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Matsuno on Wii Confirmed?

Himuro said:

I've only played Nocturne (a bit) and DDS1 (to completion). I certainly liked them. They are well-made, deep and strategic certainly, but in terms of gameplay I found them predominantly built on quite traditional foundations (random battles and turn-based combat being the most obvious elements). Storyline/setting-wise they are definitely ploughing their own unique furrow.

What are Devil Summoner and Persona3 like? Maybe that's what you are thinking of when you say Atlus are pushing the genre forward.
RaijinFY said:
Yep pretty much...

I dont expect a lot from this company aside FF, DQ and KH.

Well they're slowly doing something new, like that DS game called Wonderful World which looks really nice. Who knows what else they might do but its not going to be FF, DQ, KH all gen long. Those ofcourse stick out and get the most attention when they do happen because they're bigger than everything else.


Has no PEINS
Surreal said:
I think Kojima's game is not a matter of if, it's more a matter of when.
Right, I never said otherwise. My point is that we've heard nothing official from either Kojima nor Matsuno and while it's a matter of "when" on both accounts, it's pretty silly to have an article claiming fact when we know dick


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Im playing DDS now and the dungeons are insane, a lot better than in Nocturne tbh. Magic Castle was awesome.

Devil Summoner = Action RPG with Adventure elements (detective stuff)

Persona 3 = school/dating sim RPG
Himuro said:
Just because a game is turn based doesn't mean it's not evolution, as DDS and Nocturne feature the best turn based battle system ever in a console rpg.

Granted. I'm not hating on them. But I'm just saying that imo, what I've played of Atlus' stuff doesn't suggest they are pushing JRPGs forward more than SE at this point. But then I also think FFXII is a pretty big jump forward for JRPGs, so I think I'm disagreeing with Drek's earlier comment about SE becoming the Japanese EA whilst other companies push the genre forward. I think for now SE are still at the forefront of pushing the genre forward, regardless of whether other companies are also doing so.

Also going back to the sequelitis thing. See for me, sequelitis is when a company releases the same game over and over, with just a new set of levels, costumes and cutscenes, but where the fundamental gameplay and engine remain largely unchanged. Square's multiple projects approach I wouldn't really call sequelitis because so far most the games are different genres to each other, hell some of the projects aren't even games. I definitely don't see as being comparable to the way the likes of EA, Ubisoft and Activision handle their franchises.


Die Squirrel Die said:
Who else is pushing forward JRPGs? FFXII seems like one of the bigger pushes forward the genre has seen in a while.
I didn't say JRPGs did I? Square and Enix are to of the original founders of video game role playing as a whole, you'd think they'd try to carry the worldwide mantle. I find their slow uptake of player choice in RPGs offered in many western developed RPGs just as weak as their fan fiction quality plot writting, mindless game mechanics, and diminishing depth/rewards for exploration.

Bethesda and Bioware have done more for the RPG genre in the last generation of consoles than SE did, and Bioware was making some of the worst games in their history (BG2 kicks KOTOR's ass). Japanese developers were piling on with the ass kicking though, as Nippon Ichi has dominated SRPGs, Atlus is doing a lot to bring new concepts to RPG storytelling, Capcom made the single most innovative RPG in the last ten years BAR NONE (BOFV is GREAT), etc..

Now Mistwalker is on the scene and looks to be a direct usurper to SE's last remaining crown, unbeatable production values.

I can't wait for FFXII because it promises to bring something new to a worn out franchise. But SE's games have yet to match the gaming impact moments like first flying to the moon in FFIV or seeing the world ripped apart in FFVI did over a decade ago. Last generation Square delivered some interesting non-RPG and hybrid RPG content in Einhander, FFT, VS, Brave Fencer, Tobal (no.2 was the best fighting game of last generation), and Bushido Blade, but now they've even left those by the wayside. Enix made some interesting non-RPG content earlier this generation as well, like R.A.D., but as far as new advancements to their RPG games? They've been largely reactionary and behind the curve since Sakaguchi stopped making games and became an overseer. The only good things that come out of SE at this point are from Horii or Kitase, and they can only make so many games a year. Nomura and Kawazu will continue to turn out their shit at alarming rates though.
Drek said:
Nomura and Kawazu will continue to turn out their shit at alarming rates though.

