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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I believe one of the main factors when it comes to the spread of Corona is that alot of people walk around with it but without symptoms of it. That is one of the reasons a total lockdown will be successful in halting the speed of spread of the virus.

And if 99% of tests come back negative, it hasn't spread yet in any huge numbers. And that is great news.

Then the question just becomes, "for how long?" Two weeks? A month? There's always going to be some people who still have it however long you keep people under quarantine and it will spread again once you lift it. We can flatten the curve somewhat, but we can't eliminate it. At some point we're going to have to come to accept Coronavirus as part of the new normal.


What the actual fuck

Yup its very sad, if you look at the Spanish flu numbers this could become even worse . The Dutch had 40k confirmed from that one , but it looks like this will be between , 60k and 100k if we are lucky with all the restrictions, I fear for my family and 3 year old.

I have started ordering groceries online , just to not go to supermarkets, it’s about 20 euro’s more expensive but I’ll take that over infection.
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Japan's officials recommend that people go to parks and play. Are they retarded with their sub-50 death rate?
You're right, we can beat this by sharing our germs as much as possible lmao. Who in their right mind would recommend playing on crowded playground equipment in the middle of a pandemic? you can't be for real.


Because from my point of view as an European who are ahead of you in the crisis (and obviously, I don't like Trump and I'm probably more "left" than most here, doesn't matter) I lurked in this thread and saw how some people applauded Trump for owning the reporter and saw other posts along the line "look at the panic that the media is spreading", which got me irritated. Like, who cares about this, Trumps job is not to make cool one-liners to own some reporter, his job is to run this country. If the USA fucks up and ends up in another financial crisis you're going to drag down the whole world with you economically, besides having massive healthcare problems inside the country. And remember that China has a head start to recover from this and they can extend their power (which is probably something that noone in the West wants).

To conclude, as I see it, America is going to have a massive problem because years of "don't trust the fake media" by Trump created hundreds of thousands of people who think "it's blown out of proportion" (at best) to "this is a hoax" (at worst), who are going to spread the virus to uncontainable numbers.

And furthermore (but that's something you have to tell me), American attitude to me seems like that "the government should stay the fuck out of my private life", which is going to be a problem when they need to impose bans like "stay at home" or "close your business", but that's a guess.

No, your point of view gets America backwards. Conservative and independent media have been warning about this for months. It was the mainstream and leftist media that went from 0 to 60 - first mocking anyone preparing straight to chickens with their heads cut off. Conservatives have generally had their eye on this for far longer than the general public.

For example, i think the media is absolutely responsible for driving people into panic mode right now. But i also have been watch independent media like Tim Pool and Styx who have been warning and updating on this situation for months [just naming 2 that are not particularly partisan... there are tons of others].

We are cheering on Trump 'owning the media' because the media absolutely deserves it. They have handled this horribly. They claimed racism when Trump first started doing travel bans, and now when anyone says Chinese Virus. They mocked those fearing it, then freaked out and caused a rush they could have prevented.

Trump wasn't perfect either, but it was clear he was attempting to manage panic while doing things behind the scenes [like travel bans] that meant it was likely serious if you were paying attention. He's been 1000x better than the media.

As for America, yes, we don't look to government as the end all be all savior. Yes, that has benefits and drawbacks. On the plus side, we are steadfast in our resolve to deal with this on a community basis. But we also understand this is a once in a lifetime crisis, so special consideration will be given as long as the govt doesn't try to overstep permanently.
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Neo Member
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Because some old boomers are in danger? Jesus you are just without a cue aren't you?
The stats say it all. Anyone younger then 45 -50 shouldn't really worry.
All this fear mongering is doing absolutely nothing and is murdering the economy.
But I don't even know why I'm explaining this to you, if one thing American media is good at, is brainwashing people.
No, your point of view gets America backwards. Conservative and independent media have been warning about this for months. It was the mainstream and leftist media that went from 0 to 60 - first mocking anyone preparing straight to chickens with their heads cut off. Conservatives have generally had their eye on this for far longer than the general public.

For example, i think the media is absolutely responsible for driving people into panic mode right now. But i also have been watch independent media like Tim Pool and Styx who have been warning and updating on this situation for months [just naming 2 that are more centrist... there are tons of others].

We are cheering on Trump 'owning the media' because the media absolutely deserves it. They have handled this horribly. They claimed racism when Trump first started doing travel bans, and now when anyone says Chinese Virus. They mocked those fearing it, then freaked out and caused a rush they could have prevented.

Trump wasn't perfect either, but it was clear he was attempting to manage panic while doing things behind the scenes [like travel bans] that meant it was likely serious if you were paying attention. He's been 1000x better than the media.

As for America, yes, we don't look to government as the end all be all savior. Yes, that has benefits and drawbacks. On the plus side, we are steadfast in our resolve to deal with this on a community basis. But we also understand this is a once in a lifetime crisis, so special consideration will be given as long as the govt doesn't try to overstep permanently.

