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Maghda from Diablo 3 is the worst character in video game history...


Every character in Diablo is stupid, except Diablo and the other evils/demons, and that is simply because all they have to do is be evil, and looking like stupid demons is their job. There's nothing interesting about Deckard Cain, or any other character in the series, either, and the writing is pretty much universally dumb in Blizzard's modern releases.

That doesn't stop it from being one of the most fun games I've ever played. Same for WoW and SC2. Metzen's writing is dumb as shit, but the gameplay, polish, and playability of Blizz' games is peerless imo.

Also, seconded that Rico/Killzone characters are the dumbest in video games.


Every character in Diablo is stupid, except Diablo and the other evils/demons, and that is simply because all they have to do is be evil, and looking like stupid demons is their job. There's nothing interesting about Deckard Cain, or any other character in the series, either, and the writing is pretty much universally dumb in Blizzard's modern releases.

That doesn't stop it from being one of the most fun games I've ever played. Same for WoW and SC2. Metzen's writing is dumb as shit, but the gameplay, polish, and playability of Blizz' games is peerless imo.

Also, seconded that Rico/Killzone characters are the dumbest in video games.

All of the characters in Diablo were way more interesting when they didnt speak, or when they kept their mouths shut and let your imagination do the hard work.

I really dont need the king of hell to start talking in cliches and hyperbole because it should be beneath him after an eternity of ruling over hell. He also shouldn't feel the need to talk to me, or anyone really. He should speak through unending horror and destruction- his actions themselves should speak louder than words.
Every character in Diablo is stupid, except Diablo and the other evils/demons, and that is simply because all they have to do is be evil, and looking like stupid demons is their job. There's nothing interesting about Deckard Cain, or any other character in the series, either, and the writing is pretty much universally dumb in Blizzard's modern releases.
The Scoundrel is entertaining at least.


All of the characters in Diablo were way more interesting when they didnt speak, or when they kept their mouths shut and let your imagination do the hard work.

I really dont need the king of hell to start talking in cliches and hyperbole because it should be beneath him after an eternity of ruling over hell. He also shouldn't feel the need to talk to me, or anyone really. He should speak through unending horror and destruction- his actions themselves should speak louder than words.
Totally agreed. I think the same could be said for a large quantity of older games; it's when they put voice or modern visual fidelity to the stuff we used to have to fill in with our imaginations, is where they seem to fall totally flat. Blizzard makes the king of Hell seem like a douche bag.

The Scoundrel is entertaining at least.
Yeah, not to say there aren't entertaining characters or elements. Also, I think the scoundrel was voice by Troy Baker, so he's got that. I think some of the dumber characters/writing in the game are actually entertaining in their stupidity.



And what about Belial? The most honest and reliable Lord of Lies you can find.

Story of Diablo III was a mess.

I remember their AMAA on reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/uoooj/i_am_we_are_wyatt_cheng_andrew_chambers_and_jay/)

Jay Wilson: We wanted the game to have a greater focus on story, and so decided to have a linear quest flow so we could advance plot and world changes. Creating a free play mode would be a major reworking of all our content.


Question: The story of Diablo 3 has received a lot of criticism for both its actual content and writing and for its presentation (e.g. intrusive cutscenes and linear "on rails" progression). I love the game, but must admit some heavy disappointment when it came to furthering and enriching the lore of the Diablo universe.

What lessons have you learned from the backlash that you plan to apply to D3's expansions or further games in the franchise (or even other Blizzard titles)?

Answer: We answered this question in other threads, but the recap is: we disagree and have gotten mostly great feedback on the story.

Question: The antagonists in Diablo 3 were essentially caricatures of generic bad guys. Often times they monologue completely unrealistically. Looking back, are you disappointed with how some characters (Maghda, Azmodan) turned out? How do you plan to improve on the storytelling in the next expansion?

Answer: We've commented on story several times now. The majority of feedback we've gotten on story has been positive. I'm sorry your experience varied.

I just want to know who kept giving them positive feedback during development.


Every character in Diablo is stupid, except Diablo and the other evils/demons, and that is simply because all they have to do is be evil, and looking like stupid demons is their job. There's nothing interesting about Deckard Cain, or any other character in the series, either, and the writing is pretty much universally dumb in Blizzard's modern releases.
Have you played D1 & 2?

There's a reason why Deckard Cain became an iconic character. Well, it probably was first and foremost his voice actor and the rather compelling writing in the first two games.

Metzen should go back to making illustrations (I enjoyed the Warcraft 2 manual) but he's too far up the food chain at Blizzard now. There's no way to stop him at this point. Franchises will be be ruined, classic IPs will be ravaged.


A worst character?


Seriously, fuck Rico


I remember their AMAA on reddit:
Wow, that's kind of embarrassing lol.