Nomura's made 3 games, all KH's and none of them are shit. Now Kawazu I won't even try to argue again. He's awful.
kenta said:
How does Matsuno's appearance in a Wii video confirm anything?
I think it was more than he appeared with the title "Game Designer", yet everyone else had their company represented, including Wada of Square Enix. It suggests he's not with S-E. Anything more than that is based on him choosing the Wii as [media] stage on which to return.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
the final fantasies have always been pushing the JRPG genre foward, Square likes to experiment with the series. I dont think SMT:3 pushed the genre foward (as much as I loved the game) but it does some things that some rpgs should have. what so good about the story in SMT is that the player is part of the story and the player has a direct impact in the story of the game, a lot of jRPGs tend to put the player in the spectator sit and do not give the player the ability to shape the world in which the game takes place. SMT3 is the exact opposite which is one of the major reasons why I like it so much.

but I give credit to square tho, because they arent afraid to bend the rules with the series (see ff12).

and we did saw some really unique jRPGs this gen, I hope this coming generation we get to see some really unique RPGs again.


Drek said:
I didn't say JRPGs did I? Square and Enix are to of the original founders of video game role playing as a whole, you'd think they'd try to carry the worldwide mantle. I find their slow uptake of player choice in RPGs offered in many western developed RPGs just as weak as their fan fiction quality plot writting, mindless game mechanics, and diminishing depth/rewards for exploration.

Bethesda and Bioware have done more for the RPG genre in the last generation of consoles than SE did, and Bioware was making some of the worst games in their history (BG2 kicks KOTOR's ass). Japanese developers were piling on with the ass kicking though, as Nippon Ichi has dominated SRPGs, Atlus is doing a lot to bring new concepts to RPG storytelling, Capcom made the single most innovative RPG in the last ten years BAR NONE (BOFV is GREAT), etc..

Now Mistwalker is on the scene and looks to be a direct usurper to SE's last remaining crown, unbeatable production values.

I can't wait for FFXII because it promises to bring something new to a worn out franchise. But SE's games have yet to match the gaming impact moments like first flying to the moon in FFIV or seeing the world ripped apart in FFVI did over a decade ago. Last generation Square delivered some interesting non-RPG and hybrid RPG content in Einhander, FFT, VS, Brave Fencer, Tobal (no.2 was the best fighting game of last generation), and Bushido Blade, but now they've even left those by the wayside. Enix made some interesting non-RPG content earlier this generation as well, like R.A.D., but as far as new advancements to their RPG games? They've been largely reactionary and behind the curve since Sakaguchi stopped making games and became an overseer. The only good things that come out of SE at this point are from Horii or Kitase, and they can only make so many games a year. Nomura and Kawazu will continue to turn out their shit at alarming rates though.

Just wow! :eek:
I'm so agree with you, you said what exactly what I was thinking minus one thing, KH is a good franchise IMO. The first game has its flaws but I enjoyed it overall. I'm still waiting for the second one.

EDIT: About Breath of Fire I wonder if Capcom will do a VI and if they will use their engine... would be interesting I guess!
Himuro said:
It's a bigger push forward, because Megaten isn't about saving the world "x", and each and every SMT they push out recently is unique to the one before it.

I personally find that the gameplay is mostly fine in jrpgs, it's the stories that need evolution, and Megaten has offered that in spades. Atleast to me.

It's just like Square and FF, like Error said, FF has always pushed jrpgs forward. And what you asked was,"What other company is pushing jrpgs forward?" Atlus is, because they are offering non conventional gameplay and stories all the while keeping each and every new entry into their series unique. Just like FFIV-X. They all play differently, have their own strengths, weaknesses, and they all feel like completely different games.

What Atlus has done with it's franchise is the same thing I see with what Square did to FF.

I guess it's just a matter of perspective.

Aren't we just arguing about why we agree with each other? Seems that way to me.

The only thing I actually disagree with you about is that I don't think the gameplay is mostly fine in JRPGs. But then I agree with you that both Atlus and SE have pushed to rectify this. The former by evolving random turn based battles into something strategic and meaningful, the former by scrapping the random part all together, to integrate the exploration and the combat into one consistent experience.


SolidSnakex said:
Nomura's made 3 games, all KH's and none of them are shit. Now Kawazu I won't even try to argue again. He's awful.
Kawazu is inarguable, of course.

