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LTTP: Wonderful 101| 100 costumed cosplayers and mii



Hello all, this is my first ever thread start so take pity if I do this wrong. I recently purchased a Wii U and picked up all of platinum’s games for it. I am a HUGE platinum fan, spending countless hours with Bayonetta 1 and Vanquish as well as watching my friend play Madworld (which looked like a lot of fun). I couldn’t wait to spend my holidays playing W101. Here’s my impressions:

STORY: This game has charm out the wazoo (whatever that is)! The characters are entertaining in a "80’s superhero cartoon" way, and the story is so cheesy that it puts a smile on my face just thinking about it! In an industry filled with serious games, it’s a great change of pace to play something that’s so light-hearted in tone.

GRAPHICS: I love the art style they chose for this game. The plastic, “action figure” look of each character adds to the over-the-top approach the game is going for. The settings are full of colour and the visuals are crisp. It feels as though I’m playing a Saturday morning cartoon!

AUDIO: Great audio accompanying the game. Sure, it can get repetitive in areas, but nothing that’s unbearable. I mean it’s not a soundtrack I’ll want to listen to on its own, but it really plays up to the action on the screen.

CAMERA: As is the norm for fixed camera games, this one can piss you off with bad angles at certain moments. This is especially noticeable during platforming segments. This on its own wouldn’t be a big issue, but when you compound that with the fact that there are so many characters on the screen it can lead to frustration. When the game switches to the gamepad, it’s practically a nightmare to move and look around.

DIFFICULTY: I love a good challenge and am aware of how challenging a Platinum game can get. That being said, this game offers no support to new players whatsoever. The game kicked my ass on "normal" right from the beginning. I dropped the difficulty to “easy” just so I could learn the mechanics. UNITE GUTS and SPRING are practically must-buys, leading me to wonder why they are tucked away in the shop and not given to the players. As you unlock new abilities, you must pause the game to the menu to see what the proper button combinations are. These combinations along with drawing the morphs lead to a very deep and challenging combat system, one that will take time and skill to master. As I finished operation 5, something just “clicked” and I started to get much better (nowhere near mastered), which lead to my enjoyment increasing. That being said, I can see where the initial stages would turn people off from even bothering to push through the game.

GAMEPLAY: The drawing mechanic for the game may have seemed like a great idea, but having moments where the game didn’t register (either using the screen, or the r-stick) kept leading me to wonder what this game could have been like with button-assignments, or a MORPH-wheel. It also contradicts the Platinum formula of quick-paced action. Having the game slow down for you to draw a MORPH detracts a little from the battle (it also requires a twitch finger I simply do not have). I had crucial moments fall apart, great combos dropped, simply because the game didn’t like what I was drawing. UNITE GUN and CLAW were the biggest culprits. As I mentioned above, when the game switches to its gamepad screen segments, drawing a MORPH became an unnecessary challenge.
The game also has quite a few gimmick segments (in fact, in my opinion, too many). One level you are boxing, next a SHMUP, next flying a ship, etc. It’s not that these are terrible, but they add to the list of things you need to master if you want to be good at the game. There are quite a few things that just don’t feel fully fleshed-out in terms of execution.

OVERALL: As a fellow GAFfer said “Your first playthrough of the game IS the tutorial” (I can’t remember who said it, but it is so true). This can be a pretty big turn-off for new players. The story and characters compelled me to keep on playing, and I’m glad I did. I’ve discovered a deep combat-system in a VERY fun game. I’m almost finished my first playthrough (on Chapter 7). I don’t see myself giving it multiple playthroughs immediately, but I may return to it if I’m bored and have downtime between games. I can best describe this game as a strategic action game, but I don’t think that does it justice. It truly is a unique, fun game that has no equal and that in itself warrants a purchase. I don’t agree fully with the GAF-hype for this game (i.e. GOAT, or even GOTY for 2013), but it is a game that put a big smile on my face. And then another one. And then I’d laugh. Just like I did while watching those Saturday morning cartoons.




Currently on my first playthrough.

This game quickly taught me that I was not the badass I thought I was and I had to drop the difficulty to Easy after the first few missions :)

Great game, though! Beautiful and chaotic.

(And if anyone has that youtube tutorial, feel free to post it again!)


Why bother to drop the difficulty in a game where you just immediately respawn right where you left off whenever you die? :p

I bought a Wii U for this game. Don't regret it at all. Game was fantastic.


Why bother to drop the difficulty in a game where you just immediately respawn right where you left off whenever you die? :p

Because it becomes a chore and dramatically increases the amount of time it takes to play the game. On Easy the boss battles already lasts half an hour; it will only get worse on higher difficulties.


The final boss fight dragged a bit despite it being awesome.

Also the boxing bits were easily the worst part of the game for me despite how much I love the concpt.


Go back to mission 001, and see how far you've come since you started flailing. Then take the knowledge you gained, and really study the enemies. Turn up the sound and listen to their attack callouts. Then get better at your inputs, so you can pull out the appropriate tool for the occasion. Then bump up the difficulty so can experience some better attack patterns. And once you've done all that, don't settle for anything less than a platinum trophy.


