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My rant on overweight justification in America

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Orayn said:
I'm just going with the flow of this thread: People are fat by their own volition, so it should be socially acceptable to hate them for it. Why not religion too?

Religious people who shove it in your face or shove it where it has no place like politics? - Not sure if I hate ANYONE more besides child molesters.

Religious and don't bring it up with me after I say no once? I may think less of you for being religious, but hate? no.

Fat and it affects me? -Smell, in my way, gut oozing into my seat on a plane/bus - Hate

Fat but out of my way? - Sme as above not hate but certainly think less of the person.
Jme said:

he's eating fruit, though. nothing obese about that.


Deified Data said:
Sorry you have to live in a mutually-supportive society with other people. Become a hermit if it bothers you so much.

Lol at this response. You understood nothing of what he was trying to say.

edit: as for the religion thing, I don't think it's become socially acceptable to hate Christian. It is acceptable to hate atheist though. But hey, that's not a religion.
Orayn said:
I'm just going with the flow of this thread: People are fat by their own volition, so it should be socially acceptable to hate them for it. Why not religion too?
It is socially acceptable to hate on Scientologists. It's socially unacceptable to hate on Christians because they are the majority in America. When the day finally comes when the obese are the majority, then they may finally succeed in making their illness a societal norm.
LuchaShaq said:
Religious people who shove it in your face or shove it where it has no place like politics? - Not sure if I hate ANYONE more besides child molesters.

Religious and don't bring it up with me after I say no once? I may think less of you for being religious, but hate? no.

Fat and it affects me? -Smell, in my way, gut oozing into my seat on a plane/bus - Hate

Fat but out of my way? - Sme as above not hate but certainly think less of the person.
At least you're honest. That's all I'm asking.

jmdajr said:
Lol at this response. You understood nothing of what he was trying to say.

edit: as for the religion thing, I don't think it's become socially acceptable to hate Christian. It is acceptable to hate atheist though. But hey, that's not a religion.
A couple fat chicks got in his way is what he was saying. I say, perhaps he shouldn't live with other people if they're such a hindrance. Thought it was relatively straight-forward.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Dude Abides said:
Real men eat steak with a glass of whiskey, neat, and do not give a single fuck for the feminized opinions of 120-pound wisps in vintage t-shirts.
Yeah, I don't like how food is being feminized these days (in two directions). I like the idea of organic and grass-fed, those things don't strike me as feminine, just good ideals, but society pushes those things to be viewed as feminine.

On the other side, people think I'm weird because I like to cook whole birds or large cuts, and I cut them up myself. Those sorts of things are masculine (imo) and are vilified. I don't mind seeing a leftover carcass, and I'm not afraid of cleaning off bones or eating cartilage or giblets. I cook most my food in duck fat or lamb fat (typically leftover from leg roasts), because it tastes amazing. I tend to be very forward with my food preferences, and enjoy coming off as if I couldn't-give-a-fuck, because people are so scared of eating any part of an animal that isn't muscle tissue from a chicken these days.

edit: btw, people are fat because of personal choices, their parents' choices (especially the mom during pregnancy), genetics, and DEFINITELY society.

If you look at the food that gets advertised these days, even the "healthy" food options aren't really that healthy. People should eat real food (I know I'm coming off totally Pollan right now, but still), and they do need to exercise. Though, exercise is also feminized these days though. The recommendation for everyone is to get out and do cardio. Cardio doesn't make a man look like a man. It's muscle building.
Spacebar said:
Guys I'm not trying to troll at all. The fat people can complain all they want about being made fun, etc. but I can't complain about a fat person putting my life in jeopardy?

During the east coast earthquake we had to evacuate our building. Guess who was holding up the exits? Yea, two overweight ladies who could barely walk 50 feet without stopping for a break. I know the earthquake wasn't that bad, but it's still an example of putting others in danger because you just don't care.

I'm not talking about people who are a few pounds over weight. I'm talking about the people 350+ who can barely walk half the time etc. You put yourself and others at risk not be capable of doing basic physical things.

