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Nintendo Channel is live.

Vinci said:
Besides, I start deleting VC games the moment I notice I haven't played them in a couple of weeks. If I get the urge, yeah, sure, I'll go get them again

Sadly, most gamers are, by nature, also hoarders. If they weren't before, years of playing games where there are limited special items (medicines, special attack items, etc.) makes them into one. We also usually have massive collections of videos, music, pictures, and other media on our PCs that we never watch but keep anyway because, well, you just never know.


BooJoh said:
This is actually more confusing now. I loaded up Brawl and let the CPUs go at it for an hour so my message board would say I had played it for over an hour today. After doing this, still no option to rate it in the Nintendo Channel. Out of curiosity, I did a search on the Nintendo Channel, and Brawl is not on the list at all, whether searching for "brawl" or listing all Nintendo-published Wii titles (it showed 19 games total.) In addition, the one Brawl video on the main videos list doesn't have an "Information" link. Are you sure you rated Brawl?

Positive. Wasn't sure to rate it casual or hardcore.


Deku said:
They designed the hardware with a very specific software driven experience in mind but did not fully anticipate the limations of some of their design choices.

I find that very hard to believe.

If you make the very simple assumption that Nintendo intended Virtual Console and WiiWare games to be deleted when not being used regularly (which is very much backed up by the limited number of (48) screens available on the wii menu), then even with all the channels currently available installed, there is still plenty of breathing room for wiiware titles.

As soon as I got Star Soldier and Dr. Mario from WiiWare, I was suddenly far less concerned with having my VC games stored close at hand anyway.


Stumpokapow said:
this sort of "coping mechanism" is an absolutely failure on nintendo's part. no piece of software should ever be designed in such a way that a hack or alternate route is more efficient or faster than the intended method of access to a function.

i deal with this professionally a great deal. users, frustrated with a lack of functionality or a lack of ease of use of functionality, come up with bizarre and longwinded ways of doing things that sabotages efficiency a good deal.

example: a hypothetical data entry clerk is responsible for saving an excel file as tab separated data and feeding it into a mysql database. the excel file has an extra column that developers were not aware of.

optimal solution: data entry clerk learns to delete the column in excel, does job as intended.
actual solution: data entry clerk feeds malformed data into mysql and manually edits hundreds of entries to correct for the extra column of data being inserted.

your product or your user training has failed if someone adopts a strategy like this. it's also a matter of some urgency because if your userbase comes to accept alternate techniques for getting things done, system optimization could end up null and void (ie server allocations for nintendo channel vs shop channel), retraining users to the correct way of doing things will take longer, and users will be less able to share experience with other users as different users have different use pathways.

bad news bears

From Wii Shop to Nintendo Channel, and Brawl's online to Mario Kart's, it's almost as if Nintendo has gradually put together a crack team to handle their online features that wasn't present when either the Wii Shop or Brawl's online were being formulated. Now I'm not saying that's what happened, but that's what it feels like -- as if the new team couldn't be assed with going through someone else's design (Wii Shop) and was like, "To hell with it, we'll make something that actually works."

However you look at it, Nintendo is slowly but surely ramping up its online prowess. Which, IMO, is bad news for Microsoft and Sony. They think Nintendo is kicking their asses now, just wait till Ninty has its shit together.


jesus christ this HDD situation is out of control. I deleted like ten of my fucking virtual console, deleted everybody votes and more... downloaded this Nintendo channel, only to be told I don't have enough open space to even view the fucking channel.

What a fucking abomination this is at this point.


Vinci said:
However you look at it, Nintendo is slowly but surely ramping up its online prowess. Which, IMO, is bad news for Microsoft and Sony. They think Nintendo is kicking their asses now, just wait till Ninty has its shit together.

I don't think so. If the Wii has proved anything to date, it's that online makes at most a minor contribution to a system's success.

Not to mention that Nintendo are still light years behind Microsoft where online is concerned. The online component for Wii demonstrates both a serious lack of vision and expertise. The shop still doesn't work for me 50% of the time, which is fucking crazy considering the only purpose the shop has is for me to give them money.


