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MGS3 gamespot review 8.7

sonycowboy said:
A game is MUCH more than the sum of it's parts.
Yes, it is. Exactly. The sum of the parts divided by the number of parts equals game.

According to Gamespot's reviewing system. It's beyond stupid.
PuertoRicanJuice said:
Yes, it is. Exactly. The sum of the parts divided by the number of parts equals game.

According to Gamespot's reviewing system. It's beyond stupid.

Well that's why they have the "tilt" in there. Not saying it's right, but they try to make up for it.


I honestly couldn't care what a reviewer has to say, although the Gamespot review was especially well written. Fair reviews aswell. I never take what a reviewer or a gamer has to say about a game to heart, in fact I probably have enjoyed (and loved) each game I've bought (bar P.N.03) -- hell I'm the one who loved StarFox Adventures.
SolidSnakex said:
There's other ways of doing that also. Kojima said if Snake gets wounded they'll heal by your systems clock. So if he gets cut and you don't play it for a few days, they'll be healed when you start playing again.
So the game rewards you for not playing?


I dunno, number systems seem really fucked right now. If I had read that review without an actual score I wouldve envisioned a 9.5-9.7 score... I just don't get the 8.7 (which is not supposed to be a bad score but since most everything is 9.0+ on this and every other site I suppose an 8.7 could be seen as mediocre).


Razoric said:
I dunno, number systems seem really fucked right now. If I had read that review without an actual score I wouldve envisioned a 9.5-9.7 score... I just don't get the 8.7 (which is not supposed to be a bad score but since most everything is 9.0+ on this and every other site I suppose an 8.7 could be seen as mediocre).

the tilt is a 9. basically he gave the game a 9. seriously people...

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Crap, I REALLY don't need to buy another game right now, not to mention two, but I'm about 5 minutes away from running down to a local Gamestop to snag MGS3 and MP2.

Fuck, I still really want Otogi 2 and KUF as well...


Anyone with MGS3 want to exchange it for MP2? :p

I got MP2 yesterday and after an hour of gameplay, I already hate it. In that short period of time I must've scanned 30 items, and of course, lost most of my abilities! FANTASTIC!

I kid, I kid. I will give MP2 a chance, but I can't deny I'm terribly disappointed by it based solely on first impressions.


Marconelly said:
That's actually new! (it's not the same review as in EGM) However, the score is 90%
90%? How come it says '9.5 - Brilliant' to the left? *confused since I don't visit 1up so often*

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It says 9.5 in that score box, but at the very end of the review it says:

btw, funny quote from the review:
The lowered framerate is anyway mostly visible during cutscenes, and the average gamer won't notice anything amiss during the main gameplay.
Funny because cutscenes in MGS2 were running at 30FPS as well as in MGS3 - there's no difference whatsoever :p


The 1UP network score is like a mini-gamerankings average of all the Ziff scores we post. Right now, it's averaging the EGM scores and my 1UP-specific 9.5 for the 9. However, the 1UP score itself is a 9.5, like the graphic to the left says. Sorry for the confusion!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Hmm, I still don't get it... If the EGM scores are calculated as three different scores, that would be

9 + 9.5 + 10 = 28.5

+ yours 9.5 = 38

38/4 = 9.5 = 95%, not 90% as it says now...


Gamespot owned me. But the review did seem mostly fair. I know I'll still love the game.

evil solrac 3.0 said:
The MGS3 review also follows the classic GS review format by raving about it until the very last paragraph where some personal bias or minor complaint comes into play reducing the game's overall score.
What? No. I'm not going to bother dissecting the review for you, but read it over. There are several complaints before the conclusion, which are then addressed in the conclusion.
i'm sorry, but if they are willing to overlook all the flaws in GTA (which are numerous such as a bad camera, slowdown, etc) then why are they so hard on MGS3 which has less flaws, new gameplay features and adresses and fixes the "problems' or concerns fans had about the last game? i read the review and i didnt quite agree with everything that he said but he wasnt completely off-base either.
SSx always leaps at the opportunity to answer this conundrum, but I suppose that since it flies in the face of MGS3 in this instance, I'll have to fill in for him. :)

GTASA has flaws, but they aren't as critical to the overall experience. It's still incredibly fun. MGS3's flaws, as far as the reviewer is concerned, seem to be more fundamental and contingent on the overall enjoyment. Like, in stealth games, imminent danger is necessary. So the simple fact that it takes a LOT for enemies to actually kill you (even on the higher difficulties) makes the experience less than threatening. This is a problem for the series. I personally became complacent at times during the demo without realizing because I know that the risk imposed by being spotted is not that high.

