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Movies are trash tier entertainment at the moment

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Nah. You just picked (mostly) bad ones to go see. A quick Rottentomatoes or Metacritic check would've steered you away from most of those films. It's easier than ever to find decent things to watch in the cinema if you're willing to take 2 minutes to google what's good out there.

For every Don't Starve, there's a The Witch.
For every Southpaw, there's a Creed.
For every Independence Day 2, there's an Arrival.

Is Creed good? I heard mixed things about it. Soutpaw wasn't even bad, just super predictable and ripped Rocky 3 off a little too much without its charm.


OP you don't remember any memorable scenes from star wars? Not sure if that's a valid thing. I can understand not liking the writing or editing because it's very mainstream movieish but there are definitely quite a few memorable scenes..
Is Creed good? I heard mixed things about it. Soutpaw wasn't even bad, just super predictable and ripped Rocky 3 off a little too much without its charm.
Creed is good. A couple of awesome long shots in there during the boxing. Acting is top notch. And yes, the neighbourhood running with bikes and cycles is an awesome scene.
"Watch better movies" isn't really very helpful. It's basically saying "just watch the stuff that I like". For example, I fucking love action films. When I am watching a truly awesome action film that I have never seen before, I am in heaven. However, the sad truth is that quality action movies nowadays are a rarity. I am constantly looking for cool new action movies, but they're just not being made. Telling me to go check out the hottest new indie films doesn't help me any more than giving the same advice to someone who enjoys mainstream, mid-to-high budget studio films and believes they used to be a lot better than they are now (I agree).


"Watch better movies" isn't really very helpful. It's basically saying "just watch the stuff that I like". For example, I fucking love action films. When I am watching a truly awesome action film that I have never seen before, I am in heaven. However, the sad truth is that quality action movies nowadays are a rarity. I am constantly looking for cool new action movies, but they're just not being made. Telling me to go check out the hottest new indie films doesn't help me any more than giving the same advice to someone who enjoys mainstream, mid-to-high budget studio films and believes they used to be a lot better than they are now (I agree).
Please tell me you've watched The Raid: Redemption.
no shit.

no chance in hell is tv better, even during the 'golden age' too. the people who always say this tend to just stick to big movies, in which there is a dearth in quality at the moment for sure. it would be like saying tv is shit right now...but i only watch superhero shows.

Cosigned for truth
OP you don't remember any memorable scenes from star wars? Not sure if that's a valid thing. I can understand not liking the writing or editing because it's very mainstream movieish but there are definitely quite a few memorable scenes..

I remember some of it but everything past Han Solo's first appearance is a bit of a blur. Lots of explosions and little dialogue is what I remember. Also
Han Solo's demise
but overall, I left the cinema with a sour taste in my mouth. Not great, not terrible, just not a big deal and barely worth my time.


Go watch Embrace of the Serpent OP, really good stuff, my movie of the year so far.

But yeah, stop watching shitty movies, get into the monthly movies thread and ask for suggestions.
"Watch better movies" isn't really very helpful. It's basically saying "just watch the stuff that I like". For example, I fucking love action films. When I am watching a truly awesome action film that I have never seen before, I am in heaven. However, the sad truth is that quality action movies nowadays are a rarity. I am constantly looking for cool new action movies, but they're just not being made. Telling me to go check out the hottest new indie films doesn't help me any more than giving the same advice to someone who enjoys mainstream, mid-to-high budget studio films and believes they used to be a lot better than they are now (I agree).

If you're going to limit your tastes in such a way then yeah, you'll have more misses than hits. That's not new though. It's not like we were ever getting 10+ classic action films each year. In this decade so far, we've had some really great action flicks like Mad Max: Fury Road, John Wick, The Raid: Redemption, The Raid 2, Drive, Captain Phillips, Edge of Tomorrow, Inception, The Winter Soldier, Snowpiercer, Looper, Rise/Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol/Rogue Nation, Dredd, The Force Awakens, just to name a few off the top of my head.


Right now, movies don't even compare to the entertainment modern games, tv shows or books bring to the table in my humble opinion. I think these three forms of entertainment are in a really good spot at the moment but movies are lagging insanely behind. Most of the stuff I watched lately wasn't even worth my time to be frank, let alone good.
Maybe you'll come to a point in your life where you realize that tv shows and games aren't really worth your time either.
It's been echoed numerous times already but quit watching trash. I could say the same thing about TV if all I watched was garbage shows too. There a thread every month listing 15 suggested new films coming to theaters. Why don't you check that out.

Even with this "golden age" TV resurgence, what are these shows that are "clearly" better than the best films out right now? I try to keep up with TV as much as I can these days but while they are entertaining and high quality there nothing I've seen that has absolutely blown me away.

