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Man resists arrest and fights back cops (video)


There's only one explanation...

They were secretly out of bullets

What if the man switched their real guns out for water guns? The possibilities...there's so many possibilities as to why they didn't immediately use their guns......I mean, what if he also controlled their thoughts and prevented them from doing so? These poor cops.....



Do people in this thread not realize that these types of take downs happen daily, on people of all races?

I mean.....no one is denying that police takedowns happen. But the point is that it's rare for violence committed by police to escalate to a certain point when those who aren't poc are involved. On the other hand........................I mean, who knows, maybe their guns simply just jammed? They wanted to use violent force and couldn't for reasons that had nothing to do with race, clearly.



We need more information.

What were the charges?
What was the outcome?
Did the citizens that pinned his arm down get an award?

Now if this was me, I would've died about two seconds into the video. If tried to pass guard on two armed cops they would've beat me up and possibly shot me.

It is tremendously sad that this unfortunate soul had the fight back against cops. Please do not fight the police or antagonize them in any way, shape, form or fashion. Let's all come together and be nice humans.
One side effect to the lack of melanin in the skin, is this immunity to certain encounters with the po-po.

He deserved to get his ass whopped. Disrespectful shit.


One side effect to the lack of melanin in the skin, is this immunity to certain encounters with the po-po.

He deserved to get his ass whopped. Disrespectful shit.

Be sure to tell that to all the family members of white folks who have been murdered by police. They'll be glad to hear that they never lost their loved one.


Trucker Sexologist
One side effect to the lack of melanin in the skin, is this immunity to certain encounters with the po-po.

He deserved to get his ass whopped. Disrespectful shit.
Not always. Some white dudes scrapped with the cops at a Wal Mart recently in AZ, and it didn't go very well for them. The whole thing was on video. That was a hard watch.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I mean.....no one is denying that police takedowns happen. But the point is that it's rare for violence committed by police to escalate to a certain point when those who aren't poc are involved. On the other hand........................I mean, who knows, maybe their guns simply just jammed? They wanted to use violent force and couldn't for reasons that had nothing to do with race, clearly.

Its honestly not that rare, in fact its more common for a white person to be shot and killed by the police than a black person. Black people are disproportionately shot and killed though, twice as likely as a white person.


Do people in this thread not realize that these types of take downs happen daily, on people of all races?
Ah so there is no systemic issue with brown people being executed by police? Because youve got google?

Ah. Hear that, people, nothing to see here. You're all worse than the systemic problems in the justice system. This happens all the time to people of color. What's the big problem. Sigh.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Why do I always look at the comments?

"mrr__@gbssss_ My "race" is the HUMAN race you uneducated pos. And let's see if you have the same mentality if you ever have a daughter and she brings home some spic thug sagging his pants with a tattoo of praying hands holding a rosary. And don't come to me bitching about the use of the n word when it's on nearly every fucking hip hop/ rap song nowadays."

Fuuuuuuuck. My brain is bleeding.


Maybe, just maybe, these were good cops who were able to take control of the situation without resorting to the extremes. Don't hurt me guys.

All the snarky replies also ignore more white people get killed by the police every year. If the issue was only racism I'm not sure why all those other people are getting killed too. Sadly police brutality has basically been turned into an issue only one side of the political spectrum is interested in addressing despite the obvious issues compared to other first world countries.

Honestly seem like they should have gone in harder on the guy. Had he grabbed a gun things could have gotten much worse very fast.


All the snarky replies also ignore more white people get killed by the police every year. If the issue was only racism I'm not sure why all those other people are getting killed too. Sadly police brutality has basically been turned into an issue only one side of the political spectrum is interested in addressing despite the obvious issues compared to other first world countries.

Honestly seem like they should have gone in harder on the guy. Had he grabbed a gun things could have gotten much worse very fast.

There are more white people than there are black people. We have data illustrating the bias against brown people. Do you need me to link you?

No right? As youve done your research.