This is retarded. Every single type of person will hold you ass up one way or another. In the staircase it just happened to be two fat people, big whoop.

You gotta live in society with other people. Accept it.


Orayn said:
I'm just going with the flow of this thread: People are fat by their own volition, so it should be socially acceptable to hate them for it. Why not religion too?
This is what I was getting at with the race stuff earlier. People love to stand on a moral high ground about race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. but those fatties? OH GOD KILL THEM WITH FIRE.

Just pointing out peoples double standards.


Orayn said:
I'm just going with the flow of this thread: People are fat by their own volition, so it should be socially acceptable to hate them for it. Why not religion too?

Hate is a pretty strong feeling and emotion. If someone really hates someone that is overweight then I feel sorry for them. My main feeling when I see someone that's overweight is pity and wishing that they'd stop deluding themselves into thinking they can't change their lifestyle.

I don't think it's acceptable to hate anyone, so I don't really see the justification either way.

Ignus Fatuus said:
They aren't 30% of the US population. I've only known one person who had a medically concerning problem with being skinny.

Yup, we are a long way from our population being so skinny that it's a health hazard. That would be a great problem to have right now with our national health care costs rising dramatically. There are many reasons behind that, but clearly diabetes, heart disease, medications to control cholesterol, etc push a lot of that cost and it will continue to grow unless our obesity as a country comes down.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I work out 5 days a week, and I used to be a fat piece of shit. I've lost a ton of weight, and have never felt better in my life. If _I_ can work out 5 days a week, fucking ANYONE can do it.

Seriously. I'm really lazy. If you are not working out as much as I am, you should be ashamed, because a super lazy guy is doing it more than you are.

Devolution said:
Obviously but the same vicious attitude just isn't there.
Because there's a false belief that being skinny means you'll never have a heart attack. This is patently false.


Agree in essence with the op. I don't hate fat people or anything cuz that's a bit ridiculous, but I do hate whenever anyone remarks on weight that people rush to defend. There is no defense for bein fat. And while there is no hate, I do think it's pretty damn disgusting

I've been fortunate enough to travel a bit and what they say is true, America is definitely unique when it comes to the percentage of overweight people. I always come back and look around shocked at how many people just don't give a damn. And then people defend it as if saying something about it provokes image problems or some shit. Insane


Ignis Fatuus said:
They aren't 30% of the US population. I've only known one person who had a medically concerning problem with being skinny.
Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.
Number one: That's obesity.
andycapps said:
Hate is a pretty strong feeling and emotion. If someone really hates someone that is overweight then I feel sorry for them. My main feeling when I see someone that's overweight is pity and wishing that they'd stop deluding themselves into thinking they can't change their lifestyle.

I don't think it's acceptable to hate anyone, so I don't really see the justification either way.
This applies to religion x10.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Orayn said:
Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.
Number one: That's obesity.
Number Two: That's obesity.


reggie said:
This is what I was getting at with the race stuff earlier. People love to stand on a moral high ground about race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. but those fatties? OH GOD KILL THEM WITH FIRE.

Just pointing out peoples double standards.

Race is not a choice and can't negatively affect other people. (unless you are scared to date someone due to your racist family I guess)

Fat is 98% a choice and can negatively affect others.

Can't think of anything more different than these two things.


Deified Data said:
This applies to religion x10.
But the fact that people take pride in religion and honor it as a tradition means it should be exempt from criticism, apparently. Funny how that works.


Spacebar said:
Do any of you not feel a social responsibility to not be fat?

What if you're in a burning bus and you're too fat to get off the bus quickly leaving others to die.

What if you're walking across the street with your child and a car doesn't see you. Are you physically able to get out of the way?

What if someone is trying to pull you out of a car from a bad accident, but you're too fat to get out and die.

There is tons of situations you could be in that an outcome would be different if you weren't fat. I feel like I should always be able to jump into action if need be. I'm not saying you need to be spider-man, but you should be able to run, jump and lift a decent amount of weight for your size.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
andycapps said:
Hate is a pretty strong feeling and emotion. If someone really hates someone that is overweight then I feel sorry for them. My main feeling when I see someone that's overweight is pity and wishing that they'd stop deluding themselves into thinking they can't change their lifestyle.

