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Netflix Movie Club |OT| Evil Dead 2

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We've had like 4 different snowpierce threads on gaf within the last couple of months, i think gaf has hashed that one out pretty good.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I'm gonna chime in and say the film seemed a bit schizophrenic (pun DEFINITELY intended).Jude Law coming off as just a little too much Mr. Untouchable in the end, odd pacing issues and some deliberately left field shyamalan esque twists in the third act. I liked it a bit more when I thought it was going to be a movie about the actual struggles of modern psychiatry, dealing with profit-bound pharmaceuticals, the ethics of consenting to the initial and continued use of a drug which affects your very ability to consent, and just the chaotic and largely unknown nature of psychotropic drugs in general, if only because its a subject I myself was heavily interested in as part of my undergrad.
I agree with you. The movie would have been better if it focused only on that.
Call it maybe me coming in with expectations early on, but I was a bit let down, though I did follow OP's advice and not look up anything about the movie beforehand, including the "Thriller" genre label which I suppose would have tipped me off to the third act shenanigans and maybe tempered my expectations a bit.
You must have missed that the genre of the week was 'thriller'. :p
Script writing was solid, though Jude Law's rapid recognition of the conspiracy toward the end of the second act felt rushed, lots of convenient clue pick ups. RM and CZJ as secret lesbian lovers who just up and decide one day to hatch a murder and insider trading scheme? Really? At least Breaking Bad had some humor about its would be mastermind premise. It's a pretty eye rolling reveal, and one which was poorly setup and paid off by the rest of the movie. The ending is saccharin sweet hollywood but again largely harmless, especially compared to the hook, and especially in light of the fact that Banks as a dcotor is taking vengeance into his own hands. He gets off scott free even though he comes out with fairly dirty hands himself from the whole fiasco.
Is there really nothing on an investigation into the rival drug company who set up this scheme? Were they trying for a sequel setup? That's way too huge a hole to leave unnoticed. If they were willing to orchestrate this stuff surely they'd be willing to do far worse to silence potential threats to this and other investments. At 1h45m I would guess a good portion of the script hit the cutting room floor to even get this condensed, though honestly I think there could have been a good deal better fat trimming in the beginning, less selling on her current depression and more setting up the loss of her "life" at her husband's arrest?
I think these are all valid criticisms.

I agree he caught on too rapidly: it would have been more believable if the women had slipped up more. Yeah, I'm not too into revenge stories. Banks was doing it for himself more than for justice. I also thought the drug company would come into play, but it was left unresolved. The emphasis on her depression seemed purposeful to mislead the viewer. I could see people having a problem with that. It was an effort to make it more of a thriller than it really was.
Aside from that, the ending was weird, personally I believe it should have ended at the arrest of Doctor Siebert, I didn't really need to see the other events. Just show the arrest of Siebert and then show Emily in the psych ward taking a bunch of pills and show the end scene of her in the psych ward looking blankly out of the window. All the rest was unneeded there. Doc Banks ending up back in his job with his family seemed a given once the story was out. Him prescribing the drugs was mweh to begin with, and unethical, for that matter.
Maybe it was the director's intention not to finish the movie with Banks being pure. He got his hands dirty for revenge. That's probably more realistic to how people are. Then again, everything does work out for him. That seems counter intuitive.
For some reason, I expected something completely different. The first half, while good, was really slow. Then movie then seems to have twists and plot turns for the sake of having them. Most of which come within the last 20-25 minutes of the film. It becomes confusing at times trying to follow what is happening.
I found it hard to follow Bank's line of thinking. From what I gathered he fooled them into thinking he had dirt on them he did not posses.
Banks taking the law into his own hands is as if he was playing judge, jury and executioner with someone's life. But it was not Banks' decision alone to sentence Emily to the psych ward. It is reasonable to conclude that at least the DA, if not everyone outside Banks' office waiting to arrest Emily, had to be in on this plan to make Emily pay for her crimes. Afterall, Banks told the DA that Emily isn't crazy but the DA let her get sent back to the pysch ward anyway.
This is true, it's not all on Banks. He was the one who orchestrated it though. I'm ambivalent regarding her being locked away in a psych ward loaded with drugs; it seems worse than jail. Was it really the only form of punishment available? Even so, is it morally okay to do it?
While the movie would have been lovely to delve deep into the fact that depression is a very serious and misunderstood issue as well as a lot of other psychiatric issues. The scenes where we are showna glimpse of how pharmaceutical companies test new products is great. A good reflection on how poorly our health system is ran. Free meds? Fuck yeah if I don't have to pay more money into my health insurance. It's a glimpse not only into how broken our healthcare is (due to all of the greediness and monetization of everything) but also just our economy in general. Disasters are now quantified and taken advantage of. I'm sure that's happened plenty of times in the past, plenty, plenty of times but now it's in the forefront... it's part of our daily lives. The bottom line is more important than our well being. Our cost of living is more important than our well being as a society.

