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Mass Effect: Andromeda announced (Holiday 2016)


"We're a company that just likes to push forward," he boasted. "For a lot of companies, remakes are a way to drive revenue. It's sub-cost, it's an IP that's there, you can remaster, and that's great. We don't do that here. I don't think that that's ever been in our culture."

but having said that, companies say one thing and do another thing all the time. im still holding out hope for one on pc with all the dlc and native controller support, at least until e3 EA PLAY anyway.

if its a no show there then gonna have to start that replay before andromeda

Native controller support on PC was already implemented not too long ago, thanks to a few dedicated modders.


There was no exploration in ME1 to begin with. Just empty boxes.
I don't think they want it back like it was from ME1. Even back when I played it I thought there was a lot of empty space. I was still disappointed when they decided not to develop it further in the sequels.

Mar Nosso

I think it's partially an unfair comparison to begin with, because space exploration and high fantasy exploration should feel a lot different. You can't litter space exploration with a bunch of NPCs and cute little quests about frying pans and still have it feel true to what makes the idea of uncolonized planetary exploration so interesting. At the same time, you can't just have Mass Effect 1's barren rock planets recycled over and over. I think and hope that MEA is going to have a bit of everything, sort of similar to how Interstellar has planets where sometimes the environment is the story, and some where you have drama through characters.

Please apply for a job at BioWare. Specifically in the Dragon Age team as they've been fucking up the IP since after Origins release.

These days I get more fun, excitement and lore/story development from the novels than I do from the games. It' sad, disappointing and also laughable.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I know it's not universally agreed on, but that empty space was something I loved, for how it broke the pacing and the atmosphere it created. The notion of Andromeda having over 100 planets and, I assume, many of them fairly barren biomes actually excites me quite a bit.


I know it's not universally agreed on, but that empty space was something I loved, for how it broke the pacing and the atmosphere it created. The notion of Andromeda having over 100 planets and, I assume, many of them fairly barren biomes actually excites me quite a bit.

Wait, wait, wait, what? Color me interested.


I know it's not universally agreed on, but that empty space was something I loved, for how it broke the pacing and the atmosphere it created. The notion of Andromeda having over 100 planets and, I assume, many of them fairly barren biomes actually excites me quite a bit.

I remember just spending hours driving around those empty spaces in the Mako, just looking for minerals and whatever else there was. It was really fun at the time, but then again that was when I had a lot of time on my hands. I'm sure they'll add more things in those empty worlds to make it a lot more interesting. Maybe add some enemy bases on the planets and more rewards for exploring. It was an awesome feeling driving around those empty planets in the first game and finding an enemy base.


Native controller support on PC was already implemented not too long ago, thanks to a few dedicated modders.
yeah I've kept an eye on that, if nothing official comes through then that and some texture mods will have to suffice for a replay

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Andromeda is just some kind of indoctrination fever dream. Believe.


I'm with you brother, I'm on the indoc train for life also (it's a fun ride).

Liking the sound of this 100 or so planets to explore, sounds like a couple 100 hours enveloped in another Mass Effect odyssey... can't wait!


I don't think they want it back like it was from ME1. Even back when I played it I thought there was a lot of empty space. I was still disappointed when they decided not to develop it further in the sequels.
How would they have realistically developed it further in UE3 though? It's not like the engine was designed for it.

I'm with you brother, I'm on the indoc train for life also (it's a fun ride).

Liking the sound of this 100 or so planets to explore, sounds like a couple 100 hours enveloped in another Mass Effect odyssey... can't wait!
See you, space cowboy.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
For a western RPG Mass Effect had pretty good combat, far better than the likes of The Witcher, Elder Scrolls or Fallout series.

Disagree. Found it to be very boring and repetitive. That and the loot, if you can call it that, was a joke. This has been a series that I always attempt to play and love, but always find myself wondering how they end up turning a great space opera premise into such a snooze-fest.


I know it's not universally agreed on, but that empty space was something I loved, for how it broke the pacing and the atmosphere it created. The notion of Andromeda having over 100 planets and, I assume, many of them fairly barren biomes actually excites me quite a bit.
I know. The barren landscapes, navigating with the mako, the soft soundtrack in the background. Gets me horny.