Fry Daddy
Amir0x said:
jesus christ this HDD situation is out of control. I deleted like ten of my fucking virtual console, deleted everybody votes and more... downloaded this Nintendo channel, only to be told I don't have enough open space to even view the fucking channel.

What a fucking abomination this is at this point.
You must have deleted the ten smallest Virtual Console titles in existence. I mean, I'm really starting to feel the squeeze too, but that's crazy. Seriously, why do you keep downloading VC games you don't really want?


Crushed said:
You must have deleted the ten smallest Virtual Console titles in existence. I mean, I'm really starting to feel the squeeze too, but that's crazy. Seriously, why do you keep downloading VC games you don't really want?

It's irrelevant whether I want them or not, because I own them and paid money for them. The problem at hand is a STORAGE problem, not an "Amir0x wants to spend his money excessively" problem.

I started already with only like 26 blocks open... I deleted all these (among the deleted: Star Soldier, Ristar, Super Mario 64, DoReMi etc), had enough to download the channel, but was under like 100 blocks when I got the Nintendo channel, then they said I had to get to some number (128?) to even view the channel.

People can say whatever they want about the horrific SD card transfer speed or simply deleting and then trudging through the store which often doesn't work to get them again as 'viable alternatives', but the reality is this HDD situation is obscene.


Polari said:
I don't think so. If the Wii has proved anything to date, it's that online makes at most a minor contribution to a system's success.

Of course, but it's a nice feature to have whilst listing your system's feature-set.

Not to mention that Nintendo are still light years behind Microsoft where online is concerned. The online component for Wii demonstrates both a serious lack of vision and expertise. The shop still doesn't work for me 50% of the time, which is fucking crazy considering the only purpose the shop has is for me to give them money.

I'm not talking about competing with Microsoft's online, I'm talking about slowly making their way towards something that's remotely competent. If Nintendo Channel is anything like what others are suggesting it is in this thread, it's definitely a next-step compared to the utter misery that was the Wii Shop Channel.

To be frank, man, I'm just happy to be seeing progress of any kind in any of their online functionality regardless of how far behind they remain - and will likely remain - from what MS has done over the two-generation machine that is Live.

Lee N

Storage will definitely become a problem for me next week, with the introduction of wiiware.

I'll manage by deleting crap I'm not playing right now but I really hope Nintendo has a fix for this storage problem in the pipeline.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The scene has really gone crazy recently. First CD games start showing up, then Brawl, then MKW Channel, then this behemoth.

I totally love this channel. So much so that it now has front page status, the first for a new channel since Check Mii Out, which unfortunately got deleted today.


Vinci said:
I'm not talking about competing with Microsoft's online, I'm talking about slowly making their way towards something that's remotely competent. If Nintendo Channel is anything like what others are suggesting it is in this thread, it's definitely a next-step compared to the utter misery that was the Wii Shop Channel.

To be frank, man, I'm just happy to be seeing progress of any kind in any of their online functionality regardless of how far behind they remain - and will likely remain - from what MS has done over the two-generation machine that is Live.
To be honest, until I see some more online titles come out with online support on par with Mario Kart and more Channels on par with the Nintendo Channel, I'm not entirely convinced. So far, it seems like the only thing really defined within Nintendo's online components is the friend codes. Beyond that, just about every game has entirely different methods of connecting and interfacing the users to WFC. Brawl has pretty bad WFC implementation, Mario Kart's is phenomenal, but those games are from different dev teams, right? So who's to say the next first party title will follow in Mario Kart's footsteps if it's by yet another development team? In the same vein, what if the next Wii Channel is developed by a different team than the Nintendo Channel, and it's another slow mess like the Shop Channel?

I'm not saying Nintendo's products aren't looking better now than they did only a few months ago, I'm just saying we can't necessarily lump all of their first party efforts into one category as if they're all being developed by one dev team, when that's simply not the case. It seems more like a hit-or-miss situation than flat out improvement to me.