Have you played D1 & 2?

There's a reason why Deckard Cain became an iconic character. Well, it probably was first and foremost his voice actor and the rather compelling writing in the first two games.

Metzen should go back to making illustrations (I enjoyed the Warcraft 2 manual) but he's too far up the food chain at Blizzard now. There's no way to stop him at this point. Franchises will be be ruined, classic IPs will be ravaged.
D2 yes. I owned D1, but I don't think I played more than an hour or so of it, because it was already after D2. The only thing that is memorable about Deckard Cain to me is his voice.

And yeah, I really don't know how Metzen is able to have free reign on such iconic franchises and lore, at a company with so many smart people, and for nobody to call him on how dumb all of his writing is. His art is fine, hell, even his voice acting is good. Just hire a real writer Blizz, it's not like you can't afford it.
Jay Wilson: We wanted the game to have a greater focus on story, and so decided to have a linear quest flow so we could advance plot and world changes. Creating a free play mode would be a major reworking of all our content.

This is hilarious in hindsight, as that free play mode is coming in RoS. Along with unique elemental effects, which Wilson said were too difficult to properly balance.


I remember their AMAA on reddit:

I just want to know who kept giving them positive feedback during development.

Daaaaamn, LOL. Such denial. The expansion story is going to suck as well it seems if those are their standards. They already got flak on their forums due to appearance of more Nephalems (your character in D3 is supposedly the last one) and their answer was: it is explained in the books!

All that money can't buy them good writers it seems.
or a proper update and patch release schedule for what is supposedly an online-only game.



Rush Sykes from The Last Remnant is pretty awful. A mind numbingly stupid character with a stupid name who constantly does stupid things. He's also the protagonist.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
The big evils in this game made me laugh.



"Hohoho I have unleashed X upon you, you are doomed!"
The hero defeats X.
"Hohoho X is nothing. Let me tell you about this plan Y of mine that is supposedly a secret but I'll tell you anyway because I want to brag hohoho."
The hero ruins plan Y.
"Hohoho Y is just one of many plans. I have unleashed ABC upon you and now you are DEAD!"
The hero kills ABC.

etc etc etc.

Their plans would have been 100000% more effective if they could just shut up about it instead of bragging, hahahaha.


Every single character in D3 sucks, but that's not even the worst.

I could handle the shitty characters and ridiculous story if the game wouldn't shove it into your face every single time. Garbage cut scenes that interrupt your game (slow fade in, slow fade out) and fuck with the camera. And of course canceling often doesn't kill the end animation. Clearly I can't be trusted to remember where I stood 2 seconds ago before the damn game took over the camera.

And then of course the ridiculous shitty spam in Act 3 by that spider thing. Because when I'm playing the game I want nothing more than popups covering my screen every other minute so I don't miss the cartoon villain garbage monolog.

Fuck everyone at Blizzard.


Oh and one other thing, fucking hate the invincible bosses (Diablo, Maghda, Belial, spider thing act 1, spider thing act 3, Ubers) and Goblins. Nothing says ARPG like not being able to kill enemies because the game designers thought it would be fun for them not to take damage so they can script their shitty "epic" boss fights ala WoW.


I could handle the shitty characters and ridiculous story if the game wouldn't shove it into your face every single time. Garbage cut scenes that interrupt your game (slow fade in, slow fade out) and fuck with the camera. And of course canceling often doesn't kill the end animation. Clearly I can't be trusted to remember where I stood 2 seconds ago before the damn game took over the camera.

Of course, before the game came out, people were going crazy about Blizzard's "amazing cutscene abilities" and all of that nonsense.

Yeah, not so fun when one is actually trying to play a game. And even less fun when one is trying to replay a game.
Weird - I had no problems with invincible bosses, and found it easy to skip the cut-scenes, both the crazy story ones and the in-game events. And the cut-scenes don't play on subsequent difficulties, or they stop at some point.

I think it was bass ackwards to give a game like this a linear story though. Makes no sense for a game built specifically to be played again and again and again with even the very same character. Each difficulty should have changed things, story wise, and been included as part of the lore.


Weird - I had no problems with invincible bosses, and found it easy to skip the cut-scenes, both the crazy story ones and the in-game events. And the cut-scenes don't play on subsequent difficulties, or they stop at some point.

I think it was bass ackwards to give a game like this a linear story though. Makes no sense for a game built specifically to be played again and again and again with even the very same character. Each difficulty should have changed things, story wise, and been included as part of the lore.

so you can kill maghda without her going through the shielding crap? Or diablo without him sending you downstairs? The game has predefined dmg cut offs and won't let them take further dmg until you play through the scripted crap. Unless you meant to say you're fine with that. And no, cut scenes play every single time. And skipping them doesn't really work if you still have to wait for the game to fade back in n your character.
I'm pretty sure every single villain in D3 was extra double bad. Magda had that saturday morning cartoon villian schtick going, but which villain didn't, seriously?