Go watch Embrace of the Serpent OP, really good stuff, my movie of the year so far
Also, Embrace of the Serpent fuckin rules. Easily a top pick of the year for me.


Hollywood is trash. This was the worst summer of blockbusters in recent memory. There are still good movies, though. They just don't get 200 page OTs on GAF.


It's been echoed numerous times already but quit watching trash. I could say the same thing about TV if all I watched was garbage shows too. There a thread every month listing 15 suggested new films coming to theaters. Why don't you check that out.

Even with this "golden age" TV resurgence, what are these shows that are "clearly" better than the best films out right now? I try to keep up with TV as much as I can these days but while they are entertaining and high quality there nothing I've seen that has absolutely blown me away.

Also, Embrace of the Serpent fuckin rules. Easily a top pick of the year for me.
Try Hannibal.
It's been echoed numerous times already but quit watching trash. I could say the same thing about TV if all I watched was garbage shows too. There a thread every month listing 15 suggested new films coming to theaters. Why don't you check that out.

Even with this "golden age" TV resurgence, what are these shows that are "clearly" better than the best films out right now? I try to keep up with TV as much as I can these days but while they are entertaining and high quality there nothing I've seen that has absolutely blown me away.

Also, Embrace of the Serpent fuckin rules. Easily a top pick of the year for me.

I do think that some of the best shows out right now absolutely are on-par with the best of film right now. But you are right. Whenever someone says: "Film sucks now, TV is where it's at." It feels like they're ignoring the vast majority of quality independent, foreign, and prestige pictures. While at the same time they're only thinking about prestige scripted premium cable/streaming TV shows and ignoring the vast amount of totally trash network dramas, not to mention reality programming and the like. You can't hold up Jason Bourne and Game of Thrones as proof of one medium being superior to the other, without also holding up stuff like Mad Max: Fury Road and Lucifer.


Guess it's my taste but there's been some amazing/great movies over the past few years. Admittedly I never go to blockbuster films in cinema.

2014: Boyhood (the worst Linklater film but it's still Linklater magic), The Grand Budapest Hotel (Wes Anderson is love it or hate it), Whiplash, Nightcrawler, Gone Girl, Lego Movie, Calvary, John Wick

2015: Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian, Ex Machina, Spotlight, The Hateful Eight, The Revenant, The End of the Tour, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl


I understand some of those but I can't understand someone going to see Star Trek Beyond and not remembering anything about it unless they really wanted to forget it, as it's one of my favorite movies of the year.

Maybe just see fewer movies and be more selective about them.


I understand some of those but I can't understand someone going to see Star Trek Beyond and not remembering anything about it unless they really wanted to forget it, as it's one of my favorite movies of the year.

Maybe just see fewer movies and be more selective about them.
Also it's ridiculous to dismiss a movie as well made as The Force Awakens as forgettable trash or whatever.


Whiplash, Nightcrawler, John Wick, The Nice Guys

All good movies you probably didn't watch. I am missing tons from that time period too I'm sure.

Edit: lol I see now these were covered already.


I understand some of those but I can't understand someone going to see Star Trek Beyond and not remembering anything about it unless they really wanted to forget it, as it's one of my favorite movies of the year.

Maybe just see fewer movies and be more selective about them.
What really hurts my head is that the most vocal people out there who will bitch about how "trash tier" mainstream blockbusters are these days will invariably be the first ones to go see Suicide Squad on its premiere weekend - even though they know it'll suck - because that's what all of their friends are going to see.

You can't have it both ways. You have to develop self-control to not go see "the next big thing" that had a bunch of ad dollars thrown at it because if you always break and do just that, well guess what... that trend of trash tier entertainment isn't going to change.
I'm glad I don't have this problem. But the movies OP listed, I loved SW but those others... didn't see Don't Breathe so can't comment but it got praise IIRC.


I loved watching movies up until ~2013 I think. At some point my eagerness to go to the theater on a regular basis subsided to the point where I basically only went when invited by friends.

None of the movies I've lately seen stuck with me. Don't Breathe, Star Wars, James Bourne, Star Trek, Independence Day 2, Southpaw and what have you. Just utterly forgettable. I couldn't come up with memorable scenes in any of them to save my life. Perhaps I'm watching the wrong stuff (and these films are not doing a particularly good job of convincing me to dig deeper into the medium) but I swear going to the movies 5-10 years ago wasn't such a non-experience in comparison.
Clearly, there are good movies once in a while (I very much enjoyed The Visit; Everest wasn't bad either) but the ratio between what's good and what isn't seems to be a little out of balance unless I'm super selective or just very unlucky in my choice of pictures.