It's turned into political spectrums by ignorant people that aren't bothered listening to groups against police violence for anyone, but with a specific focus on brown people who are proven to find themselves making up a larger number of prison population, than others.

I'll ignore your passive aggressive snarky comment. I'd like to see what data you're basing your argument on. Because it surely isn't current.
I think it's nuts when people use "more white people are killed by police" as defense of cops or the status quo

Cause, in general, white people don't treat police brutality as a big deal. Like, they assume that someone killed or beat by police have it coming

those whites killed by cops are like sacrifices, as long as the cops keep up the good work of jailing, ticketing & killing minorities. Because the only time you hear about these white victims is when a cop kills a non-white person or in this case, somehow manage to not kill this white guy even though he gave them all their normal excuses for why they killed all those black people

It's unfortunate that when cops kill people, the white community in general don't care


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I think it's nuts when people use "more white people are killed by police" as defense of cops or the status quo

Cause, in general, white people don't treat police brutality as a big deal. Like, they assume that someone killed or beat by police have it coming

those whites killed by cops are like sacrifices, as long as the cops keep up the good work of jailing, ticketing & killing minorities. Because the only time you hear about these white victims is when a cop kills a non-white person or in this case, somehow manage to not kill this white guy even though he gave them all their normal excuses for why they killed all those black people

It's unfortunate that when cops kill people, the white community in general don't care
No-one (I hope) is using it as a a defense. Its just in threads like these, the view people often put across seems to be one where people getting shot and killed is a likely outcome. For some it is likely hyperbole, but some people I am pretty sure base their views on how often they see something in the news. If every time they see a video of a black person being arrested, they get shot and killed it appears to them as though this is the normal outcome. Something like 0.01% of arrests result in someone getting shot and killed. For black people then that figure is roughly something like 0.02%.
I don't think having a statistically sound view of the situation diminishes the injustices that are readily apparent in the justice system, but I do think it is essential if you want to have any chance of tackling the problem. That is why one of the most important things is a push for accurate statistics.


At one point he even reaches for the gun of one of the officers lol

This just proves that american cops like all the the other cops in the world are actually trained to restrain people without having to shoot them. They just choose not to.

They're white supremacists.
Ah so there is no systemic issue with brown people being executed by police? Because youve got google?

Ah. Hear that, people, nothing to see here. You're all worse than the systemic problems in the justice system. This happens all the time to people of color. What's the big problem. Sigh.

I don't think that was the implication.



Though I always hate these kinds of posts (no offense Kree :p) this is the word people should be looking at. Instead of saying white people get special treatment, people should focus on the disproportionate targeting of POC by law enforcement. Police doing their best isn't special treatment, it's when police are shitbags that we need to call them out. When the unions protect law enforcement members from being held accountable. When prosecutors refuse to indict or play at wanting an indictment only to spoon feed a grand jury to believing there's no need to indict. The system is set up to protect police over the citizens they're sworn to protect. But the system is also set up to put the screws to minorities the most and anyone that says otherwise has to be willfully ignorant.


I'll throw this out there, whether it's like or not, whatever...

I was sued once because an African-American was upset that I'm "white" (even though I'm not) and I give black people tickets more than white people.

So, all my encounters were brought into court, statistics, etc. When this was happening I was policing in a place where it was 88% African-American. Crimes reported were committed by 90% African-American, 8% White, 2% Other (asian/hispanic). I wrote tickets to 67% African-American, 24% white, 9% Other. 72% of police action where use of force was reported was with African-American. All that info, and I shot ZERO people.

Furthermore, I reduced traffic violations to lesser violations more for African-American violators than all other races combined. Proportionately of course.

While that's anecdotal, not all cops want to hurt anyone based on race. Making these absurd comments about these cops not killing, destroying, whatever, this guy because he is white really starts getting old.
I'll throw this out there, whether it's like or not, whatever...

I was sued once because an African-American was upset that I'm "white" (even though I'm not) and I give black people tickets more than white people.

