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Microsoft officially pulls DRM from Xbox One, announces new policies


This is really great for consumers.

Microsoft still is part of a major clusterfuck. They even INTENDING on originally enforcing this has made me loose tremendous trust in them all together. What happens with the cloud now? will they be able to launch on time? this has to be close to a logistical nightmare 4 to 5 months from release.

Also always on kinect is still a deal breaker for me.


man that PS4 sharing video must have really gotten to them.

I'm genuinely impressed. I admit. A win for gamers and consumers.

still getting a PS4, as they didn't have to change their stance and had it right from the get go.


As i said in the other thread HOLY SHIT. I did not think for one second that MS would abandon all their plans. Man fuck anyone(probably myself included. as I also had my doubts) who said over the past few weeks that consumers can't change shit.

Though it looks like the family share plan/plying with no disk in the console were collateral damage. Makes sense as those wouldn't work with never connecting to the net, but still the family share plan was an interesting idea.

Not buying a One though anytime soon. Some might forget what Microsoft tried to pull, but I won't. It also doesn't help that it is still 100 bucks more and has mandatory kinect crap.


Big news, good news as well.

Good move Microsoft, this will help your current situation a lot imo.

I can't believe they actually did it, I was sure they would be stubborn all the way.

Hooray for gaming indeed! :D


Industry Verified
petermolydeux ‏@PeterMolydeux

Maybe one day people will put the same amount of effort they've been putting into arguing about DRM into demanding more creative games

haha...oh wow.


Dunno if i like it. Of course i am happy that people can share their games, which seems important to them.
But i was eager to see how a console and its games will evolve when devs know that internet connections are given to all users.
Family sharing was amazing, too.

So the dices roll again o_O


Happy for you guys but I'm super bummed about them killing discless play and family sharing. The scalpers won too. Better get in your preorders.


Well, disaster averted. (And with it countless "Xbone'd" jokes.)

Region free is a pleasant surprise. Now if only Nintendo smartened up...

Also Microsoft goes offline and takes NeoGAF with it.

Ploid 3.0

I was so worried that if Xbox One got away with this successfully, the bad precedent it would set for gaming as a whole. Very glad it's gone. The digital future will come sooner or later, but forcing it on us with these bullshit draconian policies would have never been the way to bring us there.

Yeah that too, there was a big possibility that the xbox faithful would buy it no matter what, causing a new standard to be formed. Now we can expect any future console with a physical medium will not put it behind drm. They will avoid that PR disaster, MS will always have that horrible first impression for xbox one. The damage is done, and they are now healing it.
Said it in the other thread, this fast of a turnaround, especially with how vocal they've been about not changing course is pretty unprecedented.

I wonder what happened? Jimmy Fallon was the final straw? Maybe pre-orders were much lower than they thought they'd be? What caused this sudden and dramatic turnaround.


A huge win for gamers. MS was trying to screw us, expecting us to just bite the pillow and take it, but we spoke out and fought back. WTG you guys, we did it.
We won \o/

I think the Jimmy Fallon comment last night was the final blow on the DRM stuff.

Possibly. MS understands marketing better than any other company in the industry, and what happened on Fallon was a clear sign of things to come.

I wonder if Cerny hates himself for getting Fallon to say that.



Buying one now.... Good job ! Thats how you recognize youre wrong!

Thake that iwata!!! Only nintendomis screwd now!


Neo Member
Gamers won, I'm proud to be here for this epic moment, still getting a ps4 first but this shows that no company is big enough to have the power to tell you what you can or can't do with your property, and this is why everyone must understand that, even if you are a fan of sony or microsoft or nintendo, we all need the 3 of them, because thanks to competition, and our freedom of choice, things like this can happen


Great for us gamers but I just find it funny how hard they pushed it and how Major Nelson would always say that this is the way of the future.

Looks like he was wrong in that they don't see Sony as a threat because they just waved the white flag.

Demon Ice

Holy shit. I can't believe they did it.

I would like to extend a massive thank you and a welcome back to the race to Microsoft, and I would also like to laugh / give the finger to all the apologists who defended draconian, anti-consumer DRM.

And an even bigger laugh at everyone who actually fell for all the "power of the cloud" nonsense.


Funny to see this come from mattrick after all the shit talking hes done the past month. Let this be a lesson, even multi billion dollar companies with their heads up their ass will back down if you make a big enough noise.

I"m not feeling the xbox afterall this though and they still havent removed the pointless and intrusive camera.

I see where microsoft wants to take us if they had the chance and I just cant be bothered with them anymore. Especially since both consoles are now pay to play online. Unless a few amazing exclusives come along i still camt see myself buying an xbox one.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
So all the cloud stuff just bullshit? Or will those games still require it?

Are MMOs bullshit when you can play single player games without internet? What does not requiring internet have to do with the legitimacy of internet enabled features?


The apologists should be even more ashamed of themselves now.

I'm still probably going to opt for the PS4, but at least now I can conceivably see myself owning an Xbox One in the future.
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