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Ninja Theory New IP Bleeding Edge Trailer Leaked (Spoiler from MS E3 Conference)


Generally speaking, I'm not a fan of their games. DmC pissed me off to the point where I won't ever play it. Hell Blade came across as pretentious as hell while having mediocre combat. Heavenly Sword I remember was just okay and was kinda bland.

With this game, I think the character designs are pretty awful to look at but the combat might salvage this game.


Tears of Nintendo
I'll check it out for sure (if I'll get a chance to play early alpha), Reminds me of Anarchy Reigns a bit, but much more colorful and and cheerful.


But what I want to know is this...is the game 4 vs 4 (snigger)?

Man that promotion was the pits- if the game is as bad...


Likes moldy games
You might want to educate yourself. An 80 in review is average nowadays. Ninja Theory is nowhere close to being "Best Developer".
MMMMMmmm! Not so sure for some people in the Days Gone threads.

BTW i have no opinion on Days Gone, not played it yet, and those NT games listed i did not like from what i played of them.


Likes moldy games
Doesn't really look like it's my type of game from what i can see but i'll give it a whirl on gamepass. As for the generic comments, i can't remember the last game what wasn't generic . Not saying this isn't but is this a 4 on 4 beat em up ? If is is i can't remember the last one since Power Stone 2, so it might be fun if you like that type of thing.
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MS : We're buying studios so more games for the fans
Xbox fans : Oh hell yeah Ninja Theory was a good buy can't wait for their SP game, The Initiative will match Naughty Dog quality SP games!
Sony fans : Ninja Theory is mediocre, bad buy for MS
Bleeding Edge : Leaked video
Xbox fans : Oh hell yeah this is what we wanted, looks fucking awesome, can't wait Day 1!!! *Pretends to ignore no SP story mode*
Sony fans : Looks bad, so much for buying NT, lol
Why are you doing this? We're supposed to calm them down...


The nicest person on this forum
Is it me or they entire idea western developers going over the top or comedy is always is this punk style characters design with pink colour. We saw that with Rage 2, FarCry new Dawn and Watch Dogs 2. Why is that? Is people are that in to Punk aesthetics?

Kagey K

Is it me or they entire idea western developers going over the top or comedy is always is this punk style characters design with pink colour. We saw that with Rage 2, FarCry new Dawn and Watch Dogs 2. Why is that? Is people are that in to Punk aesthetics?
I love the punk esthetic. It’s takes me back to my youth. It’s always been the one style I’ve dug no matter how young I was or old I get.

There needs to be leather and denim and metal studs with anarchy signs everywhere. If it can’t be punk I’d settle the for hot goth.
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The nicest person on this forum
I love the punk esthetic. It’s takes me back to my youth. It’s always been the one style I’ve dug no matter how young I was or old I get.

There needs to be leather and denim and metal studs with anarchy signs everywhere. If it can’t be punk I’d settle the for hot goth.
That’s fair, I kind feel same way with 90s anime cop shows aesthetics like Patlabor and You're Under Arrest, this is why I’m so attracted to Astral Chain, it gives me the same vibe.


I don't know if I should believe the rumors that the studio was planning to develop this game even before they were picked up my Microsoft. Maybe they were too depressed after Hellblade and wanted to make a cheerful game? ;)

Personally I don't like aesthetic and I'm not interested because of no SP.


RSI Employee of the Year
I like the character design although, i don't know if i like the game since it wants to be Overwatch too much.

Kagey K

I haven’t watched the trailer, waiting for it to be shown at the conference, but it seems very polarizing at the moment.

Will comment on Sunday how I feel after I actually know what it is.


4v4 melee combat is cool to me, feels like the got encouraged by For Honor but the character design is gormless. No thanks.
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Do you know the kind of bland, post-Overwatch genericness that comes from having oh-so-quirky oh-so-colorful character designs? The kind of genericness found in games like Battleborn and Lawbreakers?

That's what I'm seeing here.


So Microsoft continues to dictate exactly which games their devs should be making instead of trusting the creatives they hired.
No, they bought these studios because they likely pitched the type of games MS was looking for. Online and GaaS.


I don’t give a shit if it’s on PS4 or Xbox. It still looks like garbage that I don’t want to play.
The big girl looks like a standard template I've seen in another game like this, they say it's melee, yet I see someone with an energy gun...….Tbh honest, it can still be fun if the combat is good......I mean as good as transformers Devastation...….So what are the chances of that happening?

Absolver and For Honor are pretty solid games tbh, I played a bit of anarchy reigns, I loved the character designs in AR tbh.....Yet I'm not sure any of them have lit the world on fire...…..I think if you want to make melee combat take off online, you have to appeal to the casual crowd with a very easy "get into" game, and something with wider appeal...….I think war of the monsters online could be a huge hit if it's revived, as an example...….

