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LTTP - Gears of War games [SPOILERS]



I first played gears of war back in 2008 i think. Played coop with a friend. We had no headsets so we used the chainsaws to draw each other's attention when needed.
Fast forward to 2016, i played through the game again on xbox one. No coop this time.
It's just as good as i remembered. I love the weighty, the physicality of the combat. The partner AI though is just awful. Some parts were very frustrating because of that.
The brumak encounter, god... Dom would get downed in seconds. I don't like when devs focus so much on coop they forget the lone wolves.
The soundtrack is very good. Better than in the sequels IMO.

Anyway, thanks to Xbox one backwards compatibility and the free codes for having purchased the ultimate edition i finally got the chance to play the whole saga.
I have to say though that these games are barely playable. Very often fps will dive to the early 20s. It's specially bad in 3 and judgement because of all the particle effects i assume.
It's never a slideshow. But it's very annoying. I had no other choice though. I had to endure.

Gears 2 starts and it's like nothing in the original mattered. Everything seems the same.
I was excited to know more about the locust queen by the end of gears 1. But she doesn't show up until late in the game. And nothing is explained anyway.
I don't think we should be spoonfed exposition about everything. It's cool to have food for thought. But it left me annoyed regardless.
The game is ugly. It's grey, brown, redish. I may have nostalgia googles on but i don't remember the original being this ugly.
My bigger complains are:
First, i think it drags on a little. It should have ended right after we meet the queen. Add the brumak ride and done. But no, we go back to the surface, than go back underground. Felt like pointless filler to me.
Second, the vehicle segments. I understand why they are there. It adds variety. I'm ok with that. BUT these segments are TOO long. Specially the reaver ride.
I was like "cool, it must be like halo aircraft". But it isn't. It's on rails and boring. And goes on and on. You fly, then you land, then you fight a boss, go to the surface, shoot more shit, boss shows up again...
What else? I think the bit inside the riftworm was neat.
Oh, and Maria. I knew she would die. I knew nothing about her. She was just a name and i couldn't care less. When they opened her cell and shes was ok i rolled my eyes.
But then the illusion goes away and she looks like a holocaust victim. I have to admit it shocked me a little. Wasn't expecting that.

Gears of war 3 is probably my favorite. Everyone is desperate in the brink of death. The stuff that happened in 2 has had dire consequences here. Stakes are sky high.
Game looks very good. It's colorful but also grim and dark when it needs to. There's a great variety of environments. Also great variety of weapons and enemies.
Dom's death felt forced. These guys survived worst. It's like he died just because the writer said so.
It's a great game and i'd love to experience it again but with a decent framerate.
Oh, the AI is pretty helpfull in this one. They revived me countless times. They throw grenades, help each other. And even flip switches from time to time. I didn't miss a coop partner.
And no vehicle segments! Only turret ones.

Judgement i didn't finish yet. Performance is awful. So far it seems to be a bunch of arena like encounters using everything from gears 3. Shooting is solid as usual. So it's not a big issue.
It may be too soon to say this. But it seems to me that judgement is a souless swan song for this franchise. Just like god of war ascension was on the ps3.
Something i have to praise so far are the control tweaks. Press Y to change weapons and LB to throw grenades. Oh god, thank you. I never cared about pistols in the previous games. So, bye bitch.
And i hated that big ass menu whenever i switched weapons. It was so awkward. I have a feeling that gears pros will disagree with me though.

Gears of War 4 sucks. Joking. Kinda. I watched that 6 minutes E3 video and it had me worried. I mean previous games always had these slow walking atmosphere soaking moments.
I'm just worried that these devs go the order 1886 route. Hold forward to cinematic experience.

Gears 1 is cool
Gears 2 is ...ok
Gears 3 is amazing
Gears Judgement is meh

And now unpopular opinion time. I think microsoft is beating a dead horse with halo and gears of war. Bungie and Epic told their stories and left. They made these games special.
Other devs will struggle trying to recapture the same magic. And i honestly don't believe they can.
I was late to the party with the halo franchise as well. Played through the MCC a couple of months ago. And i could see bungie's DNA in these games. Halo 4 and 5 are not the same and i have yet to finish both. But probably never will.

I don't know if i want more gears of war. Their story ended. The bad guys died, Marcus married Anya, had a kid named Dom and they lived happily ever after.
But i certainly want something like gears of war. I want the next gears of war. The next halo.

I know there's money to be made and these franchises will be milked to hell though.

English is not my native language. Feel free to correct my fuck ups. Thanks.
1 and 3 were great games. Especially Co op. 2 wasn't bad, judgement however was. The campaign was enjoyable, but I played 1 single match of multilayer and went back to Gears 3 never to play that shit again.