Nomura, eh, probably more that I just don't like his idea of good action/RPG gameplay. I found the first KH very weak and so haven't tried the sequel. My main problem with Nomura is the mediocre to bad art design he diseminates at a freakish rate throughout SE's newer releases. I actually like most of his older, darker themed designs (FFVII, Parasite Eve) but pretty much all of his more recent stuff turns me off. Just personal opinion though and I'm sure many more people love it, his games sell great after all.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Nomura isnt that great, KH games are cool because of the massive fanservice. the gameplay is meh.

take away the Disney characters and you have a shallow ARPG with great production values.
Drek said:
Nomura, eh, probably more that I just don't like his idea of good action/RPG gameplay. I found the first KH very weak and so haven't tried the sequel.

You should give the sequel a shot. Alot of people who didn't enjoy the original thought the sequel was pretty good. That's not to say it'll correct everything you dislike about the original but it showed that he was able to take the criticisms and correct them.

His design for what'll probably be KH2's Deep Dive trailer looks awesome


I agree with the Parasite Eve comment though, his designs in that are really good.
I played KHII for Disney. The fact that the Org. Members rocked was extra.

But yes, Disney was crappily implemented in KHII. They were just extraneous dungeons. Blargh.
I think Nomura's big problem when it comes to character design is that as technology improves, models can show more detail, and he doesn't know how to restrain himself. Hence we get zippers everywhere, wildly implausible hair, shorts with one leg longer than the other and so many belts that if you actually tried to make that many, you'd need so many cows that if you laid them end to end they'd cirmumnavigate the globe, twice. And usually all on the one character.


His first project will probably a contractor project for a game to be published by S-E for the Wii.
Himuro said:
Not to mention the FF fanservice.

"Omg he said Auron! Day one buy!"

FF Fanservice made them rehash a secret boss fight.

I wanted Kefka or Kuja, heck maybe even a WEAPON.

But what do we get? The One-Winged Angel... AGAIN. Ugh.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
so... how many rpgs does wii have announced right now?

nothing? ethelred, jarrod... anyone?
'titty boy'...?

Kefka I can understand, but Kuja?

Kuja destroyed a world. And he did it on his own steam, unlike Sephy's attempt.

Besides, fighting Kuja and having him Trance halfway through to a remix of 'The Dark Messenger' would rock hardcore.

But then again, FFIX is my favourite FF, so I may be biased.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Error2k4 said:
so... how many rpgs does wii have announced right now?

nothing? ethelred, jarrod... anyone?
Like 6?

Sword of Legendia?
Konami RPG
From Software RPG
Pureauthor said:
'titty boy'...?

Kuja destroyed a world. And he did it on his own steam, unlike Sephy's attempt.

Besides, fighting Kuja and having him Trance halfway through to a remix of 'The Dark Messenger' would rock hardcore.

But then again, FFIX is my favourite FF, so I may be biased.

Fair enough.......wierdo.

But complaining of fanservice, then liking FFIX the best strikes as a little odd. Kuja was pretty much a Kefka pastiche, with a little superdeformed Gackt thrown in for your homoerotic pleasure.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Konami RPG.... Suiko6?

Kaneko said he wanted to make a FP SMT game on Wii in a interview, so probably after the Devil Summoner sequel is done they'll get to that.

that list is pretty depressing :( no as in bad, depressing as it's too small.


Error2k4 said:
so... how many rpgs does wii have announced right now?

also a from software rpg (on one of the Wii lists I saw here in the past 48 hours).

and to speak to the thread topic: wohoo!


SolidSnakex said:
Fire Emblem
Camelots RPG
Konamis RPG
NAMCOs RPG (Sword of Legendia?)
Koeis RPG

Hmm... missing a couple.

Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn
Super Paper Mario
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Sword of Legendia
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
Dragon Quest Swords: Masked Queen & the Tower of Mirrors
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Legend of the River King

Untitled games:
Konami RPG
Koei RPG
From Software Action-RPG

Error2k4 said:
Konami RPG.... Suiko6?

Kaneko said he wanted to make a FP SMT game on Wii in a interview, so probably after the Devil Summoner sequel is done they'll get to that.

that list is pretty depressing :(

Depressing? How so?

I don't think it is, really. There are a couple of top-tier games on that list, several likely-to-be above average games... before the console has launched. It's pretty comparable to the PS3 list right now (aside from nothing quite as marquee as a main Final Fantasy series entry sales-wise). The Xbox 360 is currently above both, but it's been out nearly a year.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
SolidSnakex said:
Could be, they've also got an RPG announced for the PS3. So it could be either way.

