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NeoGAF's Poetry Corner - #67: "Fraud"

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Theme: "Fraud"

Fake, fraudulent, false. Chronic cheating chicanery. Shamming scamming smoke in your eyes.

May have been inspired by my impressive landslide victory in the last thread. ;)

Optional Secondary Objective: End-position assonance

Rather than rhyming final words in your poem, use assonance. Assonance is essentially rhyming using only the vowel sounds--consonants need not apply.

Those--dying then,
Knew where they went--
They went to God's Right Hand--
That Hand is amputated now
And God cannot be found--
(from Dickinson's poem #1551)

Lines 1 & 2 have end-position assonance, and so do lines 4 & 5.

No specific rhyme scheme is required, just think on what pattern of rhymes you might use in your poem, and use assonance instead. (well, you'll probably want to deploy it somewhat differently, but you know what I mean)


Submission Deadline:


Voting Deadline:


* Previous Challenges


Poet Centuriate

That damned black book
Oh, rest assured
I won't outlive this

No margin for error
My future is censured
All done by my hand

I wanted too much
I was at the cusp
Of getting away with it

The black marks inside
the "truth" as advertised
Is empty and bare.

But now it's blown
A fate unbeknownst
I'm at square -1.

Where once I would boast
Now the void just glows
And I have to start again

That brand new book
Clean future alluring
but neutral, I know.
Every day is a battle for him
Every day, a new challenge and challenger
Every day, he bleeds his opponents
And obliterates himself

A new enemy
A new goal
A new man

Keep moving
Eyes darting
Swimming through a sea of decadence
Blood in the water


The suckers, the sycophants
The highest of the high
The lowest of the low
Moving amongst them

The man with a thousand masks
And no face


aka Mannny
Everything is unto me.
'Please speak vast knowledge'.
Time, she is like a lease
Fined in your life, the wallet.

'Sawn off head; severed mind'
On she bellows, me the verse
Me the mindful, swine.
'Steam fills this turf'
Delusions of grandeur are hapless
Room to illustrious false hope
'Yes, reality is in practice
Know all, insanity's boast'

You claim me untrue?
Soon I will be God
'I claim you too true,
My eyes onto her fawn'.


One of your plays

I read your resumé
Nothing too interesting there
We searched your name in Facebook
Your profile is as boring as shit
Do you really think that this is real?
“Why not? It’s so close to reality now”

Really interesting
We put your name in Google+
And we've found you
But there was nothing in your profile
I guess you abandoned there as we all did
So let’s move on
“You won’t say that…”

So we found your Twitter profile
“No, I don’t have a Twitter profile”
Yes, you’re right
It’s not you there
It’s your imagination
It’s your "reinvented you"
It’s what you should have been
It’s what your parents wanted you to be

“I had no option
There was no hope
I had to act
I had to react
Before they find me and throw me in the trash”

So you became another person?
You lied.
Every single tweet
Every single word
Every single letter
You faked it
Just to make someone believes that you were good enough
“I was”

No, you weren’t
You were just another failure
There’re tons like you
And there will ever be
Now I’ll give you one more chance
To go there and explain yourself
Tell them who you really are
Show them how uninteresting you’re
And then, stop to fraud a new life


The construct is a farce, far from sparse
Spars made scars healed with dust from the stars
The loom threads needles of war with dissent and gloom
Hoping the whiskey fumes would delay the char plume

Tungsten glow envelops the scorpion stung hen
Wrung fence forces the course beyond recompense
Finger pointing at mass graves, malingerer’s stench lingers
The healing tincture reserved for gods whose ire they incurred

A puppet knows that he has strings as the hand wrings
The cloths singe with hot blood as the puppeteers cringe
Chalk that up as a win, a way out, sly grin, a sin, a positive spin
As you nurse back from the brim, the smiling reaper grim


I won twice* in a row. Others have also, probably Grakl or Ashes or AnkitT are in the club that have.

*shared a three way tie and made a new thread :p

I don't believe I have, haha.

Some late night bumping for you guys, from a guy that can't write poems~


with respect to the years

"To depart!
I'll never return,
I'll never return because there is no return.
The place one returns to is always different,
The station one returns to is never the same.
The people are different, the light is different, the philosophy is different."

-- Fernando Pessoa as Alvaro de Campos, "La-Bas, Je Ne Sais Ou…"

gauze to the wound:
blood blossoms.
i watch it start as a pinprick, as a seed.
it vines, entangles you.
your left hand shakes.

