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LTTP: Crackdown, or "oh god this game is eight years old"


I spent 40 minutes with my best mate playing co op trying to climb the highest tower for an achievement. We were within grasp, and he roundhouse kicked me off. I was in tears of rage/hilarity. One of my fav gaming moments of all time.
This post reads very much like you haven't played much of it, I suspect you need to go and collect some more orbs.

Crackdown's handhold and jump distances are almost perfectly calculated to coincide with each agility level you can achieve.

Also, you shouldn't need to climb down a building or take a long time to ascend one, unless you are very low level, you can leap off all but the tallest buildings in the game without dying.

Crackdown launched about 3 months after Gears of War came out, which arguably created the defacto 3rd person controls, it was unlikely they would have changed the entire control scheme and the mechanics to match this. Although they aren't massively dissimilar. I always thought that Crackdown's control scheme was ok. It's a very chaotic game, so precision isn't really the number 1 priority. However, as you become better with guns your accuracy improves, so headshots and fuel cap shots become much easier to achieve.

My agility at the moment is two stars. I would agree that I haven't played that much of the game (though I've already taken over two of the city's three districts), but it's frustrating to hear that it's only truly fun to get around once you've maxed your agility, because agility orbs are ALSO a pain in the ass to get sometimes due to where they're placed, and also because there are 500 of them.

It's funny that you say the distances between handholds are perfectly calibrated to match agility levels and whatnot, because I've found the exact opposite: either handholds are way too close together, meaning you jump well past it and only catch it on the way back down (which is fine but slow), or you jump and you can just about grab it but can't actually grab it and so you just jump at the thing for a bit wondering if maybe you just aren't grabbing the ledge and it turns out nope, you just can't reach.

And it's not like I can't climb balconies. After everyone telling me basically to git gud, I went back in and played a little more. I can climb balconies, thanks to the slight bit of air control you have in the distance between them. But it's still a bit of a struggle and not really what I came to the game for (though I realize now that that's a central appeal for others). More bothersome, though, are areas that are just straight up locked away unless you have the requisite agility. It's not just random rooftops or hard-to-get agility orbs, either. One of the supply caches in the Shai-Gen area is completely locked off to me, as far as I can tell, because I simply cannot jump high enough no matter what side of the building I approach from or what adjoining rooftops I try to use to leap over. There aren't any handholds at all because each side of the building is completely smooth on all sides. I had to abandon that supply cache and move on to the next one, but on the way there I got blown up by a Shai-Gen hit squad and so I lost the gang weapons I was trying to save so that's great.

Oh, also, about dying: how do you improve your survivability from falls? I find myself trying very hard not to fall off buildings or take too many risky jumps because it usually at least knocks off all my armor, if not outright killing me. Is this also a function of agility?

Regarding the shooting: if it wasn't so glitchy I'd actually be totally fine with the lock-on stuff, but I do wish I could just use the aiming controls we now think of as standard. If Gears of War was the first game to really popularize that control set, though, I can see why it's not in Crackdown.


Oh, also, about dying: how do you improve your survivability from falls? I find myself trying very hard not to fall off buildings or take too many risky jumps because it usually at least knocks off all my armor, if not outright killing me. Is this also a function of agility?

I believe strength is the one that gives you more health, this will improve your ability to jump off buildings. Try doing some races to level up your agility and hidden orbs will quickly boost up your strength. From memory I don't think you need to be maxed out, the skills are always making you stronger and let you jump higher with each orb you find, however you will notice a big improvement the moment you level up. I think when you get to 3 this will become easier for you.

The game's extreme sandbox nature is both it's greatest strength and it's weakness at the same time, I don't think there are any parts that are totally off limits to the player by design, but this can actually create an unsatisfying situation where you can kill the games end boss right at the beginning. When the game first launched there was no NG+ or way to bring back enemies to the streets.

As I said, there was literally 3 months between Gears of War releasing and crackdown so they would have never have reimagined the game to work with this controls. Also the speed at which you run in Crackdown is so far beyond Gears (a game with no jump) would make traditional controls perhaps not the greatest choice. If you look at Just Cause, which has a similar pace of movement this also has a lot of auto aim and hasn't opted for the Gears of War control scheme.
You need to keep evolving your abilities before you judge how tough it is to get around.

It sounds like you are just playing the game to clear your backlog, and complaining about how the game challenges (and ultimately rewards you). Crackdown is not of this Ubisoft open world game design school, and isnt interested in making you feel the least frustrated and most accomplished, just have fun with it and challenge yourself!

Oh, and try playing it in coop.


Crackdown was great. One of the better surprises of the last generation for a game I knew very little about before playing it. Crackdown 2 was unfortunately a rushed rehash of the original but I still had fun with it because the core gameplay was solid. I'm looking forward to the new game.


