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Lucasfilm Unveils New 'Star Wars' Title

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By ANTHONY BREZNICAN, AP Entertainment Writer

SAN DIEGO - The final "Star Wars" prequel is just "Episode III" no more. Lucasfilm announced its new title Saturday: "Revenge of the Sith."

AP Photo

The movie, set for release in May 2005, will link the prequels with the original "Star Wars" trilogy by showing how Luke Skywalker's father, Anakin, went from a sweet-natured slave boy to the galaxy-crushing villain Darth Vader. The Sith is the evil sect that corrupts Anakin (played by Hayden Christensen (news)) by drawing him into the dark side of the Force, the cosmic power that balances the universe.

Lucasfilm announced the new title at the annual Comic-Con International, the annual gathering of tens of thousands of sci-fi and superhero fans.

It was a risky move — some of the notoriously fickle "Star Wars" admirers initially bristled at previous prequel titles "The Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones."

"Star Wars" creator and filmmaker George Lucas did not attend the event, but sent fan relations chief Steve Sansweet in his place.

Sansweet announced the title by pulling off a baseball jersey to reveal a black T-shirt emblazoned with "Revenge of the Sith."

"For some time now, the naming of a new 'Star Wars' movie has taken on some special meaning among core fans who love to take part in guessing games and speculation before a title is announced," Sansweet told nearly 6,500 convention attendees. "And then (they) engage in debate once it is ... so let the debate begin."

Minutes later, a sampling of audience members dressed as Jedis, stormtroopers and other "Star Wars" characters showed they approved.

"I thought it was great, I loved it,' said Barren Wright, 35, a graphic designer from Modesto who was dressed as the green-armored bounty hunter Boba Fett. "This takes it back to the classic trilogy, It's a smart move by Lucasfilm to tie it all together since the logo and everything is identical to 'Return of the Jedi.'"

Wright said the symmetry between the titles reflects the story lines.

Anyone who has seen the original "Star Wars" from 1977 knows that the good guys — that is the Jedi — would be wiped out by Darth Vader in "Episode III" just as Vader and his evil Empire were toppled in 1983's "Return of the Jedi."

In addition to the title, Lucasfilm also sent concept artist Ryan Church to show off drawings of a Wookie tree civilization from "Episode III" and played footage of Christensen's climatic light-saber duel — minus all the special effects — with co-star Ewan McGregor, who plays Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Return of the Jedi" was originally to be titled "Revenge of the Jedi." Some advance promotional material even featured that title, but Lucas changed it later in production.

"This time, George tells us he's going to keep 'Revenge' in the title," Sansweet said.

He had one other announcement for fans: "Revenge of the Sith" T-shirts would go on sale inside Comic-Con's main hall in five minutes.


I think that would be the jedi wiping out the sith a long time ago. But it was probly called that just cause George thought it was cool, and I agree.


First tragedy, then farce.
am I the only one that thinks Vince McMahon can handle a heel turn better than Lucas?


'Birth/Rise of the Empire' would've been a better name instead of copying the title of Ep. 6.

Title's finally revealed, now how bout dem teaser trailers??


Eh, better than Ep 1/2 titles, but still too much redundancy with RotJ. OMG, The Sith are REVENGING!! Now its time for the Jedi to get REVENGE for the REVENGING of the Sith!!!
Revenge of the Sith makes it sound more 'bloodthirsty' and action packed.
Birth/Rise of the Empire makes it sound like it's going to be one of Queen Armadilla's (sp?) yak fests with intermittent action sequences peppered through.


Chili Con Carnage!
I too am a little confused as to what the revenge is for...Palpatine has been slapping the jedi around in the first two films...maybe its going to open with Obi-wan spilling his coffee or something.

AniHawk said:
Play KotOR.

That was 4000 years ago, theres been lots of revenge on both sides since then, well the sith called it revenge, the jedi called it justice, but its all the same. :D

It would have made more sense to me if the title had something to do with the defeat of the republic, that would have been a better fit with 'A New Hope' but meh, im no genius like George Lucas.


Dumb SW trivia: Ep. 6 was supposed to be called Revenge of the Jedi at first but Lucas thought it sounded too harsh for the 'light' side of the Force.


Junior Ace
Belfast said:
Eh, better than Ep 1/2 titles, but still too much redundancy with RotJ. OMG, The Sith are REVENGING!! Now its time for the Jedi to get REVENGE for the REVENGING of the Sith!!!

Where do you live? A world where the title never got changed from Revenge of the Jedi?




Darth Vader in costume
+ James Earl Jones' voice
+ building the Death Star
+ return of Stormtroopers
- anxst of a million fanboys from two so-so prequels
= Ep III will rock!


The Bookerman said:



That's my one problem for the movie (at least for Attack of the Clones), WAYY too many backgrounds were CG backgrounds. I understand windows showing cars flying by and all that, but when the entire room is one big CG room... I dunno why it bugs me.
I like it, but I just cant understand why I never even heard the name (that I personaly thought to be perfect) even rumored, like Revenge of the Sith was rumord around a lot, and so was Rise/Birth of the Empire. But I just cant begin to understand why I never once saw the name "Fall of the Jedi" rumored. But I suspose Revenge of the Sith ties it in well too.

