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MLB The Show 21 is coming to Game Pass on day 1 (April 20)


I doubt we'll see the ecosystems get forced together, though anything is possible.

A shared hardware platform is a different story all together, would make streaming an easier option for both and reduce console R&D. Both could still release a branded console that only played their software, just in a differing skin (auto manufactures do deals like this all the time, especially on the lower profit models). Would likely lower dev costs as well.

That would be a dream. Put an end to this console war bullcrap


As someone who buys and plays Pro Evo yearly and loves football above all else... no.

Sports games decrease in value like no other games. There’s literally no benefit to paying £60 on launch. There’s a 12 month ticking timer until the next one comes out, and once the 12 month mark hits, the last game will be worth 50p.

Due to this 12 month window, they also come down in cost quicker than any other game. FIFA and PES release in Aug/Sep at full price and are on sale for £20 come Christmas. Like clockwork.

To maximise MTX; PES also give away a free lite edition on Xbox and PS, and Konami slapped PES on Game Pass quite quickly the last 2 years.

To put it bluntly, no one with a brain enjoys spending full price on any sports games.

sport on!

just need the yearly pes day1 on GP, and Xbox will be the box for football games. Pes,fifa,Fm. Everyone will just sub to GP for eternity

I have a feelings Phil is working on it.


As a playstation fan of the game, this isn't a good look. Makes one question why even buy it on a playstation platform when have other platforms with the game at a huge advantage from a consumer standpoint.

Thanks Jim 👀

you should thank Phil. he fought hard to realize the GP ecosystem.

now you just need to do the 3 years Xbl gold to Gpu 'hack' and you are set for Mlb for years
I’ve seen enough come and go. It’s not hard to see the pattern before its too late.

Unfortunately they usually can’t see if for themselves.

Ok. Btw. i've never said that MLB will never appear on GP, just showed my doubt about it. Two different things.

Anyway. Just precisely what i've expected. Sony will get a cut from this deal, but they didn't negotiate it.

He doesn't know anything. He's just pandering to one segment of fans and telling them what they want to hear for forum clout.

Yeah, one of the most reliable insiders with good connections in the industry.
Saying again what i've said in previous posts

Sony ( or San Diego, whatever) will get a cut of each copies sold on every platform, even if is on Gamepass, so yes, Sony surely got a cut of Gamepass deal. They developed a game, why they wouldn't get a cut. LOL. It's like they working on the black
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Yeah, one of the most reliable insiders with good connections in the industry.
Saying again what i've said in previous posts

Sony ( or San Diego, whatever) will get a cut of each copies sold on every platform, even if is on Gamepass, so yes, Sony surely got a cut of Gamepass deal.

I see you guys making this argument a lot. But who were you arguing with? Why would anyone think that the developer wasn't getting compensated for their work?
I see you guys making this argument a lot. But who were you arguing with? Why would anyone think that the developer wasn't getting compensated for their work?

Well, read the posts then in this thread. You'll find the posts that only MLB got the money. Anyway, post above "he doesn't know anything" clearly implies that Sony got nothing from this deal


Well, read the posts then in this thread. You'll find the posts that only MLB got the money. Anyway, post above "he doesn't know anything" clearly implies that Sony got nothing from this deal
I've been following along with this thread, I haven't really seen those arguments or maybe I just read it different. There has been some discussion on whether Sony would have wanted the game on GP, whichever way that blows the developer would be compensated regardless.