Lee N

Man God said:
then Brawl
About that.. my Brawl save is 128 blocks and it won't let me back it up to an SD card. If I want to keep the save I have no choice other than letting it sit there and take up 128 blocks.


Amir0x said:
jesus christ this HDD situation is out of control. I deleted like ten of my fucking virtual console, deleted everybody votes and more... downloaded this Nintendo channel, only to be told I don't have enough open space to even view the fucking channel.

What a fucking abomination this is at this point.
You're such a Nintendo whore.

I still have 936 blocks left.

But I kinda hope for your (and everyone's) sake that many (most? all?) of the people using this channel sending their data back are similarly close to filling their fridge Wii.

Because if not.... Nintendo will continue to treat this as a problem only the tiniest of minority is having which means no HDD solution in the near future.


Haunted One said:
You're such a Nintendo whore.

I still have 936 blocks left.

Every N64 game takes up so many blocks!

Pokemon Puzzle League, which I did fucking want since Panel De Pon anything (even Pokemon) is the greatest puzzler ever, took up so much goddamn space!

That's just N64 games. WiiWare games come to rain destruction upon any attempt to salvage Wii's embarrassing memory.
Crushed said:
You must have deleted the ten smallest Virtual Console titles in existence. I mean, I'm really starting to feel the squeeze too, but that's crazy. Seriously, why do you keep downloading VC games you don't really want?

I downloaded and played every VC game I wanted and I have played almost all of them and I am still pressed for space. I have to keep Sin and Punishment on my SD card along with Paper mario.

Amir0x said:
Every N64 game takes up so many blocks!

Pokemon Puzzle League, which I did fucking want since Panel De Pon anything (even Pokemon) is the greatest puzzler ever, took up so much goddamn space!

That's just N64 games. WiiWare games come to rain destruction upon any attempt to salvage Wii's embarrassing memory.

Worst part is Nintendo has an SD card slot on the system but are too stupid/cheap/assholes to let me play games off of that instead of just storing things on it. They don't even let me copy my Smash Bros save onto it when I want to go to a friends house and play with all the characters unlocked.


Linkzg said:
I downloaded and played every VC game I wanted and I have played almost all of them and I am still pressed for space. I have to keep Sin and Punishment on my SD card along with Paper mario.
Now that's just wrong.

Waverace stays on (in?) my Wii all the time. On principle. One of the perks of being a tight-arsed cheapskate poor person, I guess.
Haunted One said:
Now that's just wrong.

Waverace stays on (in?) my Wii all the time. On principle.

I almost had to move Waverace or StarFox onto my SD card when I was gonna download this, but then I realized I was using up precious blocks with bullshit like everyone votes and the mii channel, so they got the boot.

I wish I could delete the news and forcast channels becaus they don't even let me use them since I dont have Wii connect on all the time.

Neo Child

Amir0x said:
Every N64 game takes up so many blocks!

Pokemon Puzzle League, which I did fucking want since Panel De Pon anything (even Pokemon) is the greatest puzzler ever, took up so much goddamn space!

That's just N64 games. WiiWare games come to rain destruction upon any attempt to salvage Wii's embarrassing memory.

Just play the superior DS version.


swerve said:
I have MK channel, WiiFit (96 blocks), Internet channel (240 or so), Everyone's Nintendo, Weather, News, Mii Contest channel, Everyone votes channel, Star Soldier R WiiWare, Dr. Mario WiiWare, Super Mario Bros and Super Mario World on my Wii with plenty of spare room.

I've given up and deleted my 40 or so VC games, and I re-download them when I want them (which is often quicker than an SD card copy). It's actually, for me at least, quite acceptable.

I think (and I'm not accusing you of this) that a lot of people are bothered 'conceptually' rather than in practice, because we all got it in our heads that the Wii would house all these games at any one time when it was announced. And that's not what it's for.

Yet, at least.

