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Most Disappointing 2014 - Destiny Vs. AC Unity and Halo MCC vs Driveclub


COD: AW, I dropped Destiny to pick this up as I spend 70% of my time doing PvP in fps games, after about 3-4 hours of AW I wish I didn't sell Destiny.


COD: AW, I dropped Destiny to pick this up as I spend 70% of my time doing PvP in fps games, after about 3-4 hours of AW I wish I didn't sell Destiny.

Made me appreciate Destiny MP whole lot more once i got taste of AW (Like i said, its a solid game, just you die way way to fast).

TTK is Halo being to slow and TTK in AW being to fast, Destiny ended up hitting the right spot for me.

Kind of why for a first time since Halo 1 i am looking forward to Halo 5 multiplayer....seems more akin to Destiny in some ways but more....i don't know....snapy.


You guys are picking a functional and working game over others that are broken (in some ways, beyond broken) in one way or another?

You all are freaking insane


How is Titanfall not on this list? I mean if we're going to shit on Destiny for it's hype, Titanfall has it beat hands down for being the most disappointing. I bought into the hype and I barely played it on PC. It's basically just you vs. AI. That is not what I wanted to play.


There are literally people saying that Destiny is literally the worst game they've ever played.

That's figuratively insane.


We need to remember the disappointing doesn't mean bad, just that a game didn't live up to the hype. Clearly that would be Destiny. It is still a decent game but it was billed as the second coming of JC and it simply wasn't (imo it shouldn't have been portrayed this way either but that's what happens). As disappointing as all of these games are none are bad and none are really broken, except drive club but it was never a huge item either.

That being said Driveclub on PS+ was really looked forward to by a lot of people, maybe that would make it the most disappointing cause it never even actually showed up.


How is Titanfall not on this list? I mean if we're going to shit on Destiny for it's hype, Titanfall has it beat hands down for being the most disappointing. I bought into the hype and I barely played it on PC. It's basically just you vs. AI. That is not what I wanted to play.

The gaming community has the memory of goldfish, and also Destiny bitterness is still a thing. I suppose at least Titanfall seemed more original or 'next gen.'


Wouldn't AC Unity be up for technical disappointment? The game otherwise is fantastic, and no where near as disappointing from a gameplay standpoint as Destiny


I personally enjoy Destiny a lot. The multiplayer is very fun. Campaign obviously was garbage in terms of content, but i feel like people disregard the PvP too often.

As for a comparison with AC, I haven't played it so I can't comment there.

MCC is really disappointing so far because what is there is awesome, we can barely access half of that greatness though, which blows. If this patch doesn't fix things, and they miss their first two weekends, it'll suck.

That's because fun pvp does not matter when you get to endgame and Bungie forces you to grind planetary materials to level up your weapons and armor. Plus 'some' of the best weapons and armor comes from the raid


There are literally people saying that Destiny is literally the worst game they've ever played.

That's figuratively insane.

Hyperbole in this thread is insane, but then again OP pretty much invited Destiny hating folks with open arms in to the tread and prepared the feast table.

The Bad: This game is gonna get massacred by NeoGaf and general media during GOTY awards because Destiny community can't seem to grow a pair of balls to defend this game even on this forum.

The Good: By sheer virtue of perseverance or because of the money sunk by Activition and Bungie will not walk away from Destiny IP, and it WILL GET better from here on. It might be this game or next one. But i doubt it can go lower then where they started unless they gonna introduce micro transactions.


Destiny without a doubt.

Would love to learn what went wrong with that game, seems there were major issues and the game was gutted. Or maybe they held back stuff to sell as DLC. Or maybe there weren't any issues and Bungie simply made a bad game, I dunno. But it was super disappointing.
I actually like Destiny.

Story is nonsense, and it's a bit repetitive, but the gameplay is good fun and I've had a lot of fun with it. And it works.

Most disappointing for me was Driveclub. I can forgive a few hitches at launch easily enough. Lots of games have them and go on to be fine, which is why I haven't picked MCC. It's only a week old and I'm sure it'll be fixed pretty quick.

Driveclub's launch was a shambles though. Any launch that results in the head of worldwide studios having to make an apology on Facebook after a months worth of issues with the online component of a predominantly online game is not cool. Even worse considering the year-long delay. And the pulling of the free PSN version. Basically its been a disaster.

I'm not saying its a bad game, its pretty good fun and looks pretty (aside from the awful lack of AA) but there no getting away from the fact that it didn't meet expectations

I can't really pass judgement on Unity as I'm yet to play it.
I will never understand the hate for Destiny. It's been my favorite game released so far and I've never been someone who enjoys MMOs or anything. They've been working hard to make the game better and respond to feedback - just in the last week or two they launched public chat channels, retooled Iron Banner to reflect levels and equipment differences and such, added a bunch of QOL improvements for how many bounties you can carry, etc. I have met a ton of awesome people through doing the raid and weekly missions. The fundamental gameplay I think is really solid, and the biggest knock against Destiny is that it's story is crap and that's upsetting because the lore is actually really cool.

