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New Florida law lets any resident challenge what’s taught in science classes

When it comes to something like this we need to fight fire with fire.

See a public school teaching children anti-science stuff? Put in your own complaint to their "unbiased hearing official" and run with it. Pursue legal options if it comes down to it.

Since you don't even need to have a child in the same school we need to do as much as we can to make this backfire on Republicans.
I really wish Florida would split into 2 states and leave all the republican shinanigans north of Orlando.

Yup. They can have batshit insane corrupt hospital owning criminal governor Scott (whose main claim to fame is being the first snake to hold office), and the rest of us can have something else.

Most importantly, Rick Scott's hellscape can have The Villages. :^)

Then we can purge the out of state retirees into Scott-hellscape-land and keep tourists from shitting up our roads by driving 20 miles under the speed limit -- I'm looking at you, Vermont.

Really though, it's a mess. We're the retiree capital, we've no industry to speak of outside of Disney, Walmart, and Lockheed. It's just bad for the state all over.
It's going to get to a point where colleges and companies are going to have to reject applicants from Republican controlled states due to low educational standards. I wouldn't personally hire anyone who grew up in Florida or Louisiana.


they believe Jesus is the only answer to scientific questions

gravity? pfft can't see it, how do you explain that

I'm sorry for the teachers


"They don't gotta burn the books, they just remove 'em"

Keep em dumb and you'll keep em down! Can't wait for flat-earthers to come to the table and start challenging shit immediately. Maybe by telling idiots that their superstitions and biases are correct, we'll all be living that good life of feudalism in another 20 years.


I used to think republicans were economist and entrepreneurs. Cold hearted businessmen. Lately it's becoming clear that republicans are just evil and/or stupid. Nothing else. A red vote is not a vote for the classic american (pipe)dream of freedom and every-man-for-himself-progression. It's a vote for hate and stupidity. If you read this and vote red: you are voting for hate and stupidity. Either you are hateful, or stupid or gullible or all of those things.
I say we flip this around and have students of actual facts challenge things like our textbook coverage of something like The Trail of Tears"

I remember when I was a kid the booked kinda skimmed by this tragedy, with other phrases like manifest destiny thrown in, lets "challenge" that bullshit and let everyone know how many lives we destroyed to get our property


I say we flip this around and have students of actual facts challenge things like our textbook coverage of something like The Trail of Tears"

I remember when I was a kid the booked kinda skimmed by this tragedy, with other phrases like manifest destiny thrown in, lets "challenge" that bullshit and let everyone know how many lives we destroyed to get our property

Historically speaking, conservative Americans in small towns that are most likely to be affected by this can organize a hell of a lot better than the more liberal opposition can.

Anyone who has paid attention to things like the takedown of the Equal Rights Amendment by the Eagle Forum knows this is the case which is why they're pushing for it under the guise of being neutral and fair.


Historically speaking, conservative Americans in small towns that are most likely to be affected by this can organize a hell of a lot better than the more liberal opposition can.

Anyone who has paid attention to things like the takedown of the Equal Rights Amendment by the Eagle Forum knows this is the case which is why they're pushing for it under the guise of being neutral and fair.

Yes, education has turned back into a chess game where idiocy is king. It's as if the entire world is ready to belly flop back into an age of darkness.
Yup. They can have batshit insane corrupt hospital owning criminal governor Scott (whose main claim to fame is being the first snake to hold office), and the rest of us can have something else.

Most importantly, Rick Scott's hellscape can have The Villages. :^)

Then we can purge the out of state retirees into Scott-hellscape-land and keep tourists from shitting up our roads by driving 20 miles under the speed limit -- I'm looking at you, Vermont.

Really though, it's a mess. We're the retiree capital, we've no industry to speak of outside of Disney, Walmart, and Lockheed. It's just bad for the state all over.
No industry to speak of? What the hell are you talking about? Tourism, yachting, fishing, agriculture are all pretty huge industries in Florida. Florida is actually a very healthy state economically, the retirees not from here voting these assholes into power is the problem. You describe us like some desolate wasteland.


It is really frustrating to me that we are a swing state in the Presidential election, but state politics is do instead by Republicans. It's one of the main reasons why I would never move back to Florida despite having a lot of family there.

Does anyone know why the reason the state government is always majority Red?
Yup. They can have batshit insane corrupt hospital owning criminal governor Scott (whose main claim to fame is being the first snake to hold office), and the rest of us can have something else.

Most importantly, Rick Scott's hellscape can have The Villages. :^)

Then we can purge the out of state retirees into Scott-hellscape-land and keep tourists from shitting up our roads by driving 20 miles under the speed limit -- I'm looking at you, Vermont.

Really though, it's a mess. We're the retiree capital, we've no industry to speak of outside of Disney, Walmart, and Lockheed. It's just bad for the state all over.

Hey man, not all of us in North Florida are that bad. But I'm curious about how easy it would be to use this law against creationists like some are saying on here. I imagine that'll be the true test of whether they can actually find an "unbiased" individual to mediate these cases.


Never understood why Evangelicals didn't take the Catholic Church stance on evolution. It's losing battle. I'm a Christian, btw. But I also agree with Darwinian evolution.
Finally I can teach my children the truth!



You'd be surprised by the things you find published in high-level journals with peer reviews...

I mean, there's hundred of computer random-generated papers that are often peer-reviewed and published. It has become real problem recently:

Also, there's a real issue about reproducing the results of publish papers, meaning that there's probably a lot of dubious papers in reputable journals:

I don't have a single doubt that you could have a paper on a dubious subject reviewed and published, so that won't be that a huge hurdle to overcome if someone wants to exploit this law...

To be fair, the computer generated stuff was for conferences. Those typically are easier to get into than a respectable journal.

Reproducibility is a big issue though.


That's not what I was taught... Maybe Adam was the only one guilty, but all humans carry the sin. Or it wouldn't even make sense to have an exception for Mary, "conceived without sin" so that she could carry Jesus.

It is of course the question if the person that taught you, was informed well enough. As for Mary, among other, the Council of Trent and Pope Pius IX have specified that Mary was blessed to be saved from sin. In such a way that not only did it undo all her sins, but made her remain sinless. It is why she still proclaimed the need to have a savior. It is here also that original sin was last defined.

It being viewed as either "inherited guilt" or "inherited sinfulness" doesn't really change the high level position that humans under mainstream Christianity are considered inherently sinful and in need of salvation via Jesus.

The "incompatibility" between Christianity and evolution is that how Original Sin was assigned to humans in the first place doesn't square unless you start taking massive liberties well beyond considering Genesis mere allegory.

Catholic evolution still states the soul to be the product of God, with sin being a mark on your soul. It spread to all humans, including the ones mentioned in Genesis, for instance the humans of whom Cain is afraid after he kills Abel and is expelled from Eden.

“Therefore, even as through one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed on all men inasmuch as all sinned”


Yup. They can have batshit insane corrupt hospital owning criminal governor Scott (whose main claim to fame is being the first snake to hold office), and the rest of us can have something else.

Most importantly, Rick Scott's hellscape can have The Villages. :^)

Then we can purge the out of state retirees into Scott-hellscape-land and keep tourists from shitting up our roads by driving 20 miles under the speed limit -- I'm looking at you, Vermont.

Really though, it's a mess. We're the retiree capital, we've no industry to speak of outside of Disney, Walmart, and Lockheed. It's just bad for the state all over.

Did you see the election results by city? Tampa , St Pete , Miami and Orlando were the only blue cities. This split really needs to be done lol. Rural Florida really brings the rest of the state. Their denial of climate change is gonna have us underwater soon.
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