At any rate, the game being on GP might actually increase the sales on PS. Word of mouth is a powerful thing and if a lot more people are playing baseball all of a sudden you might see some bandwagon jumpers jump in. Which is good for the game all around.
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Well, read the posts then in this thread. You'll find the posts that only MLB got the money. Anyway, post above "he doesn't know anything" clearly implies that Sony got nothing from this deal
Why does it matter if Sony get's a cut/bonus or whatever the terms are? If Sony isn't the primary negotiating party than it's not going to be some large cut.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Anyway, post above "he doesn't know anything" clearly implies that Sony got nothing from this deal

Isn't it interesting how no one knows the details of any specific GamePass game deal (as they're ALL different and unique to the specific title), but as soon as it's a Sony-developed title that causes controversy and fanboy meltdowns; every so-called "insider" is an armchair expert on the details of that specific deal?
Isn't it interesting how no one knows the details of any specific GamePass game deal (as they're ALL different and unique to the specific title), but as soon as it's a Sony-developed title that causes controversy and fanboy meltdowns; every so-called "insider" is an armchair expert on the details of that specific deal?
It is common sense that someone get a cut from some deal. San Diego is a developer, why developers wouldn't get a cut from every copies sold on every platform. MLB surely wants to keep a developers which made all the good things with MLB game over the years.

That insider was proven right many, many times.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Ok. Btw. i've never said that MLB will never appear on GP, just showed my doubt about it. Two different things.

Anyway. Just precisely what i've expected. Sony will get a cut from this deal, but they didn't negotiate it.

Lol i like how he says they wanted more money from platform sales but ignores the fact that mlb is giving it away for free.

He's clueless.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Did they really give it away for free though? From their perspective, I doubt it.
I'm sure they got a check from MS but they aren't going to get more platform sales by putting it on GP. Thats where Matts theory completely falls apart.
Lol i like how he says they wanted more money from platform sales but ignores the fact that mlb is giving it away for free.

He's clueless.

What MLB is giving away for free?

I'm sure they got a check from MS but they aren't going to get more platform sales by putting it on GP. Thats where Matts theory completely falls apart

So, you think San Diego ( or Sony) won't get anything from that deal? LOL.
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I'm sure they got a check from MS but they aren't going to get more platform sales by putting it on GP. Thats where Matts theory completely falls apart.
But they did get additional money from the new platform and the game won't be on GP forever, additional sales should still happen down the road.

Plus, from the dustup over the Gold price increase, there are still gold users that haven't done the GPU upgrade (WTF is wrong with them?), some of them might buy it.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
What MLB is giving away for free?

So, you think San Diego ( or Sony) won't get anything from that deal? LOL.
I don't care if Sony gets some scraps from whatever MS paid mlb. Can't be more than $60 million since that's what Sony makes from a million sales on ps4.

Regardless, I'm not talking about if sony gets a piece of the pie. I am pointing out the glaring hole is Matt's theory since putting the game on gamepass will essentially limit sales.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
But they did get additional money from the new platform and the game won't be on GP forever, additional sales should still happen down the road.

Plus, from the dustup over the Gold price increase, there are still gold users that haven't done the GPU upgrade (WTF is wrong with them?), some of them might buy it.
Additional money from checks from MS does not equal platform sales. Which is what he said. He's wrong there.


I don't care if Sony gets some scraps from whatever MS paid mlb. Can't be more than $60 million since that's what Sony makes from a million sales on ps4.

Regardless, I'm not talking about if sony gets a piece of the pie. I am pointing out the glaring hole is Matt's theory since putting the game on gamepass will essentially limit sales.

Realistically, Sony isn't getting $60m from this game anyway. Every boxed copy they lose a cut to retail, and not every copy sold will be full price. If it's like most sports titles half the sales will be at 50% price or less. Plus, I'm sure MLB is getting a piece per unit since this is licensed.

That dude's statement could be made true by a single purchase on Xbox. Not every Xbox gamer has GP.
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It's ridiculous to think Sony isn't getting paid here, and big bad MLB shafted them. It's funny, because of all the mocking Microsoft faces for putting games on PC, then Sony take that to another fucking level. I'm all for it. Every year I think about buying The Show but never do (I had it on the Vita for sure, think that was the last) - I'll definitely play it again this year.

Also, the people going on about 'you're just renting, I OWN my games' is a pitifully weak knock on Gamepass and need to realise they're in a very small, nerd majority. Pretty much no one but you cares.
Additional money from checks from MS does not equal platform sales. Which is what he said. He's wrong there.