Wasn't someone just talking about how none of MS's big surprises had been leaked? Guess they forgot to knock on wood.
Well, that's one of the 14 exclusives, I think you'll realize that we know lots of the games MS will show at the conference .Gears, Forza, Halo, some indies etc.....

Speaking of that or melee combat, MS has a melee game that looks just like absolver, creatures look all the same with polygonal faces I believe, the name evades me ATM.....I think that one is SP........


Not my cup of tea on the game play side of things, but I actually like the character design other than the use (overuse) of all the pink/purple shit.


Likes moldy games
Oh yeah, the innocent “yes, it reviewed badly it failed it failed!!!! Whoohooooo” followed by silence once it was revealed it is actually selling very well lol 🤡. Sure... sure...
And didn't we know it sold well with a thread full of people patting each other on the back like it's some personal achievement. It was as bad as the Whoo hoo scripted cheering at Xbox presentations.
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Looks alright, not sure how it will go up against likes of Apex, Overwatch, etc. Microsoft late to the game as always...

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Xbox fans sure are easily triggered by other peoples opinions.
I don't know about that. As for myself, I can't stand ignorance to be sure. How daft do you have to be to realize that this was stolen footage with no sound, no developer pitch or anything of substance to describe the experience in proper context?

Because this was leaked, it left opinions to be formed by the misinformed, the salty, the haters.

Can't say for sure but I'd think NT is probably hating the fact that ignorant trolls got ahead of the messaging/narrative for their game before they did. Fucking truly sucks for the devs.

Plus the whole Microsoft acquisition spree just last year got real for a lot of gamers. This is an exclusive to the Xbox platform, PC and probably steam. It won't hit competing platforms at all. Ex Ninja Theory fans (alot on PlayStation) probably aren't super happy about that.
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I don't know about that. As for myself, I can't stand ignorance to be sure. How daft do you have to be to realize that this was stolen footage with no sound, no developer pitch or anything of substance to describe the experience in proper context?

Because this was leaked, it left opinions to be formed by the misinformed, the salty, the haters.

Can't say for sure but I'd think NT is probably hating the fact that ignorant trolls got ahead of the messaging/narrative for their game before they did. Fucking truly sucks for the devs.
We got a trailer in bad quality, not a leaked dev document. Unless Microsoft has changed their presentation style drastically, they were going to introduce this game by dropping the same trailer in the middle of their presentation, then having Tameem or someone come out to say a few things about it aftereard. Practically speaking, what's changed?

Compare that to the absolute trashing that games like Mario v. Rabbids got when details leaked early without the context of a trailer, and it's night and day. And yet, because it was a solid game, MvR recovered pretty quickly once the game was shown off. So even if messaging were the problem, it wouldn't be for long.

Sure, there are haters and console warriors in every forum, but by far the majority of people who don't like the look of a game will feel that way, not because of jealousy or messaging, but because the game just doesn't appeal to them.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
We got a trailer in bad quality, not a leaked dev document. Unless Microsoft has changed their presentation style drastically, they were going to introduce this game by dropping the same trailer in the middle of their presentation, then having Tameem or someone come out to say a few things about it aftereard. Practically speaking, what's changed?

Compare that to the absolute trashing that games like Mario v. Rabbids got when details leaked early without the context of a trailer, and it's night and day. And yet, because it was a solid game, MvR recovered pretty quickly once the game was shown off. So even if messaging were the problem, it wouldn't be for long.

Sure, there are haters and console warriors in every forum, but by far the majority of people who don't like the look of a game will feel that way, not because of jealousy or messaging, but because the game just doesn't appeal to them.
I'm still going to go with, an entire leaked trailer of an upcoming new IP with no sound, no pitch and out of context of the developers initial vision can do alot of damage, and typically does to some degree. There's a thread on Era that speaks on this very thing. Devs are chiming in and explicitly saying what those damages are.

Even those who think the game isn't for them; I still think its a bit premature to make such a call without seeing that trailer or hearing the message the way the devs intended. That's just me...

I don't work in the gaming industry but in my business, it would suck huge if someone were to leak what my team and I have been working on before we were ready to present it.


Even those who think the game isn't for them; I still think its a bit premature to make such a call without seeing that trailer or hearing the message the way the devs intended. That's just me...
That is a fair point. But as for the rest, let me encourage you.

Remember that people are watching because they're interested and reacting based on the information they have. It's not malicious, and in the vast majority of cases, no judgement made now will be final. As the Rabbids fiasco (among others) shows, gamers will be totally willing to reevaluate with more information. The "salty" and the "haters" were always a lost cause. To say this has done any kind of lasting damage is just as premature, if not a little silly. Not that they've done NT and MS a favor or anything--they haven't--but the leak may even work in the game's favor in the end.