Revisionist history at its finest here. There is a reason republicans still think this is "just the flu" fox News and trump downplayed this right up till a couple weeks ago. Thank God they came around otherwise even more un needed deaths would be happening. All I can say as an American is I wish we had a president that didn't use everything as a weapon to his political enemies, I expect that from media but he is a terrible and honestly pathetic leader in best of times...And in the worse he was more worried about pushing blame and absolving himself of any responsibility, truly pathetic leader.
The stats say it all. Anyone younger then 45 -50 shouldn't really worry.
All this fear mongering is doing absolutely nothing and is murdering the economy.
But I don't even know why I'm explaining this to you, if one thing American media is good at, is brainwashing people.
Then, talk to me, smart pants. I'm Italian. You understood NOTHING of what's going on and why the situation is serious for everyone. You're so edgy, so cool.


Neo Member
The stats say it all. Anyone younger then 45 -50 shouldn't really worry.
All this fear mongering is doing absolutely nothing and is murdering the economy.
But I don't even know why I'm explaining this to you, if one thing American media is good at, is brainwashing people.

I'm not american.

Look at the numbers. Just today, in Italy, 793 people died. And it keeps going up from day to day. You think the US will handle this better than Italy?


Numbers for Italy are as expected. Only 500 more new cases compared to yesterday. Give them a few days.

Here are some newer numbers.

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Then, talk to me, smart pants. I'm Italian. You understood NOTHING of what's going on and why the situation is serious for everyone. You're so edgy, so cool.
Well, I'm close to you. I'm from Croatia. We had numbers booming today. Is the virus that if unleashed to it's full potential would probably wipe 10 percent of Italy's population, and most of them would be old boomers, so I'm asking you. Is it better to ruin the whole economy then let the virus take 10% of the population?

I'm not american.

Look at the numbers. Just today, in Italy, 793 people died. And it keeps going up from day to day. You think the US will handle this better than Italy?
I think the US will handle this much better even though I'm not from the USA. Not a single Euro country is really prepared for this, they're just copying from each other.
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Numbers for Italy are as expected. Only 500 more new cases compared to yesterday. Give them a few days.

Here are some newer numbers.


As expected? Do please share your expected estimates for the next couple days so we can compare and see if you're right about it getting better.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You're right, we can beat this by sharing our germs as much as possible lmao. Who in their right mind would recommend playing on crowded playground equipment in the middle of a pandemic? you can't be for real.

Seems to be working out pretty well for them. They just recommend that people avoid densely populated and poorly ventilated areas in which airborne droplets from speaking/shouting easily fly. So, basically, don't go drinking with friends in a small basement restaurant, etc. Don't go to concerts, etc.

Honestly - how the fuck did 12K die to H1N1 in the USA? I don’t remember any news during that, but it killed 12K? 3x the current devastation in Italy?

Social media and smartphone ownership wasn't quite the same back in 2009.

I'm not american.

Look at the numbers. Just today, in Italy, 793 people died. And it keeps going up from day to day. You think the US will handle this better than Italy?

Wait, why wouldn't the US handle it better than Italy, who has the worst official results of any country on the planet thus far?
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Unpopular opinion of the day:

Testing shouldn't be administered to everyone.
  1. Most cases self resolve
  2. No treatment is possible until later stages (for now, though some therapies are showing promise)
  3. Assuming a 95% negative rate, 10k tests per day, and 10min of healthcare worker time per test, that's about 1600hrs of healthcare provider time wasted per day. This will increase as testing capacity goes up
  4. If you start to get symptoms, self-isolate, let others know, grab some Tylenol and chicken soup for a few days - if it doesn't self resolve, then get tested.
That Japan's death rate hasn't spiked even though transmissibility is high in their metropolitan centers (which see explosive population density during commute hours), I suspect is because the healthcare system is not being flooded at all, as far as I can tell.


Neo Member
Well, I'm close to you. I'm from Croatia. We had numbers booming today. Is the virus that if unleashed to it's full potential would probably wipe 10 percent of Italy's population, and most of them would be old boomers, so I'm asking you. Is it better to ruin the whole economy then let the virus take 10% of the population?

I think the US will handle this much better even though I'm not from the USA. Not a single Euro country is really prepared for this, they're just copying from each other.

And what makes you think that the US is better prepared?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
True. But still - the internet was very much established, forums were active.

The capacity for information to spread quickly to "normal people" is not even comparable, I would say.
Well, I'm close to you. I'm from Croatia. We had numbers booming today. Is the virus that if unleashed to it's full potential would probably wipe 10 percent of Italy's population, and most of them would be old boomers, so I'm asking you. Is it better to ruin the whole economy then let the virus take 10% of the population?

