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LTTP: Horizon: Zero Dawn

Just getting back into it myself. It's really incredible. Playing it with 4k and HDR is also jaw dropping. The game is like monster hunter with an interesting story and wide open world. What a package.


It's my GOTY in the year that Persona 5 released. Enough said.

It was bundled with my PS4 and I honestly didn't expect it to blow me away as much as it did. An incredible game.

Fuck the corrupted zone with 2 Rockbreakers, but bless the Behemoth that was wandering around there :p

Rockbreakers are probably my most hated enemy in the game.


Yup Rockbreakers are a pain in the ass alright. Setting 2 off against each other is good fun though!

That area and taking on the Thunderjaw in the Cauldron were my two heart beating out of chest moments. The latter due to - well - being in an enclosed space with a frikkin robot T-Rex and the former due to all the wonderful emergent gameplay that corrupted Behemoths, Shell Walkers, Scrappers and Rockbreakers all bring to the table. I mean this game really is something else!
It is so easy to get distracted by side quests and robots that I actually was bored. Other games releasing on the PS4 at the time also played a role.

But when I jumped back in I just focused on the main story missions and boy did it become much more fun for me. Learning more about the history of that place and what Aloy means to it, I'm hooked. Slow burn but totally worth it.


My GOTY2017

Actually one of my GOTG alongside Bloodborne

Amazing combat, incredible story and fantastic visuals

Love everything about it


It is easil my game of the year, but honestly it's the best game in years for me. So many people plugging Zelda, but I couldn't get into it despite loving the series.


Gold Member
I was enamored those first ten hours or so, those machines are among the best, most expertly crafted enemies I've fought in years, and man is this ever a game for photo mode ... yet towards the end I just wanted to get it over with. One of those games I have no interest in returning to, I feel the story came to a satisfying conclusion and that's that - the DLC having a snow theme sealed the deal, that aesthetic does nothing for me. Just traded it in a couple days ago and got almost thirty bucks credit for it - so a happy ending to a solid gaming experience.
I think the games graphics are a bit overstated, it looks good, but not jawdropping... I was much more impressed by Uncharted 4, though obviously that benefits from not being open world. The game is quite fun though, especially combat. Not a fan of the input lag on jumps though. I'm about 75% complete according to the game, been having fun doing all the sidequests/other activities which range from meh to very good. Exploring the world is pretty fun but once I hit the 50% mark I felt like Ive pretty much seen everything there is to see. Story started to get interesting a bit ago so that's good. I'm looking forward to seeing how it ends.


It's my GOTY in the year that Persona 5 released. Enough said.

2017 has been an amazing year, I don't even care what's coming out later in the year because how amazing it's been so far.

But yeah, Guerrilla built an amazing world and story. I knew they had potential with Killzone but couldnt quite seal the deal. Horizon nails it.


Gold Member
Loved it. Most fun I've had in a game all gen. What a pleasure just to be in that world and explore. I didn't fast travel at all, just walked. Beautiful. I loved Aloy as a character and had a hard time parting with her when the game was over. Story was good -- not perfect, but it had enough sincere, surprising, and emotional moments to satisfy me. Presentation was top-notch. Loved Aloy's animations. I would spend time just marveling at how well her legs moved. Lip synch is off a bit, that's about the only criticism I can come up with. Loved the combat, found it endlessly varied -- always something new to try -- interesting, and satisfying.

I agree OP, the combat felt underpowered and a bit confusing at first, but gradually it clicked, and you began to use your arsenal in a coordinated way.

Nice job with the Behemoth and Rock Breakers. I never would've thought of that.


Fuck the corrupted zone with 2 Rockbreakers, but bless the Behemoth that was wandering around there :p

Rockbreakers are probably my most hated enemy in the game.

Honestly Rockbreakers are the easiest enemy in the game. Just get the sling that let's you drop bombs that are proximity. All you need to do is put down a shit ton of them, have the Rockbreaker run into them, and they instantly die.


Fantastic game, I loved every minute of it other than fiddling with my inventory (which always seemed to get clogged even after upgrading it).

Wonderful main characters, an interesting setting, combat is a blast if too easy later on, and of course it looks gorgeous.

Can't wait to see what else is done with that universe.


