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Miyazaki considering Dark Souls 3 to be the "big closure on the series"

Red Mage

Quite understandable. Still, I hope they do something besides just Armored Core. I'd love to see a fully-fledged Lovecraftian game from them.


G***n S**n*bi
I hope this means DS and DS only... 'cause I needed my BB sequel yesterday.

Give me BB2 and then take as long of a break from the formula as you please. Kthx


I can certainly understand the creative desire to let the series linger for awhile to work on other stuff, but it definitely should be revisited in the future.


This is sad in a way, but I am comforted because of a few facts:

Souls-like games will continue whether FROM makes them or not. I'd prefer to keep getting FROM Souls games, but if not I know that enough people have seen there's money in this that we'll keep getting games that try to get lightning to strike twice.

Miyazaki will no doubt carry what they've learned from the Soulsborne stuff into whatever comes next. Who knows, maybe their next IP will be the new hotness. I do hope they do a new IP too. I'd rather get something I never knew I really, really wanted than something that scratches a nostalgia itch. That's what the Souls games were all the way back when Demon's Souls first came out. Surprise me all over again, Miyazaki-san.

These games are infinitely replayable. Even if we never saw anything worthy to be counted amongst the FROM souls games ever again, I would still have five mighty games to play through whenever the whim suited me that are just as fun to play the 27th time as they are the 1st.

You mean like Bloodborne?

People that didn't play it or follow coverage of it probably don't know about that. I remember being surprised and delighted when I got to Byrgenwerth and the game went the full Lovecraft on me.


Now for that Berserk game with over the top combat and not this slow as molasses movement. Always saw Artorias as the proper way Guts should fight in the Berserker's armor.
Finally get a practically annualized franchise that I love so of course they'd stop making them sooner rather than later.

You will probably end up hating the series after a few years when the well of inspiration becomes drier than a desert. I don't think they could reasonably keep up an annualized souls. Even if they could, I think Miyazaki is kind of bored of Souls as it stands, which is why he wants to kill it and move on. We'll likely see another Souls style game from them again, but I think we need something new in the meantime.


From the info that has surfaced over the past few months, it sounds like Bloodborne 2 is in the works. I wouldn't mind if 3 is the last Dark Souls but there should still be more Souls/Souls-esque games made by Miyazaki. The level design is just unparalleled.


Glad to hear and even better glad to see fans of the Souls series are fine with this!
Give us a new a IP Miya and then finish this gen with a Bloodborne sequel and Ill be happy ( :


I don't want to see and end to Dark Souls for GOOD, but they should definitely give it a break. Make DS3 spectacular, then move on to other things for a while. Armored Core would be cool. I think Miyazaki said he wanted to do Sci Fi, right? I'd be SO down for Sci Fi, or cyberpunk or something.

I'd be down for anything Miyazaki makes honestly.

Thank god.

The series has fallen off since Dark Souls.

Lol there's been one Dark Souls game since Dark Souls 1, calm down.

And if you're including Bloodborne in that, I'd have to disagree.


Also, I'm hoping that FROM and whoever publishes Miyazaki's next game realize that there's enough of a cult of personality built up around him over here in the west that they can release his game here and it will sell. I'm gunna be really frustrated if for some reason, they make a new IP and it's great, but it never makes it out of Japan. I can't imagine that happening at this point, but you never know with Japanese companies. Sometimes they just decide they don't want to share. I'm lookin' at you, SquareEnix.


Finally, we can move past this Souls crap and get back to the From Software series gamers have really been craving: Cookie & Cream.
Good. Now for something new, love this company ever since their PSX days.

And I love Souls too, but it's time for new stuff.

I just realized, this game will be Miyazaki's first true sequel game, won't it?

Armored Core: For Answer was a sequel to Armored Core 4.


I sure hope so but I doubt it. It must be so damn easy to make these games for them and they sell fairly well.


Next Miyazaki game will probably be an evolution of the Souls concept for the current gen (Bloodborne clearly isn't quite that) in the same way Demon's Souls was an evolution of the Kings Field series from previous generations. At its core I highly doubt it will be anything but a dark, difficult, combat & exploration heavy action rpg. Ok maybe they'll throw in one of those giant robot mech thing games as well.

Can't wait.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Kudos to him bowing out on a high note. Count me in as one of those who'd love to see a return of Armored Core in the future, then. =)


I've always been a fan of FROM's output, stuff like Ninja Blade, Otagi, Armored Core. I really wish I'd have gotten to try Metal Wolf Chaos (I think that's their game).

Any any rate, I've always had a great time with FROM titles, and it seems likely to continue with Miyazaki at the helm. The Souls series has taken over Final Fantasy as my favorite franchise in gaming, but I'm glad they're taking a break from it.

I'm really excited to see where they go next.

I know the likelihood of them going back to Armored Core is low, but man I'd love a new one. The mecha genre just isn't what it used to be, right now.


That's okay with me. I wouldn't want the series to be milked to death and I can see fatigue starting to set in, for me. I'm not majorly excited about Dark Souls III, to be honest. I think Bloodborne stands well on it's own, it doesn't need a sequel.

What I'd like the see is some kind of Sci-Fi souls to wrap off those style of games for a while, then for Miyazaki to go onto a completely new style of game.


Junior Member
So their next Sony exclusive will be a brand new RPG?

Would be surprised if they didn't make Bloodborne 2 though.


Would have been great for them to wait 2 or 3 more years, to release a proper final Souls game (with extra polishing, visual effects, improved physics, etc). Basically, a next gen version.

But if DS3 turns out to be great, I'm really ok with finishing the series, and start anew.

Having said that.. would be great if they could arrange with Sony, a port of Demon Souls to PC and PS4. Everyone wants.. no, needs that.


It does not need to be Armored Core. As long as they give me a customizable mech game I'll be happy.

I would also like more games in different settings with souls like combat similar to how Bloodborne is.


I'm fine with ending "Dark Souls" in the sense of wrapping up the dark fantasy trilogy but I really hope we get more games in the same style of gameplay like Bloodborne. It's just too solid of a formula to let it die entirely. But by all means, change up the setting every now and then. It doesn't have to all be within the same series/lore. Hell, I would've been completely fine with Dark Souls II being its own thing and having nothing to do with the original.

Personally, I'd love a sci-fi Souls. The terme Giger-esque has been thrown around and I would be all over that. Seems every bit as fitting for the series as Lovecraft, really.


I don't consider BB full-fledged Lovecraftian game. It certainly has a lot of influence, but the fact that you can kill the Old Ones removes it from being all that similar.

So, you want something closer to like...Amnesia maybe? What exactly do you imagine this game would play like?


Space Souls incoming? But yeah, Demon/Dark Souls needs a break. Wouldn't mind another Bloodborne before the series takes a break as well.
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