Just out of curosity, who else here like's "Fall of the Jedi" or "FOTJ"?? :)

~Black Deatha
I like this best of the prequel titles. Hell, I like it better than "A New Hope."

Out of all the prequels, this one has the best chance of coming close to the original trilogy. Lucas, please don't f*** this one up.


There's nothing WRONG with this title...I mean, it isn't the greatest title ever, but it is no doubt something entirely harmless. No fanboy wrath on this one, although it has the GREAT "Star Wars ROTS!" line for the haters.


Bog said:
Where do you live? A world where the title never got changed from Revenge of the Jedi?

Its idea that the movies evoke, not the titles (though, as evidenced by the original title, Revenge of the Jedi, you can see where Lucas wanted it to go). Of course, in reality, the whole empire/rebellion thing lasts awhile, doesn't it? But in movie time, it just feels too soon.


Damn, I need a shirt that says that.

Title is fine, makes no fucking sense, but it sounds okay at least.

For a second I thought Ep6 was called Revenge of the Jedi and not Return.


Rage Bait Youtuber
SKluck said:
Damn, I need a shirt that says that.

Already got one :D

When they announced the title at Comic Con, a room of 6,500 people EXPLODED. If was so loud they had to turn up the mic volume to let people know the shirts would be on sale in 5 minutes.


Hollywood Square
Star Wars nerds shout for anything. They're Star Wars nerds. They get chubbies when George Lucas mentions LIGHTSABER. What do you expect?
Count me in the camp that likes the title. Not that any of them are anything to write home about, but it just seems less silly than a few from recent years.

To those who ask things like "Revenge for what?" Well, regardless of whether calling it that is justified to you... it's established that it does for the Sith. Hell, Darth Maul only said like 8 words, but 6 of them were "At last we shall have revenge."


Hollywood Square
JoshuaJSlone said:
Count me in the camp that likes the title. Not that any of them are anything to write home about, but it just seems less silly than a few from recent years.

To those who ask things like "Revenge for what?" Well, regardless of whether calling it that is justified to you... it's established that it does for the Sith. Hell, Darth Maul only said like 8 words, but 6 of them were "At last we shall have revenge."

I don't think people are asking if revenge is justified, but WHAT ARE THEY REVENGING? I mean, really. What are they revenging. I don't even know. Sith seem like pissed off, Linkin Park-lovin' angsty teens.


Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Return of the Jedi. Geez George Lucas, come up with a more varied syntax for your movie titles. At least The Phantom Menace was a good title (until you actually saw the movie and saw how it made little sense), and so was A New Hope (though that film is just commonly referred to as Star Wars) and especially The Empire Strikes Back.
Going off what I can speculate (and this is based on limited EU exposure) The Sith have been the whipping-post of the Jedi for centuries, which is why that the Sith are in hiding, never wanting to expose themselves knowing that it'd be like exposing Hershey Bars at a fat camp; gone almost instantaneously. Now in EP:3, they get to kick ass and take names and pretty much eliminate most of the Jedi.


I have a theory with Star Wars, the worse the title the better the movie -

The Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope
Attack of the Clones
Return of the Jedi
The Phantom Menace

Although I suppose Attack of the Clones throws a bit of spanner in the works. According to this theory Revenge of the Sith (Rise of the Empire was a better name), will fit somewhere between Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Hournda said:
At least The Phantom Menace was a good title (until you actually saw the movie and saw how it made little sense).

The Phantom Menace was nothing more than a carefully plotted scheme by Palpatine to move himself into power to eventually control the entire Republic and place himself as Emperor.

Palpatine, as Darth Sidious, ordered the Trade Federation to perform an illegal blockade of Naboo. He knew this would trigger debate in the senate, and used it as his chance to wrestle control away from General Zod. So, he gets young Amidala to trigger the vote to throw Zod our of the office, but those who will decide his fate and who will replace him are under the payroll of the Trade Federation. Who is controlling the Trade Federation? Palpatine/Sidious. Thus Palpatine created the events that in turn gave himself to place himself in a position of power due to him controlling the Trade Federation as Sidious.

Moving on to Episode II, Palpatine uses his power to firstly secretly put a clone army in the works on one side and on the other (as Sidious) triggers a war by recruiting a former Jedi (Dooku) to lead a rebellion against the Republic and trigger a war. Again, Palpatine himself is moving the pieces into place to put himself into power.

This continues into Episode III with not only more of his power play, but also his final seduction of Anakin. To go into any specific details as to how those pieces fall into place would be SPOILERS.
Prince of Space said:
^^I've always said the prequels had pretty good overall plots; it's the execution that butchers it all.

IAWTP. Poor casting, dialogue and directing have always troubled the prequels. The plots have been for the most part thought out properly.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Prince of Space said:
^^I've always said the prequels had pretty good overall plots; it's the execution that butchers it all.
Yup, completely agree. If Lucas could direct as well as he could conjure up these fantastical stories, we'd be in for a real treat. I blame the direction as even the inconsistent actors in Star Wars have done excellent work in other films.


ManaByte said:
Already got one :D

When they announced the title at Comic Con, a room of 6,500 people EXPLODED. If was so loud they had to turn up the mic volume to let people know the shirts would be on sale in 5 minutes.

I meant "Keep Back 200 ft" actually :D
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