We are shown this multiple times. While Jude Law is the protagonist in this he is also an antagonist. He agrees to these trials so he can squeak by getting his kid into private school and maintaining his living status. He is just as culpable in taking advantage of others. So while this movie could have been something about the deep problems of depression, it's something more. It's a reflection of the society in which we all take advantage of one another, ultimately leading to many psychiatric problems. It's a look into what is the root of a lot of our issues. These are the Side Effects of what our society has created.
Very well said. I was really starting to feel down about the film until I read your response. :p
I only had one other problem with the movie and it might be a personal issue but it is never implied throughout the movie that Rooney and Channings characters were millionaires or very close to it before Channing went to jail. The first half of the movie implied Rooney motives to kill her husband were because when he went to jail the stress caused her to miscarriage. He also was talking to someone he meet in jail for job prospects which means in the future there is a chance he could go to jail again. The other motivation was Channing mentions they will have to move to Houston but in a scene before that Rooney mentions to Jude Laws character that she likes New York City and she move there to pursue her dream of becoming a graphic artist. The amount money she would have received from the stock market was never mentioned in the movie, so it seemed like a extra perk instead of the main motivating force behind killing her husband up until the flashback. I feel the flashback could have gone a different way it could have shown her meeting Channing in the bar and she thinks she has meet the perfect man, instead he goes to jail for insider trading the stress causes her to miscarriage, her life is in ruins so she makes a plan for revenge.
I found her motivation confusing. By the end I thought the money and lesbian was her main motivation. Then she betrays Siebert, so it just comes down to the money which I'm not sure she would even be able to get once out of the psych ward.
In the end I don't really think Zeta-Jones' character was really needed aside from her initial appearance concerning her past with Emily, and I think she could've pulled it off by herself, which would create for a much more compelling third act had they also made the buildup to the reveal a bit more tense.
I agree. While patients having romantic relationships with their clients is more common than it should be, the lesbian love felt thrown in because hey, lesbians!

EDIT: I also nominate The War of the Worlds.
Just finished the movie. I liked it more than I thought I would. I would've cut some of the first act. Things could've been expanded on in the later acts that would have made a better movie I think. It definitely had my curiosity throughout so good pick. Not bad for the first week.


A Human Becoming said:
This is true, it's not all on Banks. He was the one who orchestrated it though. I'm ambivalent regarding her being locked away in a psych ward loaded with drugs; it seems worse than jail. Was it really the only form of punishment available? Even so, is it morally okay to do it?

Personally, I was hesitant to answer if it was morally okay to do it. But when I asked myself, 'Is it morally okay to let a murderer walk free?', I was quick to answer, 'no'. So the question is if the punishment fits the crime but I don't know who should make that decision.


Homeland Security Fail
Morally, yeah I agree with what he did. Not only because she murdered someone, but as a side effect, she almost ruined his life and professional career. Shit got personal at that point.


...hate me...
I nominate The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring if it's allowed.

Motive being that it would force me to watch it just case it wins.


...hate me...
Not available in the US.


I used that moreflicks.com link to check, since I'm at work and can't access Netflix (edit: I'm stupid, had to click on Netflix to check the available regions, thought it was US by default).

No nomination yet then.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Personally, I was hesitant to answer if it was morally okay to do it. But when I asked myself, 'Is it morally okay to let a murderer walk free?', I was quick to answer, 'no'. So the question is if the punishment fits the crime but I don't know who should make that decision.
Exactly. I give credit to the movie for getting me to morally question the actions of the protangonist.
Short nomination list this week.
My nomination isn't on your list. :mad:


Homeland Security Fail
Exactly. I give credit to the movie for getting me to morally question the actions of the protangonist.