Why bother to drop the difficulty in a game where you just immediately respawn right where you left off whenever you die? :p

lol, because I wanted to continue my enjoyment of the game. Multiple deaths that prolongue a chapter wouldn't do that.


I can't blame people for knocking the difficulty down. Normal is harder than Bayonetta 2's hard difficulty.


Loved every minute of it. Incredibly rich and rewarding. The ending is one of the best things in video games.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I've been playing through it recently. I have to echo sentiments that the game doesn't really click in the early going. The game feels very different. I found it frustrating and was about to put it down, especially since the game never really finds the time to explain itself very well. I heard knocking down the difficulty helps, so that's what I did. I've enjoyed it a bit more since knocking the difficulty down, but I still don't find it to be the greatest experience ever.

I really want to like this game. It's go a lot of interesting ideas, tons of personality, and is pretty hilarious, but the combat just feels slightly off. I think part of the problem is that there's a bit of an information overload with the game. You have to put in a lot of extra work to pull off the unite attacks but the combat is still geared in the action game standard of watching enemy patterns while blocking and dodging. All the while the screen is just loaded with your little dudes and enemies so it's a bit of a visual clusterfuck.

Why bother to drop the difficulty in a game where you just immediately respawn right where you left off whenever you die? :p

Because it felt like a chore and I wasn't having fun?


I've been playing through it recently. I have to echo sentiments that the game doesn't really click in the early going. The game feels very different. I found it frustrating and was about to put it down, especially since the game never really finds the time to explain itself very well. I heard knocking down the difficulty helps, so that's what I did. I've enjoyed it a bit more since knocking the difficulty down, but I still don't find it to be the greatest experience ever.

I really want to like this game. It's go a lot of interesting ideas, tons of personality, and is pretty hilarious, but the combat just feels slightly off. I think part of the problem is that there's a bit of an information overload with the game. You have to put in a lot of extra work to pull off the unite attacks but the combat is still geared in the action game standard of watching enemy patterns while blocking and dodging. All the while the screen is just loaded with your little dudes and enemies so it's a bit of a visual clusterfuck.

Couldn't agree more. This is why I think a lot of people just left the game behind.
So I'm getting the impression I should just start the game on easy then.

Do whatever you need to at least play through it once. The gameplay and combat system is great but it's also just the whole package. Once you play through it and everything clicks, I'd say that's when people should start looking at harder difficulties.
So I'm getting the impression I should just start the game on easy then.

Well, there's going to be a learning period no matter what. Personally I think that once that's over normal is perfectly doable for any action game vet, especially with the generous retry system.


So I'm getting the impression I should just start the game on easy then.

I would. I made the mistake of starting on Normal and had a real tough time even grasping the basic mechanics of the game since the enemies were too fast for me to even understand what I did wrong.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
For some reason I thought the title meant 100 cosplayers dressed up as the W100 and went to Comiket or something...
I don’t agree fully with the GAF-hype for this game (i.e. GOAT, or even GOTY for 2013), but it is a game that put a big smile on my face. And then another one. And then I’d laugh. Just like I did while watching those Saturday morning cartoons.


You haven't beaten it yet.
Come back after the credits roll!

stay gold

I downloaded the demo of this earlier today and to be honest, I didn't have a fucking clue what was going on. Is the demo a bad representation of the game?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I downloaded the demo of this earlier today and to be honest, I didn't have a fucking clue what was going on. Is the demo a bad representation of the game?

While the main game doesn't explain every little thing you can do, it does a better job at easing you into it.


As much as I enjoyed it, it's by far my least favorite Platinum game of the ones I've played. I think some people trip over themselves to apologize for the game, promising "oh man but once you finally get it, it's great! Oh, and you have to watch Saur's YouTube tutorial. But yeah, after that, it's awesome." Hell, I think I'm probably one of those people - as much as I was frustrated by the game, and frankly, there were stretches where I just wasn't having that much fun - I still feel compelled to talk up the game because it's so damn unique and wacky.

Having finished it, cooled down, and standing back a bit, I think there's a point where a game with this many caveats, so to speak, has to be recognized as a very flawed game. It's the only Platinum game that I have reservations in recommending. Bayo? Vanquish? Revengeance? I talk up that shit up all day, every day. Wonderful 101? Not so much. And that's really too bad, because I went into it expecting and wanting to love it.
I played most of it, but it kept dragging on and boring me so I stopped. I couldn't play it anymore and needed a break.

It's a bit too weird, too drawn out and has wonky controls.
As much as I enjoyed it, it's by far my least favorite Platinum game of the ones I've played. I think some people trip over themselves to apologize for the game, promising "oh man but once you finally get it, it's great! Oh, and you have to watch Saur's YouTube tutorial. But yeah, after that, it's awesome." Hell, I think I'm probably one of those people - as much as I was frustrated by the game, and frankly, there were stretches where I just wasn't having that much fun - I still feel compelled to talk up the game because it's so damn unique and wacky.