So, all my encounters were brought into court, statistics, etc. When this was happening I was policing in a place where it was 88% African-American. Crimes reported were committed by 90% African-American, 8% White, 2% Other (asian/hispanic). I wrote tickets to 67% African-American, 24% white, 9% Other. 72% of police action where use of force was reported was with African-American. All that info, and I shot ZERO people.

Furthermore, I reduced traffic violations to lesser violations more for African-American violators than all other races combined. Proportionately of course.

While that's anecdotal, not all cops want to hurt anyone based on race. Making these absurd comments about these cops not killing, destroying, whatever, this guy because he is white really starts getting old.

Sorry but I refuse to believe that this would of ended the same way had he been black. Would he of been shot? Who's the say? Would the cops of handled it differently? Hell yes.


I'll throw this out there, whether it's like or not, whatever...

I was sued once because an African-American was upset that I'm "white" (even though I'm not) and I give black people tickets more than white people.

So, all my encounters were brought into court, statistics, etc. When this was happening I was policing in a place where it was 88% African-American. Crimes reported were committed by 90% African-American, 8% White, 2% Other (asian/hispanic). I wrote tickets to 67% African-American, 24% white, 9% Other. 72% of police action where use of force was reported was with African-American. All that info, and I shot ZERO people.

Furthermore, I reduced traffic violations to lesser violations more for African-American violators than all other races combined. Proportionately of course.

While that's anecdotal, not all cops want to hurt anyone based on race. Making these absurd comments about these cops not killing, destroying, whatever, this guy because he is white really starts getting old.

While I completely understand your frustration, the few bad apples narrative doesn't hold a lot of water for many people when the "good ones" look the other way for the bad ones or when unions use their positions to protect police from being held responsible for their actions. You very very rarely hear of any officers speaking out against even the most cut and dry cases of brutality and murder. Knowing all of this, it's hard to fault people when they see someone doing the things that the guy in this story does and be treated so carefully when even the slightest perception of a provocation is enough for people to be killed in other cases and one of the differences being in the color of the citizen.



I'm sorry...I don't understand why what I said is incorrect. A bit of hyperbole of course, since we don't actually hang people anymore...but you get the idea. I am acutely aware of the difference in treatment that I as a white person would get, compared to a person not of my skin tone.

Hell...MANY years back, I got arrested, for reasons. When they took me to the station, they VERY LOOSELY cuffed me with my hands in the front (I could have slipped those things, frankly), and even let me go outside to have a couple of smokes while I was being processed. There was a black kid there who was arrested for the same damn thing (I know because I asked him). The officers weren't taking any chances with that guy though...he was cuffed with his hands behind his back, and they cuffed his legs, too. You know...just in case.

I know it's anecdotal, but that experience kinda helped me understand what's going on here.


Sorry but I refuse to believe that this would of ended the same way had he been black. Would he of been shot? Who's the say? Would the cops of handled it differently? Hell yes.

Why do you refuse to believe it? Because you see the bad things, you ignore the numbers that overwhelmingly are against the bad things you see, and try to maintain a narrative that isn't factually supported in the real world?

While I completely understand your frustration, the few bad apples narrative doesn't hold a lot of water for many people when the "good ones" look the other way for the bad ones or when unions use their positions to protect police from being held responsible for their actions. You very very rarely hear of any officers speaking out against even the most cut and dry cases of brutality and murder. Knowing all of this, it's hard to fault people when they see someone doing the things that the guy in this story does and be treated so carefully when even the slightest perception of a provocation is enough for people to be killed in other cases and one of the differences being in the color of the citizen.
You rarely see it because it rarely happens. I see the " disproportionate" descriptor used most of the time. Well, let's use it for the entire scope. Disroportionately, more good things are done by police, regardless of race, compared to the bad things we see. Good decisions, safest way possible are carried out more than not.

2016, 17 killings by police in SC. Four African-American, Thirteen White.
2017, 5 in SC. Two Hispanic, three white.

I wish it were all perfect. I really do. I hope you understand where I'm coming from. I know there are the bad ones, and people that support the bad ones. I simply don't see that there are more bad than good.


