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Mad Max: Fury Road |OT| What a Lovely Day | RT: 98% | Metacritic: 89


Unfortunately, it seemed like 90% of the people in my theater hated it. They were yawning, groaning, checking their phones, etc. I fear this movie will not do well with general audiences.

I refuse to believe such a thing after the success the Fast and Furious franchise has had.
Was gonna go this weekend but decided what the hell and went to see it tonight. Amazing movie, so much fun.

Unfortunately, it seemed like 90% of the people in my theater hated it. They were yawning, groaning, checking their phones, etc. I fear this movie will not do well with general audiences.

In what god forsaken place do you live? I just came back from a packed theater and people clapped after it.


Was gonna go this weekend but decided what the hell and went to see it tonight. Amazing movie, so much fun.

Unfortunately, it seemed like 90% of the people in my theater hated it. They were yawning, groaning, checking their phones, etc. I fear this movie will not do well with general audiences.

Yeah, there were maybe 15 or 20 people in my theater, and when I stole a glance around not very many of them seemed very into it. There were a gaggle of hipstery-looking folks outside the entrance to that theater when I came out who were talking about it and had a pretty meh opinion of it.

I think not seeing any of the originals is going to leave people confused as to what they've gotten themselves into.
Yeah, there were maybe 15 or 20 people in my theater, and when I stole a glance around not very many of them seemed very into it. There were a gaggle of hipstery-looking folks outside the entrance to that theater when I came out who were talking about it and had a pretty meh opinion of it.

I think not seeing any of the originals is going to leave people confused as to what they've gotten themselves into.

I dunno, I haven't seen any of the other movies but I was blown away. Although I had a general idea of what the franchise was like.


I think Junkie XL is also a pretty fantastic action composer that doesnt really get mentioned much. Ive noticed his work in Divergent and 300 Rise of Empire. Kinda flying under the radar a bit.


I think Junkie XL is also a pretty fantastic action composer that doesnt really get mentioned much. Ive noticed his work in Divergent and 300 Rise of Empire. Kinda flying under the radar a bit.

Electronic artists - if that's what you want to call them - do some great scores. Junkie XL, M83, Daft Punk. Good stuff.


Electronic artists - if that's what you want to call them - do some great scores. Junkie XL, M83, Daft Punk. Good stuff.

Yeah im aware of all those and have been following Junkie, but didnt realise he also scored this movie.

Also i just noticed he goes by the name Tom Holkenborg in this credit, i guess trying to branch out and appear more 'legit' in a way, since Junkie XL kinda sounds silly to some.


I refuse to believe such a thing after the success the Fast and Furious franchise has had.
LOL, I think it was too weird for some people. After the dwarf guy with the telescope showed up, the theater suddenly had an uncomfortable atmosphere.

In what god forsaken place do you live? I just came back from a packed theater and people clapped after it.
Mississauga, Ontario. Although I went to the Winston Churchill theater on the Oakville border since it was the only one showing in 2D tonight. 7:15 screening (in case anyone else was there).

I was in the very back, and although I could tell some people were enjoying it, most were not. The whole audience was dead. The only reaction (aside from groaning/yawning) was a very mild chuckle when Guitar Man was sleeping. People were leaving as the final text came on the screen, and some even left after the final chase
as Max was pulling into the Citadel

Fucking scrub audience.

Also, from what I could tell the audio levels were fucked (unless the music is supposed to be near-silent).
The movie was fucking awesome, in my opinion. That was, what, like 1.5 hours of chases and action. I loved the cinematography, like the contrast between day and night. The script was rock solid.

Only thing I'll say is I'm not 100% convinced of Hardy as Mad Max. I think that casting could have been better, though I'm certainly not saying he was bad. Interestingly, Hardy recently apologized to George Miller (http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/05/tom-hardy-mad-max-apology).

Anyway, it worked out on screen.


My audience had a man and wife fully decked out in spiked armor and mask it was kinda crazy everyone wanted pictures. He was all like 'ive been waiting 30 years for that movie god damn'
Such an amazing film. I can get that it might not be some peoples cup of tea, but I would hope anybody who appreciates films can appreciate what action perfection this is. Really should be a standard for film class on how to make an action movie. This became my gf's favorite movie of all time.