Disagree. Found it to be very boring and repetitive. That and the loot, if you can call it that, was a joke. This has been a series that I always attempt to play and love, but always find myself wondering how they end up turning a great space opera premise into such a snooze-fest.

Mass Effect was never really about the loot. Only ME1 ever had anything you could call loot, and it was never a major focus.
I'm a bit worried about this game. Dragon Age Inquisition was a lot of quantity over quality, and it seems Andromeda is going through a few development issues on the creative side. I don't want another 100+ hour game where only a quarter is really worth it. I also don't like how it's tied to the original trilogy, kind of undermines this game's importance in the large scheme of things. I still hold out hope for a great game though.


EA Marketing. I know you read this. Let me in on the private alpha and I'll post only tasteful fanart.

Seriously, I want to play this game. I played... a lot of ME3 MP so I can vouch for myself.
Goddamn it the thought of a new Mass Effect is making me want to replay Mass Effect 1 again - which would be something like the 5th or 6th time I think? Unpopular opinion I know but that is my favourite of the 3 and at the back of my mind is always 'hey why not play ME again, screw XCOM 2 you just bought or that other 3 games from your Wishlist you just bought, why not just you know play ME again....' curse you brain.


A mod, by definition, cannot be native support.

Native support means it's there out of the box.
He means that it supports the input of the controller to simulate the experience as you would have it on the console. One thing for example is having actual analog control of the character, something you could not have with, say, Xpadder.
I never liked the Mako in Mass Effect 1 and I thought the side missions were boring. Thats why I'm a little worried about the exploration features in ME Andromeda. If they get it right, then great I think Id love it, but Im worried about them getting it right.

While Im on the subject of ME1 a lot of people say ME 3 or ME 2 has the best combat but theres something I loved about the first game's combat system. The later games' combat became closer to typical cover shooters but the first one had a terrible cover system and was unpolished in a way which forced me to play it by moving around the environment more and using cover without use the cover system. I loved the combat in the later two, especially ME 3, but replaying the series twice the last two years made it feel refreshing in a way to play the first.

I hope for the new game they take everything they learned from the trilogy to and make something great. Andromeda is my most anticipated game for 2016(2017?).


Disagree. Found it to be very boring and repetitive. That and the loot, if you can call it that, was a joke. This has been a series that I always attempt to play and love, but always find myself wondering how they end up turning a great space opera premise into such a snooze-fest.
Absurd. Did you ever try a class other than Soldier? If not, try vanguard or infiltrator at least. If so, agree to disagree I guess.


He means that it supports the input of the controller to simulate the experience as you would have it on the console. One thing for example is having actual analog control of the character, something you could not have with, say, Xpadder.

I realize that. I was just being a bit pedantic.
Goddamn it the thought of a new Mass Effect is making me want to replay Mass Effect 1 again - which would be something like the 5th or 6th time I think? Unpopular opinion I know but that is my favourite of the 3 and at the back of my mind is always 'hey why not play ME again, screw XCOM 2 you just bought or that other 3 games from your Wishlist you just bought, why not just you know play ME again....' curse you brain.

XCOM 2 destroyed me and I feel no urge to play it again soon :p In a good way though. Been dabbling with ME on PC with some high res texture mods and the like but it'll be fun to go through them all before Andromeda.
So what are some cool unique costumes/space outfits you wanna see in the game? I also hope there are wayyy more clothes.

I'd like some...easter egg/tribute costumes. Maybe Shepard's N7 Leather Jacket as a casual outfit sorta thing. Their N7 Armour is the most recognizable so perhaps that unless we just get a version of it anyway. I'd quite like the equipment to be somewhat like DA:I in that they have multiple slots and ways to augment each piece, but it'd probably be harder to look like a patchwork quilt in ME since most of the Armour in-universe is in a set.

Is this going to be another space dating sim with bad 3rd person combat or have they even talked about what they are changing?