People are too hard on Destiny.


Destiny, while not the game we all thought is a lot of fun with friends and actually learning some of the mechanics on strikes/raids. Can't speak for the others, waiting for MCC to be patched and almost at the point of just refusing to support UBISoft in general.
is what I my saying.

I've seen hyperbole before, but this takes it to a whole other level.

Destiny really strikes a nerve in a lot of people here, for whatever reason. Like, they make it their mission to display how much Destiny has personally insulted them.

I'm still a little confused as to how we got to this point, considering that there was an alpha and a very public beta (both of which showed off pretty well what the game was and is).


That's because fun pvp does not matter when you get to endgame and Bungie forces you to grind planetary materials to level up your weapons and armor. Plus 'some' of the best weapons and armor comes from the raid

Bro you are fucking with us!?

PvP =/= gear progression.

Jesus, did you even play this game? With exeption of recent (as of 2 days ago) revision of Iron Banner (and since by your posts i assume you rather did not play the game or only scratched the surface) your Char level, Gear/weapon Level did not make a difference in PvP. Level 5 can just as easily kill level 30 in pvp (outside of recent Iron Banner). As a matter of a fact a lot of low level guns deemed as powerful as most exotic gear you can attain in the game, case in point by compering Vex Mythochast (Rares raid gun) vs Shingan-E (Common Blue).

I am starting to question some of people here if they even played the game.
I expected more from destiny, i over hyped it
can you still not talk in the main lobby/world , dancing was cool one time

i haven't played driveclub or MCC yet so i can't comment on those, maybe this or next week

Nintendo saved 2014 for me


Halo MCC all the other sans drive club actually worked, it just depends on if you like them or can deal with their shortcomings. Halo's MP does not work and that is a major major issue. How can you release a franchise that is popular for the MP and it be so broken? Like wtf, I am happy MS gave me a refund for it.


Hyperbole in this thread is insane, but then again OP pretty much invited Destiny hating folks with open arms in to the tread and prepared the feast table.

The Bad: This game is gonna get massacred by NeoGaf and general media during GOTY awards because Destiny community can't seem to grow a pair of balls to defend this game even on this forum.

The Good: By sheer virtue of perseverance or because of the money sunk by Activition and Bungie will not walk away from Destiny IP, and it WILL GET better from here on. It might be this game or next one. But i doubt it can go lower then where they started unless they gonna introduce micro transactions.

Really? That's what you put for good? Setting that bar a bit low no? They need to get actual writers in there and not some 8th graders failed creative writing assignments for a start.
Destiny is the only truly disappointing one on that list for me when you compare expectations to what was actually shipped. I had no hope that Unity would be good. I had very few expectations for DriveClub. I believe that the biggest problems with MCC can and will be fixed in time.


Well I couldn't even justify buying DriveClub at its broken state, so that'd be my most disappointing turn out. Destiny is the only game out of those four that actually works flawlessly too, so don't think it compares to a list of buggy games.

That is not logic at all. A game can be disappointing without being buggy.
Nearly all the AAA games I bought this year let me down.

Watch Dogs
The Evil Within
MCC (technical issues are really frustrating, the actual games are fantastic though)

Digital games have been a win though:

Valiant Hearts
Child of Light

All were great, D4 especially.

Wolfenstein: TNO was above average. I wasn't super wowed like a lot of GAFers, but it was a solid game. Only Mordor and D4 exceeded my expectations. I still haven't gotten around to Sunset Overdrive and Inquisition yet.

Destiny hurt the worst and definitely gets my DOTY award. I'm contemplating trading it in just so I don't have to look at it on my shelf anymore...and I NEVER trade in games.


Really? That's what you put for good? Setting that bar a bit low no? They need to get actual writers in there and not some 8th graders failed creative writing assignments for a start.

I put it for shit when it comes Story and Good when it comes to loot and FUCKING AMAZING for game/gun play.

So in the end it averages out to alright/decent game.

So when seeing that it turned on average to decent game for me, it will only get better from here. Game dev have been updating and fixing the shit out of the game. Looking forward what they do next.

They have my sword.

PS: I did not buy Bungie game for story, but for quality game play. Last i checked, thats where they do best.

As you can see i give Destiny a fair chance and it delivered in the areas where it truly mattered.



Really? That's what you put for good? Setting that bar a bit low no? They need to get actual writers in there and not some 8th graders failed creative writing assignments for a start.