Belial? "hahaha, I was the little boy all along! I am the lord of lies!" Really?
Diablo? Same shit as Azmodan, but with 150% more TERR-ROAR.

Hell, I'm hyped as fuck for RoS, but not for the plot. Malthiel, huh? "NO ONE CAN STOP DEATH".
so you can kill maghda without her going through the shielding crap? Or diablo without him sending you downstairs? The game has predefined dmg cut offs and won't let them take further dmg until you play through the scripted crap. Unless you meant to say you're fine with that. And no, cut scenes play every single time. And skipping them doesn't really work if you still have to wait for the game to fade back in n your character.
Oh OK, no. They're multistage bosses so I never figured you could short-circuit those stages in the first place.

I don't think I've ever played a game that did.


Maghda felt to me as if she was pulled out of WoW's expansion The Burning Crusade.

And yeah the story blew royal goats.


Of course, before the game came out, people were going crazy about Blizzard's "amazing cutscene abilities" and all of that nonsense.

Yeah, not so fun when one is actually trying to play a game. And even less fun when one is trying to replay a game.

I was so disappointed by the cut scenes the opening movie was great but then in-between acts we got the "drawn" generic scenes no actual movies etc. Shit could have been done by a intern it was the most sloppy thing I've seen. I'm getting mad just thinking about it now.


I was so disappointed by the cut scenes the opening movie was great but then in-between acts we got the "drawn" generic scenes no actual movies etc. Shit could have been done by a intern it was the most sloppy thing I've seen. I'm getting mad just thinking about it now.

You aren't remembering correctly:

End Act 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqaUxSvAVdc
End Act 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYGXKKKSDLs
End Act 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5EZQ4vwrqE

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I've never deluded myself into thinking the Diablo franchise ever had A+ storytelling but at least in the past it was succinct and serviceable. Diablo 3 kind of clubs you over the head repeatedly with its story.

And yes, fuck awful voice acting.


I'm not even sure she's the worst character in Diablo 3, all the antagonists are the same. They just endlessly repeat some variation of "you've made it this far, but now my <xx> will crush you!". Belial does it, Azmodan does it, Diablo does it. Ugh.



Glad to see Diablo 3 copping a reaming. Really deplorable stuff.

Also agree with Rico from Killzone. What an annoying douche.

Most of the cast from Final Fantasy VIII, and all of the cast from Final Fantasy X (I really hate this game).

Samus' shitty friends in Metroid Prime 3. Same goes for Sonic's shitty friends.

I'm sure there's a lot more but that stuff sticks out to me at the moment.


I actually thought the story in Diablo 2 was surprisingly strong for an action game. It helped that there wasn't so goddamn much of it.
No chance.

1) All the characters from the Killzone games
2) Edge Maverick and the little girl from Star Ocean
3) Vega from ME3
4) Every character from FF XIII
Yeah, she's pretty bad. But seriously, the Diablo lore was never that great. Are we supposed to pretend that DII had some kind of magnificent plot with interesting, three-dimensional characters? The best thing in all of Diablo's official lore was the stuff in the original Diablo manual.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
The thing that chaps my ass about Maghda is that she doesn't even look like she belongs in the Diablo universe. She looks like she took a wrong turn on her way to work at the WoW raid boss headquarters and ended up in Diablo 3 instead.


Zoltun Kulle is basically the best antagonist in Diablo 3.
Too bad it goes nowhere before you kill him off
, and he has the honor of heralding the game's worst act.

Yeah, it really made no sense for you to fight him. Despite all his passive aggressive bullshit and hilariously bad evil laughter every time he disappeared, he never actually DID anything to warrant the MC killing him (ignoring the fact that he supposedly can't be killed).

I remember going through the dialogue carefully (lol) after running the act a few times and honestly, all Zoltun does is what he promised he would do: finishes the black soulstone, draws the demon's souls into it, then says something along the lines of "join me, nephelem". No threats, no "and now you die!" or anything. The MC is just like "YOU'RE INSANE AND MUST BE STOPPED" and proceeds to kill him for no real reason at all. Then Adria waltzes up and grabs the soulstone, and nobody in the game seems to give a shit about it.


Rico is the worst character in video game history, hell he might be the worst character in the history of fiction.

Any other answer is wrong.


Barry Wheeler is not the second worst video game character ever. Hell, he's not even the worst Barry in video games:


The fuck is this...

How could anyone hate Barry?

Anyway, Rico is definitely the worst character of all time. If I ever play a game with a character I hate as much as him, I'll probably call it quits.
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