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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #133 - "This is it"

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Like I feared I didn't manage to write anything. With both my husband's and my parents being divorced there was just no time left for anything besides christmas stuff the last four days. When I finally came back home yesterday I was far to tired to crank out anything :(

I'll read and vote anyway. I hope everyone had a pleasant christmas :)


Like I feared I didn't manage to write anything. With both my husband's and my parents being divorced there was just no time left for anything besides christmas stuff the last four days. When I finally came back home yesterday I was far to tired to crank out anything :(

I'll read and vote anyway. I hope everyone had a pleasant christmas :)

Poor Nez... :(

Hope you have better 2014.

Mike M

Nick N
Seriously, it's noon the next day and we don't have a list of entries yet?

Y'all got until I get downstairs to my PC.

Mike M

Nick N
I hate you with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. Suns, burning brightly, nuclear blasts in the deep darkness of space, ready to engulf all in their path once they expand and implode.
Slow your roll, Shia.

Copying isn’t particularly creative work. Being inspired by someone else’s idea to produce something new and different IS creative work.
In my excitement and naiveté as an amateur writer, I got lost in the creative process and neglected to follow proper accreditation

Mike M

Nick N
Chainsawkitten -- Untitled: Apparently not an entry anyway, but better to err on the side of caution when including it on the list, I suppose ; )

maxcriden -- 1982: The core premise is potentially pretty cute, but there were a few details that drew me out of the experience. For instance, to the best of my knowledge (though I may well be incorrect), state quarters don’t have differences in the ridges on the edges of the coin, so being able to tell the state by them didn’t make sense to me. Also, I’ve never heard a vending machine make different notes for the buttons pressed, since they’re not working on a touch-tone dialing system. Also also, when the coin wound up in the tip jar, he mentioned that he couldn’t see anything, which was immediately followed by a description of how he could see the light fading. Idunno, I guess the problem of writing a day in the life of a coin is that a coin’s day is really dull.

Valhelm -- Baccarat: Couple typos in the mix there. Seems like a chump’s bet to accept someone’s promise to tell you a story when the rest of you are anteing up hard drives and briefcases of intel… I don’t know, I felt kind of a let down when these guys who were so cavalier about gambling national secrets would have such a strong reaction to what Glendover was betting only to not have anything be revealed. Felt like the whole thing was just a setup for the callback to the description of the black eyes of two kings from the beginning, and I’m not sure the payoff was worth it.

Ourobolus -- Untitled: I gotta be honest, I really didn’t like the way the soldier was written at all. Just about every word he spoke after the initial “Stop right there!” was so, sooooooo cheesy and unnatural. Plus he didn’t immediately turn and shoot at the guy brandishing a gun at him, waiting for him to fire first? I have a hard time imagining how a military force could occupy a town for two decades when their forces are so incompetently trained that he didn’t prioritize the guy with the gun aimed at him over the two unarmed people he was preparing to shoot.

lupin23rd -- A Raw Deal: The premise is super-solid and ripe with potential, but the info dump exposition was to the detriment of the story. I think most of that could have been delivered in dialogue and allowing the reader to infer the rest. Show, don’t tell and all that.

Sober -- Two Halves: I liked the take on the breakup told from the perspective of each member of the relationship, but I can’t help but wonder if it might have been better served if there was a more even distribution between the switches in perspective. It’s all rather front loaded, which makes the last couple rapid-fire switches a jarring change in pacing and flow for me.

Mike M -- Wishy Washy: This initially popped into my head as a genie that would only grant wishes involving goats, but didn’t have the word count to expound upon that. I mostly just wrote this because I find goats screaming to be fucking hilarious. I mostly like the way this turned out, but I freely admit that I didn’t really have a good way to end it.

Cyan -- In this place where stone meets sky: Haunting and well described, but I have no idea WTF is going on. Is this supposed to be the Wandering Jew? Is he dead? What was the sin of the savior, is that some snitch of Christian theology that I’m just completely unaware of?

DumbNameD -- Afterlife Insurance: Miguel is 50, and the actuary congratulates him on hitting the big four-oh. He seems a little behind on current events : ) Or is the implication that Miguel has been doing this for ten years and hasn’t gotten caught so far? That would strain the credulity of the internal logic. Plus that would be a shitty life to spend that many years running the same threats every week : /

B-Dubs -- The Springfield Renovation: Scary to think this is how shit used to operate back in the day. Scarier still that there is a significant portion of people out there who would have absolutely no problem with going back to this system (or at least doing away with the obstacles that were enacted to put an end to these practices). Not a very satisfactory ending, however, just kinda… stopped.

Tangent -- Manuscript: Given that Voz seems to exhibit and embody many of the very faults he cites in humanity, it’s no wonder he ended up going native : P

SquiddyCracker -- The Seed: Probably a bit too much time going on about Rules and how they related to rules, without any elaboration about what the Rules actually were. Made it seem like it was supposed to be an excerpt from a much longer pieces that would eventually explain everything, but the ending seemed fairly final.

1. B-Dubs
2. DumbNameD
3. Valhelm
SquiddyCracker -- The Seed: Probably a bit too much time going on about Rules and how they related to rules, without any elaboration about what the Rules actually were. Made it seem like it was supposed to be an excerpt from a much longer pieces that would eventually explain everything, but the ending seemed fairly final.

Spoiler (not really):

The Rules refer to major interaction forces of the universe (gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, strong nucluar force, and a fifth yet to be discovered interaction force) with the rules referring to the elementary particles.

Was a bit tricky to convey that as I tried to keep it as abstract and vague as possible considering the nature of the protagonist.