Yeah, I could do that, but chances are, once I delete them I'm never going to redownload them. You know, "out of sight, out of mind". And then I'll just feel as though I've wasted money. Seriously, since when has ANYONE had to delete stuff b/c of space issues? Probably back when MP3 players first came out some 7 years ago and could only hold like 12 songs.

It's 2008. it's time Nintendo acted like it.


Linkzg said:
I almost had to move Waverace or StarFox onto my SD card when I was gonna download this, but then I realized I was using up precious blocks with bullshit like everyone votes and the mii channel, so they got the boot.

I wish I could delete the news and forcast channels becaus they don't even let me use them since I dont have Wii connect on all the time.
My gf would never let me do that. :p I even installed that Wii Fit channel for her.

But I think there's some sort of homebrew tool out there that lets you erase the weather and news channels. Not sure if you need a modchip for that, though. Not even sure if you'd be able to get them back eventually. :eek:


(more a nerd than a geek)
Amir0x said:
this HDD situation is out of control. I deleted like ten of my f-----g virtual console, deleted everybody votes and more... downloaded this Nintendo channel, only to be told I don't have enough open space to even view the f-----g channel.

. . .

I started already with only like 26 blocks open... I deleted all these (among the deleted: Star Soldier, Ristar, Super Mario 64, DoReMi etc), had enough to download the channel, but was under like 100 blocks when I got the Nintendo channel, then they said I had to get to some number (128?) to even view the channel.

I'm still baffled as to what you deleted 10 of without garnering enough spare room... Super Mario 64 clears up about 1/3 of the room, anyway...

How much spare room does the Wii have upon first boot up, again? I'm curious as to what percentage of the free space all the optional channels so far encompass.


DavidDayton said:
I'm still baffled as to what you deleted 10 of without garnering enough spare room... Super Mario 64 clears up about 1/3 of the room, anyway...

How much spare room does the Wii have upon first boot up, again? I'm curious as to what percentage of the free space all the optional channels so far encompass.

I did get enough room! To download the channel!

Just not QUITE enough to view it.

(Super Mario 64 netted 90 blocks. others were netting me 20, 23...)
Haunted One said:
My gf would never let me do that. :p I even installed that Wii Fit channel for her.

But I think there's some sort of homebrew tool out there that lets you erase the weather and news channels. Not sure if you need a modchip for that, though. Not even sure if you'd be able to get them back eventually. :eek:

It is kind of funny.

People hack the Wii with that Twilight Princess thing and suddenly there is USB storage support, region free (I think) playing, and I guess now deleting useless channels. Either Nintendo hates us or they are reaaaaaaly lazy.


Nuclear Muffin said:
OMG, has anyone seen the Sin & Punishment video? Worst player ever :lol (Seriously, the person is so bad that it`s bound to turn some people off of the game :( )
A lot of the videos are hilarious. Whoever played the games had no idea what they were doing. Though Sin & Punishment is the worst of the ones I've watched :p

They never even attack!


All this talking about deleting stuff or moving it to an SD card just to be able to download something new... it's disgusting.

I remember having to uninstall a program or delete some sort of data whenever I wanted to install a new game on one of the first PCs I bought with my own money (PentiumII 233 with a Riva TNT2 card and 2GB (HDD, not Ram, you dolts)). That went on for a couple years. And ever since, I always buy my HDDs at least one size bigger than I actually need them to be. That's how fucking annoying this shit was to me.

If it ever comes to a similar situation with the Wii... it would not be pretty. Thinking about it makes me angry. It makes me ill. It makes me, like, literally, physically sick. Inexcusable.
Storage issues aside, this channel is a real step forward for Nintendo. Downloading HD trailers on the 360 and PS3 is great, but I want the ability to quickly stream lower quality vids. On the 360 this previewing is possible on the Video Marketplace with movies and such, why not extend it to game videos? Way to go Nintendo.

But the best thing about this channel is the DS demos. Now everyone can give Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword a chance.


a Master Ninja said:
But the best thing about this channel is the DS demos. Now everyone can give Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword a chance.

