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Matsuno on Wii Confirmed?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Hear that? I think that's the sound of Y2Kev fapping.
I'd love for this to be true. Although I can imagine that if it were, Nintendo would have to announce something that would bring everyone down again. Like saying that Matsuno was the producer of the next Mario Party or something.

It's been that kind of week.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I thought this was speculation, but if true... cool at least he is alive!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
ManaByte said:
You don't want a new Vagrant Story? Ok.

Yeah, uh, imagine like having the most amazing filet mignon you've ever had. Juicy, soft, tender...

And then imagine McDonalds going, "Filet Mignon 2 coming out next week!" You get so excited and you pick up the filet mignon and it's a ****ING HAMBURGER.
I've got it. Matsuno is developing a strategy RPG with Intelligent Systems.

It'll be about a man who is given an incurable cancer by the evil Lord Wada. He then goes in search of a group known as Ninten who apparently can heal him. He recruits many people, including an enigmatic man known as Sakaguchi.


Sugarman said:
Microsoft- Sakaguchi
Nintendo- Matsuno
Sony- Nomura


Wow, I can't say I've never thought of it that way. After seeing this list of alliances, it looks as if though each one of them has something to prove!


Mr. Pointy said:
I've got it. Matsuno is developing a strategy RPG with Intelligent Systems.

It'll be about a man who is given an incurable cancer by the evil Lord Wada. He then goes in search of a group known as Ninten who apparently can heal him. He recruits many people, including an enigmatic man known as Sakaguchi.
Did he have cancer of the eye?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Mr. Pointy said:
I've got it. Matsuno is developing a strategy RPG with Intelligent Systems.

It'll be about a man who is given an incurable cancer by the evil Lord Wada. He then goes in search of a group known as Ninten who apparently can heal him. He recruits many people, including an enigmatic man known as Sakaguchi.

Sakaguchi has the magic "mistwalking" ability, that allows him to release games without any media whatsoever 3 months prior to release.
The proposition of Matsuno on the Wii scares me. His games are normally mentally taxing, but with the Wiimote there's a high chance people could do themselves an injury when, in order to beat a boss, they have to play the game naked, on their head, with Wiimote held between their knees and the nunchuck in places you don't even want to know, on Tuesday.


Lets hypothetically pretend for a second that I didnt know who Matsuno was...

What would you tell me about them?

Grug said:
Lets hypothetically pretend for a second that I didnt know who Matsuno was...

WHat would you tell me about them.


About them? Well, one of his personalities created Final Fantasy Tactics, one of the finest games of the PS1 era. One made Vagrant Story, another masterpeice of that era. Another one created the GBA Tactics game which was pretty good despite a crap kiddie story. Finally, one made FF12 for the PS2, a game many consider the best FF game yet. One day his story will be retold by Grasshopper...


If he really has broken off affiliation with Square Enix (I'd be mildly surprised, as he would have finally had a chance to make a new Ogre Battle game) I don't see how he wouldn't end up working with Mistwalker. Sakaguchi as already commented on wanting him aboard, Matsuno would get freedom to make games for any system he felt inclined to, and would easily be able to get major funding bucks from the chosen 1st party.
Drek said:
If he really has broken off affiliation with Square Enix (I'd be mildly surprised, as he would have finally had a chance to make a new Ogre Battle game) I don't see how he wouldn't end up working with Mistwalker. Sakaguchi as already commented on wanting him aboard, Matsuno would get freedom to make games for any system he felt inclined to, and would easily be able to get major funding bucks from the chosen 1st party.

I'm not sure that part would be entirely true. Sakaguchi can probably get as much funding as he wants but then he's the father of Final Fantasy and the former head honcho of Square-Enix.

While I'm sure a Matsuno game would be an attractive prospect for any of the first parties to have in their portfolio, his legacy is as a hardcore fan favourite, the only super-mainstream game he's been involve in was heavily delayed and only came out of its troubled development after he was no longer. Getting a massive budget would probably depend on him either making heavy concessions in the game design towards massmarket accessability or the publisher viewing the game as a loss-leading prestige project. The only company who could possibly see themselve benefitting from the latter, I think, is MS and you have to wonder how many more big Japanese projects they are willing to bankroll.