I think the US will handle this much better even though I'm not from the USA. Not a single Euro country is really prepared for this, they're just copying from each other.
"Old boomers" are our fathers, mothers and grandparents...

You are not safe, btw. Even if you're not that old you still might need to stay in intensive care. What does that mean? That this virus fucks the health systems which could easily become overwhelmed by the number of cases requiring hospitalisation and ventilation to support breathing. And is ther's not a place for you, that's when young people also die.


Update on my work:
I was freaking out last week but things might be okay. Apparently Verizon is considered “essential” retail so we get to stay open for now.
Traffic is still good, our pay has been increased, quotas lowered and our franchise has committed to still keeping bonuses.

So I’m better off than most at the moment.
"Old boomers" are our fathers, mothers and grandparents...

You are not safe, btw. Even if you're not that old you still might need to stay in intensive care. What does that mean? That this virus fucks the health systems which could easily become overwhelmed by the number of cases requiring hospitalisation and ventilation to support breathing. And is ther's not a place for you, that's when young people also die.
I get what you're saying and you're very emotional. I would be too if the death toll is that high in my country. So I sympatize. I'm sorry if you lost anyone.
But those old boomers, our fathers and mothers, grandmothers etc, I want them to live too. I'm not a heartless prick.
I just think the far better solution would be to isolate them from danger and let us young ones duke it out with the virus. But sadly, it's too late for that. If both of our countries have done that at the start of this Corona shit, we wouldn't be having this converstation.

Per BNO we've hit 300,000 cases

Worldometer is still a little behind, but we should be there soon either way.

When did we hit 100,000? When did we hit 200,000?
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Revisionist history at its finest here. There is a reason republicans still think this is "just the flu" fox News and trump downplayed this right up till a couple weeks ago. Thank God they came around otherwise even more un needed deaths would be happening. All I can say as an American is I wish we had a president that didn't use everything as a weapon to his political enemies, I expect that from media but he is a terrible and honestly pathetic leader in best of times...And in the worse he was more worried about pushing blame and absolving himself of any responsibility, truly pathetic leader.

Look at media surrounding travel bans.
You think CNN, NBC, weren't downplaying this?

Sure, plenty of people along all poltical spectrums think the media is currently overreacting, but the people who were on this from the start were mainly conservative and independent media.


Update on my work:
I was freaking out last week but things might be okay. Apparently Verizon is considered “essential” retail so we get to stay open for now.
Traffic is still good, our pay has been increased, quotas lowered and our franchise has committed to still keeping bonuses.

So I’m better off than most at the moment.

I'm not a Verizon subscriber, but if I were and my phone broke / died and I need a replacement for communications, I'd probably walk into a Verizon store. And, communications is critical infrastructure, so makes sense.

It'd be nice if corporate provided some PPE (maybe they did?) rather than just sanitary wipes and gel.


Neo Member
Well, I'm close to you. I'm from Croatia. We had numbers booming today. Is the virus that if unleashed to it's full potential would probably wipe 10 percent of Italy's population, and most of them would be old boomers, so I'm asking you. Is it better to ruin the whole economy then let the virus take 10% of the population?

I am not doctor but i assume reason why virus attack "older people" in bigger percent then younger is fact they are most vulnerable.
Unfortunately lot of people who died from this was not only "older" but with big health problems.You can also hear lot of reports of younger people getting in hospitals because of Corona who also had previous health issues.

Again i am saying i aint no doctor or i have any clue about it but what if virus is attacking them in order to become stronger and stronger until one day its able to hit and murder just about anyone?
Think about it.
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I get what you're saying and you're very emotional. I would be too if the death toll is that high in my country. So I sympatize. I'm sorry if you lost anyone.
But those old boomers, our fathers and mothers, grandmothers etc, I want them to live too. I'm not a heartless prick.
I just think the far better solution would be to isolate them from danger and let us young ones duke it out with the virus. But sadly, it's too late for that. If both of our countries have done that at the start of this Corona shit, we wouldn't be having this converstation.
I get what you are saying and maybe you expressed yourself in a more asshole way that you wanted to. But you can't fight it like this, because it would still damage the economy in almost the same way and you can't effectively quarantine just old people. Even if China had warned us in time, we couldn't have had a system in place to 100% save the economy. Only if the Virus had sent a memo with "yo what's up guys, imma knock on your door in a couple of months and fuck your old people up", we would have been able to save this.


BTW does anyone know the US testing capacity? Last number I saw was around 30K per day now.
We're getting like 6K infected per day, so 20% hit rate, and they are likely only testing those with substantial symptoms?
Italy will overtake China by the middle of next week, almost 1K infected per million, that's pretty intense (some other smaller countries are there already).
I don't think anyone is downplaying this now. BTW it's sometimes more informative to sort worldometer by total cases/1 million population in terms of how it's affecting any given country.
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