviews point blank. I think games like KZ were torn into for not being finished.

I'm just not sure what good day one reviews are any more. It's like they are building up reviews to the point of insanity. Film and music.... Not even film and music addicts dote on and damn a medium's worth over reviews. No other industry I know of seems to react the same way. Make of that what you will. I know Rotten Tomatoes, MetaCritic, etc. do influence other mediums but I don't think to the same degree as games being crucified in the press like this. When a bad movie is made people generally don't seem so uproarious, except when something totally blows like a certain Ridley Scott film. At least this gen it seems like everything is being blown out of proportion one way or the other. Every review seems to want to attract the most clicks and forum discussion.

That being said was a 6.8 really necessary for a game like this? Really? Difference of that and 7 being? Clicks?


Lol, so IGN gave the game it's lowest score, and added this gen at the bottom

And there are 2 patches now by the way so they haven't played the game with either.....

Not defending the IGN review, but Lucy did play with the Day 0 patch according to her review, it's just the Day 1 patch that was missing.
I think people are a bit too harsh on IGN review for now if it's just about the bugs. They literally JUST upped it, give them some time to address the patches (which seem to keep coming as we speak?).

As for MCC and Unity, sure. Shame on them, they should be called out. But if LBP3 really has a bunch of gamebreaking bugs or whatnot it should be a reason enough to lower the score even harshly and it should have nothing to do with other games or their scores.


They literally JUST upped it, give them some time to address the patches (which seem to keep coming as we speak?).

Upped as in uploaded or upped as in upped their score? I assumed the latter, but it doesn't appear to have been changed. Just clarifying.
Upped as in uploaded or upped as in upped their score? I assumed the latter, but it doesn't appear to have been changed. Just clarifying.

Put it up. I don't really know the details about the bugs or patches but even in the OT they are talking about some issues that have yet to be fixed. I think it's fair not to expect IGN re-review the game every time a new patch is released when the guys at sumo seemingly are working on more fixes to be released in the coming days. Give it some time and then call them out if they don't change the score after most/all the issues that affected it are gone.

And yeah^^ 6.8 is basically a 7. It's not that bad.
So LBP3 is the best of the series but it has the worst reviews ?

Kinda weird....

Not really. Metacritic for the franchise has gotten lower despite each game recognised as being better than the last.

For a portion of the games media, it's been transparent that the franchise no longer have that same "wow" factor from back when it was a new, bold concept.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I don't think it's really anything more than opinions, personally.

The games media isn't shy to admit that they're crazy stoked for MCC, Halo and all that Chief. It comes up in many podcast and stuff. However, LBP is shrugged off in the same breath because it's no longer an exciting IP to many of them. Sunset is unique and new, thus it gets attention and love, but LBP3 is the fourth in an IP that frankly, pours its love to creators more than anyone else.

Positively inflating a review score because of hype is not what a reviewer should do.

The Lamp

Is the platforming any better?

Edit: Why does IGNs review talk about the story so much

So much better.

I'm just about to finish the first world after the prologues. Not only is the platforming significantly tightened, the challenge in the levels isn't from precision platforming so much as surpassing obstacles and exploring and clever puzzles.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
And then you defending Driveclub which was also deservedly trashed?

Only focusing on DriveClub, Eurogamer did not trash it because "while the single player drives great the multiplayer is broken", they marked it down it for generic reasons like "it had no soul" and for not innovating by doing what all the other cool kids games do... open world.


Also for all the flack ign is getting in the OT, I do find it somewhat hypocritical that Sony got away with having a release day embargo on yet another games riddled with bugs, day 1 patch or not.

Its simply not on. Especially, in the UK at least, they are charging significantly more for this game than most releases this week.

Release days embargos are bullshit. Fullstop. Dont care what game it is or who is publishing it.

Eh? In the UK it is £49 on PSN which is the same or less than other third party games. And it isn't out this week - 28th.

More bugs is disappointing, especially when they had a beta. For me that is now DC, AC Unity, Halo and LBP my last four big games all with bad launch issues.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Eh? In the UK it is £49 on PSN which is the same or less than other third party games. And it isn't out this week - 28th.

More bugs is disappointing, especially when they had a beta. For me that is now DC, AC Unity, Halo and LBP my last four big games all with bad launch issues

I get the concern, but it appears that IGN was basically playing the beta, and the majority of the issues were patched out at launch. If this is incorrect, then I would agree.


I get the concern, but it appears that IGN was basically playing the beta, and the majority of the issues were patched out at launch. If this is incorrect, then I would agree.