I tried playing crackdown for the first time on several occasions over the last few years, I never make it more than 5 minutes past the beginning of the game. At its time it was probably glorious, but right now to me, it plays like poo
Traversal seemed like a chore, I obviously didn't give it enough time, but that's because there was so many other games I was playing the last 3 years

Defco 7T

Neo Member
If you'd like to take a Sunday drive theirs games for that. Please don't criticize a game for needing skill. Some of the systems were masterfully done. Keeping take skill out of games and even the casuals will soon grow bored.

And I see some people never figured out that you could jump two different jump heights. A short jump with a light touch of the A or analog button, or a high jump with a hard press. Ingenious design!
My agility at the moment is two stars. I would agree that I haven't played that much of the game (though I've already taken over two of the city's three districts), but it's frustrating to hear that it's only truly fun to get around once you've maxed your agility, because agility orbs are ALSO a pain in the ass to get sometimes due to where they're placed, and also because there are 500 of them.

It's funny that you say the distances between handholds are perfectly calibrated to match agility levels and whatnot, because I've found the exact opposite: either handholds are way too close together, meaning you jump well past it and only catch it on the way back down (which is fine but slow), or you jump and you can just about grab it but can't actually grab it and so you just jump at the thing for a bit wondering if maybe you just aren't grabbing the ledge and it turns out nope, you just can't reach.

And it's not like I can't climb balconies. After everyone telling me basically to git gud, I went back in and played a little more. I can climb balconies, thanks to the slight bit of air control you have in the distance between them. But it's still a bit of a struggle and not really what I came to the game for (though I realize now that that's a central appeal for others). More bothersome, though, are areas that are just straight up locked away unless you have the requisite agility. It's not just random rooftops or hard-to-get agility orbs, either. One of the supply caches in the Shai-Gen area is completely locked off to me, as far as I can tell, because I simply cannot jump high enough no matter what side of the building I approach from or what adjoining rooftops I try to use to leap over. There aren't any handholds at all because each side of the building is completely smooth on all sides. I had to abandon that supply cache and move on to the next one, but on the way there I got blown up by a Shai-Gen hit squad and so I lost the gang weapons I was trying to save so that's great.

Oh, also, about dying: how do you improve your survivability from falls? I find myself trying very hard not to fall off buildings or take too many risky jumps because it usually at least knocks off all my armor, if not outright killing me. Is this also a function of agility?

Regarding the shooting: if it wasn't so glitchy I'd actually be totally fine with the lock-on stuff, but I do wish I could just use the aiming controls we now think of as standard. If Gears of War was the first game to really popularize that control set, though, I can see why it's not in Crackdown.

For Shai-gen you really want to be a minimum of 3 stars of agility. It's the last area of the game so the reqs for it are high. It's been a long time since I played but I'm pretty sure agility also increases your safe fall height.

My personal strategy for getting weapons was to raise trouble in the first area to get enforcers coming after me and then kill them to get the HMG :p Don't recall my favourite second weapon to lug about but it was probably either a sniper rifle or the homing missile launcher.

Kind of surprised how much I've forgotten considering I played it almost every day for about a year or thereabouts XD


Nothing! I said nothing!
One of the games of the generation. In these days of movie games I loved the basic way it handled the story and just let me play.
I bought this for the halo 3 beta, no doubt about it... I didn't know anything about the game but it end up being one of the best games I played on x360.

Even if it's a chore you need to level up, you become a freaking beast, a superhero!
Even leveling up your driving is awesome, the way it transforms and the grip!

Stick with it OP, don't write or of yet... Nobody can write this game of unless they have ranked up to the max, a few posts here where people said they tried it for 5 mins and hated it... Invalid really.


I bought this for the halo 3 beta, no doubt about it... I didn't know anything about the game but it end up being one of the best games I played on x360.

Even if it's a chore you need to level up, you become a freaking beast, a superhero!
Even leveling up your driving is awesome, the way it transforms and the grip!

Stick with it OP, don't write or of yet... Nobody can write this game of unless they have ranked up to the max, a few posts here where people said they tried it for 5 mins and hated it... Invalid really.
Might as well just quoted my post

I'm not saying the game sucks, I'm looking forward to the Xbox one game. But for a first time player in 2014/2015, I don't live in a barren enough video game wasteland to really give that game a chance beyond an initial reaction with out losing attention quickly. It sounds like it becomes a blast later on.

I read plenty of articles on it in the past, I'm sure it was a great game, I just never got around to playing it in the time frame where it's mechanics / gameplay /controls can be appreciated.


Yeh this isnt really a game to smash through; its one to go through thoroughly. Its one of the few games were Achievements are basically like a checklist of what you should be doing through the game to challenge yourself for too.

I loved the shit out of Crackdown, enjoyed the second one as well but they didnt quite nail that one doen as much, I think largely due to the nature of the creatures or ehatever they were.

But going through the first game was absolutely awesome, and traversin the environment was seriously so much fun, when you got your abilities right up and were bounding across the city it was fun just to bound your way through the environment. Had no problems with shooting either, level it up and aim for specific body parts.

