Media Create Software Sales: 29 Nov - 5 Dec
platform title publisher this week total
1 PS2 Dragon Quest VIII: Sora to Umi to Daichi to Norowareshi Himigime Square Enix 476,281 2,643,353
2 DS Super Mario 64 DS Nintendo 151,373 new
3 DS Sawaru Made in Wario Nintendo 148,825 new
4 DS Pokemon Dash Pokemon 56,337 new
5 DS Daigasso! Band Brothers Nintendo 33,911 new
6 GBA Power Pro Kun Pocket 7 Konami 30,410 new
7 GC Mario Party 6 Nintendo 29,959 178,352
8 DS Kime no Tame Nara Kimi Shineru Sega 27,250 new
9 DS Chokkan Hitofude Nintendo 25,415 new
10 GC NARUTO: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 Tomy 22,799 183,834
Media Create Hardware Sales: 29 Nov - 5 Dec
platform this week last week 2004 total
1 Nintendo DS 468,883 new 468,883
2 PlayStation 2 93,829 108,148 2,292,239
3 GameBoy Advance SP 27,313 31,198 2,211,510
4 Gamecube 5,465 6,107 533,178
5 Gameboy Advance 822 785 191,981
6 Xbox 621 669 35,495
7 Swan Crystal 44 38 7,274
8 PSone 40 30 13,864
platform title publisher this week total
1 PS2 Dragon Quest VIII: Sora to Umi to Daichi to Norowareshi Himigime Square Enix 476,281 2,643,353
2 DS Super Mario 64 DS Nintendo 151,373 new
3 DS Sawaru Made in Wario Nintendo 148,825 new
4 DS Pokemon Dash Pokemon 56,337 new
5 DS Daigasso! Band Brothers Nintendo 33,911 new
6 GBA Power Pro Kun Pocket 7 Konami 30,410 new
7 GC Mario Party 6 Nintendo 29,959 178,352
8 DS Kime no Tame Nara Kimi Shineru Sega 27,250 new
9 DS Chokkan Hitofude Nintendo 25,415 new
10 GC NARUTO: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 Tomy 22,799 183,834
Media Create Hardware Sales: 29 Nov - 5 Dec
platform this week last week 2004 total
1 Nintendo DS 468,883 new 468,883
2 PlayStation 2 93,829 108,148 2,292,239
3 GameBoy Advance SP 27,313 31,198 2,211,510
4 Gamecube 5,465 6,107 533,178
5 Gameboy Advance 822 785 191,981
6 Xbox 621 669 35,495
7 Swan Crystal 44 38 7,274
8 PSone 40 30 13,864