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LTTP: Journey. Want to hear a story?


GAF's Bob Woodward
You can get different robes? By multiple playthroughs?

Played it once over Christmas, loved it...although didn't bump into anyone on my first journey.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
You can get different robes? By multiple playthroughs?

Played it once over Christmas, loved it...although didn't bump into anyone on my first journey.

You have to get all the collectibles.
I really want to play this game, but don't own a PS3. It's the only game I'd ever consider buying a PS3 for, because it just looks so great.

Amazing story, OP. Loved reading it.


That was beautiful.
I have something in the eye just from reading that and reminiscing about my Journey.

What a beautiful game.


I've only ever played it solo but I love the heck out of it.

First time I played it, wife was working a closing shift and I was in the house alone.

Only 2 hours, but daaaaamn was that powerful.

I kind of don't want to play it online though. I feel shy and like I already got everything out of it. I already say it's one of the best things I've ever played so I kinda feel like I'm good there. Does the multiplayer really add much to it? Can there possibly be anything more added to it?


Bought it at launch to support thatgamecompany, but i decided to play it for the fist time on Xmas Eve... My god, i will FOREVER remember those moments.
I even wrote about it (in Italian) here, in case someone feels like reading about my Xmas Journey.


Journey is unique because it touches some chords in our brains (or hearts if you like) that not many other games have been capable of. It has it's own language and set of possible interactions. It's a game where our own perception and attitude shapes heavily the experience.

The fact that some people expect some kind of consensus over Journey, thus declaring it a "non game", "short", "shallow" or whatever is funny. Every year hundreds of games satisfy those definitions or other negative ones as "samey", "broken" or whatever. But very few games have the power to deeply impress in a new way a good chunk of players.


Bought it at launch to support thatgamecompany, but i decided to play it for the fist time on Xmas Eve... My god, i will FOREVER remember those moments.
I even wrote about it (in Italian) here, in case someone feels like reading about my Xmas Journey.

Same here, I bought it when it came out but just wasn't in the mood at the time and kinda forgot I had it, until last night. I played it for a while before bed, looking forward to playing it when I get home tonight. But my intense MP aversion is strong enough to withstand 100,000 glowing posts about how heartwarming it is. I'm Journeying solo. I know, I know, my loss. So be it.


Its an amazing experience.

Loved it.

Though The Unfinished Swan doesn't get enough love IMO. (not as good as Journey, but supurb)
As of Christmas, I had been interested in this game for so long, yet never played it for some reason. I loved both FlOw and Flower, and the price was certainly not a barrier, but I just never picked it up.

Fast forward a little while, and the Journey Collector's Edition (retail disc) is on sale for half price on Amazon. I would have bought it for myself, but my mother wanted some Christmas ideas, so I told her about it. It completely slipped from my mind once again, until Christmas day when I find out that I did receive it as a gift.

I eventually put the disc in and installed Journey. I knew of the game's "short" length, but I still did not intend to complete it in one sitting. Of course, I played about five minutes, and then just thought, "Wow." I ended up playing through the whole thing without leaving my chair. I was totally captivated for the entire experience. The only problem was that I spent most of my Journey alone, due to some router issues I was having that day.

Two days later, I decide to revisit Journey to collect some symbols/glyphs. I was going to play through it in chunks this time, so as to not ruin the magic too quickly.

Suddenly, during the "Build-A-Bridge" section, off in the distance I see what looks like a white cape. Extremely intrigued, as I was unfamiliar with the white cape, I rush over to this fellow. I had only collected a couple glyphs and symbols thus far, and I figured I would just see this person up close and go back to my quest.

To my surprise, he starts calling to me to follow him, and starts leading me around to every possible point of interest in the area.

I decide to continue playing with him. I became a happy follower, being shown these amazing things, such as the Flower, the "Ancestor," and of course the remaining collectibles.

The most incredible trait was his patience. I had to leave the room abruptly due to an important phone call, and the call lasted around five minutes. I came back to the game and swung my camera around, and let out an actual sigh of relief and joy. He was still there waiting!

He chirped exuberantly when he saw me move from my meditative position, which I responded to similarly.

Near the end of our adventure, we walked with nary an inch between us as we forced our way up the snow-covered mountain.