I'm not totally sure of that. I could see it on a spreadsheet somewhere - Xbox Platform Sales = store sales and Gamepass license revenue. But who knows.


Neo Member
Even I as an Xbox fanboy think the negativity towards Sony is to much.

Yes this is great for Gamepass and Xbox, but people pay between $1k and $1.5k for a fucking PS5, so they will still buy $70 games.

This might become an issue later in the generation. The last 50M are not the hardcore high spender
I hate replies like this. Why should anyone care how much money Sony or Microsoft makes? Just because Sony can get away with it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do for their consumers.


Getting the game on Gamepass and into the hands of as many young people as possible is more important now that MLB is alienating their boomer fans with rule changes and unrelated politics. According to a recent Yahoo sports poll, 34% of sports fans have watched less due to politics, and 11% have watched more.

For MLB it isn't just about getting young people to play the video game, but start watching games, going to games and eventually betting on games through fantasy baseball gambling.

The 18-49 demographic is much more lucrative than aging boomers. They also want the under 18-year-olds.

I wouldn't be surprised if MLB is taking a loss on the deal because the long term benefits could be high.
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I wonder how it will look and run on the Series X vs the PS5. Sony doesn't exactly have a lot of incentive to make it as polished.


Shrewd and calculated move by Phil Spencer.

Game being published by MLB meant he could go directly to them and negotiate the Game Pass deal. He was able to effectively bypass Sony as they had no say in the matter (not being the publisher). Kudos to him for seeing and seizing on the opportunity.

Now obviously Sony had to know about the deal and they're obviously getting paid but they effectively had no say on the matter. This is one instance where money doesn't matter as much as optics. If they had a say this would never had happened as they're now facing a massive backslash and taking a nightmarish PR hit. No amount of money can make up for that.


Shrewd and calculated move by Phil Spencer.

Game being published by MLB meant he could go directly to them and negotiate the Game Pass deal. He was able to effectively bypass Sony as they had no say in the matter (not being the publisher). Kudos to him for seeing and seizing on the opportunity.

Now obviously Sony had to know about the deal and they're obviously getting paid but they effectively had no say on the matter. This is one instance where money doesn't matter as much as optics. If they had a say this would never had happened as they're now facing a massive backslash and taking a nightmarish PR hit. No amount of money can make up for that.

I honestly think they will put this on PSNow so it looks better. PSNow doesn't have that many subscribers so it isn't going to effect their sales much, but would still fix the optics problem. LOL



This still works.
Convert 36 months of XBLG to GPU.
Dew it!

Those MLB fans on the fence, still waiting for consoles to be in stocks. Even a XSS is a good stopgap purchase, offering higher than ps4p fidelity, and you can GP it!
When SX is abundent stocks, you can move your XSS to your kids or bedroom as a spare.


How can we know?

Aren't there contracts where a developer is payed a fixed amount instead of a per-sale deal?
Because it makes no sense. If Sony developed the game, MLB can’t go and publish it elsewhere without Sony’s permission or they’d have done it by now. It’s business.
This is now what xbox is known for!since xbox doesnt sale much games these days “i think”

ppl going foward are gonna only get xbox for game pass or most ppl will atleast.

the conversation will be “xbox is only good for gamepass” which isnt a bad point to make .
The way its going itll be known for this
I think that is what MS wants, everyone on gamepass to play on a choice of console, PC or mobile device. I don’t think they care which one


Because it makes no sense. If Sony developed the game, MLB can’t go and publish it elsewhere without Sony’s permission or they’d have done it by now. It’s business.

Obviously Sony agreed to some kind of publishing agreement for the Xbox port. They accepted whatever those terms were a year or two ago.

The only thing unusual about the whole thing is why didn't Sony just publish the game themselves via SIE. MS has published games on other platforms, it's not a big deal.
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