I think launch day review embargoes don't help. Maybe if publishers had embargoes 3-4 days before launch, it would encourage publishers to have the game actually work, and give them a few days to address any issues that might pop up before actual launch. Such late embargoes means any issues that crop up then impact everyone


But in all seriousness, I think the series has lost its novelty. The Metacritic dropping from 95 to 91 and now the 79 shows that. Shit, even the Vita game had an average of 88, but that's not really the same.

Where does LBP go from here? Not sure, but especially with these scores I don't see it setting the sales world on fire - that is another nail in the franchise's coffin.

For me it wouod almost have bee a justified purchase to port LBP2 so I can get access to those created levels in PS4 now that my PS3 is retired. Story mode in LBP is always enjoyable too.

I'd like them to experiment with sack boy a little more, perhaps a 3D adventure next?


Review scores are numbers which have meaning to one person and are open to a raft of corruptive influences. I read what is said and then make up my own mind rather than base my decision on a number or an average of numbers.

Having said that, LBP is now on my radar.
For me it wouod almost have bee a justified purchase to port LBP2 so I can get access to those created levels in PS4 now that my PS3 is retired. Story mode in LBP is always enjoyable too.

I'd like them to experiment with sack boy a little more, perhaps a 3D adventure next?

I believe that levels are BC from the first two games.

It's almost as if they were reviewed by different people who have different opinions.

That's not the point, as I see it. The point is, if games reviews are now suddenly going to factor in bugs and glitches as a primary component of a review, then that's not displayed at all in the MCC review (whereas it seems to be a heavy focus of the LBP3 review). It's fine and good to talk about the issues, but there should be some consistency.


It's the other reviews getting passes that I have problems with. Halo MCC is not a 9 game. I have played it. I like it even. It's simply not a 9 game in its current buggy and unfinished state and that should be reflected in these reviews point blank. I think games like KZ were torn into for not being finished.

Fair point on MCC but I think that there are a number of other factors in play in regards to why that game got 9/10 reviews:

-Reviews are often more focused on single player elements, value for money and content, as opposed to MP interaction. Halo MCC was excellent in this regard despite the bugs.
-Many of the reviews came out before release and were generally higher than those that did came out afterwards. IGN and Gamespot both gave lower scores than they normally would have. IGN is actually a special case; the reviewer loves Halo 2 with passion and he even stated in his review that he was not willing to deduct points over bugs that 343i would eventually fix. He gave Halo 4 in 2012 9.8 and he gave Halo 1-4 in 2014 9, lol. So I guess there is a level of reviewer inconsistency.
-The biggest issue is still matchmaking. The core experience; Halo 2 Anniversary, while not perfect, was certainly 9/10 for many reviewers. This may be partially because the bugs seem to affect people differently; one person gets 150 games and another gets only 2 games. Single player bugs especially seem to be concentrated in Halo CE and Halo 4 based on my experiences. Even then framerate drops were still above 30FPS, while Unity dropped to more uncomfortable levels.
-Halo has generally had smooth launches; reviewers probably assumed the bugs would be ironed out by release day. What happened with MCC surprised most people, aside from the crashing issue which was seen pre release.

TLDR: Reviews based on content rather than presentation due to assumption of launch day and patch fixes.

So yeah, MCC has a higher metascore than it deserved on launch day but there are a variety of reasons why aside from potential bias.


Sometimes I wonder about reviewers. I have kids and I know they'll love this game, I also know that they couldn't care less about what IGN or any of the other sites. Which begs the questions, shouldn't family games be reviewed by families?

When I write reviews, given that I have kids, I always take their opinion into account when reviewing family titles. I mean it's their opinion that counts and as long as they have fun then it's a great game.

These games aren't made for the FPS touting crowd, they are made for everyone and any time I read a review bashing a family game I just know it's because the journalist doesn't have a clue.


I don't think it's really anything more than opinions, personally.

The games media isn't shy to admit that they're crazy stoked for MCC, Halo and all that Chief. It comes up in many podcast and stuff. However, LBP is shrugged off in the same breath because it's no longer an exciting IP to many of them. Sunset is unique and new, thus it gets attention and love, but LBP3 is the fourth in an IP that frankly, pours its love to creators more than anyone else.

I agree. It has less to do with the game quality itself, but more to do with how excited the reviewer was when playing the game.

When the IP is no longer interesting to them, it's really hard to grab their attention. Reviewers are human, they are affected by hype (or no hype). Microsoft did a ton to market Halo and Sunset. Sony did nothing about LPB. Many people don't even know a new LPB is coming out.
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