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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #160 - "Down the Hole"

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At the moment we have an uneven number of participants. Since there is still some time left this might as well change. I'm wondering how we should deal with the possibility of it staying that way though? One group of three?
And in general I think that doing random pairs would be the fairest approach. We don't want to create any gym class drama. I can however see the convenience of being able to meet up in person, so if no one else has a problem with it I'd be OK with leaving Cyan and Tangent out of the "lottery". The same might apply to Mike and timetokill if they have already started planning a story together.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Yeah that sounds fine. I think everyone wants to write the best stories possible, and if some people want to pair up for that reason, than that's totally cool.
Nez, Mike and I didn't get far particularly because we were waiting to see how your lottery turned out. Either way is fine by me.

Mike M

Nick N
Nez, Mike and I didn't get far particularly because we were waiting to see how your lottery turned out. Either way is fine by me.
Yeah, I'm open to being paired with anyone. I'm not committed to my story concept to the exclusion of any other ideas.


OK, from now on I'm declaring this thread a "no downplaying" zone!

Oh, I was talking more about the procrastination! :D But uh... I'll sign up (EST), but I feel like I need a disclaimer that I might be only able to work on the story this weekend/Sunday specifically. So if that doesn't work for anyone no hard feelings.


I can however see the convenience of being able to meet up in person, so if no one else has a problem with it I'd be OK with leaving Cyan and Tangent out of the "lottery".

Thanks. :) I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy being paired with anybody, but it'll be really fun to meet up with Tangent and hash everything out!


I"d be happy to work with anyone. Unless someone is in DFW, a meet up is out, but we have the miraculous internets.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Cool. Just a heads up to whomever I'm paired with: I'll be on the road for most of tomorrow, so if we don't touch base before tomorrow morning (circa 10 - 12 CST), then you probably won't hear back from me until later in the evening (circa 6:30 - 9 CST).


So with Ward's entry, that makes the participants even, right? Fortuitous!

Yes, but with Aaron (long time no see by the way!) we are uneven again. So... What are we gonna do about this. Oh and another heads up. I find it waaaaay to complicated to incorporate the timezones. I'll just throw everyone into one big pool. Should anyone really have a problem with this we can look for a solution then.
Yes, but with Aaron (long time no see by the way!) we are uneven again. So... What are we gonna do about this. Oh and another heads up. I find it waaaaay to complicated to incorporate the timezones. I'll just throw everyone into one big pool. Should anyone really have a problem with this we can look for a solution then.

Perhaps a threesome?


A random group of three might work.


Yes, but with Aaron (long time no see by the way!) we are uneven again. So... What are we gonna do about this. Oh and another heads up. I find it waaaaay to complicated to incorporate the timezones. I'll just throw everyone into one big pool. Should anyone really have a problem with this we can look for a solution then.

The timezones are probably too much complexity, yeah. For the odd numbers, sounds like a threesome will be needed. Maybe we give that group a 7500 total limit, as well?


Perhaps a threesome?


That was my idea as well.


I'm on my phone so I hope the link works.
The pairs are:

my cephei - Charade
Rock and Roll - Zero Ray
Nezumi - Ourobolus
Chainsawkitten - Aaron
Mike M - Blargonaut
karenq - Ward - John Dunbar
besada - timetokill
FlowersisBritish - Metaphoreus
Sober - Valhelm
Cyan - Tangent

I'm gonna pm everyone informing them personally later when I'm on lunch break and have a proper computer.

Edit: And yes, a word limit of 7500 words for our threesome seens fair.


Ooh, some interesting groupings there. I'm especially interested to see what we get from Aaron and Chainsawkitten.
SOOoooooooooo, Mike M, would GAF PM and/or Gmail (just for draft back-and-forth, drafts attached to regular emails for looksies) be acceptable as comms between us? I'm not very equipped for live means, apologies. :I

I guess we could start with a brainstorm throwing-out-random-concepts thingy (unless, of course, you've got a solid game plan already!), I'll post in a few hours after I get some sleep :eek:

I can't wait to see how this turns out XD


Alright sent out PMs to everyone except Cyan, Tangent, Mike and Blagonaut because I was under the impression that those four didn't need any extra reminders ;)

That's it then! I'm really excited to see how this will work out. Have fun writing and collaborating everyone!


Alright sent out PMs to everyone except Cyan, Tangent, Mike and Blagonaut because I was under the impression that those four didn't need any extra reminders ;)

That's it then! I'm really excited to see how this will work out. Have fun writing and collaborating everyone!
Oh no
Good stuff, Nez. I'm going to use this challenge to endear myself to one of the mods and make myself BAN-PROOF. Bwahahahahaha!

Seriously though I'm excited to work with besada. I have NO idea what we're going to get up to so this will be really interesting!