Having finished it, cooled down, and standing back a bit, I think there's a point where a game with this many caveats, so to speak, has to be recognized as a very flawed game. It's the only Platinum game that I have reservations in recommending. Bayo? Vanquish? Revengeance? I talk up that shit up all day, every day. Wonderful 101? Not so much. And that's really too bad, because I went into it expecting and wanting to love it.

I suppose the difference in how we view this game is that I don't feel a learning curve is something worth apologizing for. :p

I think the game does a good enough job explaining it's core mechanics (with a few minor oversights) and it leaves the player to explore the advanced mechanics on their own, just requiring the drive to do so.

Astral Dog

I bought a Wii U for Wonderful 101, its an incredibly charming game, innovative and fresh.

I recommend to try the demo at least.

But, honestly. some of the praise it gets surprises me, i see it as a flawed mastepiece, because i never got the combat at all, the Gamepad sections, QTE, tedious controls, long drawn out bosses, annoying enemies where you have to do an specific attack to kill them, awful framerate, easily the worst of the Platinum "60" fps games, make it an unreplayable game.

The final boss is an example of one of the best endings and bosses i ever played, but also of one of the worst, the first phase, boring, the framerate was very bad, im not sure how to kill it after, the annoying escape sequence, im not a fan of the last QTE too.

But at the same time, the cutscenes. music, variety, escalation of the scenario is masterfully done.

Its a very special game, but one i cant recommend over others.


I suppose the difference in how we view this game is that I don't feel a learning curve is something worth apologizing for. :p

I'm just saying that, as a huge Clover and Platinum fan, and someone who pored over W101 LTTP/love threads on gaf and expected to adore the game, even I was put off by its learning curve, not to mention its other issues (visibility, framerate, etc.). When the supposed target audience for your game is having a hard time pushing through, I think there are genuine issues with your game.

But of course, I don't speak for everybody. I know there are people with tastes similar to mine who did end up loving the game, and I'm happy for them. It's not one of those "stop liking what I don't like" things - I really do wish that I had enjoyed the game more :(
I downloaded the demo of this earlier today and to be honest, I didn't have a fucking clue what was going on. Is the demo a bad representation of the game?
I didn't feel the demo was a bad representation of the game at all. The main issue is that you go into it thinking you can figure it out after mashing a few buttons like DMC or Bayonetta, but it isn't like anything you have really played before, so that doesn't work. You just have to learn, like you did with older games that were new concepts and not just old, updated formulas.

Learn. Press a button, see what it does. How do enemies react to it? What is it's function? Do enemies have patterns or telegraph moves(they do)? Let's see how morphs work when I push this instead of this.

You really have to "learn" this game, as the closest thing to it is Okami and it's still so far from it.
I feel like the fanclub for 101 seem to excitedly overcompensate praise for it. I'm going through the game right now, and I've watched the tutorial vidoes and the combat is making a lot more sense to me. But regardless, there are many other flaws that extend beyond the poorly explained fighting system. The copious amounts of confusing minigame segments that are thrown at you with little explaination get frustrating, especially when they affect your rank. It does get rather hectic at points and stage visibility is an issue. When the game switches to the gamepad it becomes a nightmare to control, with an unmanageable camera to boot. It feels like those sections went untested honestly.

That said, I'm having a lot of fun, and the combat is addicting. I can see the potential to see it truly open up when I unlock the last two Wonder heroes. There's a lot worth praising in this game, but it has flaws, and I've seen other games called hot garbage for less.


Best Wii U game. I could go on for hours about every little thing I love in this game. Believe the hype.


As the games industry continues to shy away from experimental forms of play, genre variety and player agency, I'll always have the divisive reception to Wonderful 101 to point to as an explanation of how we got here.
Beat it once and enjoyed it a lot. Started a second playthrough and just never finished it the second time. I can do crazy shit in Bayonetta and Vanquish but when I say combos in TW101 I'm just like "Wow."


As much as I enjoyed it, it's by far my least favorite Platinum game of the ones I've played. I think some people trip over themselves to apologize for the game, promising "oh man but once you finally get it, it's great! Oh, and you have to watch Saur's YouTube tutorial. But yeah, after that, it's awesome." Hell, I think I'm probably one of those people - as much as I was frustrated by the game, and frankly, there were stretches where I just wasn't having that much fun - I still feel compelled to talk up the game because it's so damn unique and wacky.

Having finished it, cooled down, and standing back a bit, I think there's a point where a game with this many caveats, so to speak, has to be recognized as a very flawed game. It's the only Platinum game that I have reservations in recommending. Bayo? Vanquish? Revengeance? I talk up that shit up all day, every day. Wonderful 101? Not so much. And that's really too bad, because I went into it expecting and wanting to love it.

That's actually kinda how I see it as well. I liked my time with the game but after a second playthrough I was just done with it. It has too many flaws to keep me consistently entertained on repeat playthroughs, something that wasn't an issue with Platinum's other games.


It's flawed, but still incredible. The combat is top notch and it's one of the most charming games I've ever played. I just wish there were no sections that required you to look at both screens (I know this is dumb since it's a WiiU game, but it makes off TV play a bit hard sometimes) and no "alternative gameplay" sections at all. Then it'd be perfect in my eyes.
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