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Name a favorite youtube channel of yours that recently went to shit

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I've just noticed on a handful of channels that there's no option to sort the uploaded videos list by # of views, but sub-groups and playlists have the option. Is this a recent thing? I get it, though it's annoying when I'm trying to figure out if a channel is worth subbing or not. I'd rather demo some of the objectively better/interesting stuff without having to manually sift through a couple dozen.
Homestar runner, the thread.

On the once-in-a-blue-moon occasions they've actually updated in the past six years, they're still gold.

I'm really happy for The Brothers Chaps having achieved success with mainstream cartoons, but I really, really miss Homestar. Ah well. Had an amazing run.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Originally I dropped the channel during the playthrough of Banjo-Kazooie, because there was an entire episode of Jon running around the castle going nowhere because he didn't know where to go. Odd for a man playing what he claims to be one of his favorite games of all time.

I jumped back on when Jon left and Danny picked up, and for awhile it was a lot of fun, but then I just got tired of Arin and Danny sounded like he wasn't having fun anymore. Maybe it was just them at the time, but when you have Arin constantly complimenting games and then he doesn't know how to play them, it stops feeling genuine and/or enthusiastic. Plus, Arin starts sounding more and more arrogant and pretentious. Gets old after awhile.

Viewtiful Joe was the one that made me really snap. None of them played except Ryan, and Ryan is the least charismatic one of the group and he did not know anything about that game. Plus I got tired of the way they'd argue shit. Like how Arkham City turned into "Ted hates DC and Lewis talks about the injustices of Catwoman's outfit." And they kept bringing on Amanda (I think that's her name), who would freak out and cry on so much shit. That's just plain uncomfortable. Bottom line: Johnny was the only one I gave a fuck about, and I even stopped watching his channels. Though, the SGB I stopped watching because Matt and Elliot got to be grating. I stopped watching his reviews mostly because gaming as a whole fell out of my hobby priorities.

Game grumps did infact have a lul and I stopped watching for atleast like a year or so but they have mostly been back on track now.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I will say that while the BB LP was awful, they did a lot to redeem themselves with the DLC LP. No switching the controller off on deaths, and bringing Matt on as the guy that doesn't really care about the gameplay and is more there for the story, visuals, etc. really helped. Plus Pat got spoiled on the DLC and was able to get all of the cool stuff without wasting too much time.

I think they know that the best balance for an LP is "Guy that knows the game inside and out + 1 or more guys that are going in blind", but a lot of people expect LPs for brand new games. That's why the recent Neir and Catherine LPs have been WAY better than DS3 and BB imo.

I agree their best LPs have been when they're playing games they love from years past, especially when its japanese games which they all admit they gravitate more to.

But alot of the time its sometimes the one offs that really sell it, like the creepy japanese bullshit series with matt and liam, two guys who clearly watch their fair share of hentai haha.
Angryjoe - he's just milking reaction videos now and then complaining he doesn't have time to make Angry reviews.

Gradeaundera - as someone else mentioned he just does boring rants about YouTube now.

Game Theory - Sold out big time and neglects his original content.


Neo Member
Haven't seen it mentioned in this thread yet, but a couple years back I really enjoyed AuzzieGamer. Really fun playthroughs of Splinter Cell Conviction, Hitman Blood Money and some good montages of Assassins Creed multiplayer brought many laughs. He went dark for about two years then popped back up but.... I'm not feeling it.

Maybe it's that large passing of time but his stuff just feels a little crass to me now, just doesn't hit the same comedy nerves it used to. Plus there's an inconsistency to content updates; the Hitman Absolution playthrough is still unfinished, Metal Gear Solid V was a complete non-starter and his new Hitman material just isn't as enjoyable to watch as before. Maybe it's just me.

On the note of TheSw1tcher, I still regularly tune in but the LP's rarely keep my attention. It's reached that point of content saturation where I can't think of games I'd like to watch and hear others commentate. I'm always down for Fisticuffs though, and wish they did more of those weekly specials, even if they can be hit or miss. I still go back and watch THE FIGHTING time and again.


I probably outgrew Yahtzee's humour rather than him going to shit, but I think a real turning point for me was the Bayonetta 2 review. I don't think he made a single point about the game, just jokes. It solidified for me that while he was still funny, he had clearly long abandoned video game criticism.

