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No Man's Sky |OT2| Maths Effect


What I wouldn't give for an in depth post mortem on this game.

Also, i know I'm a sucker, but I'm still hoping for a major content update that builds upon the major potential of the base game. They still have a chance.

Card Boy

So is this game getting patched or dead in the water now? i picked up a couple retailer copies of the game for $1 each. Might pawn one off on ebay.
Even back when the game launched and base building was first mentioned, I didn't think it made much sense in the context of the game. As it is, it's about exploration and moving deeper into a galaxy, not setting up roots.

I said it back then and I'll say it now: the game need not be "about" any such specific thing. Allow players to play the game the way they want. Heck, there were tons of people saying before launch that they would intentionally ignore the primary objectives and simply live on their starting planet like a crazy hermit. Base building would've enabled this behavior and made it viable!

The best games are ones that don't constrain players to any specific gameplay type or action.

I mean, developers could easily try to argue "GTA games aren't about miscellaneous side content, they're about the main story we're trying to tell, the single plot thread of the central characters," and use that rationale to cut all sidequests and stunt jumps and whatever else. And they'd be much worse games for it. By allowing players to ignore the central mission and do other things, they cater to a much wider audience who are less likely to get bored.


I've been holding out optimism with the idea that Minecraft pre-launch didn't engage me, but as more systems came into play, I loved it as a technical time-sink.

What/when was the last significant gameplay system change for NMS post-launch? Have there been any goals spelled out from the studio?
Base building is such a dumb idea for this game. Ship building on the other hand makes sense, more so if there were actual classes that had different armaments, cargo holds, shields and speeds.
Base building is such a dumb idea for this game. Ship building on the other hand makes sense, more so if there were actual classes that had different armaments, cargo holds, shields and speeds.

Yup, this would make much more sense. When I last left off I was in a seemingly endless struggle to find a new ship after finally making some coin.
Base building is such a dumb idea for this game.

I can't imagine why any player of this game would willingly turn down any gameplay element that would provide something else to spend your time and resources on. Even if you wouldn't enjoy it or take advantage of it, others might, which could lead to more sales and more positive buzz, leading to further development of features you do appreciate.

I suppose being able to chart a path back to specific locations on specific planets would be important as well, if you started building a really impressive base and wanted to explore a bit too.
Base building could work with this game if they really fleshed it out with the rest of the systems. It's only a stupid idea if you're thinking of it just as "you build a base.... now what"


I'd be happy even with a batch of simple changes like making general menu selections a button press instead of a button hold, and have hold for things like transactions. There's so much wrong with the game, design-wise right now.


So is this game getting patched or dead in the water now? i picked up a couple retailer copies of the game for $1 each. Might pawn one off on ebay.

depends what you mean by dead in the water. In terms of player count, yeah I'd say most people have moved on and probably ain't coming back. not that player count matters for a single player game.

in terms of updates? i reckon we're gonna get one content update and that's it. i had high hopes that this game would get bunch of smaller updates over the course of a year, maybe 1.5 years, but with the ways things are going I just don't see that happening anymore.
Not only do I suspect that the game isn't dead, but that when it returns, it will be with VR added. That will change everyone's attitude. I put in the game during launch week, then decided to wait for updates so I could play as the devs intended. I couldn't care less about multiplayer, but I do want more varied and interesting planetary life systems to watch. Life seemed robust and plentiful in the launch trailer, and I believe that these things might be patched in again.

First priority, though? When just about every interview with the devs, or amongst journalists, or on message boards last year said, "NMS is gonna be in VR, right? (Or some variation of that)"' the devs are VERY aware that this is what people want. Re-releasing this game as a VR title would pretty much be the thing that would turn the tide. It's frankly the only reason that I think Hello Games would be THIS silent. Calling it now.


Not only do I suspect that the game isn't dead, but that when it returns, it will be with VR added. That will change everyone's attitude. I put in the game during launch week, then decided to wait for updates so I could play as the devs intended. I couldn't care less about multiplayer, but I do want more varied and interesting planetary life systems to watch. Life seemed robust and plentiful in the launch trailer, and I believe that these things might be patched in again.

First priority, though? When just about every interview with the devs, or amongst journalists, or on message boards last year said, "NMS is gonna be in VR, right? (Or some variation of that)"' the devs are VERY aware that this is what people want. Re-releasing this game as a VR title would pretty much be the thing that would turn the tide. It's frankly the only reason that I think Hello Games would be THIS silent. Calling it now.

VR would make the game amazing. Even the most simple games are improved by VR.

I remember Sean saying they might make a specific VR mode, but I would hope they'd just allow the whole game playable in VR.
Well at least you all reminded Jobbs to actually produce meaningful work on his game instead of moan about this one, his lame shtick is wearisome.

I'm not sold on bases, don't you move around quite frequently?


When is this thread going to the gaming community forum?

