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Monster Hunter: World will have a nice meaty story (+ other details)


Gold Member
A little story to give the monsters context is great!

I liked it in 4U.

Doesn't need to be Shakespeare or anything.
I am not a fan of the proposed "time-limited" dlc quests. I hope that if these are implemented into the game, that the time limits are generous; I'd hate to miss out on potentially exclusive rewards due to a busy real-life schedule.

Downloadable Quests

Ryozo: ”We're going to continue with [the series' traditional] free downloadable content support, but one difference coming to home console is that in the past, for portable consoles you would download the quest yourself, to your own console, but when we have a home console, we have the opportunity to do something like a time limited quest where people have to jump on during a certain time to do the quest. We have more creative opportunities for how to bring you the downloadable content."


I am not a fan of the proposed "time-limited" dlc quests. I hope the time limits are generous; I'd hate to miss out on potentially exclusive rewards due to a busy real-life schedule.

In past Monster Hunter games they were on a cycle so that you couldn't miss it forever (well until the servers went down). I imagine World will be the same.
In past Monster Hunter games they were on a cycle so that you couldn't miss it forever (well until the servers went down). I imagine World will be the same.

This interview makes it sound as though you're not actually "downloading" the quest though. Whereas at least in the portable versions (as far as I remember), if a quest was only available for a limited time, so long as you downloaded it within the period of availability, you had the freedom to complete it on your terms.


This interview makes it sound as though you're not actually "downloading" the quest though. Whereas at least in the portable versions (as far as I remember), if a quest was only available for a limited time, so long as you downloaded it within the period of availability, you had the freedom to complete it on your terms.

I'm referring to past console games. For example in Tri there were a bunch of event quests that were only available at certain times. http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/MH3:_Event_Calendar


Why people complaining about more added value?

I utterly confuse.... It's like people complaining just for the sake of complaining..


Jet would be on wheels, and look at the legs on that thing. It has massive legs strength, no amount of cats can hold that down with out stakes in the ground all over.

This akin to a group of children trying to stop a bull Elephant with ropes tied to it's waist and legs separately. You're going for a ride.

It just looks really dumb.
But the monster is on gravel/uneven ground, creating bad foothold. The cats have super cat power, cant be compared to real life cats. Or when Mario crushes blocks above him with one first, and bricks floating in mid air, it simply isnt possible!


Being about a new continent, the story could be about exploring the land, establishing trade routes and reducing the amount of dangerous foes in an area so a colony can be built, right?

Which would amount to go X, kill Y, gather Z, but if you have a satisfying gameplay look who cares.

Those Felynes are your AI companions, right? You don't have human partners, or am I wrong?
They should delve into the history behind the felynes why are some willing to die for you and others try to steal your stuff! What caused the great divide behind the felynes.

But to be serious I like the cutscenes in MH4U, they were fun to watch be cool having those included again too flesh out the world.
Haven't we learned in this generation now that you can attract, and retain, more people to your game if your just add story?

But the most important advantage for adding story- Is that nobody would ask "But what do you do? What is the point??"


Wait, so are they called Felynes or are they called Palicos?


Haven't we learned in this generation now that you can attract, and retain, more people to your game if your just add story?

But the most important advantage for adding story- Is that nobody would ask "But what do you do? What is the point??"


Wait, so are they called Felynes or are they called Palicos?

The species is called felyne, palico is the name for your companions.


It'll be meatier than that. Full voice acting and cutscenes etc.

I'd say the new baseline is MH4U. Still mostly a bunch of text boxes, but they did a good job of taking you on a world tour and contextualizing some of the bigger detpiece hunts. If they can do a little better than that, I think people will be pretty happy with it.

Even a "story heavy" MH is very gameplay-centric. Story is just a bit of garnish.

Ok both of these together might be something.
I hope they start showing the stuff to get the newcomers on board. The old guard seems to be on lock outside people who hate nay sort of change.
I hated having to skip all those useless text windows. Yes.

As long as there's a fast forward button I'm fine.

The bigger story here is Capcom adding more useless stuff to MHW in order to appeal to a bigger audience in the west.
Seems strange to me how you only comment on the "bad" things and ignore the obvious improvements they're making (not really though, I know what you're about).

Did they add story to MH4U/G to appeal to the West, or was it the direction the franchise was going anyway? What other useless stuff has been added in World to blatantly appeal to the West?
Game sounds amazing, my gut is telling me this will be the one to finally pull me and a bunch of other newcomers into MH. I think this one is gonna really take off and I think personally I'm going to get super absorbed based on the quality and variety of gameplay they've shown so far, especially if it has an engaging story to boot.

Feel pretty much the same way.
I have a feeling the "story" won't be any bigger than what MH4/U had. The op kinda messed up the thread by making the thread title focus on that. At least it wasn't "Monster Hunter: World New Interview: Zelda BotW has an empty map".