Plus I resent his South Park-esque "the truth is always in the middle and caring makes you suck" approach.
Fitness/bodybuilding channelss:-

The Hodge twins have become lazy as fuck and don't even seem interested in working out anyymore.

Plus their fast food challenges are disgusting.

The whole POG/pumpchasers thing kinda put me off Chris Jones.

Rich piana just seems like a sad lonely old dude now.

CT fletcher seems like his body has had enough. And he needs to stop pressuring his son because he clearly isn't about that hardcore fitness life.

The juggernaut fitness drama is entertainingg, but that might be the biggest YouTube self-destruction I've ever seen.

At least kail muscle is entertaining, but I'm convinced he has a intern who does all his gaming for him.


maybe tomorrow it rains
I knew this thread would be about Begidragons. I was so disappointed when I saw their video about Megwin stepping down. Tried to give the new guy a shot but already unsubscribed.


Super Best Friends is only fun when Pat is as far away from the mic as possible. Dude's often the very definition of obnoxious.

Also, when doing a let's play, you should try to actually have people play it that are new to the experience. Having Pat fucking theorycraft and backseat-drive the shit out of a let's play turns me off immediately. Go in fucking blind.

All those things are the best.

Your taste can be described as very poor

Matt from TheSwitcher has annoyed the shit out of me lately that it has kept me away from their stuff

Matt is kind of the worst
GradeAUnderA. I really, really do not give a shit about any of the youtube drama shit he does now beyond wishing he would talk about something else. Same with H3H3.

They feel more like a company now instead of 3 friends doing skits. And their funny factory thing is boring.

I didn't care for their last couple of videos but I can forgive their phoned-in nature considering they're presumably at work on Version 4.1.

Sou Da

I used to watch The Needle Drop until Anthony revealed he's a moron.
Pretty much this, I wish I never watched his other channel. It's just him making a dickhead out of himself with a lot of unfunny """""""ironic"""""""" pandering.

SBFP is fine for me but I find it funny what two small problems I have with them: Liam is incredibly knowledgeable but he gets grating as fuck when he's on a game he knows a lot about.

Pat's generally funny but he likes to pretend he always knows what he's talking about which is annoying as hell.


He seems to exclusively only do blind bags, figures and old-ass food now. That Poundland Tech Special from a few weeks back was one of the only videos I've bothered to finish in ages.

True, but I don't really feel the quality declined and I like the new type of boxes he goes for instead of those damned lootcrates. But I agree he sticks to the formula. I do think it is partially because he is making another film and because he recently wrote a book.

Also, his new channel Barshens has been quite creative thus far. The more recent vids are noticably better than the early ones and there have been some funny concepts.
I like SBFP, but Matt can easily turn me off from a LP if he isn't into the game. Woolie, Pat, and Liam at least try to make bad games entertaining through their commentary, but if Matt doesn't like a game he comes off bored and annoyed which in turn makes me bored and annoyed watching it. He was the worst part of the David Cage LP's.

I do like his streams and enjoy his solo videos though.


Nostalgia Critic went way overboard with the skits and it makes most of his reviews really tough to watch now. It's even seeped into his editorial stuff a bit which is usually still pretty good.

Screwattack and Machinima stopped being good years ago. Machinima is basically a dying husk and Screwattack lives off of death battle.

I stopped watching Game Grumps after Jon left, although tbh it was getting a bit stale even before he went.

SBFP is still great, however I'm far more selective with the LP's nowadays. I often find myself gravitating toward the far superior podcast instead, although they still do great LP's. Eyes of Heaven is pretty fun just to hear Pat and Woolie geek out about JoJo for half an hour every few days, and I just finished their older Silent Hill 2 playthrough, which I thought was quite good.

Watching them for so long though, there are aspects of all 4 of them I found grating after awhile. Matt can get overly defensive and runs jokes into the ground, Pat bitches about the stupidest things and acts like he knows everything, Liam can be way too smug, and Woolie can get somewhat obnoxious.


TotalBiscuit, I miss his AAA games coverage; the co-optional podcast is still great and I find his "discussion" pieces really informative and well thought out, but he just doesn't cover games I would buy as often as he used to.
Ashens has gotten really stale. He should drop the Poundland stuff and just do food/tech now. He can't keep doing Poundland forever and it's not funny anymore. His Ideas Men thing was pretty great though. He should try more skit comedy.