Granted, this brings me to another point. No one, not any of you, should play this game on anything less than Hard, if not Extreme. I suspect the reviewer played the game on Normal and that factored into his overall impression of the game.

Hournda said:
People really have a skewed view of what exactly are "spoilers." The fact that you play most of MGS2 as Raiden is not a spoiler, it is a GAMEPLAY FEATURE. The only reason it was a spoiler is because Kojima was being a douche bag and tried to (for some unnecessary reason) decieve the public into thinking MGS2 was primarily about Snake and it wasn't. It's the same with Halo. The fact that you play as the Arbiter is not a spoiler, it is a GAMEPLAY FEATURE. Bungie were just being douches about it and instead of telling people and advertising it as a feature of the game, they tried to hide it and it somehow morphed into being a "spoiler."
See, I would say YOU have a skewed view on what qualifies (or doesn't) as a spoiler.

An videogame is one experience that is a set of many experiences. Some big, some small, some constant throughout. Something such as the realization that there is a different main character is a big experience. An experience dependent on it being a surprise. If you know beforehand that this is going to happen, then that experience has been 'spoiled'. Especially in videogames where story is critical. You are in the story, experiencing it to some effect. As if it takes place in the present. For you to know that you're not going to be Solid Snake for the rest of the game and that Raiden soon takes over, that dampens the experience. You know the future.


Mike Works said:
So the game rewards you for not playing?
i was going to say it a bit differently. as in, "so he couldnt come up with any other ways to make you stop playing the game so finally came up with this idea?"
fact is, i play for the gameplay (like i like play final fantasy for the battles and graphics), and some ppl play it for the absurd stories. to eahc their own i suppsoe.
anyway, doesnt matter, i'll still buy it when it drops a bit. my question is, how exactly did they change the camera? i steered clear of most MGS3 topics because i didnt wanna over-hype myself like i did with mgs2...so tell me, how is the camera different from the previous MGS games. i do know the radar has been excluded.


nitewulf said:
my question is, how exactly did they change the camera? i steered clear of most MGS3 topics because i didnt wanna over-hype myself like i did with mgs2...so tell me, how is the camera different from the previous MGS games. i do know the radar has been excluded.
You can use the right analog stick to move it around. It always points in one direction, though. You can only have it shift left or right, move in or out, and tilt up or down (IIRC). You can also press the analog stick down to have the camera lock in place, which is very useful.

I like the new additions, but I still feel that the system is broken. For one reason that was mentioned in the review. Many times enemies spot you when you can't spot them. It's entirely necessary, at least on the higher difficulties, to frequently press R1 to see in front of you. That's just retarded. I don't mind it much, fortunately. I'm conditioned to the system.

The next Metal Gear will likely not abandon this. The series, even in gameplay, adopts a cinematic approach where you are in some respects NOT the player that you are controlling, over something like Splinter Cell where you are in every respect. If I'm not clear, I'm talking about the perspective the game allows.


I like the new additions, but I still feel that the system is broken. For one reason that was mentioned in the review. Many times enemies spot you when you can't spot them. It's entirely necessary, at least on the higher difficulties, to frequently press R1 to see in front of you. That's just retarded. I don't mind it much, fortunately. I'm conditioned to the system.

This is my main issue with this game.
So the game rewards you for not playing?

Well there's another side to it as well. If you let too much time pass between playing all of the food in your backpack (I assume with the exception of live animals) will spoil. You'll have to discard all of toxic food unless you get a kick of seeing Snake puking all over the place. :)

...in stealth games, imminent danger is necessary. So the simple fact that it takes a LOT for enemies to actually kill you (even on the higher difficulties) makes the experience less than threatening. This is a problem for the series. I personally became complacent at times during the demo without realizing because I know that the risk imposed by being spotted is not that high.

