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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #135 - "Cryptic"

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No matter how played out vampires may be in popular media, there'll always be a place in my heart for them, in the lovely perverted kind of portrayal where there isn't much (or any) difference between vampire and man. Suehiro Maruo being the primary inspiration.

The images are mostly just traced from collages of photos/other drawings cause I can't draw (except the last image which was generated). I'm probably on the FRA watchlist after having googled 20 different variations of "naked baby".


Aaron:The one fly in the ointment to me was that the narrator was pulled into the future/alternate reality by a dying version of himself, who told him to bring a gun. So, from that we can infer that his future alternate self had attempted the stop it too. Which would imply that he had the same abilities. Which would mean that he too was probably pulled into an alternate future by his alternate future self. But if the experience of that had rendered the narrator deaf and mute, why didn’t it do so for his alternate future self, i.e. how would he have been able to tell him to bring a gun?
Thanks for the detailed comments. Really appreciate it. To your question is complicated:

Let's say that the narrator is Brendan-A, who is pulled into the other world by Brendan-B. B failed at CERN, and rushed back home to pass the message on to A, but with the world going to shit around him he didn't have time to do anything but yank his other self into his world. Now Brendan-C, the one who told B, figured out that CERN was the cause too late so he actually had the time to appear in B's world and tell the little kid everything that was about to happen. However, B took a long time to realize this wasn't a rant from a crazy person, and when it was his time to pass the message along, he wanted to do something that would leave a stronger impression, hence yanking A into his dying world, not knowing the damage it would do to the still developing Brendan-A.

If I expanded this story, I would somehow include all that, and at least suggest that with each succession Brendan is getting closer to solving the problem, and eventually end this pattern of destruction.


Wait a second! I re-read my story, and the thunder most definitely comes after!

"The thunder was directly overhead. It rang out, every few seconds, quickly following the flashes of light that erupted outside of Granny’s window."

Unless you're thinking of another part that I somehow glossed over...

Whew. That was bugging the hell out of me. Now I'm hoping I'm still not missing it! :p

Mike M

Nick N
Wait a second! I re-read my story, and the thunder most definitely comes after!

"The thunder was directly overhead. It rang out, every few seconds, quickly following the flashes of light that erupted outside of Granny’s window."

Unless you're thinking of another part that I somehow glossed over...

Whew. That was bugging the hell out of me. Now I'm hoping I'm still not missing it! :p

Man, could have sworn it said "followed by" yesterday. *Squinty eyes.*


1- Tangent
2- Mike M
3- Chainsawkitten

Ourobolus - It didn't grab me. I think it's because instead of teasing something in the first page you lay it out pretty blatantly, and though I read the whole story I didn't feel the incident this turns around become all that much clearer. I don't understand why the people are acting the way they do at the start, and all of the sudden turn. While there isn't enough of a hook for the main character for me to care about his fate.

Chainsawkitten - I could have done without the pictures. They come across as tacky and undercut the poems. While the poems themselves were good, I wish they had been rolled into one piece instead of left separate.

Mike M - I am the last person who should be saying this, but this reads too verbose. I think paring it down and removing phrases that don't add a lot of weight, like 'it was as though' would give it more immediacy. More punch. Not that you should cut it to the bone, or pull back all the time. Like where you state definitively that he's dead. That's great. Keep that, but it would be stronger if the section before and after had been leaner. I did read the whole thing because the premise is strong and you build on that nicely, though I might have speed read in spots. I enjoyed the flow of the story, the world, and the chatter between characters. The ending was simple and perfect, but I think the lack of a word restriction really worked against you. I think it would have been twice the story it is at about two thirds the length.

Sober - It's a pretty cliched opener, and there isn't a strong hook to separate it from say the Venture Brothers. I read a little further, and the dialogue reads almost as if there are lines missing. I don't feel like the characters are properly responding to each other, or providing enough background for themselves. It really needed to show me something, like the way a stage magician shows off the dove before making it disappear.

Ashes1396 - I just don't care about these people. I kept reading and it kept going, but it's too much people talking about themselves and not enough being themselves. There's also an odd stiltedness to the dialogue in the way they talk about important things and issues, with things like the man saying he's not important enough for a name more than John, and the woman talking about men masturbating into her vagina that exists too outside natural speech for me to really buy it. Though I've only known one prostitute in my life, and she wasn't much of a talker.