Sugarman said:
Microsoft- Sakaguchi
Nintendo- Matsuno
Sony- Nomura


Nintendo-Kawazu (he rocks, haters be damned!)
Sony - Kitase

is more accurate

and also note that Sakaguchi isn't S-E anymore :p


Sugarman said:
Microsoft- Sakaguchi
Nintendo- Matsuno
Sony- Nomura


The only reason Nomura is on Sony's side is because only the Cell has enough power for zipper physics.

Does Sakaguchi have bad relations with Sony or something? Why the hell would he go to Microsoft (or did MS go to him)? Sony is paying out big for games this gen (Bondi, Ninja Theory).

And I don't think Matsuno is a good match for Nintendo, his games arn't exactly mainstream.


Surreal said:
The only reason Nomura is on Sony's side is because only the Cell has enough power for zipper physics.

Does Sakaguchi have bad relations with Sony or something? Why the hell would he go to Microsoft (or did MS go to him)? Sony is paying out big for games this gen (Bondi, Ninja Theory).

And I don't think Matsuno is a good match for Nintendo, his games arn't exactly mainstream.

Sakaguchi isn't on bad terms with Sony, Microsoft just happened to be the first 1st party to dump the big $$ into him. Sakaguchi's on bad terms with Square Enix though (the company in general, not certain employees who are still buds with him)
Die Squirrel Die said:
I'm not sure that part would be entirely true. Sakaguchi can probably get as much funding as he wants but then he's the father of Final Fantasy and the former head honcho of Square-Enix.

While I'm sure a Matsuno game would be an attractive prospect for any of the first parties to have in their portfolio, his legacy is as a hardcore fan favourite, the only super-mainstream game he's been involve in was heavily delayed and only came out of its troubled development after he was no longer. Getting a massive budget would probably depend on him either making heavy concessions in the game design towards massmarket accessability or the publisher viewing the game as a loss-leading prestige project. The only company who could possibly see themselve benefitting from the latter, I think, is MS and you have to wonder how many more big Japanese projects they are willing to bankroll.

[rabidspeculation]I still think this is what initially fueled the delays, then the eye ailment kicked in[/rabidspeculation]

And come on, this is Microsoft; if one of those first MW games tops 500k worldwide they'll be bankrolling more as system movers, and nailing the hardcore market is something they've always strove for.
Pellham said:
Sakaguchi isn't on bad terms with Sony, Microsoft just happened to be the first 1st party to dump the big $$ into him. Sakaguchi's on bad terms with Square Enix though (the company in general, not certain employees who are still buds with him)

Wasn't that because Sakaguchi was made the scapegoat (maybe rightly so, maybe not) for The Spirits Within?


Die Squirrel Die said:
Wasn't that because Sakaguchi was made the scapegoat (maybe rightly so, maybe not) for The Spirits Within?

Whoever did that deserves to be fired. SE was trying to be more than a VG company, and that's what they got. Actually, right now, they're expanding too much (can you say sequel?) and making more and more crappy games, I hope they **** up big so they'll merge with Capcom or something and go back to the basics.
Surreal said:
Whoever did that deserves to be fired. SE was trying to be more than a VG company, and that's what they got.

Given that it hurt them alot fincancially and he was the main person behind it (co directed it worked on the story) it's not misplaced blame.
Himuro said:
lol @ Sakaguchi was made the scapegoat when it was his idea in the first place. How could he be made the scapegoat if we all know who's idea it was?:lol

That's why I said maybe rightly so. People can be bitter and disgruntled for something which they do deserve.

I can't remember the timeline, but did he leave before or after the SE merger? I remember they were reports of some people in the Square camp being unhappy that Square was valued lower than Enix.


Surreal said:
Whoever did that deserves to be fired. SE was trying to be more than a VG company, and that's what they got. Actually, right now, they're expanding too much (can you say sequel?) and making more and more crappy games, I hope they **** up big so they'll merge with Capcom or something and go back to the basics.

Well after losing that much money, it's understandable that they'd push their usual trend of sequel-whoring into overdrive.
Surreal said:
And I don't think Matsuno is a good match for Nintendo, his games arn't exactly mainstream.