Not often that a 3 month old game stays on Gaming unless the thread generates 100s of posts a day.
I'm not sure that moving threads to community is a thing any more. There are dozens of threads that are for solely for communities that sit in gaming or off topic because no mod cares enough to do move them. I'd imagine old games are even lower priority.


Not only do I suspect that the game isn't dead, but that when it returns, it will be with VR added. That will change everyone's attitude. I put in the game during launch week, then decided to wait for updates so I could play as the devs intended. I couldn't care less about multiplayer, but I do want more varied and interesting planetary life systems to watch. Life seemed robust and plentiful in the launch trailer, and I believe that these things might be patched in again.

First priority, though? When just about every interview with the devs, or amongst journalists, or on message boards last year said, "NMS is gonna be in VR, right? (Or some variation of that)"' the devs are VERY aware that this is what people want. Re-releasing this game as a VR title would pretty much be the thing that would turn the tide. It's frankly the only reason that I think Hello Games would be THIS silent. Calling it now.
Screenshot saved for your future disappointment. People still believing in these guys is just amazing.


Well at least you all reminded Jobbs to actually produce meaningful work on his game instead of moan about this one, his lame shtick is wearisome.

I'm not sold on bases, don't you move around quite frequently?
When Sean talked about base building it was before the game out and we didn't know how shallow the game really was. While the point of the game is to get to the center, actually doing that
doesnt matter


As I said in a previous reply, if they are to add base building then it needs to be accompanied by a reason to build bases. You look at games like Minecraft or 7 Days to Die, the fortifications you build have, or can have an immediate usefulness. But the survival aspect in NMS is too slight for bases to have any real importance in the game.

I don't mind base building being added of course, for those who want it, I just don't think it can add anything meaningful to the game in its current form. Best I can think of is setting up trading posts at our bases that can generate credits from the NPC's that land at them.

Well at least you all reminded Jobbs to actually produce meaningful work on his game instead of moan about this one, his lame shtick is wearisome.

While Hello Games warrants criticism, one developer constantly trashing another developer's work really isn't a good look.


I was pretty happy with the game thinking that it would get a bunch of updates in the future. But yeah, it's hard to see this game getting more than 1. If 1 at all.

I can definitely see how all the criticism would be absolutely paralyzing for creativity though. Warranted or not.

Imagine an FFXIV level reboot, ha. That would be cool.
Not only do I suspect that the game isn't dead, but that when it returns, it will be with VR added. That will change everyone's attitude. I put in the game during launch week, then decided to wait for updates so I could play as the devs intended. I couldn't care less about multiplayer, but I do want more varied and interesting planetary life systems to watch. Life seemed robust and plentiful in the launch trailer, and I believe that these things might be patched in again.

First priority, though? When just about every interview with the devs, or amongst journalists, or on message boards last year said, "NMS is gonna be in VR, right? (Or some variation of that)"' the devs are VERY aware that this is what people want. Re-releasing this game as a VR title would pretty much be the thing that would turn the tide. It's frankly the only reason that I think Hello Games would be THIS silent. Calling it now.

From things that Sean said in interviews about VR, I believe his intention was to have a separate VR mode in NMS that is non-interactive. More like a safari tour of planets.

But I doubt VR is on the table now, as it only satisfies a niche audience. I think there are too many fundamental issues that need to be addressed first and more content added to the base game. Down the road, maybe, if there is a down the road in terms of updates.


It's a big story and one that I find both fascinating and sort of irresistible, but since we've reached a standstill I'll stop commenting. You shouldn't take it too personally if I say mean things about a game, btw, and respond by attacking me or my work. If your goal is to get me to stop replying that's not a good strategy, since, unlike Sean, I respond when people talk about me or my game.

The difference being that it's sad and pathetic how often you feel the need to jump into the thread and derail it with this shit.

I will not be supporting any works that you contribute to. You seem like you'd cause even more PR nightmares than Sean ever would.


Unconfirmed Member
The difference here is I like No Man's Sky. I've never heard of your game and your attitude here has made sure I'll never even google it.

Because of Jobbs I already left fakeGAF and I put him on ignore now...and bc of you I had to read his stuff again ~_~..
I just came in here to read news about NMS...


Does anyone know what song usually plays when you go into hyperdrive? It sounds very 80s, kind of TRON-like. I've gone through most of the album but I must be overlooking it. :(


I did a Post Mortem video if anybody was interested

Thumbnail I made gave me a chuckle LOL


Base building is such a dumb idea for this game. Ship building on the other hand makes sense, more so if there were actual classes that had different armaments, cargo holds, shields and speeds.

OR, if they give me a reason to hang out on planets. Right now, there just isn't that much reason.


The difference being that it's sad and pathetic how often you feel the need to jump into the thread and derail it with this shit.