It was truly a moving experience to say the least, and as I saw the PSN ID at the end, I knew I had to break the silence and send him a message (keep in mind I rarely play online at all, I'm a single player person). I thanked him for everything and told him how great it was.

He responded quickly, with a very kind message. What struck me, and I'm not quite sure why, is his simple last sentence. It had such meaning to it, but only I would understand why.

"I'm glad I was able to experience Journey with you."

This memory will never leave me. Thank you, Thatgamecompany, for creating one of the most intelligent, emotional, and all-around wonderful gaming experiences of my life.


Awesome story, gave me mild chills recalling my own experience as well so bravo! When I read it I chuckled at the possibility of ending a story like yours by listing your companions user name "El1teKiller420xx".
Figured I'd do a little mini bump with some impressions:

I just finished the game solo today. It was okay, but it felt kinda artsy just for the sake of being artsy, rather than having anything meaningful to say. For a game where essentially you just move forward, they could have told more of a story along the way, even if the story minimalistic and without words. Without any context, just walking forward towards a light feels kinda empty.

Of the downloable "art games" I've played this gen: Braid, Limbo, and Journey; this one felt the weakest.

That being said, I feel this game is a tremendous improvement over Flow and Flower, and it's a successful experiment, even if it's not spectacular.

It's God.


Sorry for the bump but I just played this and I need to hyperventilate. I wanted to type up a post like the OP but he put it much better than I could. Absolutely loved this - the whole thing was stunning, and stirred up emotions in me that will likely take a day to process before I can properly articulate them.

I can immediately say that in terms of the industry, this game gave me far more hope for the well being of gaming's future than any of the fancy PS4 demos could (and I found those quite exciting). The story was far more poignant than any overwrought RPG, and I was far more engrossed in this world than in any AAA FPS "experience" that the executive types keep going on about. It was powerful because it was new, it was simple, it was uncompromising and it was spectacularly tasteful. I'm just in love right now.

Anyways, this and Dark Souls are my games of the 10s so far.

I just finished the game solo today.

This game would not have been nearly as impacting without co-op. It's bizarre really how you become attached to this other player. My partner had obviously never played the game as he made sure to follow me around even when I was making mistakes. Occasionally he would lag behind and I felt like I couldn't let him get lost so I would go back for him. One time I slipped up, and he waited for me to catch up, even though the game itself gives no reason to do so. I can't really explain it but it was almost a profound experience.


Are there many people still playing this? I'm going to pick this up next week when I am back home, mainly due to the OP. However, this doesn't sound like the kind of game to play solo. Am just wondering if there are enough people to find a game with.
Journey is a trip. After all the Game of the Year accolades it's been getting, I figured it was time for me to see what all the fuss is about (also helps that it was recently on sale).

I think everyone is aware by now that, yes, it's a very, very pretty game, but what surprised me was actually the co-op component. I didn't even realize it HAD one, so imagine my shock when I suddenly saw another sand-surfer appear alongside me. It took only a moment to distinguish it as another human being as opposed to an NPC or AI character. There's no way to communicate either by voice or PM, yet the two of us still found a way to interact with movement and "singing". It was all very organic.

So I spent half the game with this other person adventuring with me, until he/she suddenly vanished. It happened right after this really energetic sand-surfing sequence...once the high of the moment had worn off, it suddenly hit me that my companion was no longer there. Simply vanished. A void by my side. I looked around everywhere, waited, sang dejectedly into the empty space, and eventually accepted that we somehow got split up and lost each other. It was startling how lonely I suddenly felt.

A bit later, another person did show up. I could tell instantly it was someone new by the different way he/she moved and acted, and obviously by how this person looked (waaay longer scarf and neat designs on the cloak). This person had clearly been playing this for a very long time and knew what to do, guiding me along efficiently and with a much clearer system of "singing". Interpreting what he/she meant somehow felt really clear and intuitive.