Great game, bought it was Crackdown also, not for the beta even though lots of people bought it for the beta and found oh, there is a good game here.
Annoying voice in ear aside, I still think the game is a good bit of fun. Many of the systems don't really work, I agree, but it's an one of those truly open games. The objectives are clearly defined from the start and you can complete them in basically any order. You can even skip to other districts if you are insane. It's platform is honestly still a lot of fun. The fact that there are numerous buildings that you simply can't climb without a certain Agility stat makes finally ascending a building a really rewarding moment. I also appreciated how the game made some of your stats have an effect on your character, be it gear, facial features, physical size, or even the shape of your cars.

I mean, sure, it is a bare bones experience, but I kinda think that that's one of the games strengths? There's none of that bullcrap you find in a modern open world game that sort of cheapens the experience, apart from some dumb races. The other side content, the collectibles are, at least in my mind, far more interesting than your typical useless crap you find in say Assassin's Creed. They are inherently fun to collect and they have a clear impact on your character.

So yeah. I still quite like the game. Crackdown 2 can fuck off tho. Can't wait for Crackdown 3 however.
There aren't enough handholds on building walls, especially in places where you'd think there would be one. You're constantly running into small overhangs when trying to climb a building, and there's precious little you can do to climb past one. Even basic things like trying to climb a series of balconies can often fail because you might fly just slightly too far away from a balcony and then suddenly be unable to grab a ledge, causing you to fall to the ground (and sometimes your death). This happens even when you're not providing any input on the left stick, which you'd think would just mean "jump straight up and catch the next ledge." Which it does, about 60% of the time.
This is because you are not supposed to be able to climb all buildings easily. With every level you gain, you can jump higher and have better control. In the end you can easily scale all buildings, but of course not right away. Develop your skills and be amazed.
This is because you are not supposed to be able to climb all buildings easily. With every level you gain, you can jump higher and have better control. In the end you can easily scale all buildings, but of course not right away. Develop your skills and be amazed.

prime example of how much the automated platforming in Ass Creed has fucked up some gamers ability to play games that don't just hand you the W....


My agility at the moment is two stars. I would agree that I haven't played that much of the game (though I've already taken over two of the city's three districts), but it's frustrating to hear that it's only truly fun to get around once you've maxed your agility, because agility orbs are ALSO a pain in the ass to get sometimes due to where they're placed, and also because there are 500 of them.

It's funny that you say the distances between handholds are perfectly calibrated to match agility levels and whatnot, because I've found the exact opposite: either handholds are way too close together, meaning you jump well past it and only catch it on the way back down (which is fine but slow), or you jump and you can just about grab it but can't actually grab it and so you just jump at the thing for a bit wondering if maybe you just aren't grabbing the ledge and it turns out nope, you just can't reach.

And it's not like I can't climb balconies. After everyone telling me basically to git gud, I went back in and played a little more. I can climb balconies, thanks to the slight bit of air control you have in the distance between them. But it's still a bit of a struggle and not really what I came to the game for (though I realize now that that's a central appeal for others). More bothersome, though, are areas that are just straight up locked away unless you have the requisite agility. It's not just random rooftops or hard-to-get agility orbs, either. One of the supply caches in the Shai-Gen area is completely locked off to me, as far as I can tell, because I simply cannot jump high enough no matter what side of the building I approach from or what adjoining rooftops I try to use to leap over. There aren't any handholds at all because each side of the building is completely smooth on all sides. I had to abandon that supply cache and move on to the next one, but on the way there I got blown up by a Shai-Gen hit squad and so I lost the gang weapons I was trying to save so that's great.

Oh, also, about dying: how do you improve your survivability from falls? I find myself trying very hard not to fall off buildings or take too many risky jumps because it usually at least knocks off all my armor, if not outright killing me. Is this also a function of agility?

Regarding the shooting: if it wasn't so glitchy I'd actually be totally fine with the lock-on stuff, but I do wish I could just use the aiming controls we now think of as standard. If Gears of War was the first game to really popularize that control set, though, I can see why it's not in Crackdown.

I really don't like to say this often but.... It sounds like your just playing it wrong...

It's not that the game is only fun when you've maxed your abilities... It's that much of the fun comes from the process of maxing your abilities... Your "pain in the ass" is actually a puzzle that you are supposed to attempt, once your character has reached the skill level to attempt it...

As far as the balcony spacing, it IS calibrated so that certain areas are only accessible to to players at certain levels... The ones with close spacing are for those who are at low levels... And the ones with far spacing are for those at higher levels... I will admit though, the process of climbing a low level building with mid level agility did get annoying when you had to wait to catch a ledge on the way down. Hopefully that is addressed in this sequel.

As far as the supply cache you are talking about... One of the games hooks is that it "hides" your goal in plain sight, and the fun comes from figuring out how to get it... Even if you have to make a mental note and come back later... If I had to guess your character isn't strong enough to get it yet... The buildings near Shai-Gen are the toughest to ascend... And based on your comments it's clear that you haven't really acquired the skill level to navigate that area effectively yet...
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