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Minnesota Democrat (state house) admits to sex with 17 year old boy at a rest stop

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Gabriel Knight

Democratic leaders in Minnesota are demanding a state lawmaker withdraw from his re-election bid after police claim he admitted to having sex with a 17-year-old boy at a rest stop.

While Rep. Kerry Gauthier, 56, will lose support from fellow Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party members if he continues with his campaign, party leaders stopped short Monday of asking him to immediately resign.

The first-term legislator wasn’t charged in the alleged July 22 encounter because the legal age of consent in Minnesota is 16 and no money was exchanged, according to the St. Louis County attorney’s office. Police say the two had oral sex behind a rest stop pavilion in Duluth after the teen responded to Gauthier’s Craigslist ad looking for a “no strings attached” sex.

Police reports made public last week say Gauthier came clean about the rest stop rendezvous.

The teen reportedly told officials that Gauthier was a stranger and he lied to the unmarried lawmaker when he said he was 18 years old.

Troopers were alerted to the alleged incident by a woman at the rest stop who was complaining about a male urinating on her car.

Trooper Scott Parker wrote in a report that he came across another man — later identified as Gauthier — behind a rest area building, the Duluth News Tribune reported.

“It was at that time I noted his zipper was open and part of his shirt was hanging out. I asked him why his zipper was down and he said he didn’t know,” Parker wrote. “I told him to zip it up and leave. The male seemed nervous.”

Rep. Kerry Gauthier
Gauthier took office last year representing the Duluth area in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

DFL Party Chairman Ken Martin said in a statement Monday that Gauthier’s actions are “inexcusable.”

“No one in our party condones what he did, nor will we defend him in this matter,” Martin said, according to the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

House Minority Leader Paul Thissen, who represents the DFL in Minneapolis, said he told Gauthier not to seek re-election this fall.

“I am deeply disappointed with Rep. Kerry Gauthier’s conduct that has been reported over the last several days,” Thissen said in a statement. “The conduct was wrong and no one in the DFL House Caucus condones the behavior.”

Gauthier, who was admitted to a hospital last week for shortness of breath after the scandal broke, didn’t comment Monday.

He first told the Duluth News Tribune last Tuesday that the alleged encounter is “a private matter and I don’t need to talk about it.”

House Speaker Kurt Zellers, a Republican, said Friday that Gauthier should resign before his term expires.

The scandal has hurt Democrats’ hopes of retaking at least one chamber of the state Legislature. They need to pick up at least six seats in the House, and Gauthier’s Duluth-area seat usually is reliably Democratic.

But if he drops out, any Democrat seeking to replace him would have to run as a write-in candidate, making the race much more difficult to win.
I am confused....if the legal age of consent is 16, and the boy was 17, why are people pissing their pants about this? Is it gross? Yeah, a bit, but its legal so...?

Sye d'Burns

Wow, political messes all over GAF today.

Troopers were alerted to the alleged incident by a woman at the rest stop who was complaining about a male urinating on her car.

(scooby-doo villian voice) If it hadn't been for those meddling urinators, he would've gotten away with it.
Eh, so?
The age of consent in Minnesota is 16, so he hasn't done anything criminal - why were the police involved in the first place?

It's still a scummy thing to do, but I see no reason for him to drop out (he'll end up losing, so I guess you'd want him exchanged for strategic reasons).


I am confused....if the legal age of consent is 16, and the boy was 17, why are people pissing their pants about this? Is it gross? Yeah, a bit, but its legal so...?

He's a political figure, while it would probably be looked down upon in society, most people tend to hold those in elected office to a higher moral standard (for better or worse).
Oh this is the Minnesota house of reps.

Not really the same thing as say a Mark Foley deal since he was in the US house.

But hey, the GOP uses False Equivalence. It's super effective.


Well legal age of consent in Minnesota is 16 and I doubt that the guy was like 'I'm a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives' and used that amazing amount of influence to coerce sex out of the kid soo....


Besides, it's a State representative, not a national representative. So...



A 17 year old is not a "little boy." I cannot get outraged over this. However, elected officials shouldn't be fucking at rest stops.
Eh, so?
The age of consent in Minnesota is 16, so he hasn't done anything criminal - why were the police involved in the first place?

It's still a scummy thing to do, but I see no reason for him to drop out (he'll end up losing, so I guess you'd want him exchanged for strategic reasons).

Probably a crime to do it in a public area.


Why do people in power/politics have sex with little boys so much?

17 years old is only one year short of the majority, I don't think you can call that "little boy".

Apparently the sexual majority there is 16, so nothing illegal here.
So the crime was having sex in the public bathroom? Not the actual sex with a 17 year old boy? Who did the urinating on cars? haha.

He didn't rape anybody, right?

Doesn't seem like a big deal.


He's openly gay, the age of consent in the state is 16 and the kid told him he was 18 anyway. What's the big deal?


I'd have a major problem with this if it was another one of those teacher/student scandals, but this seems pretty innocuous.


Democrat so no one cares.

Eh, he's a Democrat. So he gets a pass.

He didn't do anything illegal, firstly. Secondly, he's not getting a pass. He's being asked to resign.

I can only understand these two posts if I consider them as pre-emptive attacks against anybody who posts that they don't have a problem with this since it was neither immoral nor illegal.

So I'll say it.

What he did was neither immoral, nor illegal.

Edit: Ah, well. Sex in a public place. Okay. Illegal.

But he's NOT getting a pass.


Why do people in power/politics have sex with little boys so much?

Mainly because the catholic church protects them.

He didn't do anything illegal, firstly. Secondly, he's not getting a pass. He's being asked to resign.

I can only understand these two posts if I consider them as pre-emptive attacks against anybody who posts that they don't have a problem with this since it was neither immoral nor illegal.

So I'll say it.

What he did was neither immoral, nor illegal.

^^^ This.

But its going to be GOP gafs GOTCHA moment. But its just going to highlight their intolerance, as always.
Nah, if anything, it's closer to Larry Craig.
Again, Larry Craig was in the US house, therefore it had an effect on the nation as a whole. This however is just state politics.

Also, the Dems aren't the ones trying to limit the rights of gays so there isn't the same kind of inherent hypocrisy factor when a Democratic politician is caught with a member of the same sex like this.

Oh and this specific politician is apparently openly gay according to this thread, so there's that.
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