The highlight moment of this game for me (minor spoilers ahead) was this part where we had to stealthily sneak across this area with giant sand worms floating above us, patrolling with their natural spotlights. When we first entered the area, my companion and I ran directly under this cover structure. He/she stayed underneath it, while I brazenly ran forward, not realizing the spotlight was coming this way. My companion tried to warn me with repeated quick bursts of song notes, but while I stood out there in the open, trying to figure out what the person was trying to say, the sky suddenly turned red and the gravity of the situation instantly dawned on me. The huge, hulking sand worm had spotted me and came crashing down, dragged me along for a bit, then tossed me aside. It snapped my scarf. The scarf I've been building up all this time. Ruined. Back to square one. I was broken-hearted as I laid there in the sand. I refused to move or get up. My companion stood in silence. Watching me, clearly understanding how devastated I must be. He/she chirped once. Then again. Then ran over to me and jumped around, trying to get me back up and going.

Eventually I did, but I was still really bummed about what happened, not realizing it was actually being subconsciously conveyed in the way I was playing. I wasn't cheerfully bouncing around, swerving, and chirping like I usually was, and instead just droned on straight ahead, silently, with the occasional yelp to acknowledge I understood what the person was trying to direct. We've been moving along for a bit, me following right behind, until we suddenly stopped in our tracks. I didn't know what was up. I stared at the person, who had turned around to look at me, and waited for him/her to continue on so we can just finish up this journey of ours and get it over with. He/she suddenly started exuberantly singing and circling around me, jumping about and getting that ridiculously long scarf caught on me. At that moment, it hit me that my companion actually detected how I was feeling with my changed actions, and was trying to cheer me up. And it worked. Astounded by this little revelation, I responded by dancing along and we continued on, merrily.

Then another tragedy struck. I don't really understand how, but I accidentally found myself in another spotlight. The place went red again with impending doom. But the sand worm wasn't after me...it turned its attention and veered towards my companion instead. In that split second realization, I chirped in panic to alert him/her, then tried running into the giant sand worm's path, trying to get its attention back on me and make it come after me instead. It didn't work. My companion went flailing. His/Her lovingly-crafted scarf, long clearly thanks to much time and effort, snapped. In tatters. And all my fault. The sight of it hurt me more than my own previous mishap. Would my companion blame me? Would he or she be dejected? Would I be abandoned? These thoughts raced through my head, but before they even had time to really solidify, my companion already sprang back up almost immediately. Pranced around and sang to let me know everything was fine. The relief I felt...it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

We got back on track and continued on our journey with what felt like a new understanding. It made that final stretch (again spoilers) of trudging through the snow, fighting our way to the cold top of the mountain, that much more impactful with all we've been through together. When we fell seemingly dead in the snow, I wasn't even disappointed. Our shared journey up to that point left me no regrets, we had our highs and lows, we did our best. I would've been content had it ended there. But then to be revived and experience that final surge to the top, that was magical. It was the perfect cap to this wholly unique experience, one that completely surprised and overwhelmed me with its emotion and human element.

It might not be my favorite game of the year, but I have a feeling my memory of it, all the emotions it evoked, will stay with me far beyond anything else I've played in 2012...or most any other year for that matter.

And that's why Journey is one of the best games of this gen.

And it's kind of the game, I always anticipated back in the 80ies, when I started gaming.

It's how I imagined games would be, with network technology and 3D Graphics evolving.

Helping each other, and building an emotional bond through adventures done together, instead of quickscope headshots and getting messages of "lol, you suxxorz".
Awesome OP. Makes me want to play it again, but the first and only time I did, I played it with just 1 person and I don't know if I want to start again with the possibility of them leaving.


Are there many people still playing this? I'm going to pick this up next week when I am back home, mainly due to the OP. However, this doesn't sound like the kind of game to play solo. Am just wondering if there are enough people to find a game with.

I picked the game up almost 2 months ago and finally played it for the first time last night. People are still playing. I finished the Journey with one guy, him and I made it to the end. The game is as good as everyone says.


This thread made me buy Journey with practically all the rest of the money I had for this month. Downloading it now. Thinking of playing it in the evening, when it's dark and quiet. Should I do this or just play it right away?


This thread made me buy Journey with practically all the rest of the money I had for this month. Downloading it now. Thinking of playing it in the evening, when it's dark and quiet. Should I do this or just play it right away?

Just make sure you'll have peace and quiet for 2 hours. Playing it at night would probably be nice.


I picked the game up almost 2 months ago and finally played it for the first time last night. People are still playing. I finished the Journey with one guy, him and I made it to the end. The game is as good as everyone says.