I really really really hope this does well in the box office. The action was just something else, holy shit. Was seriously amazed by what I saw.

I'm not often into straight up action flicks - I'm not a fan of Vin Diesel really (just neutral), don't like Marvel, I tend to gravitate more towards dramas - but man, this was just... wow.

There's so much energy and creativity in every single scene. It's insane. Must see.

Are the other Mad Max movies like this?


I really really really hope this does well in the box office. The action was just something else, holy shit. Was seriously amazed by what I saw.

I'm not often into straight up action flicks - I'm not a fan of Vin Diesel really (just neutral), don't like Marvel, I tend to gravitate more towards dramas - but man, this was just... wow.

There's so much energy and creativity in every single scene. It's insane. Must see.

Are the other Mad Max movies like this?

Road Warrior is the closest, but doesnt come anywhere close. They completely exceeded expectations with the overkill they did here.
I really really really hope this does well in the box office. The action was just something else, holy shit. Was seriously amazed by what I saw.

I'm not often into straight up action flicks - I'm not a fan of Vin Diesel really (just neutral), don't like Marvel, I tend to gravitate more towards dramas - but man, this was just... wow.

There's so much energy and creativity in every single scene. It's insane. Must see.

Are the other Mad Max movies like this?

this film is like Mad Max 2: Road Warrior with even more ambitious production design and visuals. Prefer Mel over Tom Hardy tho.


Are the other Mad Max movies like this?

Road Warrior (#2) is pretty zany but well done in an 80s action kind of way. Thunderdome (#3) was just too much of a good thing. "Mad Max" (#1) sets the tables for things but it's a slow burn kind of dystopian action movie.

This movie is like 2, but with huge production values and Miller's touch.


Road Warrior is the closest, but doesnt come anywhere close. They completely exceeded expectations with the overkill they did here.

this film is like Mad Max 2: Road Warrior with even more ambitious production design and visuals. Prefer Mel over Tom Hardy tho.

Road Warrior (#2) is pretty zany but well done in an 80s action kind of way. Thunderdome (#3) was just too much of a good thing. "Mad Max" (#1) sets the tables for things but it's a slow burn kind of dystopian action movie.

This movie is like 2, but with huge production values and Miller's touch.

I'm gonna see em all then and make an LTTP :)


They need to make a 10 hour documentary about making this.

I'd be curious as to what the blu-ray will have, like a director's cut or deleted scenes since I know there were more flashbacks and narrations that got cut. Plus there are a few scenes in the trailers not in the finished film.
I'm gonna see em all then and make an LTTP :)

Don't forget this one.

Loved it, but had the immersion ruined by 4 people sitting behind me who couldn't shut the fuck up even after I asked them to be quiet.

Constantly talking, not even trying to whisper... just plain out talking. And this one black dude who kept going "DAAAAAAAAMN" & "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT"

God damnit, this is why I tend to stay away from theaters, people fucking suck.

I'm trying to put a mental block on that part.
Alright, so my full thoughts on Mad Max: Fury Road. This is about as spoiler free as can be.

It is as if George Miller has finally been able to show off his vision of the post apocalyptic wasteland with no compromises. At last, he has the money, technology, and skill to finally bring his world to life as he always imagined it. There are no cut corners here. It is just an explosion of ideas and creativity.
It finally feels like an actual world, and not just some small pocket somewhere. Everything is bigger and grander than what he has done before. There are hints at the other towns and colonies, and I want more.

Not only has the experience and money allowed Miller to fully realize and show off his science fiction world, but it has also allowed him to create some of the most exciting and visceral car chase and action sequences out there. There is an economy of motion to everything. You completely understand what is going on at all times, and are never confused, even as all hell breaks loose. Due to most of the action being done with practical stunts, everything has a weight to it and it makes the impacts that much more brutal.