I don't think it's acceptable to hate anyone, so I don't really see the justification either way.
I don't have 6 pack abs or something, but I've lost a ton of weight, and become far more healthy. It's simple. Get off your fat ass, and make a change in your life.

So yeah, I agree. Most people that are overweight are overweight because they eat shit, don't work out, and are essentially slowly killing themselves.


CrazyDogg77 said:
So how does other people being overweight affect you negatively?
It makes health care/insurance more expensive. Our money is being used to treat preventable problems. At my work, they've implemented several programs to try to help people lose weight because there were too many insurance claims for weight-related problems. If you sign up for a health coach (free), they take $40 a month off your premiums. It's that big of a deal.

Heart disease gets the largest share of health care expenditures. [source]
Heart disease is often caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, being overweight and smoking. [source]

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Dude Abides said:
Real men eat steak with a glass of whiskey, neat, and do not give a single fuck for the feminized opinions of 120-pound wisps in vintage t-shirts.
proper scotch needs a drop of water to open up, and you failed to mention medium rare if youre gonna troll at least do your homework

this thread makes me hungry


Deified Data said:
This applies to religion x10.

You could say that some people feel that way. I think there's some scientific proof that could be found behind the position that being overweight is less desirable in a potential partner than someone that is physically fit.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's a bigger problem that everyone thinks everyone else's problems are their problems.


Deified Data said:
Sorry you have to live in a mutually-supportive society with other people. Become a hermit if it bothers you so much.

Sorry, misinterpreted.
I'll be sure to remember that line when we can't squeeze a fat guy onto a life boat. "Mutually supportive society, guy! Do your part by crawling below deck so we won't feel so bad about leaving you."


is now taking requests
Dude Abides said:
Real men eat steak with a glass of whiskey, neat, and do not give a single fuck for the feminized opinions of 120-pound wisps in vintage t-shirts.

the Dude abides
thetrin said:
Because there's a false belief that being skinny means you'll never have a heart attack. This is patently false.
Well thin people can get still hit by cars so I'm not sure what kind of point you are trying to make.


reggie said:
This is what I was getting at with the race stuff earlier. People love to stand on a moral high ground about race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. but those fatties? OH GOD KILL THEM WITH FIRE.

Just pointing out peoples double standards.

Sexual Orientation, Race you are born with. Can't do shit about it. Religion, yeah you chose that and assume you do so to improve your life and that of others. There sure are a lot of examples of that not being the case.

As for being fat, yeah most people are not born like that either. And while I see in theory an advantage to religion...I don't really see any pro's to being fat. And in most cases you have the power not to be.


CrazyDogg77 said:
Let me ask a question what do you consider overweight?

I think the BMI scale is pretty accurate. If someone is overweight by BMI standards, but in shape, then they probably have no reason to consult the BMI scale.

In a nutshell, if you're a burly motherfucker with huge guns and a six pack and the BMI scale says you're obese, you can safley not give a rats ass because you're not the target audience for utilizing the BMI scale to figure out if you're healthy or not.
Dali said:
I'll be sure to remember that line when we can't squeeze a fat guy onto a life boat. "Mutually supportive society, guy! Do your part by crawling below deck so we won't feel so bad about leaving you."
Hey, do what you've gotta do. Just know why you're doing it.

jmdajr said:
Sexual Orientation, Race you are born with. Can't do shit about it. Religion, yeah you chose that and assume you do so to improve your life and that of others. There sure are a lot of examples of that not being the case.

As for being fat, yeah most people are not born like that either. And while I see in theory an advantage to religion...I don't really see any pro's to being fat. And in most cases you have the power not to be.
But you can see some cons to being religious, can't you?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
macuser1of5 said:
Well thin people can get still hit by cars so I'm not sure what kind of point you are trying to make.
It was a pretty simple point. Being skinny doesn't mean you're healthy. You can still have a high susceptibility to heart disease even if you're not overweight. Being hit by a car has nothing to do with being healthy, so your comparison was kind of dumb.
Forearms said:
I think the BMI scale is pretty accurate. If someone is overweight by BMI standards, but in shape, then they probably have no reason to consult the BMI scale.

