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MGS (2, 3 and PW) and ZoE Collection announced for PS3 and 360 - TRIOLOGY LIVES


Crystal Bearer
Cropped? Seriously?

They're sure going through a lot of effort on other parts of this collection... the least they could do is fix the cutscenes.


Kagari said:
Cropped? Seriously?

They're sure going through a lot of effort on other parts of this collection... the least they could do is fix the cutscenes.
Yeah cropped widescreen; sounds weird


bish gets all the credit :)


strange they kept the bars and just expanded the image outward. I guess they wanted to keep the letterbox look.

Ellis Kim

alr1ghtstart said:

strange they kept the bars and just expanded the image outward. I guess they wanted to keep the letterbox look.[/QUOTE]
Chances are they were too lazy to manually readjust the camera or some such to compensate for where the black bars were for the true original 16:9 composition.


The cut-scenes in the original MGS2 and MGS3 weren't 16:9 either, it was some made-up aspect ratio, wider than that. The cut-scenes would really be cropped if you wanted them redone for 16:9. :p What they did here is fine, not ideal I guess.


stupid zavvi's site wouldnt work with my paypal, my visa or mastercard. by the time customer service figured out the problem, the ultimate sold out, they even deleted it out of my cart. between this and my xenoblade order being cancelled for no apparent reason, i'm really annoyed with them. what a great company. :eyeroll



Once And Future Member
RedSwirl said:
So this is all confirmed 720p 60fps right?

What's up with the alert icon and life bar in the MGS2 big shell screen? Looks upscaled, especially compared to the shiny new radar in the tanker shot.


Nice to see the VR missions confirmed for MGS2.

Any word on some of the other MGS3 extras? I know that MG + MG2 are in but what about the demo theatre and boss duel modes?


works for Gamestop (lol)
PS3 box art is ugly. Glad it's not like that for the US. At least I think so, if they didn't change the placeholder.


Crystal Bearer
Wario64 said:
PS3 box art is ugly. Glad it's not like that for the US. At least I think so, if they didn't change the placeholder.

It's not like that in the US. Europe has that HD Classics branding on all the PS2 HD ports.


Danny 117 said:
My excitement for this collection nearly cannot be contained! Roll on November!

You know that. Uncharted 3, Assassin's Creed Revelations and this. I don't give a fuck what is being released in December but these will be dominating it, as well as November. November is also my birthday month so epic game splurging will be immense.
Ellis Kim said:
This makes me very, very, very sad :(

I really wanted original 16:9. This is bullshit. I know that the only reason why Beyond Good & Evil worked for cropping was because the black bars were consistent throughout the game, but come on! They could have done something!

This is not the definitive Metal Gear Solid cinematic experience, HD or not.



Fuck you, Kojima Productions. Fuck you, Bluepoint. Wow. Just wow. There is no point in playing this version of Peacewalker now other than to have camera controls.


Kojima Productions is doing the right thing here, they are doing a Hor+ conversion which is what 99.99% of people usually want when getting a widescreen mode anyway. This also helps keep the visual fidelity high-- doing a crop job would just help bring out the flaws in the graphics built for the PS2 some more.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Ellis Kim said:
This makes me very, very, very sad :(

I really wanted original 16:9. This is bullshit. I know that the only reason why Beyond Good & Evil worked for cropping was because the black bars were consistent throughout the game, but come on! They could have done something!

This is not the definitive Metal Gear Solid cinematic experience, HD or not.



Fuck you, Kojima Productions. Fuck you, Bluepoint. Wow. Just wow. There is no point in playing this version of Peacewalker now other than to have camera controls.


Christ, you people will bitch about anything.
Tom Penny said:
Wow. Thought it would be better than upscaled PS2 versions of the game.
Outside of Halo Anniversary, most of these "HD remakes" are just remasters. Upping the resolution, adding widescreen mode, maybe adding some better quality HUD/UI textures or Audio tracks here or there. At the end of the day, 3 freaking excellent games are being released in a package for $50, and arguably Peace Walker is worth that alone.

I think people need to readjust their expectations. These re-releases are more akin to a movie that was out on DVD being re-released on Bluray than anything else. If you loved the game, you'll buy it again. And if you missed out on the game when it first came out, it gives you a chance to jump in now and experience it.

zychi said:
stupid zavvi's site wouldnt work with my paypal, my visa or mastercard. by the time customer service figured out the problem, the ultimate sold out, they even deleted it out of my cart. between this and my xenoblade order being cancelled for no apparent reason, i'm really annoyed with them. what a great company. :eyeroll

That Ultimate Collection was some Bullshit thing. You know that Konami is gonna release a proper anniversary set with all of the games next year anyway. Its pretty stupid for them to limit the sales of such a set to only 4000.
MGS3 still looks better than 98% of today's games.

I mean shit, the facial expressions and animations + Character Models in MGS2, a game from 10 years ago mind you, beat the crap out of garbage like AssCreed 2. Its like Ubi didn't even try in the presentation of that game.


shagg_187 said:
That HUD still gives me the chills, in the wrong way. Why so stretched/blurry?

All HUD elements have been redone entirely...except the Alert sign in MGS2, seems they forgot about that one. :p


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
OneMoreQuestion said:
Looking forward to shooting tranq darts into guards to make a porcupine again :D
I'm looking forward to shooting the pots and pans in the tanker mess hall and trying to make a song out of it.


Wasn't expecting the PS3 version to have the Classics HD branding due to it being multiplatform but it seems like every HD collection on PS3 is going to have it now, exclusive or not.

Would have been nice if we could have gotten some new Shinkawa art made for these collections instead.

Holy fuck at MGS2.

Glad i'm getting the ultimate collection tin, the PAL classics HD box looks like shit as usual.

Ah, I forgot that I had ordered that. Hope that the ultimate collection has something better.
I'm just glad I'll be able to finally play Peace Walker, I own a PSP copy but meh to playing it on that thing after suffering through Portable Ops.


SpaceBridge said:
You're right. So what happened? Vita versions canceled?
Even if there were no Vita versions of MGS2 and MGS3, there is still the "transfarring" of Peace Walker saves, so I'm assuming the logo's on the back.
ezekial45 said:
I'm wondering if you'll get trophies for when you use the Transfarring feature in PW.

You can't, I read it in Kojima's Twitter (I think), back when the collection was announced.

The implementation of Transfarring is practically useless for this reason.

They should've just waited for the Vita to do it.

edit: Maybe I misunderstood you, hmm.
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