"i'm sorry!" you want me to say.
i will not.
you sputter something.
i see that blood root you to the spot;
what new thing there is growing?

you try to say,
"but why now? why wait so long to tell me?"
and i imagine the sleepless nights,
the image of her face overlaid yours,
the unconscious pleasure-sound of her name straining to break the shores of my lips,
plunged down by the current.

why now?
i asked myself the same thing not ten minutes ago,
and did not wait to answer before acting.

i never had the answer before the act:
why not now?

in a week i'll call,
you'll answer and not say a word.
i'll tell you,
you can have everything.

but here:
i watch your breath declined,
the space within your eyes take flight,
that burning valediction of the mind.

ecstatic dereliction!
this leaving, this conviction!
and yet:
i know, in the dark course of my own roots,
though they hide --

i will not find
her face as it is now, in the aether of imagination.
it won't be the same as it used to be.
because she is not the same as she used to be;
you have changed,
i want to tell you,
you do not recognize yourself.
i recall your face as it was then,
in memory, in dreams,
and i place it over you now with your chin between my fingers and your tears on my palms.
it will not align.

i have to leave,
because it was my leave of leaving
that brought you here, to night.

we are alight,
in the wisps of moonbeams laid too tight.


I gave my heart away once.
Why, you ask?
Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Who did I give it to?
It doesn't matter. She's gone now.
Do I miss it?
Of course. Though I never had much use for it.
Would I take it back?
Yes, but I don't deserve it.
What did I replace it with?
Bits of plastic, some coins, scraps from a notebook.
It does the trick.
Does it hurt?
Every god damned day.


Intricate lattice of carbon
welded by the earth
Ripped across from river Styx
Strewn in crimson blood
Forth finger screams in ectasy
Out the door
Heart broken across the sky
Lights in the velvet universe
A bigger con then Capone
The stone to bring life
Gives me death



A manifold weaving of forms
Masking the desolate core

A cunning and perilous shield
Warding the broken steel

A delicate curtain of lies
Keeping the center alive

An elegant gold-embossed cage
Holding true judgment at bay


On Writing, and How I Am an Excellent Writer Who Will Woo You

I'm, like, writing a poem
Because I'm an excellent writer
Who knows some imagery.


Your eyes are like deep pools of water
I can dive in to, because I, like,


Love you like I love walks on the beach.
I would love to walk with you on the beach
And look you in your,


Maybe we can just hold hands
Or at least cross arms.


At least I, like, tried,
I'm a great writer, really.
I'll write another one just for you.

If you like it, I guess.



The art of understanding
is fraught with holes,
delicate rain,
& paper mache walls.

Not all who run
walked the same,
as the patient
surely know.

Alas for me,
the buck stops here,
I surpassed the doors of death,
as king amongst men,
and here I am
beside the truly poor.
1. Crunched
2. Cyan
3. FelixOrion (would've been higher but for 'unbenownst' no, no, no, no, no ... what is wrong with 'unknown'? Sorry but horrible faux-Victorian constructs really get to me)



1. Grakl - "On Writing, and How I Am an Excellent Writer Who Will Woo You"
2. Crunched - "with respect to the years"
3. videtonator - "One of your plays"


Poet Centuriate
1. Crunched
2. Cyan
3. FelixOrion (would've been higher but for 'unbenownst' no, no, no, no, no ... what is wrong with 'unknown'? Sorry but horrible faux-Victorian constructs really get to me)

'Unknown' would've forced a hard/regular rhyme rather than assonance, at least without changing the other word.


1- EdmondD - Heartless
2- AnkitT - Knowing is half the lost battle
3- NotTheGuyYouKill - untitled

H.M: Cyan - Facades, Grakl - On Writing, and How I Am an Excellent Writer Who Will Woo You , Ashes1396 - Pharaoh

Pretty good entries again. So hard to decide.


1. Cyan - "Facades"
2. Crunched - "with respect to the years"
3. AnkitT - "Knowing is half the lost battle"

Haven't tried this in a while, forgot how fun it is.
'Unknown' would've forced a hard/regular rhyme rather than assonance, at least without changing the other word.

I think the occasional natural rhyme is good in otherwise assonant poems, they seem to reinforce the assonance elsewhere. Also re-reading what I wrote I realised it came out as overly harsh, when I meant it in a lot lighter sense. Apologies if it did.



Poet Centuriate
I think the occasional natural rhyme is good in otherwise assonant poems, they seem to reinforce the assonance elsewhere. Also re-reading what I wrote I realised it came out as overly harsh, when I meant it in a lot lighter sense. Apologies if it did.

Perhaps, but I was sticking to the secondary challenge/objective and all that :p No worries!


my votes:
1. cyan
2. edmond
3. ankitt
4. crunch
5. grakl

Far too many things were too obscure for me this week. Give a lad a chance to actually see the beauty in your poetry eh?
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