Good news, it shall be done. :)
I had just finished a major exam when I first played Journey. When I played it I could feel the stress that had built up inside of me for weeks just melt away. It was a soothing experience, almost therapeutic. Then I met my companion, neither of us knew what was going on, or what to do but that's what made it special. We figured it out together. He/she was the only companion I had throughout the game, they thanked me after it had ended. It was a mindblowing experience. I don't think I'll ever play anything like it again. A memory I will cherish forever.

Heh i did thank my companion as well when it was over

i couldnt help it, that person was essential to my experience.


Great OP.

Love Journey. Not sure how many times I have played it now, but it's easily into double figures.

The soundtrack plays a massive part in my enjoyment (as I'm sure it does for many others).

The lead up to the ending when the
White robes gove you your scarf back and you fly up towards the mountain
. That music. Oh my God, that music. And as for
the final climb to the top...
The music really is phenomenal. Hairs up on back of neck, massive grin on face phenomenal.

Will take a break from Ni No Kuni and play it again tonight, I reckon :)


The best part of the game for me was the snow section, because as I was making my way through the blizzard on the mountain side I would look out my window as there was a blizzard going on outside. It was the perfect time for me to play.


I didn't know about the coop when i started playing. So when i saw anoher guy i thought it was AI. Some time later i realised it had to be a human playing. We traveled together, we suffered together. And then that part on the snow, struggling to walk. Man...

Having a strong emotional reaction playing a videogame is so rare. The only time i felt touched by something in a game was when Agro, the horse on shadow of he colossus fell to his apparent death.


Just finished the game a few days ago. Game was pretty good, I liked the length of it and the style of it. The only thing that sucked was how slow the character moves. Anyways, I found the best part of the game to be when you are playing with another person who you have absolutely no idea what their name is, where they are from and you can't hear them yet you both communicate in a strange way and work together. It's nice/funny communicating with someone by pressing O or whatever button makes the glow around you and have people come back or wait for you to progress with them. One of the better games around in that regard. Not having to deal with the racism and bull shit of most online people.
I think everyone is aware by now that, yes, it's a very, very pretty game, but what surprised me was actually the co-op component. I didn't even realize it HAD one, so imagine my shock when I suddenly saw another sand-surfer appear alongside me.

Going into the game without even knowing that was possible... must've been awesome when you realized it was another person.
I played this today for the first time and finished it. Does the "multiplayer" consist of anything more than just running next to each other? I gathered that you can also charge up each other's scarves for jumping, are there practical applications to this mechanic, ie you can reach spots with another player's help that you would not be able to reach otherwise? Are there secrets? I got a few of those glowing glyphs. Anyways, the game was beautiful and the music was awesome. I wasn't disappointed. Even my 6 year old was enthralled watching me play.

unless there was some other way to get to them that i didnt find, there are areas you can only get to with a partner. i remember one particular area where you had to jump next to each other and charge each others scarves. i think you get one of the scarf lengthening items from doing so.
Way late on picking this one up and did so ~3 hours ago on a whim and finished it in one sitting. What a beautiful experience. The way they teach you the mechanics, create a bond between companions, and stir up so many emotions using absolutely no dialogue is incredible. Great soundtrack, and amazing art and lighting. I'm big on games with deep mechanics (preferably combat and shooting mechanics), but I'm not averse to playing stuff like this, and I'm really glad I did. Truly a step in a different direction and I hope the industry was paying attention.

Reflecting on it, the thing with the biggest potential moving forward is the co-op mechanic. Having it be seamless with no voice chat, no name tags, and no notifications creates such a crazy connection between players that if someone leaves or gets knocked offline, you really feel the sting of isolation without them. Very strange feeling that I've never gotten from a game before. I ended up losing track of whoever I was with right at the end, and it was genuinely disappointing. The weather effects towards the end only heighten the feeling of camaraderie or isolation as well. This kind of co-op has so many potential applications in other kinds of games. Some that comes to mind immediately are a kind of psychological thriller where players help keep each others demons in check, or an action/adventure combat + traversal-heavy game where the protagonist is stuck in a loop of trials in some kind of purgatory where 2 or more people can meet up and aid each other in more meaningful ways than the simple interaction in Journey.
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