Like Shinobi said...the "dating sim" elements are basically non existent, since...you basically don't go on dates, you don't have any persona-esque social links or social life stuff to deal with...and the combat isn't bad 3rd person combat. It could do with more polish and balance in addition to general evolution though. Something even lightly stat based but still having the mobility of...something...more mobile would be great.

I don't think they've talked about the gameplay much, if at all, but I feel like it'll be an evolution of ME3's.
I think that I am hyped for this game but at the same time I am not because we have next to no information about it. I loved all the previous Mass effects but I feel we have seen next to nothing about Andromeda besides the fact it takes place in the future after 3 and there will be no returning squadmates. Do we even have a release date yet? I see it getting pushed to 2017.
It kills me that no one seems to have any insider info about the release date. Wish someone could comfort us that it will be Fall 2016. Totally gonna be early 2017 :(


My bad for unnecessarily bumping this a few days ago... set off pages of discussion. Maybe there should be a ME community thread or something (or maybe there already is and I'm ignorant... I just remember that "hopes and dreams of next gen" one..).
I think that I am hyped for this game but at the same time I am not because we have next to no information about it. I loved all the previous Mass effects but I feel we have seen next to nothing about Andromeda besides the fact it takes place in the future after 3 and there will be no returning squadmates. Do we even have a release date yet? I see it getting pushed to 2017.
There's a method to the madness.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Just saw this. Looks interesting and the graphics are nice but I've not been a fan of any of the last few games Bio ware has released. I'd honestly hope they go for something very different because the last two ME games were hugely flawed.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
It kills me that no one seems to have any insider info about the release date. Wish someone could comfort us that it will be Fall 2016. Totally gonna be early 2017 :(

Just re-read the survey leak bruh
If you didn't mind the emptiness of Mass Effect 1 (which is far worse than Inquisition in this regard), I think you're in good shape.

I think any perceived "emptiness" in a space game like Mass Effect is, at least in my view, a bit more justifiable if you're off exploring uncharted worlds in space compared to different fantasy setting biomes like DA. You're not expecting wholly uncharted planets to be filled with icons and people to meet and greet. I actually didn't mind that more often than not in ME1.

So even in something like Inquisition, I never had too much of an issue with an area like the Hissing Wastes since its a huge desert and felt like a huge desert. I appreciated there weren't copious amounts of Ubisoft collectable icons cluttering the whole thing up. Where I think modern BioWare struggles is in spots like Val Royeaux in Inquisition. There is a spot where its supposed to be a bustling metropolis and even in the one market square you're limited to, it felt especially lifeless and sterile.

Just the lack of many populated areas and BioWare's inability to show off many populated areas in Inquisition has me worried about how they're trying to make Frostbite work for them with RPGs. Clearly a bunch of the development time with Inquisition was to get basic RPG systems in place in Frostbite but at least there it very much seemed like they were trying to get that engine to do things it was never intended to do ( like the tactical cam or lack of traditional BioWare cinematic dialogues). Obviously doing a shooter RPG like ME should be way easier to translate than DA but I'm still not sold on whether Frostbite is a good fit for BioWare RPGs.

With both Mass Effect and Inquisition, it feels weird to go back in time to an earlier save before I beat the main game.

Well with Inquisition, you actually continue after the end boss in the post end game world state, which I thought was handled really well, as opposed to The Witcher or ME where you kind of go to a post end game state or one where the main story stuff is kind of ignored. I loved how you at least got a couple dialogues with your companions post game in DAI to give them some rationale to keep exploring with your Inquisitor before doing whatever they were said to do in the epilogue slides.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I think it's worth remembering that Inquisition was a cross generation game and to me it showed. Personally I found it pretty damn gorgeous at times, especially the environments, but the game was still built in such a way that scene density, data streaming, scale, and so on all needed to work on outdated hardware even with asset quality scaled back.

Andromeda ideally will have a lot of those issues resolved in the same way Wild Hunt did, by being built first and foremost for XONE/PS4 tier hardware. Whether or not they actually intend to have many heavily populated locations is another matter entirely.
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