Seriously though I hate the stories in the series, I always thought they were a waste of time. I'm willing to play offline (when comcast drops my internet from time to time) to farm easy low rank materials and sort of work my way fighting small monsters to big monsters as they unlock, but damn the tedious text dialogues.
Seems strange to me how you only comment on the "bad" things and ignore the obvious improvements they're making (not really though, I know what you're about).

I don't find it strange at all because it's Sammy. Got to give it to him though as he wears his biases on his sleeve. MH having a bigger emphasis on story is fine. It's not going to directly impact the enjoyment us long term fans get will get out of it.


I don't see what's the harm in giving some context to the player's deeds...

That's what the story was always about in MH


Take your story focus and shove it somewhere I don't want to see.

/s may be.

Well, as long as they don't impede my progress speed, I'll be fine, if it gets in my way of running to a high rank large monster and getting on a cat cart three times in a row, I will unleash my rage then. There may even be two sentences of angry words, on a forum that's not their official forum, I'm sure that will show them.

As for the catpanion(I know, I'm so smart with words, the best with them), meh, as long as they can still heal me regularly, I couldn't care less.


As long as it doesn't get in the way of gameplay too much,that is good.If it's done right it may even add an extra layer of immersion.
Why people complaining about more added value?

I utterly confuse.... It's like people complaining just for the sake of complaining..

Well in some of the past games, it was just annyoying. MH Tri in particularly had a ridiculously slow beginning because of "story" which wasn't skippable.

If the story elements or whatever are entirely skippable, sure, why not.


I actually liked the stories in 4U and Gen. Knowing more about the world and characters we'll be spending hundreds of hours in is pretty cool.

The game is looking better and better everyday.


This interview makes it sound as though you're not actually "downloading" the quest though. Whereas at least in the portable versions (as far as I remember), if a quest was only available for a limited time, so long as you downloaded it within the period of availability, you had the freedom to complete it on your terms.

I'm referring to past console games. For example in Tri there were a bunch of event quests that were only available at certain times. http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/MH3:_Event_Calendar

When I watched that interview last night this was actually something that caught my eye so I wanted to comment on it. I thought it was interesting that they are going back to this way of handling event quests, as that was how it was always done in the console versions. Like how in Tri you could only fight Jhen Mohran every few weeks but it was an actual event. There would be a sandstorm in town, all vendors would be half price, stuff like that.

This doesn't work in portable games because you might never even go online and only play solo or local co-op. So they just let you download every quest and play them whenever. This might seem like it's objectively better, but when event quests are time limited they funnel players into them and it feels like the community is coming together for something.

As someone who REALLY loved the whole Tri online experience, I was let down by the online of 3U, 4U and Generations as they were much more stripped-down. It's great to see that MHWorld is going to be following the traditions of console MH, at least in some aspects. And 16 player lobbies are something I badly wanted even back in Tri.
When I watched that interview last night this was actually something that caught my eye so I wanted to comment on it. I thought it was interesting that they are going back to this way of handling event quests, as that was how it was always done in the console versions. Like how in Tri you could only fight Jhen Mohran every few weeks but it was an actual event. There would be a sandstorm in town, all vendors would be half price, stuff like that.

This doesn't work in portable games because you might never even go online and only play solo or local co-op. So they just let you download every quest and play them whenever. This might seem like it's objectively better, but when event quests are time limited they funnel players into them and it feels like the community is coming together for something.

As someone who REALLY loved the whole Tri online experience, I was let down by the online of 3U, 4U and Generations as they were much more stripped-down. It's great to see that MHWorld is going to be following the traditions of console MH, at least in some aspects. And 16 player lobbies are something I badly wanted even back in Tri.

Yeah the first sandstorm you experience in Tri was great. The Jhen fight was just totally different from anything else you fought previously. And even as someone less geared you can still run cannonballs and feel like you were helping instead of getting carried


I will let my cat hire a fucking Deviljho.
Seriously cool news will get day 1 on ps4 and if it ever happens day 1 on Switch too.

Hopefully the story is more improved after seeing monster hunter stories a story works in these games.
Because we know it's gonna be bad, and it's totally unnecessary and a waste of production values.

I don't think that's fair to say when we know next to nothing about the story of the game. Especially in a game that is trying to do new things in the series.

Also, I don't really get the point about wasting production values either. I mean sure, they could've used that budget and resources and made other stuff instead of a story, but it's not like the game lack anything that people would expect from MH. Judging by the reactions from MH fans, this seems like a very good entry in the series.

Like, I get it when people say that MvC:I should've spent its budget on having more new characters instead of a story mode (though that's more about Capcom holding back on new characters for DLC tbh) but I don't think MHW is in the same position. It seems like the game has everything that MH fans want/expect from a MH game AND has a meaty story alongside those.
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