Right now, movies don't even compare to the entertainment modern games, tv shows or books bring to the table in my humble opinion. I think these three forms of entertainment are in a really good spot at the moment but movies are lagging insanely behind. Most of the stuff I watched lately wasn't even worth my time to be frank, let alone good.
Don't forget most of the comic book movies.

For me, Netflix is the best thing to happen to film in decades. So many brilliant little indie films I would never have otherwise seen.
Also it's ridiculous to dismiss a movie as well made as The Force Awakens as forgettable trash or whatever.

But it is forgettable?

I don't see what I'm going to remember from it 5 years from now, I'm not even remembering much of it now even though I saw it twice when it released.

To compare I remember everything from Fury Road, Her, Whiplash or even The Voices.


What really hurts my head is that the most vocal people out there who will bitch about how "trash tier" mainstream blockbusters are these days will invariably be the first ones to go see Suicide Squad on its premiere weekend - even though they know it'll suck - because that's what all of their friends are going to see.

You can't have it both ways. You have to develop self-control to not go see "the next big thing" that had a bunch of ad dollars thrown at it because if you always break and do just that, well guess what... that trend of trash tier entertainment isn't going to change.

I've only seen 5 movies in theaters this year (10 Cloverfield Lane, Zootopia, Civil War, IDR and Star Trek) and really liked all but 1 of them (IDR, which I hated). Being selective about the movies you go see in theaters not only helps to avoid some really terrible stuff but also makes it easier to remember them all.


Perhaps! ;)

It's funny how people who deride the state of movies almost always tend to stick to blockbuster films. It could be down to location, that you're not near arthouse or indie cinemas, but then you can see plenty of non-blockbuster films at home. Broaden your horizons. Check out foreign films (you might have to read!). Even just look up the highest Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic scores for films in a year and check them out.

For example, you gave an example of a horror movie. Go see The Witch, It Follows, The Babadook, Conjuring, etc.

You gave an example of an action movie. Go see Raid 1 and 2, Mad Max Fury Road, John Wick, Dredd.

You gave an example of a sports movie. Go see Foxcatcher or Raging Bull.

You gave an example of a sci fi movie. Go see Europa Report, 2001, Ghost In The Shell, Paprika, Alien, Sunshine, Contact, Stalker, Solaris, Eternal Sunshine, Moon, Primer, Interstellar.

Oh, since you mentioned Independence Day, be sure to check out Arrival when it comes out (soon!) by the same director of Sicario, Enemy, and Prisoners.

quoting so I can reference this later


The only films I can be bothered to watch these days are trash tier movies, as you call them. I've gotten to a point where I hate just sitting doing nothing but watching something. It's why I don't watch TV, either (well, except Star Wars Rebels....because, Star Wars). The only exceptions are comic book movies and Star Wars. My love for those subjects outweighs the feeling I'm sitting there doing nothing. I'm big into sci-fi as a subject, but I don't watch any of those movies or TV shows.

I guess video games has ruined my ability to enjoy those things as much. I enjoy them because I'm actively using my mind solving puzzle and developing strategies.
What do you expect from Hollywood movies? If want "art" or something meaningful and challenging you're going to have to look elsewhere.


It's been echoed numerous times already but quit watching trash. I could say the same thing about TV if all I watched was garbage shows too. There a thread every month listing 15 suggested new films coming to theaters. Why don't you check that out.

Even with this "golden age" TV resurgence, what are these shows that are "clearly" better than the best films out right now? I try to keep up with TV as much as I can these days but while they are entertaining and high quality there nothing I've seen that has absolutely blown me away.

Have you seen Rectify? probably my favorite TV show since Deadwood.


It's all about appealing to Asian markets these days. Blockbusters get released in America to break even, and then go international where the profit is. TV and Netflix is where it's at for quality entertainment.


its all subjective by the end of the day.

I have enjoyed heaps of movies in the past 5 years.

Dredd, John Wick, Mad Max, Deadpool, Ex Machina, Edge of Tomorrow, Jurassic World, The Jump Street movies, Riddick, Pacific Rim, Godzilla, Olympus has Fallen, Mission Impossible 5, the hateful eight etc etc...
It's all about appealing to Asian markets these days. Blockbusters get released in America to break even, and then go international where the profit is. TV and Netflix is where it's at for quality entertainment.

Is that even true though? If I recall correctly, TFA didn't do as well as expected in China and basically made the lion's share of its haul in America. The international market is much bigger now but these film's aren't just breaking even in America lol. Do the numbers even back up what you're saying? The only films that do this are like the Warcraft movie which pretty much bombed in America and made all its money in China.
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