The bar was at the floor narratively if we're talking about Bungie anyway. I certainly don't miss their annoying melodrama from their Halo games. More worlds, strikes and raids is the correct focus.

That is not logic at all. A game can be disappointing without being buggy.

True, but I wouldn't even spend $60 on something that doesn't work correctly, so those games are a disappointment out of the gate, though Unity does seem more like general bugs than the crippling issues the other two suffer.
MCC - Don't own an Xbox One-- and likely never will-- so I had no emotional investment in this release, but I do recognize the importance of the Halo brand and what it means to my friends that are huge fans of MS and this particular series, and so I was pretty taken back with how broken MS allowed that game's matchmaking to ship. Imagine Naughty Dog shipping UC4 with Unity's level of technical garbage.

Unity - Black Flag was my first AC and I really enjoyed it but post-Watch Dogs I had no doubt Unity was going to be a technical clusterfuck, so no disappointment there.

Driveclub - I was really looking forward to getting my hands on the PS+ version and hopefully love what I was playing enough to pick up the full version. That never materialized and so that was a pretty big disappointment for me. I feel embarrassed for Evolution and Sony :(

Destiny - Hmmm... super conflicted about Destiny because I've easily spent more time with it than any other game this year (way over 200+ hrs) but it has been a 30:70 split of "this is awesome" : "I'm replaying the same content. I'M REPLAYING THE SAME CONTENT." I'll still continue to play and poke at it because I already have the expansion pass and will see it through till the end, but going back and looking at how it was presented and what it actually ended up being was a huge letdown for me. Marketing trailers, etc... I don't care about, but any type of "developer diary" that, in retrospect, was entirely misleading is always supremely irritating.

I think in terms of expectations vs. reality, Destiny has been far more disappointing, but like Unity I'm sure will eventually get to a place through updates, fixes, etc... where someone could come into either of those games brand new and not have to put up with the bullshit we currently are.

I think MCC is currently a bigger disappointment on a technical level re: online play simply because it's Halo. It's the flagship brand for Xbox. It, like DC, will likely get fixed and be fine in the future, but for a top shelf IP like Halo to have a core component broken at launch is pretty shocking and most certainly a disappointment.

I love Destiny, but this better be a joke post.

Nah, they were just trying to have the last word on the subject.


Destiny really strikes a nerve in a lot of people here, for whatever reason. Like, they make it their mission to display how much Destiny has personally insulted them.

I'm still a little confused as to how we got to this point, considering that there was an alpha and a very public beta (both of which showed off pretty well what the game was and is).

People don't like being lied to about what they're spending money on.


Destiny, easily. The other games will get fixed because their problems were technical. Destiny's problems are in its design. Those don't get fixed.
Destiny for me, because it was the only game I was going to purchase.

I had a bad feeling about it and decided to wait. Then I heard some of the reactions here and decided not to purchase it. I'm happy I did so.

Perhaps I'll pick it up when it's massively reduced in price at at some point.

I feel bad for the Xbox owners because the MCC is the one game I would have considered purchasing an Xbox for and for it to be somewhat broken at launch is very disappointing.
Personally there is alot wrong with destiny. I feel like the fundamental design of destiny is flawed. However I really do enjoy the core shooting mechanics, art design and the GAFcommunity. I never did follow destiny before release so I dont know what people were expecting. My causal gamers friends all seem to really like destiny. Maybe the hardcore community were expecting something else, who knows? I do know the destiny OT is already on OT10 in less than two months. Must be a horrible game right :p


Personally there is alot wrong with destiny. I feel like the fundamental design of destiny is flawed. However I really do enjoy the core shooting mechanics, art design and the GAFcommunity. I never did follow destiny before release so I dont know what people were expecting. My causal gamers friends all seem to really like destiny. Maybe the hardcore community were expecting something else, who knows? I do know the destiny OT is already on OT10 in less than two months. Must be a horrible game right :p

Has there ever been a game on Gaf that hit 10 OTs in such short time?


Destiny is quite a disappointment in my opinion; like someone said on the first page, its issues are deeply rooted in its design and cannot be patched away in any easy way.

DriveClub has had a disaster of a launch and it's a scandal that some parts of its online functionality still don't work as advertised. What is there though is quite excellent, to be honest, and due to my overwhelmingly busy private life at the moment, I don't really cry much about it at the moment.


Can't be Destiny, love it myself and it's exactly as expected after the Alpha and Beta. How people are disappointed after those quite public previews is beyond me...

Driveclub without doubt has more technical issues than Unity and MCC, it's still barely playable online (the focus of the game, unlike MCC) and missing core features. I'd also have Driveclub down for biggest disappointment after the year delay and promised PS+ version which hasn't materialised to this day.

Bending the rules of the OP, but to only have a face off with no crossover seems short sighted (almost agenda driven?) and counter productive to the discussion.
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