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"Marvel Money" about to actually mean something: Feige restructures Marvel Studios

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Ike's assistants' job on Free Slurpee Day is to drive around town, stocking up on Slurpee's for the Permutter chest freezer. That way every day is free slurpee day for Ike.


When these are used as the barometer against which to judge 'great' action movies, I can now understand why people call The Winter Soldier awesome.

I actually enjoyed The Winter Soldier. It's easily the best Marvel film. But for it to be one of the best action movies one has ever seen is kind of depressing.
Sorry guys, didn't mean to rain on the love parade for Winter Soldier. Like I said in my last post, I actually think the Russos did a great job. I just don't think the film ought to be held up on a mantle as being one of the best of all time in its genre (which we've been highlighting in terms of 'action'). Of course that's my own opinion. If you need somebody to say 'this is my opinion' after every post then I can't help you.


When these are used as the barometer against which to judge 'great' action movies, I can now understand why people call The Winter Soldier awesome.

I actually enjoyed The Winter Soldier. It's easily the best Marvel film. But for it to be one of the best action movies one has ever seen is kind of depressing.

What action movies have you seen that makes you say that? If there are any scenes in particular that I could watch on YouTube, I am interested.


We don't need more movies per year, come on now.

I would love more than 2 marvel movies a year. The problem so far has been that 90% of their movies are Iron Man, Thor and Captain America.

There's SO many marvel heroes, and only being able to see 2 of them per year is just painful. I think one movie per quarter would be perfect.

Lord Fagan

Junior Member
I'm happy about this, not just because Perlmutter is a well documented penny pincher and meddler to a fault, but because this is just the kind of move to make someone like Feige re-up on a future contract, and have enough financial leverage to entice the talent attached to the characters to do the same. Always been a bit worried that if he and the bulk of the mainstay casts jump ship after Infinity War when a lot of those contracts expire, there will be a marked drop in quality. Sure, not everybody is gonna stick around forever, especially Hemsworth, Evans, and Johannson, but even if they could be tempted to pop back in here and there, it'll give the overarching MCU franchise more staying power, like combining the longevity of Bond films with the cohesion of Star Trek films.
What action movies have you seen that makes you say that? If there are any scenes in particular that I could watch on YouTube, I am interested.
Any non Hollywood Jackie Chan movie will have batter action that Cap 2. Cap 2 is the best superhero action movie so far however, Imo.


Story about how cheap he is.

He relishes his reputation as secretive and frugal, according to a top executive who has dealt with him: "It's things like, 'Why do you need a new pencil? There's 2 inches left on that one!' "

Perlmutter once complained that journalists at a junket were allowed two sodas each instead of one, and Disney ran out of food at an Avengers media event because of Perlmutter's constraints, causing reporters to pilfer from Universal's nearby suite for The Five-Year Engagement.
The Winter Soldier made me realise what was missing. I've gone on to see great action movies like The Raid, Kingsman: The Secret Service, John Wick and Daredevil. The Winter Soldier is not just an awesome Marvel action movie, it is an awesome action movie as well.

Any chance it had at being an awesome action movie are ruined by the excessive shaky cam.


So it's obviously on the same level as other awesome action movies like Terminator 2, Fury Road or The Matrix?

Sorry bro, can't abide that. It's great for a Marvel movie. But it's not a genuine 'great'.

You need to readjust your tiers.

Great is a notch below classic, which is what Terminator 2/Fury Road/Matrix are. But by any quantifiable logic, Cap: TWS is a great action film. And I say this is as someone who thinks The Avengers - Thor 2 was a horrifyingly MEDIOCRE run of films.

winter soldier wasn't even the best action movie of it's year. smh. yeah it had the best action choreography marvel has done so far (and among the best in comic book action overall) but that still manages to fall short of what the overall genre has to offer.

edge of tomorrow and raid 2 were >>>>>>. also i don't really like TWS that much after they meet that robot. the film kind of lost it's intrigue and became another marvel movie to me towards the end. first half was dope tho.

anyways good for them that they're finally bypassing ike. dude comes across as a fascist. feige though, not a fan of that guy either. But at least he's not cheap (and racist) so he'll be able to continue as planned without any hindrance.


Ultimately this means nothing to Marvel's output going forward. In fact the differences that this will make will be on a smaller day to day level that we won't notice in their output.

Fiege and Perlmutter were the different sides of the same coin and while ol' Ike was a nutter I don't think Marvel's notoriously cheap ways are going to change meaning that they will still short change actors and try to sign them to almost insultingly low paid multi film contracts.

The Marvel formula works and they are not going to rock the boat any now that Fiege won't have to run everything past Monty Burns.

Marvel TV will still be fucked however.

But it likely means that budgets can go higher on Marvel films now, and that means they can probably start throwing dollars at talent they'd otherwise be unable to afford.

Why would they increase the budget when things are working so well for them at the moment? And while they do short change the talent they try and attract that's only one small part of working within the 'Marvel machine'.

What director worth their salt would work with a unit that sees the producers and writers calling the shots and carrying more creative weight than the directors themselves.

That's Fiege's doing just as much as Ike's.


Great news! hopefully this allows him to do great films, not toy commercials. Seriously, I just got excited.

Man I'd love to see a recent picture from Ike.
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