I'll throw this out there, whether it's like or not, whatever...

I was sued once because an African-American was upset that I'm "white" (even though I'm not) and I give black people tickets more than white people.

So, all my encounters were brought into court, statistics, etc. When this was happening I was policing in a place where it was 88% African-American. Crimes reported were committed by 90% African-American, 8% White, 2% Other (asian/hispanic). I wrote tickets to 67% African-American, 24% white, 9% Other. 72% of police action where use of force was reported was with African-American. All that info, and I shot ZERO people.

Furthermore, I reduced traffic violations to lesser violations more for African-American violators than all other races combined. Proportionately of course.

While that's anecdotal, not all cops want to hurt anyone based on race. Making these absurd comments about these cops not killing, destroying, whatever, this guy because he is white really starts getting old.
That's cool but the public and the justice system are supposed to police the police. Your culture sets your mind to protect your own, so it is necessary to have an external entity auditing your practices especially when this deals with life-or-death consequences. But what we have in this country isn't even close to that. The police system, the public, the justicial process are all stacked to have police win or have much more favorable outcomes than the ordinary citizens who get beat, shot, and tortured by police. Old racists see that easy loophole to get their kick out of committing what would normally be considered hate crimes, and that's entirely the fault of the aura of protection that exists. Hem and haw if you want, but don't blame us for wanting this to end.


That's cool but the public and the justice system are supposed to police the police. Your culture sets your mind to protect your own, so it is necessary to have an external entity auditing your practices especially when this deals with life-or-death consequences. But what we have in this country isn't even close to that. The police system, the public, the justicial process are all stacked to have police win or have much more favorable outcomes than the ordinary citizens who get beat, shot, and tortured by police. Old racists see that easy loophole to get their kick out of committing what would normally be considered hate crimes, and that's entirely the fault of the aura of protection that exists. Hem and haw if you want, but don't blame us for wanting this to end.

I wouldn't ever hem and haw about anyone wanting it to end. I am 100% pro what you're saying. What I'm talking about is whenever you see something like the case in this thread, it's automatically thrown in that "if he was black..."

Just for the sake of addressing the initial statement you "my" culture. I don't belong to any police culture, never was. I was there to enforce the laws and protect the people that needed protecting. When someone wasn't doing right, it wasn't swept under the rug. That might be different in those large cities, but I don't know a single place in SC that supports that type of culture in our profession.
I'll throw this out there, whether it's like or not, whatever...

I was sued once because an African-American was upset that I'm "white" (even though I'm not) and I give black people tickets more than white people.

So, all my encounters were brought into court, statistics, etc. When this was happening I was policing in a place where it was 88% African-American. Crimes reported were committed by 90% African-American, 8% White, 2% Other (asian/hispanic). I wrote tickets to 67% African-American, 24% white, 9% Other. 72% of police action where use of force was reported was with African-American. All that info, and I shot ZERO people.

Furthermore, I reduced traffic violations to lesser violations more for African-American violators than all other races combined. Proportionately of course.

While that's anecdotal, not all cops want to hurt anyone based on race. Making these absurd comments about these cops not killing, destroying, whatever, this guy because he is white really starts getting old.

You're part of the problem.
I'll throw this out there, whether it's like or not, whatever...

I was sued once because an African-American was upset that I'm "white" (even though I'm not) and I give black people tickets more than white people.

So, all my encounters were brought into court, statistics, etc. When this was happening I was policing in a place where it was 88% African-American. Crimes reported were committed by 90% African-American, 8% White, 2% Other (asian/hispanic). I wrote tickets to 67% African-American, 24% white, 9% Other. 72% of police action where use of force was reported was with African-American. All that info, and I shot ZERO people.

Furthermore, I reduced traffic violations to lesser violations more for African-American violators than all other races combined. Proportionately of course.

While that's anecdotal, not all cops want to hurt anyone based on race. Making these absurd comments about these cops not killing, destroying, whatever, this guy because he is white really starts getting old.

so you're racist against white people?
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