Wii version could be a Suikoden Tactics sequal. That woulda... kinda make sense.

And I WISH the Wii From Soft game is King's Field!!

Hell, it'll prolly be Evergrace: Swords or some shit.


Error2k4 said:
that list is pretty depressing :(

true, but next-gen rpgs are pretty sketchy in general right now.

it's always that way at the console transition - a hard time to be an rpg fan... these games take forever to put together, and cost a fortune...

don't sell the ps2 quite yet.
Die Squirrel Die said:
Fair enough.......wierdo.

But complaining of fanservice, then liking FFIX the best strikes as a little odd. Kuja was pretty much a Kefka pastiche, with a little superdeformed Gackt thrown in for your homoerotic pleasure.

Did you or did you not miss the part where I said I bought KHII for Disney fanservice? I complained about FF fanservice because it got in the way of a legitimately better game choice. Why rehash a boss, other than the reason of fanservice?


Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
I dunno if Sakaguchi is really on bad terms with SE. They were in talks to produce Blue Dragon for PS2 at one point (after Sakaguchi left and formed Mistwalker, but before MS stepped in of course).

Maybe so, but his last months at S-E were pretty much a window seat job, the same punishment given to Gunpei Yokoi after the Virtual Boy screwup.

And while Matsuno contributed ideas to FFTA, I would still place most of the blame on the general averageness of the game to the director (whose name I forget). Why? That guy was also responsible for Tactics Ogre Gaiden, which is incredibly inferior to Tactics Ogre. If Matsuno had directed FFTA, his ideas probably would have been executed far better.

Kawazu is an acquired taste I admit (it seems that Japanese gamers love him, but American FF fanboys don't), the reason I mentioned him is because he's clearly pushed for Square Enix to support Nintendo more. He was the guy who brought Square Enix back to developing for Nintendo after all. Mentioning Matsuno as being on Nintendo's side just because he appeared in a video where he does not even mention making a Wii game is kinda silly. The guy is fairly well known among video game fans in Japan, so that's probably why Nintendo brought him in to be part of the video.


Pellham said:
Maybe so, but his last months at S-E were pretty much a window seat job, the same punishment given to Gunpei Yokoi after the Virtual Boy screwup.

And while Matsuno contributed ideas to FFTA, I would still place most of the blame on the general averageness of the game to the director (whose name I forget). Why? That guy was also responsible for Tactics Ogre Gaiden, which is incredibly inferior to Tactics Ogre. If Matsuno had directed FFTA, his ideas probably would have been executed far better.

Kawazu is an acquired taste I admit (it seems that Japanese gamers love him, but American FF fanboys don't), the reason I mentioned him is because he's clearly pushed for Square Enix to support Nintendo more. He was the guy who brought Square Enix back to developing for Nintendo after all. Mentioning Matsuno as being on Nintendo's side just because he appeared in a video where he does not even mention making a Wii game is kinda silly. The guy is fairly well known among video game fans in Japan, so that's probably why Nintendo brought him in to be part of the video.

It's true, Kawazu's been a big Nintendo-booster at Square Enix. It's a shame he only got the chance to do one game for them this gen, though -- hopefully with Square Enix's more open mind about console support and with Wii having greater chances of seeing Japanese success, he'll be able to convince Wada et al to throw a few more things onto the system. Including some more of his own personal projects, like the SaGa series (haters be ****ed). DS could use some of that, too.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
birdchili said:

:lol shit, i think that was the first boards I ever posted on. When The Ancient City game out. Everyone hated those games, and I needed SOMEONE to talk about the game with! I was cool there too, oh well.

Crap, thats a huge shame - man I love that series. And we never even got Shadow Tower Abyss :(
Kawazu would be alot better if he had someone there to help with his ideas. He has a bunch of good ideas and seemingly has no idea how to pull them of.f

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Who was in charge of all those Coded Arms (whatever they were called) games? What ever happend to that project?


ethelred said:
Hmm... missing a couple.

Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn
Super Paper Mario
Just so you know, Super Paper Mario is an action platformer with the paper elements from the Paper Mario RPG series as their raison d'etre


Tisan said:
Just so you know, Super Paper Mario is an action platformer with the paper elements from the Paper Mario RPG series as their raison d'etre

It's an RPG/platforming hybrid. It's been described and defined as that since day one by both Intelligent Systems and Nintendo.
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