Totally not crapping on the story - in fact the overall and gradual reveal of how humanity managed to make itself an endangered species was pretty phenomenal. I think perhaps one too many holographic board meetings to make that reveal though?


I'm still to finish it (last save was wayyyy up a model brain to the North West of the Nora starting area where I met my first flock of Glinthawks) but for me it is almost perfectly balanced between RPG, open world/wide linear and action game.

Will probably get my GotY vote.


It's been well documented what a looker this game is so I'm not really going to dwell on that (it is stunning though). But, wow what a game...

I'd never thought I'd say this about an open world game but I LOVE the combat. Not initially I might add – in fact I spent a long time feeling seriously underpowered, hiding and whistling/rock throwing was a chore that seemingly never went away, hand to hand combat felt more or less non-existent (playing Witcher 3 style is a BIG no-no) and the bewildering variety of bows/status effects/tear that overlapped in strengths etc. just baffled me. So for a long time I avoided anything larger than a Watcher.

Then it just clicked. I can't put my finger on what combination of things came together – perhaps it was paying attention to scans, perhaps my accuracy improved, perhaps those extra points in concentration, perhaps it was my first taste of the war bow and being able to corrupt machines, perhaps it was the Ropecaster and slinging sticky bombs. Perhaps it was building a wardrobe of status limiting effect limiting outfits and crucially – knowing when to apply them. Perhaps all of the above.

All I know is this – for a blissful moment yesterday I took down two Level 34 corrupted Rockbreakers by kiting a Behemoth, hiding long enough to corrupt it and watching merry hell unfold – popping up to inflict enough flame damage to take all three with a massive grin on my face. Incredible feeling.

Yes the game has problems – the human AI isn't great and the storytelling could be better – despite that I love the world and post-apocalyptic vision that Guerrilla fashioned. Seeing the snippets of the world through viewpoints via Aloy's wonderfully innocent perspective is really very touching.

What say you GAF?

I literally completed this corrupted zone last night as well to get the trophy. I used my Shadow War Bow piercing arrows and blew up their gas canisters. They basically die once it explodes. So satisifying I love taking down the bigger machines in this game. Rockbreakers, Bellowbacks, Thunderjaws, etc.

Great game, I've just been completing side missions and hunting. Level 35 currently 50% complete.


Aftershock LA
Horizon is my GOTY for sure. Gorgeous graphics, amazing story, excellent combat. It's a total package type of game. Beating it was such a bittersweet moment for me. I actually thought Persona 5 would end up being my GOTY, just because it's fucking Persona, but Horizon still bested it for me overall. I absolutely adored Persona 5 (I just beat it today, actually!), but I think Horizon was the overall more balanced, polished, and enjoyable package. And that's saying something. I played it on the PS4 Pro and a 4K tv, and hot damn is it the most beautiful game I've ever seen. Guerrilla Games has always had amazing artists and art design, but they really outdid themselves with this game.

The cast and supporting cast of Horizon is also really fantastic. Just exploring the world and coming across gorgeous vistas and ruins was a joy. I love this game to death, and I've had to fight to keep myself from replaying it. My backlog is massive, so I've been trying to chip away at that before revisiting games I've already beaten.


Wait OP. Why are you crapping on the story?

I dont think he is crapping the story, because he said "storytelling", so I believe he didnt like the use of audio logs for exposition (I loved it btw, the best I have ever seen in any game with audio logs).

The story is fucking brilliant. If you said to me 1 year ago that Guerrila Games would deliever one of the best narratives of this gen I would have laugh a lot. But welp... Horizon just shut my mouth. John Gonzale is an amazing writer.
It's the best thing I've played this year (haven't played all the big hitters yet). Forget the combat and visuals, the characterization of Aloy and the performance by Ashly Burch is what makes it so great to me.

Aloy might be the least coddled female protagonist ever by the developers and by the other characters in world. She's what I wanted the new Lara to be.

I'll replay the game again to completion just to experience the Aloy/
interactions and relationship again.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I don't know how long I've progressed storywise but so far I think the story is adequate (for a video game) but once you leave the first area the sense of urgency goes out the window. Then it basically becomes a game of side quests and exploration. That's fun and dandy. It's the reason I've spent 50+ hours in both FFXV and MGSV.