While rated R and very violent, it never once feels gratuitous or over the top. It never revels in the gore or violence, but it never flinches from it either. This could have been easily been shaved down to a PG-13, but it would have lost the visceral feeling that so much of it has. There are several moments in this that made me howl and flinch, just as the previous films in the series did. And, as usual for this series, the villain’s death is brutal as hell and awesome.

As for the performances and characters, everyone feels fleshed out and real. No one in this feels like a cliche or a plot convenience. This Max is a very different Max from the old films. In the old films, he seemed both wild and self serving. Here, it just feels broken. Like a broken man, and survives only because he must, not because he wants to. Furiosa is of course the stand out of the film. The best way I can describe her is a lioness. She is like a protective and caring mother to those with her, but has a ferocity that comes out when she must defend her pride.
Nux and the Brides were surprising. Based upon previews and how they are introduced in the film, I expected them to be one dimensional and almost cliche, but the film does a great job of humanizing them and giving them enough depth that you feel concerned for them when everything starts going to hell.

The score by Junkie XL was fantastic, and I can see it becoming a favorite of mine much like Daft Punk’s score to Tron Legacy has. It is exhilarating and set the mood well even in the quieter scenes. This film would be fun to watch with just an isolated score, because it would probably work just as well because of the direction and minimal dialogue.

This was just expert filmmaking all the way around. The world building is the best Miller has done yet, and he has brought his already formidable action game to a totally new level. The only analogy I can think of is that he was the prize martial arts student back in the 80s. He was great, and should be proud of his accomplishments. But he knew he could do better, so he went away and studied for decades. Honing and perfecting his skill until he felt he was ready to come back and show the world how you do an art like this. Well, Miller just came back down the mountain as the old master. He has shown that there are few that can hang with him.



Felt like a little kid again with a huge grin on my face most of the movie.....especially when the Guitar Flamethrower man was on screen.

Like a feast for the eyes and ears from start to finish.


For some reason i like the movie more now while thinking about it than i did immediately after it was over. May have been shellshock. My face was in weird contortions throughout like 'what the fuck is happening?' in a good way.
Just got home


That was fuckin' amazing. Gotta collect my thoughts, but its just...so on point in pretty every area. They throw you into this fully-formed weird ass 2000AD world, Brenden McCarthy and Brett Elvins as shit, and you catch up through economical lines of dialog and actions. Its got a hundred fuckin' ideas and it wants to do all of them. Production/costume design is too stronk. Can't believe WB gave these dudes hundreds of millions of dollars to make something so goddamn out there.

It got crazy good action sequences, heavily detailed and frantic, but you're always aware of what's going on and where everybody is in relation to each other, shots have continuity from one moment to the next. Miller's got enough sense to do overhead/wide shots from time to time to reorient the audience. At the same time tho, its got these really simple but effective narrative hooks in the beginning, and builds them over time through the action.
Nux goes from trying to sacrifice himself for our deluded sense of glory to sacrificing himself in a selfless act to protect the people he cares for. Max's nightmares end up saving his life from a rogue arrow. The damn Interceptor came back. Finally told homegirl Furiosa his name at the end, freely going back to his bloodbag ways to save her, their relationship believably built up to this moment of compassion.

And its just always fuckin' gorgeous, and it sounds so goddamn good, and it has one of the best hand-and-weapon fight sequence I've seen in ages, and goddamn b...

shit is legit one of the best action movies of all-time. A few years time, it should be spoken in the same breath as Raiders, Die Hard, Terminator 2, and yes, The Road Warrior. Its the weirdest, most confident, most thrilling, most beautiful damn film of the year.
Yeah, in hindsight, I'm liking the movie more and more than right after I saw it. It's...odd.

I'm watching it again tomorrow. Can't fucking wait.

yep i got the weekend to watch this again with some friends. I was too young to watch terminator 2 in theaters, I'll be damned if I let this slip out of my grasp with just one theater watch.

dat viewtiful review. on point.

this is what I imagine James Cameron's Battle Angel Alita film would have been like in terms of grit and vision. damn humanity if this is a flop.

i loved George Miller's other films but wasn't too hot on the happy feet series, I did not see this coming from him at all.
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