He did work on FFTA for the GBA, and now a FF12 game is in the works for DS (dunno if he has anything to do with it, though). FFTA, to me, felt like he was making a game for the Nintendo crowd. I hope the Wii game isn't like that, though. Nintendo needs more serious titles. I bet a Vagrant Story game would work great with Wii controls, aiming for certain body parts, making combos, ect.
I dunno if Sakaguchi is really on bad terms with SE. They were in talks to produce Blue Dragon for PS2 at one point (after Sakaguchi left and formed Mistwalker, but before MS stepped in of course).


Die Squirrel Die said:
I'm not sure that part would be entirely true. Sakaguchi can probably get as much funding as he wants but then he's the father of Final Fantasy and the former head honcho of Square-Enix.

While I'm sure a Matsuno game would be an attractive prospect for any of the first parties to have in their portfolio, his legacy is as a hardcore fan favourite, the only super-mainstream game he's been involve in was heavily delayed and only came out of its troubled development after he was no longer. Getting a massive budget would probably depend on him either making heavy concessions in the game design towards massmarket accessability or the publisher viewing the game as a loss-leading prestige project. The only company who could possibly see themselve benefitting from the latter, I think, is MS and you have to wonder how many more big Japanese projects they are willing to bankroll.
Final Fantasy Tactics, Vagrant Story, and the Ogre Battle series have all generated pretty good sales.

And he wouldn't need a massive budget, as I doubt he's looking to take on an FFXII level project any time soon. Someone bankrolling a cinematic action/RPG like VS (probably reusing resources form Lost Odyssey) or a SRPG (his specialty) wouldn't cost them nearly the bankroll Sakaguchi got form MS for Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon. If he tried to start his own studio I could see issues, but if he's working with Mistwalker, who is showing near finished products already early in the life of the company, partnering with some of the biggest names in Japanese game development, he'd carry a lot more credability.

If he wants to make his own games Mistwalker would probably be the place to go. If he wants a major budget he'll need to either stick with SE and work back up to the opportunity, or get wooed by a different major company willing to take a big risk for a big payoff. Sony wouldn't surprise me, they've bankrolled some big money projects with suspect prospects of delivering.
I think it's too early to call SE on the sequelitis yet? I think it'll depend on the quality of the games, and so far there's only really been one (Dirge of Cerberus). Unfortunately that one was a duffer, but it's only one so far.

Edit: Not sure where I'd consider Advent Children.
Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
The core concepts of the game all came from his design outline though, including the stuff people bitch about like the story premise and Law system.

Is that so?

Respect for Matsuno: -1


SolidSnakex said:
Given that it hurt them alot fincancially and he was the main person behind it (co directed it worked on the story) it's not misplaced blame.
Certaintly not misplaced blame, but relegating him to a phantom position until he resigned? Seems like a major waste of talent to me, and now it's coming home to roost as SE is basically becoming the Japanese EA, milking every sellable IP they can while others are pushing the genre they once dominated (RPGs) forward.


Drek said:
Certaintly not misplaced blame, but relegating him to a phantom position until he resigned? Seems like a major waste of talent to me, and now it's coming home to roost as SE is basically becoming the Japanese EA, milking every sellable IP they can while others are pushing the genre they once dominated (RPGs) forward.

Yep pretty much...

I dont expect a lot from this company aside FF, DQ and KH.


Himuro said:
FFVIIAC, Dirge, and Before Crisis. That makes 3. Even if AC wasn't a game it still counts, ya?

Not to mention 6(?) FFXIII based games ranging from the PS3 to mobile phone. I think there are two that haven't even been announced yet. :lol


Has no PEINS
How does Matsuno's appearance in a Wii video confirm anything? Kojima appeared in one but we haven't heard anything official from him either, this is just stretching conjecture

Edit: Also I hate to say it but I hope this isn't true. As much as I'm excited that he's still alive and developing games, he's got a bunch of franchises at Square-Enix that are ripe and ready to be taken forward. FFT2, VS2, a new Ogre Battle, maybe even an FFXII-2... Dag nabbit SE, just keep him around and let him do his thing


kenta said:
Kojima appeared in one but we haven't heard anything official from him either, this is just stretching conjecture

I think Kojima's game is not a matter of if, it's more a matter of when.
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