Granted, this brings me to another point. No one, not any of you, should play this game on anything less than Hard, if not Extreme. I suspect the reviewer played the game on Normal and that factored into his overall impression of the game.

You make some good points. It does sound like the reviewer played the game on the normal difficulty setting, which for an experienced MGS player probably won't be much of a challenge.

But I'll have to see for myself how "easy" the game is on harder difficult levels. MGS2 was no slouch on the Hard or Extreme difficulty modes and I don't see why that would be dumbed down in Snake Eater. Even in the demo, which for the most part was pretty easy, there were a couple of times in the Rasvet area where I bit off more than I could chew and got taken out by the reinforcements.

In MGS2 the clearing teams were often very challenging on Extreme difficulty and knowing that areas in MGS3 have the patrols working in teams of 4 normally it should be even more entertaining.


IJoel said:
Anyone with MGS3 want to exchange it for MP2? :p

I got MP2 yesterday and after an hour of gameplay, I already hate it. In that short period of time I must've scanned 30 items, and of course, lost most of my abilities! FANTASTIC!

I kid, I kid. I will give MP2 a chance, but I can't deny I'm terribly disappointed by it based solely on first impressions.

In the case of the Metroid Prime series I'm sure going to enjoy the game allot more for the simple fact that I purchased the games official strategy guide. I know I'll have peace of mind knowing that I'm being steered in the proper direction for when I'm searching for some of the more harder to find secrets. Its better than the alternative,I mean I backtracked and covered the same areas way too many times in the original Metroid Prime. I got seriously bored after awhile. Since this one is alot more demanding a guide is in order. Half the fun is making the journey to the proper locations. Wondering around guessing all too often takes the fun out of that real quick.


Oh, and I really hope that the bosses are balanced with the rest of the game this time. I'd play on Extreme to be challenged, but then get ROCKED during bosses. I could beat them if I invested enough time, but I didn't care to.

IJoel said:
This is my main issue with this game.
But I'd like to say that I see no reason why people can't get past that. Play the game enough and it becomes second nature. It's worth it.


hmm that camera system does sound like it would work. though i figure this wouldnt have been an issue with the old system, even off screen enemies would have been detected by the radar and you could evade before getting shot. though i guess the forest setting, as opposed to the block structures of the previous games doesnt lend itself to a simplistic radar mini map. so they had to come up with something different.
and i felt the boss battles in mgs2 were lame compared to mgs, and too infrequent. the jet place fight in the bridge was too restrictive and not fun, and the last fight was just...urgh.
so hopefully this one is more akin to the old days, which from the looks of it, it is.
as for my comments on the review. its a good review, i got exactly what i needed out of it. gamespot has been spot on for me for the past year or so. thats why i take them a lot more seriously than other sites. and anything above 8.5 catches my interest, as opposed to ignoring every other hyped 9.7s from IGN.

this is probably the Greatest christmas season for gaming ever....

Halo 2. Half life 2. Metroid Prime 2. Metal gear Solid 3. Prince of Persia 2. (havent played it its getting reviewed as something great.). WoW. Paper Mario 2. (And others I dont feel like thinking about.)

yes, its the Christmas of Sequels but Sequels of some of the Best Franches (yea i know WOW isnt a sequel, but its part of the warcraft universe).

and its just funny that Gamespot is just making it seem like the opposite of that.

lol, talk about going against the grain.


i mean, it Completely SHITS all over last christmas season.....wtf did we get last season? i cant even remember, and it Shits all over the christmas season Before that.

Fixed2BeBroken said:

this is probably the Greatest christmas season for gaming ever....

Halo 2. Half life 2. Metroid Prime. Metal gear Solid 3. Prince of Persia 2. (havent played it its getting reviewed as something great.). WoW. Paper Mario 2. (And others I dont feel like thinking about.)

yes, its the Christmas of Sequels but Sequels of some of the Best Franches (yea i know WOW isnt a sequel, but its part of the warcraft universe).

and its just funny that Gamespot is just making it seem like the opposite of that.

lol, talk about going against the grain.


And I have no money,
fuck all you lucky bastards

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
mumu said:
No i'm serious. If i were trolling i'd said it's a great movie, just interrupted by the game!

Xenosaga? Oh, that was a mediocre movie. It seems to me fans will get exactly what they want, which makes me happy.
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