In a nutshell, if you're a burly motherfucker with huge guns and a six pack and the BMI scale says you're obese, you can safley not give a rats ass because you're not the target audience for utilizing the BMI scale to figure out if you're healthy or not.

But the BMI scale assigns a one size fits all weight for people. No two people are exactly the same so this does not work.
thetrin said:
It was a pretty simple point. Being skinny doesn't mean you're healthy. You can still have a high susceptibility to heart disease even if you're not overweight.
Well sure but we are talking statistics. The link to heart disease and obesity isn't exactly tenuous.

CrazyDogg77 said:
But the BMI scale assigns a one size fits all weight for people. No two people are exactly the same so this does not work.
BMI most certainly works when applied to large groups, which is what it is for.
Dali said:
I'll be sure to remember that line when we can't squeeze a fat guy onto a life boat. "Mutually supportive society, guy! Do your part by crawling below deck so we won't feel so bad about leaving you."

Any characteristic will be detrimental in a certain situation.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
macuser1of5 said:
Well sure but we are talking statistics. The link to heart disease and obesity isn't exactly tenuous.
I don't think you get my point. My point is that EVERYONE should work out, even if you're not fat. Not that fat people are probably safe from dying of a heart attack.


Overweight? Honestly case by case basis. It's hard to tell because there are some people that would gain 15 lbs and look like fat slobs, and others that would gain the weight and just have a tiny gut with bigger curves.

BMI is only really applicable to those who don't reguarly work out and have average/below average muscle mass. Also sometimes throws off the scale for women who have disproportionally large or small breasts. Best example of this would be nfl linebackers with 6 packs being considered obese if you go by bmi. It honestly does fit for the average person though.

I've known a 5'10 210 lb girl who had almost a flat stomach and looked amazing naked.
I've known same height girls 30-40-50 lbs lighter have seemingly gigantic beer guts that overhang their genitals.

Obese - When your weight affects the way someone lives their life. Getting winded walking up stairs, oozing into a 2nd seat on a bus/plane, having issues getting clean due to fat rolls, Not being able to fit in your desk (happens ALL the time). etc.


I think your standards are a little bit fucked up if you think that qualifies as fat. I also think you need to do some (NSFW) googling if you think that fat is anything close to universally considered to be unattractive.

Nobody's metabolism is the same: not everyone works equally to maintain the same weight (a point that you touched on but seemed to ignore for the purposes of the rest of your post) so it's not fair to universally deride all people for not falling into a certain category of body image.
As well, the notion that societal pressure does not cause some women to make unhealthy choices is ludicrous. If you had been merely talking about a bunch of well-natured adults that had not spent their entire lives exposed to a culture oriented towards telling them how ugly they look (watch any cosmetics ad, ever. Even the ones that tell you how beautiful you are are selling you a product that subsists on your lack of self-esteem), then you might have a point. But the fact is the women of our world have dealt with this more or less from day one, and the corrupting influence of culture is not instantly nullified when they turn eighteen.

But really, the most flawed part of your argument is where you assert that if someone makes a choice, it is instantly open season for you to discriminate. This is, of course, the more reasonable variant of your argument, which is actually closer to "if someone makes a choice -- at least, I think it's a choice, I mean, I don't know their medical history, personal problems, or family background -- then it's instantly open season for me to discriminate".


Angry Grimace said:
It's a bigger problem that everyone thinks everyone else's problems are their problems.
I'm not an anti-fat crusader (I think it's a far more complex issue than most make it out to be)...

But it's undeniable that obesity is becoming a horrible societal problem that needs to be dealt with beyond the personal level.


there is a very good possibility that skinny people dodge oncoming traffic more often than overweight people are able to. Same goes for getting chased by dogs.
Forearms said:
This is exactly what I said in my post.

The thing is as far as detriments to health normal and overweight people have the same mortality rates while underweight and obese have higher. So why do overweight people get all the hate while underweight are generally praised?
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