John Dunbar

correct about everything
karenq, John Dunbar and Ward are currently forming a team of three. You can pm them and see if you can find a way to make two teams of two instead.

maybe you can just do another round between us four. i imagine organizing is going to be difficult enough with just two.


maybe you can just do another round between us four. i imagine organizing is going to be difficult enough with just two.

Well, since in the first round you were the one that ended up having no partner, I'd say that you can just pair up with Sethista if that is fine with you.

Mike M

Nick N
SOOoooooooooo, Mike M, would GAF PM and/or Gmail (just for draft back-and-forth, drafts attached to regular emails for looksies) be acceptable as comms between us? I'm not very equipped for live means, apologies. :I

I guess we could start with a brainstorm throwing-out-random-concepts thingy (unless, of course, you've got a solid game plan already!), I'll post in a few hours after I get some sleep :eek:

I can't wait to see how this turns out XD

Man, I know for absolute certain I sent you a PM, but it's not showing in my sent messages : /
Man, I know for absolute certain I sent you a PM, but it's not showing in my sent messages : /

Nothing's showing up in my inbox either :eek: Retry? Or if you want we could switch, maybe to Gmail or something if you're comfier with that.

orrrrr; we take the scenic route and openly discuss our entire strategy here in the thread, the two of us together are far superior to anyone else participating in this challenge anyway

I mean, really, spoiler tags would be enough protection, no one ever clicks them amirite; and, it would be a neat meta thing, all our posts serving as temptations for others to go "down the hole" into our plot by prematurely reading our spoiler-tagged posts, but, they'd be horrifically robbing themselves of the orgasmic climax that would have come with enjoying our final product with unspoiled eyes.

....but, ultimately, you are my sensei, the final decision for the planning method is totes yours, I don't mean to impose it's totally up to you, you know, I mean, I totally understand if you want to go by-the-books under-the-radar old-n'-busted behind-the-scenes figure-of-speech vanilla-ice


Ahhhh scratch it, it would be too much of a hassle anyway


So the usual Sunday writing hangout seems like it might be better spent meeting with partners rather than holding the usual writing session. Which means it'd probably make more sense for people to meet individually than to do one Google Hangout. Thoughts?


You're probably right, though Ouro and me already agreed to start on Monday. So if there is a hangout tomorrow I'll probably join just for the sake of chatting with everyone and getting some free writing for ideas done.


So how are the collaborations coming so far? Tangent and I had our first meeting, tossed around a bunch of random ideas and plot points, and finally wound up with something we both like. We have a sort of outline, and have divided up who will write which parts. I've done a few paragraphs to kind of find my way into it, since we agreed the story would work best in first person, and I'm a bit rusty at that. Seems to be working fairly well, so I'm excited!

We're going to meet again tomorrow and see how much of the actual writing we can get done. Hopefully we can get a whole first draft done by the end of the weekend. :)
So how are the collaborations coming so far? Tangent and I had our first meeting, tossed around a bunch of random ideas and plot points, and finally wound up with something we both like. We have a sort of outline, and have divided up who will write which parts. I've done a few paragraphs to kind of find my way into it, since we agreed the story would work best in first person, and I'm a bit rusty at that. Seems to be working fairly well, so I'm excited!

We're going to meet again tomorrow and see how much of the actual writing we can get done. Hopefully we can get a whole first draft done by the end of the weekend. :)

Stop rubbing it in! ;)

to answer: besada and I have exchanged initial emails.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
So how are the collaborations coming so far? Tangent and I had our first meeting, tossed around a bunch of random ideas and plot points, and finally wound up with something we both like. We have a sort of outline, and have divided up who will write which parts. I've done a few paragraphs to kind of find my way into it, since we agreed the story would work best in first person, and I'm a bit rusty at that. Seems to be working fairly well, so I'm excited!

We're going to meet again tomorrow and see how much of the actual writing we can get done. Hopefully we can get a whole first draft done by the end of the weekend. :)

Me and Metaphoreus kinda have an idea of what we're doing. We're just hammering out small details before writing.
ZeroRay and I have a general idea. Going to brainstorm the plot today and then do an outline tomorrow. Hopefully we'll be writing by Tuesday. This collaboration idea is great! Thanks Nezumi


Does anyone think there's a chance in hell of hitting the 20th deadline? Considering it took a week to decide the pairings, and doesn't seem like anyone did any writing before then, I think the challenge should be extended another week.


Ugh. Today was utter shit. Didn't even get a second to myself to write. Gonna have to pound it out tomorrow morning. Sorry, Nez -.-


Does anyone think there's a chance in hell of hitting the 20th deadline? Considering it took a week to decide the pairings, and doesn't seem like anyone did any writing before then, I think the challenge should be extended another week.

I agree
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