Something I did this afternoon, and I used the channel itself to order it from Amazon myself. Isn´t it grand?

Nintendo owns me.


I'm down to 296 blocks open on my system, and I didn't think I really had an unusually high amount of stuff on it. Brawl and Mario Kart are like 150 blocks combined for save data, Mario Kart Channel is 78, and I have 8 VC games ranging from about 50 to nearly 300 blocks. Unfortunately, this probably means I'll be deleting Sin & Punishment and/or Mario Kart 64 if I want more than a couple WiiWare games. I could delete some channels, but I can't delete the only two I never use at all.

As I get closer to deleting something, the sheer idiocy of this fridge problem really starts to get to me.

Also, update on my Brawl situation: I've had my Wii turned off for a bit, was doing other things, then came back and checked the Nintendo Channel. Brawl and the Nintendo Channel were both newly added to my list of titles I could rate. I also searched for Brawl and this time it actually found it. My best guess is that this means the channel initially downloads a basic database, then updates itself periodically, and not everything that's up now is immediately downloaded. Incidentally, the newly added data didn't affect the size of the channel file or the save data file.

Out of curiosity to anyone who's been using the Japanese version of the Nintendo Channel, about how often does it get new content?


Did anyone else notice in the opening video that there will be some sort of update to the Wii Shop channel? Looked quite a bit different from what I could see, hopefully it's more usable (read: faster).


dyls said:
Did anyone else notice in the opening video that there will be some sort of update to the Wii Shop channel? Looked quite a bit different from what I could see, hopefully it's more usable (read: faster).

If someone could provide screen captures of this, that would be just dandy.


The only game I'm buying after this is Dracula X. After that, I'm done with this stupid space limitation of the virtual console.

Done. I gave them enough money as it is with their overpriced games and retarded storage methods.

Oh, and the Dragon Sword demo made me not want to buy Ninja Gaiden. But don't tell Nintendo, I love demos. :(


dyls said:
Did anyone else notice in the opening video that there will be some sort of update to the Wii Shop channel? Looked quite a bit different from what I could see, hopefully it's more usable (read: faster).
I just watched the Digest video and the WiiWare video, and from what I can tell the only difference is that there will be separate WiiWare and Channels sections in the shop. Everything else looked the same to me.


This is semantics, and nothing more
+1 sales for Jam Sessions thanks to the demo. My wife played the demo and just went out to get the game. It is seriously stupid that this channel took so long to show up here.

On the other hand, I found the Mario Galaxy video (the voiceover, specifically) pretty disgusting. I'm going to try to forget that I watched it.


hide your water-based mammals
Please tell me they are gonna announce a storage solution for all this? Or do they expect Wii owners to not want to DL tons of crap? This is what is stopping me from buying more.
So I see this thread and then decide to download. Then I realise I have no blocks.

Fuck that shit, I won't bother getting this channel till there's a storage solution. I'm not about to delete my VC games which I happen to actually PLAY.


Dragona Akehi said:
So I see this thread and then decide to download. Then I realise I have no blocks.

Fuck that shit, I won't bother getting this channel till there's a storage solution. I'm not about to delete my VC games which I happen to actually PLAY.

all of them. every single day? Now thats dedication.
Well, my block count is at zero.

Yeah, Nintendo, you'd BETTER incorporate an HDD or upgrade the firmware to allow the accessing of data from external memory sources if you want to make any money from me anymoe
Amir0x said:
i was gifted Neutopia which was nice

I'm forever with non-gifts

I will however gift a few people EarthBound.

So besides the size, my least favorite things are some of the video features. I'd like to be ble to view the completion meter, and be able to pause the video without pausing the loading.

Also, I wish that they had included all the demos that they've made available thus far through the DL Stations.


A Link to the Snitch said:
I'm forever with non-gifts

I will however gift a few people EarthBound.

A noble endeavour.


All you apologists need to stop with this "you can just re-download them lol" shit. I don't want to have to fucking re-download a game I've paid for every time I want to play it. So there.
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