Cyan - It feels unfinished so its hard to judge. All the dialogue and action feels rushed from the start. If you come back to this, I would slow the pace down, let the characters settle in a little more, have a more of a back and forth conversation, and that would make the shot more of a surprise. It certainly has potential, but I can also see why you might have been writing up against a brick wall.

Tangent - You are a terrible person to make your character suffer so. Shame on you. I thought it was wonderful, and left me wanting more of this world and these characters deconstructed with child like complexity, but I don't know. Maybe I'm better off left wanting.

Elfforkusu - Setting would go a long way to bring this into focus. It never really explains itself, and doesn't really grow beyond a quick training exercise. I wanted something unique to happen, something to give it its own flavor, but it never really clicked. The action was good. It was well paced and very visual, but it needed more character.

Mike M

Nick N
Mike M - I am the last person who should be saying this, but this reads too verbose.

*Sigh* Believe me, I know. The length that it was, it took me too long to write and ate into my revision timeline, so I only got one revision pass on it. It was actually even worse before hand, despite the count rising ~500 words (That was an additional conversation needed to explain some things and actually came out pretty tight.)


*Sigh* Believe me, I know. The length that it was, it took me too long to write and ate into my revision timeline, so I only got one revision pass on it. It was actually even worse before hand, despite the count rising ~500 words (That was an additional conversation needed to explain some things and actually came out pretty tight.)
I think it's an easy problem to fix though. The meat of the story is already there on the page. You just have to trim the fat... and that metaphor worked better than I expected it to.

Mike M

Nick N
I think it's an easy problem to fix though. The meat of the story is already there on the page. You just have to trim the fat... and that metaphor worked better than I expected it to.
I don't disagree at all, it mostly comes down to time constraints for me.

EDIT: OMFG, look at all those typos I made... WHY DO I NOTICE THIS AT WORK?


Ourobolus -- The Village on the Plain - Great first-sentence hook with the execution, but the story immediately slowed down to the point that I wasn't quite into it at the end of page one.

kaepernickehs -- A Night to Remember - I read the whole story!

Aaron -- Epicenter - Multiple hooks on page one. The opening caught my eye, the past disappearance raised my interest, the present day bit having a gun raised it further. Well done layering in the hooks. Once I got a little further, the world-switching is quite creepy. Nicely subtle. I kind of want you to expand this a bit and give it more of a throughline... but you also might consider just polishing it up and starting submitting. In that case I might try setting up CERN a little better.

Chainsawkitten -- The Scents of Life's Decay - Huh. Dude, do you ever join the poetry corner threads? You should think about it.

Mike M -- Harold Ehrich Enlists the Help of Walter Geist in the Matter Regarding His Missing Property - Just one hook, but it's an effective one! Once I get past the first page... kinda bloated, amigo. A lot of stuff that just needs tightened up. Guess that's what happens when we've got WORD COUNT ANARCHY! Also got disoriented by the head-hopping. Cute ending.

Sober -- Curiosity Sometimes Gets Others Killed Instead - No special hooks, but I enjoyed the feel and concept enough to keep reading at the end of page one. I love how obvious a clue to the riddle you plant early on. I almost skipped right over it! Throw-away reference to Bond was a little *too* on the nose. And I wasn't tracking the names closely enough to remember who the guy who turned out to be a spy had been supposed to be.

Kevtones -- 18 - There's an amazing burrito place near me that just closed down. :(

Ashes1396 -- echoes - Just a few lines of dialogue and you have my attention! Fascinating premise, and the dialogue carried me along the whole way. Towards the end the backstory became a bit too much for me--I think it was the international paedo ring that did it. :/

Cyan -- Bourbon Sour - blah blah, you don't *always* have to wait til the last possible second.

Tangent -- Forced Into Existence - Bit of a slow start, especially with the opening exposition, which I don't think you really needed. The bit with the robot (I think?) making something beautiful is interesting, but not enough to really hook me in.

Elfforkusu -- Untitled - argh! Well, I did manage to get it working. Had a little trouble following the plot. Took too long to cotton on to it being some kind of wargame.

