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Lttp: (500) Days of Summer (Spoilers)



I picked this movie up the other day when the cover caught my attention, I figured it would be a simple, predictable enough movie to play in the background and not really play attention to it. just something to round out my collection of mostly action movies. that was a wrong assumption though, not paying attention means you miss out on a lot of foreshadowing and context.

The narrative bounces around the 500 days that Joseph-Gordon Levitt's character Tom is in love with Zooey Deschanel's titular character Summer. The way the narrative bounces around creates exceptions early on that the film cleverly twists around later. mainly when the film starts, it shows them holding hands, smiling at each other while Summer wears a ring on day 488 and then shows a brief scene of them meeting on day 1 that is quickly followed by a scene set on day 290 where Tom is angrily breaking plates because Summer broke up with him while friends and family try to comfort him. giving you the idea that they meet fall in love, break up sometime down the line and get back together in typical rom-com fashion. after this the movies goes along the story fairly straight forward with interludes to earlier or later days to help contextualize other days and scenes.

The movie also has some amazing cinematography. The Exceptions vs. Reality scene being the major standout, it has a unique premise that helps convey one of the most emotional scenes of the movie in just a few minutes.
Probably one of my favorite movie scenes now

Clark Gregg whom is known by most everyone has Phil Coulson from the Marvel movies and TV Shows has small role and a memorable line


I really liked the movie, but felt kinda depressed after seeing it. Good that it ended in a positive note.
One of the best romcoms, fits along with the all time greats like When Harry Met Dally, Annie Hall/Manhattan. In Search Of A Midnight Kiss and The Big Sick are the other great romcoms since 500 Days Of Summer.


I kinda read the ending as him repeating his problems once again, falling in love way too quickly. But you can read it both ways.

I rather read it as: JGL believed in 'meant-to-be' true romantic love, Zoey didn't. After their relationship dies, JGL becomes a cynic, while Zoey actually started believing in this true love. In the end (after some hesitation) JGL thinks there actually might be such thing as 'meant to be', the name of Autumn reflecting that.
I rather read it as: JGL believed in 'meant-to-be' true romantic love, Zoey didn't. After their relationship dies, JGL becomes a cynic, while Zoey actually started believing in this true love. In the end (after some hesitation) JGL thinks there actually might be such thing as 'meant to be', the name of Autumn reflecting that.

Tom is a "Nice Guy". The ending shows that he has learned nothing through his time with Summer.

In before someone points out JGLs character is actually an asshole.

It was me! It was me all along, Austin!


One of my favourite movies ever

Ditto. This and Eurotrip are my guilty pleasures.. actually maybe just the latter is more guilty.

500 Days is just a beautiful non-linear film that tells the story of two very likeable (some aren't so much at times) but fundamentally confused and lost characters. The karaoke scene really gets me, I cry with laughter every time. Then the post-sex musical dance number makes me grin far far too much. I always felt like we joined this movie in the middle of peoples, real peoples lives. They feel like they've had a history and they will continue to after the movie - there's a real sense of world building and character development. It's great.


Tom is a "Nice Guy". The ending shows that he has learned nothing through his time with Summer.

He is a hopeless romantic that gets destroyed/depressed when he finds out his 'One' is actually not the One at all.

In the end of the movie he finds out that there will be another.

It is the feeling a lot of us have had when our first relationship failed. Just look at all these threads on GAF with people losing their first love.


I kinda read the ending as him repeating his problems once again, falling in love way too quickly. But you can read it both ways.

I initially thought that but after thinking about it some more I'm not sure that's true.

By the end of the film he's learned that he can't live a 'happy' life through someone else and needs to do it for himself, hence he starts working to become an architect. Therefore (hopefully!) though he meets another woman at the end of the film he's not in the same position as when it began.


Not a fan of romance movies but I have to say I loved this. Reminded me of myself and how I used to be when I thought one girl was "the one" and it didn't work out. Loved the filming the editing too, a lot of the time movies which aren't in chronological order can end up messy but this ended up great.

Not too related and not a romance movie but I enjoyed the director's new movie Gifted. Worth checking out but it's more about unconditional love than romance.


Tom is a "Nice Guy". The ending shows that he has learned nothing through his time with Summer.
I read the ending totally differently. The whole point of the last park bench scene is that he realizes that he was the biggest part of why he and Summer didn't work. So having realized that, presumably he'll be less terrible in future relationships.
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