The animation is so lifeless and feels so jarring. On the other hand there could be a plot twist where it's revealed that people are machines too so I'm not going to write it off before I know. Comparing it to Uncharted or other Sony games makes it seem like they forgot to animate character's faces. Also the acting is never in sync with what's happening. I battle a giant robot monster only to cut directly into a dialogue with the intensity of picking what type of mustard you want for a hot dog.

Overall: fun side quests and good combat. Interesting setting overall.

Ps. Can we once and for all remove audio logs and journal enteries from gaming?
Ps. Can we once and for all remove audio logs and journal enteries from gaming?
No thanks. I like being able to take a deep dive in a game's fiction if I want or not at all if I don't want. Audio logs and journal entries allow me to do either.


I don't know how long I've progressed storywise but so far I think the story is adequate (for a video game) but once you leave the first area the sense of urgency goes out the window. Then it basically becomes a game of side quests and exploration. That's fun and dandy. It's the reason I've spent 50+ hours in both FFXV and MGSV.

The animation is so lifeless and feels so jarring. On the other hand there could be a plot twist where it's revealed that people are machines too so I'm not going to write it off before I know. Comparing it to Uncharted or other Sony games makes it seem like they forgot to animate character's faces. Also the acting is never in sync with what's happening. I battle a giant robot monster only to cut directly into a dialogue with the intensity of picking what type of mustard you want for a hot dog.

Overall: fun side quests and good combat. Interesting setting overall.

Ps. Can we once and for all remove audio logs and journal enteries from gaming?
How is the animation lifeless? Have you seen the animation for the robots? The way Snapmaws lunge at you with their jaws open, or Thunderjaws charge at you and swing their tail to knock you out. Or even Watchers lunging at you and flailing through the air. That's some of the best animation in gaming right there IMO. The human animation was perfectly fine as well.
I plat this game about 2 weeks back....and the first thing I did, was to go back to the game and play some more, even though I had tons of back log.

The story is great and engaging, as you find out more about the world and how it came to be. The combat is really good. I hope the sequel has expanded combat options - more melee attacks and weapons, more upgradable, etc.

My GotY so far....can't wait for the DLC.


Surprised you are saying the story could be better... one of the very few stories this generation that had me completely hooked up on its mystery and gave amazingly satisfying answers...

My GOTY by far.


In before...
A top 2 game of this year along with Zelda in whatever order. It's really terrific.
Shit. Second post. Really?

Zelda is better. Horizon's story is better. Zelda's gameplay blows Horizon out of the water. They're both great games.


I'm in love with it, easily my favorite game this year. Combat is immensely satisfying, story is engaging & had me hooked since the intro sequence. Can't wait until I get my hands dirty with the mystery.

My only real gripe is the sidequest/errand quality. Very samey & predictable structure to pretty much all of them so far, imo.
Granted I just finished Maker's End, & am level 29 (maybe they get better later on?)

Also, fuck Rockbreakers.


It sure is a looker, but I never found it to be anything more than okay. The world, while pretty on the surface, feels lifeless. There's just a lack of detail that kills it for me. The gameplay itself is okay, but feels like an amalgamation of other games instead of being its own thing. Not that it doesn't work, but I never had the feeling I was playing something special. The story was...okay at best. I liked the actual story well enough, but it was told in the most cliché way possible, I found myself laughing at how rote it was. People seem to really like Aloy as a character, but to me she's the definition of a wet blanket.

The highlight for me was the combat and even that was too easily exploitable to be truly special, but they're at least onto something with it.

Overall, I had fun with it, but in all my years of playing games, Horizon didn't leave much of a mark; I've just seen this kind of game a few too many times before that it was just a predictable and fairly bland game. Pretty though.


A lot of games have an overabundance of gimmicks you can use. Like Arkham Knight for example. You have all these fancy gadgets which (in theory) can make combat much more diverse.
But most of the time I don't use all those options. Usually I just find 1 or 2 items I like to use and stick to those.

But it's totally different in Horizon. It motivates me all the time to use my complete arsenal to battle the robots. Traps? Check! Tripwires? Check! Fancy arrows? Check!