1. Aaron -- Epicenter
2. Ashes1396 -- echoes
3. Sober -- Curiosity Sometimes Gets Others Killed Instead


Posting for Tangent, who's having login trouble again:

Mike M, thanks for the feedback. I can't really quote what you said, but I think you have all good points, and things I didn't think about. I think I also was hoping that there was a certain mystery to why the robots wanted art, or some human touch -- and why they wanted this on the frog robots. (It's too inhumane to farm frogs in the future! Plus they'd almost be extinct, but I guess we could reproduce them with gene samples.) I was also thinking of a kid I know when I wrote about the girl. Not that the kid is horribly treated, but somehow there is something about his life that makes me sad, and makes me think that he is just not in his element. Also, I was thinking of that famous photo of the Afghan girl taken 20 yrs ago or something when I pictured the eyes. Another thing that made me think of this story was something I read about a potentially young factory worker in China that had scratched in some characters on the bottom of a glass made in China. It was just "tagging" it, it seemed, after it was decoded. I liked the idea of using art, since the girl couldn't write something like "help me" with no verbal language. IDK, I have a lot more to think about, I'm not familiar with writing in this style.

Apologies up front for my scrappy, not-very-thoughtful, quick feedback.

Ourobulus – In some very strange and distant way, your story reminded me of the movie, “Fargo.” Unfortunately, I can’t explain why because I’m a little fried. I liked the hallucination bit. I liked the story, but perhaps having more of a tension about the ethics/decisions about the crimes. I get it, though, that it’s hard to build up so much character in a short story, around death.

kaepernickehs – Poetic, I think. I love the brevity! I think I might have other questions but perhaps they’re not appropriate for our forum.

Aaron – You like big margins! I really liked the interplay between the future and present selves. And, I liked the ending. Woo hoo! Sorry I can’t say more due to my last-second nature of crits.

Chainsawkitten – Wow, I really, really hope you do the poetry challenges because you rock at it. Also, I like the idea of the illustrations but I wonder if it would have helped if they were hand-drawn or something? Something about them felt flat. Nevertheless, I’m a very, very visual person so I appreciated them all the same. Nice title.

Mike M – Wow, that title sounds like a dissertation title. J I like how you used the prompt of “cryptic” and “hook the reader in the first page” hand-in-hand. I felt that you had a cryptic, mysterious style that made me want to keep reading, which was great. I liked the dialog.

Sober – I think we’re on a roll with great titles. Your title is phenomenal and if we had a challenge for best titles, this would win hands down. I think you should sell it to David Sedaris for his next book title. I liked the character of Dr. Demise and the somewhat mellow-dramatic style.

Kevtones – I am very hungry now. Also, there is this children’s book called, My Life as a Smashed Burrito. Maybe that’s the imperfection you’re looking for. Disclaimer: I haven’t read the book. Anyway, nice subject matter. J

Ashes1396 – as far as the warning for adult content, this is soooo mild compared to some of the stuff posted! Regardless, you really have knack for excellent, fast-flowing dialog. I did feel like I wanted to know more about the driver but I guess that means you did well.

Cyan – Great start! I think you could flesh this out and turn this into something cool because your characters already pretty awesome.

Ellforkusu – I wish you didn’t give away how to read your story so quickly! I tried 64 Bit and got one word in the beginning. Odd. This was an interesting read for me. On one hand, I felt like your scenes were very easy to visualize which means brownie points. On the other hand, despite that clarity, I felt a little confused with where the plot was going, but it could just be me.

Votes (random roll of the dice to get the order below, I think I liked a lot of these with equal fervour!):

1. Ashes

2. Aaron

3. Sober

Hm. MikeM​


Promise, promise, promise I wrote comments but haven't gotten around to everyone. Been busy but I hope to post them later in the afternoon.


1. Aaron
2. Ashes
3. Tangent
HMs. Chainsawkitten


Ugh, my apologies guys. Really busy this weekend and then was saddled with chores from the wife all last night so I only managed to read half of them.

Judging by the votes so far though, it looks like I would just keep adding to the totals based on what I read :p
Chainsawkitten -- The Scents of Life's Decay - Huh. Dude, do you ever join the poetry corner threads? You should think about it.
I tried once but set my ambitions far too high and ended up shooting myself in the foot. I'm guessing my entry for that is pretty much incomprehensible. I don't really know anything about poetry.

Also, I like the idea of the illustrations but I wonder if it would have helped if they were hand-drawn or something?
Trust me, you wouldn't want me to do them hand-drawn. Just trust me on this.


I tried once but set my ambitions far too high and ended up shooting myself in the foot. I'm guessing my entry for that is pretty much incomprehensible. I don't really know anything about poetry.

Trust me, you wouldn't want me to do them hand-drawn. Just trust me on this.

Just keep working at it. You're on an upward trajectory.


Rock hard plaster mold. The fumes from the chemicals stung me, but as I came to, the sculpture mold of the puppy dog came out great.
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