Mike M said:
Ourobolus -- Untitled: I gotta be honest, I really didn’t like the way the soldier was written at all. Just about every word he spoke after the initial “Stop right there!” was so, sooooooo cheesy and unnatural. Plus he didn’t immediately turn and shoot at the guy brandishing a gun at him, waiting for him to fire first? I have a hard time imagining how a military force could occupy a town for two decades when their forces are so incompetently trained that he didn’t prioritize the guy with the gun aimed at him over the two unarmed people he was preparing to shoot.
Yeah, I agree. I was trying to make him into a young, inexperienced grunt who was off on his own, separated from the herd, but didn't get enough time or space to really go into it (I actually had more stuff in there regarding the soldier, but I had to take out like 2-300 words at the end -.-).
Here's my crits (or random thoughts):

Chainsaw Kitten - Short, certainly great considering its length.
maxcriden - I really, really liked it.
Valhelm - With a better understanding of the game I think my enjoyment would have increased, but it was still pretty great.
Ourobolus - Kinda didn't like the soldiers, and some characters felt flat, but it was well written.
lupin23rd - I love nothing more than a good twist, and you sir delivered. It could have been trimmed down a bit, but it was overall quite good.
Sober - Touching, I liked it.
Mike M - Hilarious, coherent, and not with any glaring plot holes.
Cyan - Poignant.
DumbNameD - I liked it up until the reveal. Yes, he's a hacker and whatnot, but it felt a bit like a deus ex machina.
B-Dubs - I liked it but it kinda... fizzled out.
Tangent - Delightful, but I think it could have been even better if you went with even more abstract descriptions of mundane human behaviour, seeing as we're seeing this story from the POV of an alien. In fact, it might have worked even better if our narrator was a human time traveller from a far-off future, who've changed and over the countless years completely lost knowledge of what being human meant.

1. nedircxam
2. M ekiM
3. dr32nipul

HM: nayC, tnegnaT, mlehlaV


I'll expound upon my votes later when I am actually on a computer, but here is the order:

1. Mike M
2. B-Dubs
3. DumbNameD


contribute something
When does voting end? I think I'll be able to vote by the day after tomorrow, if that's not too late.


1. Mike M
2. DumbNameD
3. maxcriden
HMs: lupin23rd, B-Dubs

Props to everyone who took time off their ... time off! Now onto the next year!


1. lupin23rd -- A Raw Deal - a silly concept that totally worked. would've liked to have much less exposition at the start.
2. DumbNameD -- Afterlife Insurance - typical DND dialogue and details. I also found the 50 vs 40 thing confusing, and this is a fairly important detail in how we read the story.
3. Ourobolus -- Untitled - dialogue fell really flat, and the end was a bit predictable, but I really enjoyed the way the old man is balanced between action and inaction all the way to the end.


My votes:

1.) Mike M

I liked the parts written from the goats point of view the most, they reminded me in style of Terry Pratchett, which in my book, is as high a praise you can get :) I also happe to love goats. Becoming a goat farmer who makes her own goat cheese is one of my many totally unrealistic dreams. And in the unlikly case you don't know it already, more screaming goats :)

2.) lupin23rd

I really enjoyed the twist. And knowing how obseesed Japanese people are with fish (or food) in genereal and tuna especially, the whole situation isn't all that unrealistic.

3.) Cyan

I have no idea what is going on here but it read really beautifully.

HM: Valhelm, DumbNameD


Ok, I get the feeling that there are no more votes coming, so I present to you:

The Results:

1.) Mike M - Wishy Washy
2.) DumbNameD - Afterlife Insurance
3.) lupin23rd - A Raw Deal

Vote Count:

Mike M - 15 (4)
DumbNameD - 12 (1)
lupin23rd - 8 (1)
maxcriden - 6 (1)
B-Dubs - 5
Cyan - 4 (1)
Valhelm - 4
Ourobolus - 1

Congratulation Mike! You now have the honor to create the very first Creative Writing Challenge of 2014. Make it a good one :)
With time zones being what they are, for some it might still be to early to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Instead I'm gonna wish you all "Guten Rutsch!" which is what we say over here when we want to wish a Happy New Year prematurely (lit. Good slip or slide, refering to the transition to the next year).
I'm looking forward to a new year of awesome stories!


Sorry, I had a draft of these and didn't send this all in time because I didn't have internet connection! And I lost some of my crits in transit! Anyway, I will send what I had available. Sorry it didn't come in time!

Chainsawkitten -- I wish I knew what the chloroform was about!

Ourubolus -- Wow, that was beautiful and very emotional. The ending was beautiful and also tied up the incomplete statement he said earlier, "I wish..." How did he know that he would have the opportunity to use his gun in that way? Ah, revolutions...

Springfield -- I very much liked the idea, I wish it had more of an eerie feel to it. I also would have liked to know the vibe of Springfield. Eg did its people like it?

Lupin -- Loved how tightly knit this story was with everything piecing together well.

Mike M -- Thanks for the video of the goat. Very helpful. I kept on wondering if there would be some unexpected, great friendship between the girl and the goat. I hear that they make good pets. Maybe the involuntary pets are a sign.

Cyan -- I absolutely loved the word choice, it was almost poetic. But I also had trouble following. But maybe that's just me.

Squiddycracker --I liked the abstractness of this story, but it felt more poetic and I think I'm just used to a clearer storyline for short stories. But nevertheless, I liked the style and the change of pace.

1. Ourobolus
2. Lupin
3. Mike M
hm. DumbNameD

But I know my votes are in late.... congratualations Mike M!
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