There's really no need to get worked up about leaks, if for no other reason than raging does nothing to stop them. E3 is a fun time. Just enjoy the ride.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
That is a fair point. But as for the rest, let me encourage you.

Remember that people are watching because they're interested and reacting based on the information they have. It's not malicious, and in the vast majority of cases, no judgement made now will be final. As the Rabbids fiasco (among others) shows, gamers will be totally willing to reevaluate with more information. The "salty" and the "haters" were always a lost cause. To say this has done any kind of lasting damage is just as premature, if not a little silly. Not that they've done NT and MS a favor or anything--they haven't--but the leak may even work in the game's favor in the end.

There's really no need to get worked up about leaks, if for no other reason than raging does nothing to stop them. E3 is a fun time. Just enjoy the ride.

Neogalf also never understands they live in a vacuum and represent the 1 percent. It's impossible to have a conversation sometimes.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
And didn't we know it sold well with a thread full of people patting each other on the back like it's some personal achievement. It was as bad as the Whoo hoo scripted cheering at Xbox presentations.

Sure sure... hilariously the thread in which the sales started to come out was th thread started just to dance on the game’s grave assuming it is a failure because of some reviews 🤡.
People who are glad a small studio was given a long hence to succeed and being happy it did (and enjoying the sales of a product you bought and enjoyed) is not the same thing or comparable to paid shilling in conferences or forum astroturfers (apparently people happy about a game or console performance are all astroturfers, remind me next time you cheer and gloat ;)).

You could not sound saltier if you tried ;).
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Neogalf also never understands they live in a vacuum and represent the 1 percent. It's impossible to have a conversation sometimes.
Yep. We don't represent the gaming population as a whole. Then again, that is why we're here, isn't it? To talk with people who share our interests?

And it's not like GAF is an alternate reality or world unto itself either. There's no consensus here, but we tend to trend towards pretty reasonable opinions. We don't affect or change the gaming landscape outside our little corner of it, but sometimes we act as a weathervane.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Yep. We don't represent the gaming population as a whole. Then again, that is why we're here, isn't it? To talk with people who share our interests?

And it's not like GAF is an alternate reality or world unto itself either. There's no consensus here, but we tend to trend towards pretty reasonable opinions. We don't affect or change the gaming landscape outside our little corner of it, but sometimes we act as a weathervane.

Right but most people don't share interests here anymore. It's drive by comments from people who can't see past their own wants.


Right but most people don't share interests here anymore. It's drive by comments from people who can't see past their own wants.
I don't think it's most, just the loudest sometimes. And E3 isn't really the best season for rational discussion either--a lot of hot takes and hyperbole as people react off the cuff to brand new things, which is also part of the fun.

Don't take it to heart, it's just games. And, really, if a person can avoid being obnoxious about it, I don't see that there's anything wrong with just thinking about what they want. Like you said, we're a little pond, not the ruling council of games. GAF consensus (if there were such a thing) wouldn't stop a game from coming out, so what's the harm in a little excessive love or even a very little haterade?

Focus on the positive, and reply to people who are actually interested in discussion. The more good discussion we put out the more there will be. *shrug*
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
I don't think it's most, just the loudest sometimes. And E3 isn't really the best season for rational discussion either--a lot of hot takes and hyperbole as people react off the cuff to brand new things, which is also part of the fun.

Don't take it to heart, it's just games. And, really, if a person can avoid being obnoxious about it, I don't see that there's anything wrong with just thinking about what they want. Like you said, we're a little pond, not the ruling council of games. GAF consensus (if there were such a thing) wouldn't stop a game from coming out, so what's the harm in a little excessive love or even a very little haterade?

Focus on the positive, and reply to people who are actually interested in discussion. The more good discussion we put out the more there will be. *shrug*

You're definitely right. It's my own fault a lot of times repsonding to the drive by. I just don't understand the need to shit on everything. But it's my own fault for even responding


Likes moldy games
Sure sure... hilariously the thread in which the sales started to come out was th thread started just to dance on the game’s grave assuming it is a failure because of some reviews 🤡.
People who are glad a small studio was given a long hence to succeed and being happy it did (and enjoying the sales of a product you bought and enjoyed) is not the same thing or comparable to paid shilling in conferences or forum astroturfers (apparently people happy about a game or console performance are all astroturfers, remind me next time you cheer and gloat ;)).

u could not sound saltier if you tried ;).
I don't cheer and gloat for anything gaming, but you lot carry on, sado's
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