It's a real joy to use, you can easily switch on the fly and combat is really fast paced because of that.
It's just so damn satisfying. Seldomly I use that much variety in combat.
It sure is a looker, but I never found it to be anything more than okay. The world, while pretty on the surface, feels lifeless. There's just a lack of detail that kills it for me. The gameplay itself is okay, but feels like an amalgamation of other games instead of being its own thing. Not that it doesn't work, but I never had the feeling I was playing something special. The story was...okay at best. I liked the actual story well enough, but it was told in the most cliché way possible, I found myself laughing at how rote it was. People seem to really like Aloy as a character, but to me she's the definition of a wet blanket.

The highlight for me was the combat and even that was too easily exploitable to be truly special, but they're at least onto something with it.

Overall, I had fun with it, but in all my years of playing games, Horizon didn't leave much of a mark; I've just seen this kind of game a few too many times before that it was just a predictable and fairly bland game. Pretty though.

Have you played BOTW btw? If you found H:ZD's world bland/boring ( which I happen to agree with you) and despite being completely different games, BOTW world is a real treat.

But as I said, they play nothing alike. I own them both and they both offer something different.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
How is the animation lifeless? Have you seen the animation for the robots? The way Snapmaws lunge at you with their jaws open, or Thunderjaws charge at you and swing their tail to knock you out. Or even Watchers lunging at you and flailing through the air. That's some of the best animation in gaming right there IMO. The human animation was perfectly fine as well.

I was talking about the animations of human interaction specifically. The robots are wonderfully animated. The humans are animated like robots. Their blinking and mouth movements and the monotone expressions and lack of interactivity makes them look like lifelike mannequins with a mechanised lower jaw. There's no emotion. But, like I said, there could be a plot twist that the humans are robots so then it would make perfect sense.

No thanks. I like being able to take a deep dive in a game's fiction if I want or not at all if I don't want. Audio logs and journal entries allow me to do either.

I'm all for being able to dive into the fiction and lore of a world. All I want is that when you do it in-game that they don't remove gameplay. I'm all for a podcast-like exploration of the world or a novel that expands on the lore. What I'm asking is that if it's in the game then it should be interactive and have impact on the game. For example: an interactive story told in animated stills where depending on the choices you make unlocks items or quests for Aloy.
It's my game of the generation and it's not even close. The combat, the enemies, the story, the insane detail of a 'new' world...the only complaint I have is that Guerilla had the common sense to just tell you where the main collectibles are, but I wish they had done the same for the audio/text/holoram logs. It hasn't been since BioShock 1 that I've cared so so much about a game's world and lore and wanted to learn everything I could about it.


My Goty by a pretty wide margin so far.

The blend of story, open world, combat, in a post post Apoc sci fi setting is just amazing.

In spite of having a ton of games to play still, and some I need to go back to due to updates (like Subnautica), I am dying for another playthrough tbh.
I was talking about the animations of human interaction specifically. The robots are wonderfully animated. The humans are animated like robots. Their blinking and mouth movements and the monotone expressions and lack of interactivity makes them look like lifelike mannequins with a mechanised lower jaw. There's no emotion. But, like I said, there could be a plot twist that the humans are robots so then it would make perfect sense.

I'm all for being able to dive into the fiction and lore of a world. All I want is that when you do it in-game that they don't remove gameplay. I'm all for a podcast-like exploration of the world or a novel that expands on the lore. What I'm asking is that if it's in the game then it should be interactive and have impact on the game. For example: an interactive story told in animated stills where depending on the choices you make unlocks items or quests for Aloy.

What games do.you think have good human animation?


Ps. Can we once and for all remove audio logs and journal enteries from gaming?

I usually dont care about audiolog, but the ones in horizon are outstanding especially
the individual logs from zero dawn candidates and their handler

Amazing game.

Fighting a Stormbird for the first time is one of the highlights of this gen for me. GOTY.

Huh, that glinthawk looks a bit different, shoot fire arrow, electrocuted to death...


I occasionaly jump back in to take a round with no HUD, hunting corrupted and marveling at the visuals and impeccable gameplay and animations - great game.


Shit. Second post. Really?

Zelda is better. Horizon's story is better. Zelda's gameplay blows Horizon out of the water. They're both great games.

Second post was fine, you just had to make the needless comparison - seriously, people need to gtfo with their Zelda talk in Horizon threads.
It's a game with great combat, amazing visuals and an interesting story... but it's also a game with a naff conversation system, shallow RPG mechanics and little engaging gameplay outside of battle.

One of the best games of the year no doubt, but I don't it's as good as some people suggest.
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