For multilayer 1 was and always will be the GOAT, brutally difficult to master. Turns a lot of people off, but I still play UE couple nights a week.
Perfect ranking OP. 3 is outstanding- possibly spent more time in Horde mode with friends than any other game last Gen.


Ranking is pretty much how I feel. I played 1 from launch for almost a whole year. That and Rainbow Six Vegas were my go-to games for 360 for 2007-2008. I didn't get to play 2 until a month or so before the Gears 3 Beta happened, and I didn't like it at all. All I liked was Horde. 3 was my favorite. Was just awesome in so many ways! I didn't play Judgment until a few months ago with the free code, played the story for an hour and dropped it. Didn't feel much like Gears.


Gears of War 1 was great when it first came out but I don't think it has aged all that well. I remember playings Gears of War 2 when it first came out and was blown away. A really fun rollercoaster campaign and horde mode kept me coming back for more with friends. Was never really a Gears multiplayer guy. Gears of War 3 was amazing. Shame it was kind of overshadowed by Uncharted 3, Skyrim and Portal 2 that year. One of the best TPS ever made. Judgment was judgment.

I tend to agree with your sentiment that MS is kind of beating a dead horse with Halo and Gears. The good thing for them is there aren't too many games that play like Halo or Gears. My hope for Gears is that they leave the locust behind, focus more on the horror elements from Gears 1. In Rod we trust I suppose. But it's not like MS isn't investing in new IPs as well, it's just that I wish we had the next Gears or the next Halo from them this generation, the next big shooter. I guess that was supposed to be Black Tusks' old game Shangheist. Oh well.
On your unpopular opinion, you might be right, but Halo 5 multi is probably the best Halo multi since 2. Maybe ever. It's that damn good.

If they can keep delivering that, I can't fathom turning them away just because Bungie left.

Zeta Oni

Gonna have to disagree about Dom there.

After that particular scene in 2, his death was happening and the only question was how.

The man had nothing left to live for, his whole thing was finding maria and his child. Then, he had to euthanize the tortured husk of his own wife, while probably realizing what happened to his kid wasn't any better.

The second all those locusts started swarming, I knew it was coming.


I've played all but Judgement. Luckily a Gaffer with a big heart sent a code and I'll get to it eventually (have to clear a few games before).

As for the rest of the games I think each brought it fare share of things to the table and they are commendable in different ways.

Gears 1 was mindblowing. This was HD, and this was the real TPS. Almost every game to date tries to copy it (I know, Killswitch did it first, but so did Alien Resurrection on PS1 for the FPS controls and everyone still credits Halo). Not only you have coop, but active reloads, and one of the most inconic weapons in game history.

Gears 2 was bigger and better. This was the first time I even knew there was a story to the series. It wasn't very unique but it did it's job. Also, firts brushes of colour in the gears universe. Again, the master stroke was Horde Mode. A feature so unique every other game tried to copy. It's were I spent countless hours. The weapons were refined, more enemies added. At times it felt like all out war.

Gears 3 was a good finale to the story. A lot of improvements for Co-op (4 playes yeah! thou I never did play with 4 players), statistic tracking, customisation, and Horde 2.0 added more mechanics. Beast mode made an appearance (it was fun to know what it feels to be a ticker) and the overall package was great.

I don't really play PvP multiplayer so I can't really speak for that part of the game. But I have to say that as far as Coop and TPS goes, there is nothing better than gears.

Since Gears 3 was added to BC it's one of my most played games.

To me, the real surprise was Gears 2, since it was the first time I thought "So, there's just more than good guy shooting bad guys". I recently replayed the campaing of the first one (original) and the hints were there, but you had to look for them.

I'm really looking foward to Gears 4, not so much for the story, but for the Next Gen TPS flavor that only gears has.

Gonna have to disagree about Dom there.

After that particular scene in 2, his death was happening and the only question was how.

The man had nothing left to live for, his whole thing was finding maria and his child. Then, he had to euthanize the tortured husk of his own wife, while probably realizing what happened to his kid wasn't any better.

The second all those locusts started swarming, I knew it was coming.

Very much agree. Since Gears 3 reveal trailer where Dom almost gives up, I knew it was coming, and as you said, it was just a matter of when.
Gears of War 3 is an exceptional game from top to bottom and bursting with content. Mechanically it is a sheer delight.

Yet it had my least favourite campaign (though I did complete it in one sitting which probably had an undesired impact on my enjoyment).

Gears of War 2 has the best singleplayer in my opinion and felt more in line with what I want out of the series in terms of tone.

The original holds up surprisingly well with some really solid design and a multiplayer that still gets the heart pounding, but it has been lapped by its younger brothers.

Nothing plays like Gears and I can't wait to see what The Coalition are cooking up. Keep it intimate and keep the multiplayer fast and skill-based and I'll be a happy chappy.
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