My nomination isn't on your list. :mad:

Lol sorry. Must have missed it. I will go the posts again to make sure.

it's the best one. I'm nominating Fantastic Voyage.

Is it really? I remember liking the second one. But I haven't seen that in ages. I think I will watch it this weekend if it isn't picked.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Where is it?! I was almost hoping to see it tonight before my girlfriend comes home.


Homeland Security Fail
Winner: Automata. Netflix page. Youtube trailer.

In a dystopian future, an insurance adjuster for a tech company investigates a robot killed for violating protocol and discovers a global conspiracy.

Director: Gabe Ibáñez


Antonio Banderas

Dylan McDermott
GK86, as a suggestion since it seems we're gonna keep this as one thread, maybe in the OP provide a list of movies watched so far. Even better, if you could link to the post announcing the movie choice for that week people could follow along or skip around to previous discussions at their leisure without worrying about being spoiled on other movies in the list


Homeland Security Fail
GK86, as a suggestion since it seems we're gonna keep this as one thread, maybe in the OP provide a list of movies watched so far. Even better, if you could link to the post announcing the movie choice for that week people could follow along or skip around to previous discussions at their leisure without worrying about being spoiled on other movies in the list

Sorry, I have been meaning to do this, but it has been a crazy past few days. I updated the OP with the week 1 movie and the range of discussion posts.
I've never actually heard of this movie. Will watch within the next few days though, sounds interesting. RT score isn't too promising though!


Watched this over the weekend. Wasnt bad. Not so much I Robot but a little similar. Kind of a weak ending but I gave it 4 Netflix stars.

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
I just finished watching this. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Prior to reading this thread, I've never even heard of Automata or Side Effects. Thanks GAF Movie Club!


Fun thread. Not sure how often I can join in on the fun, considering time and stuff. But I should have some time to watch Automata on saturday.
I saw this movie and loved it, went in with no expectations. Was shocked to see it get butchered on RT.

The atmosphere/sets/CG and photography are fantastic.

I don't understand the I-Robot comparisons.. sure, the story hit some of the same notes, but everything else was completely at odds with that movie.


So not worth it
So they can build tons of advanced robots, but are unable to use anything newer than 1990 level printers?

I get that telecommunications were disrupted due to the sun shenanigans, but some of the regular tech regressing while they have all these bipedal robots running around, while they have home sonograms and some kind of holographic television that displays in SD quality... It's all really weird to me. It's obviously because they wanted a certain grit and style for their post apocalyptic world, but logically it makes no sense why they wouldn't have laser printers or HD screens anymore.


Automata is utterly atrocious. It's not even entertainingly bad. It's boringly bad.

I saw this movie and loved it, went in with no expectations. Was shocked to see it get butchered on RT.

The atmosphere/sets/CG and photography are fantastic.

I don't understand the I-Robot comparisons.. sure, the story hit some of the same notes, but everything else was completely at odds with that movie.

I just finished watching this. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Prior to reading this thread, I've never even heard of Automata or Side Effects. Thanks GAF Movie Club!

Weak ending but visually stunning - I quite enjoyed Automata, and Melanie Griffiths lips.

Watched this over the weekend. Wasnt bad. Not so much I Robot but a little similar. Kind of a weak ending but I gave it 4 Netflix stars.


You all missed how none of the characters acted logically? That nothing they said or did during the entirety of the movie made any sense?

Why is his wife so oppose to leaving the city for a better place for example?
Why is the angry cop first a good angry cop then later a bad angry cop?
Why does he first call for help, and then kill his rescuers?
Why does he care about the robot in this scene?
Why does he constantly want to go back to the city when he knows the robots will take him to a safe place?
Why is he the one being targeted - he literary know nothing and nothing of the evidence the suits have actually points to him even knowing anything.
Why is it that in the beginning his boss seems to have power, but later this boss is just dragged around as a hostage?

These are just some the questions popping up at the top of my head, about stuff that the movie never explains.
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