I'm not liking the frequency of the shorter videos, but the Poundland stuff is still a highlight for me.

That being said, the guy seems pretty down to earth in comparison to most big youtubers, so I wonder if it's more a case of him having a lot of stuff going on at the moment (new film etc.)

Ashens for life.

Edit: I don't like the new schedule for nerdcubed.

Too much of a reliance on his playthrough videos.
I would've said Rebeltaxi, but he's done an 180 over the past year and he's not as cancerous as he was turning out to be. Was real close to not watching, I tend to keep my subscriptions very small.


Two Best Friends/TheSw1tcher.

They've grown obsessed with MRA-esque mantras lately ie: saying cuck and other super weird things unironically every other video. Before that their YT audience has been pretty shit since TWD Season 2 when all the Kenny fans/mras came out of the woodwork and got super pissed with them for not liking the guy. I didn't have an issue with any one of them individually. My issue is their seeming embrace of alt-right bs.

Red Letter Media.

Similar to TBF but they've dived in even harder on alt-right mantras/ideals than TBF have. Not to mention they have, for quite a long time, been fairly transphobic. And the over reliance on rape "jokes" as of late is also quite grating. They've changed so damn much the past yearish and the quality is just....not that great anyway. I used to love their stuff but it's all such an incredibly huge turnoff now.


TBFP/SBFP :( man, the husband and I watched them religiously for years, and now the only thing we're looking forward to is Shitstorm... If they do it. And depending on who plays.

Honestly, Liam drives us both up the wall, and Woolie can really come off like a dick. Pat's angry schtick is still funny, but eh. Matt's still funny.

Mostly, we just go back and watch old Matt/Pat LPs and Machinima episodes than any of the new stuff.


I actually can't watch the Needledrop anymore, ever since Anthony started heavily pandering to /mu/. The meme review used to be entertaining but now it just feels like he's getting all that 4chan money by appealing to their politics about SJWs ruining muh music.

Seriously? That's a thing? I haven't watched his content recently. .....Well, adding another to my list of: "channels turned to shit because of the alt-right".
Jim Sterling? Maybe I've outgrown his style but his "Fuck AAA" and "Fuck Greenlight" and all the videos he does about random early access shit grew tiresome.

PBG, Completionist, Game Theory, Jontron all sold out a long time ago.

H3H3 and GradeUnderA... were never that good in the first place.

ReviewtechUSA was also never that good but has somehow gotten worse.

SBFP is still good but their content grew overwhelming.

Brainscratchcomms were a favorite of mine but Ryan comes across as an opinionated manbaby, Ted is annoying, but Johnny and Lewis are still cool. Some of their guests can be aweful at times. They brought in this girl that turned out to have some major issues. Made hearing their stuff awful for a while. Feel bad for her though.

I feel bad for Doug Walker considering that his entire business is collapsing. He's a terrible writer and reviewer but I still respect him for turning out content every week.


ReviewtechUSA was also never that good but has somehow gotten worse.

I'll never forget ReviewtechUSA and how awful his 'Transgender character in Assassin's Creed' video was. The way he claimed he wasn't transphobic or homophobic (as if those two terms and interchangeable), and then proceeded to go on a 10min rant about how including Transgender characters in video games was pandering and forcing identities upon a character that didn't fit the narrative. Argh the double standards in the video got me so riled up - fuck that guy.


Red Letter Media.

Similar to TBF but they've dived in even harder on alt-right mantras/ideals than TBF have. Not to mention they have, for quite a long time, been fairly transphobic. And the over reliance on rape "jokes" as of late is also quite grating. They've changed so damn much the past yearish and the quality is just....not that great anyway. I used to love their stuff but it's all such an incredibly huge turnoff now.

Of late? This was in the Star Wars Episode 2 review. RLM's always been dark.


Red Letter Media.

Similar to TBF but they've dived in even harder on alt-right mantras/ideals than TBF have. Not to mention they have, for quite a long time, been fairly transphobic. And the over reliance on rape "jokes" as of late is also quite grating. They've changed so damn much the past yearish and the quality is just....not that great anyway. I used to love their stuff but it's all such an incredibly huge turnoff now.

They've improved. But yeah, slow going with them sometimes.
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