To me it's a way of blowing off steam. I had the game and thread figured as pretty much dead so I didn't really think much of delving back in and refighting the same fights from months back, but on reflection I realize it's unfair to people who are hoping for updates/discussion on the game itself. While my statements on the game reflect how I really feel, I'll also admit to being a bit naughty/overzealous.

In any case, once i got a better read of the room I stopped, and I offer my apologies. If anyone wants to discuss it further or wants to tell me off more, my inbox is open.


Hello Games' "all or nothing " approach is frustrating. When they wanted pre-orders and hype, Sean Murray was everywhere. Which is fine, as far as it goes.

Then, post-launch, when a lot of his claims turned out false, it's basically been radio silence ever since. A lot of people, including me, paid decent money for the game, and I think it's reasonable to let them know what the current plans are, so that people's expectations can be set realistically.

I hope they let us know about any new content soon.


I don't know what is more shocking, people expecting Hello Games to update the game with features (as in more content, as in not just bug fixes) or the amount of people hating on Jobbs for talking about the developer of a game and his disappointments in a thread for that game.

Again, people whine about all the negative threads about a game clogging up the front page (SFV, NMS, others I'm too tired right now to remember) and when someone decides to discuss it in the thread for the game they then get shat on for voicing an opinion that isn't one of love.

Yeah, at a point there is the "get over it" aspect I could understand getting old but also his complaints are still valid. It's not like they've changed the game in any way to implement things that were talked about and advertised (like portals for one) and it's not like we've heard anything from Hello Games outside of the twitter/email/linkedin hack. Plus when you're looking forward to a game that is shrouded in such mystery and all that the devs have said has made it sound like something you'd love and then it ends up completely missing the mark and some things they said would be in then it can be annoying.

So yeah, despite what Jobbs says about the game and how much he continues to say it in the thread it belongs (unless he wants to bump all the other "NMS/Hello Games are poopy" threads to the front page if that'll make you guys feel better) it's kinda childish to attack him and his game when his criticisms can't be applied to himself. Now, if Ghost Song gets delayed after announcing a release date and then he talks about features not in the game and exaggerating things and giving vauge half answers and the game ends up being empty and boring and samey then sure, shit on him and keep shitting up the Ghost Song OT but it just seems silly to attack him (and other critics of NMS/Hello Games) when the criticisms are valid.

Anyway, at least the PC version has mods to help stuff a bit, like the low flying one (which I think should be mandatory) and stuff that fixes portals (though just really turns them into black holes). The game is still not great and the variety really isn't there despite all the quintillions of planets. Like seeing the same bipedal and assed thing on several planets across several systems just at different sizes and with slightly different faces sucks. I liked it when I saw flying snakes and this bipedal purple hug monster and weird tiger lizards, but now when I see slight variations on those same things across systems and planets. I had hoped for more variety, more variation in the colour and texture and shape and bits. Like maybe the weird crab creature has human like legs instead of the crab like ones? I know there is only so much you can do with the stuff and it really is down to luck, but my luck must've sucked to see so many slight variations in my 30 hours of play. At least I found a nice looking white ship and some nice planets and the game is really nice to be some kind of desktop background simulator, especially with the mods that remove the scan-lines and vignetting.

Also I've still not received my preorder collectors edition from iam8bit (obviously that is on them not NMS/Hello Games). I suuuuuper regret the preorder though and how you can't cancel. I thought it'd be nice to have a little ship replica to go with the game and how cool it'd be. I know, stop pre-ordering but I fell for the hype here hard.


It wasn't that Jobbs had complaints about the game and Hello Games, or expressed disappointment. There's nothing wrong with doing that. It was their attitude. There is a distinction. You shouldn't really be shocked by the reactions.


you can't put a price on sparks
I don't expect anything new released this year with holidays etc. if nothing comes by March I think that's all the proof we need nothing is coming. Maybe even by end of February.


So how about we make a deal: Until there's something new to complain about with NMS, no more whining about the same status quo re communication/bugs/features etc. that's existed for the last few months.

That way there's no more repetition with the same old things being brought up, and when/if something does happen, people can go nuts.

People have a right to complain, but it's like going into a food discussion and complaining about McDonald's. It's been done, and nothing is being added to the conversation other than someone's voice wanting to be heard, no matter how similar their opinion is to almost everyone else's.


So how about we make a deal: Until there's something new to complain about with NMS, no more whining about the same status quo re communication/bugs/features etc. that's existed for the last few months.

That way there's no more repetition with the same old things being brought up, and when/if something does happen, people can go nuts.

People have a right to complain, but it's like going into a food discussion and complaining about McDonald's. It's been done, and nothing is being added to the conversation other than someone's voice wanting to be heard, no matter how similar their opinion is to almost everyone else's.
Why should "I still think the game's potential is huge and believe in future content updates"-posts be allowed then? There is nothing new on that front either.

No, I hope Jobbs and others will continue to remind people of the con-artistry of HG and Murray in particular. I know I will, because that shit is damaging my hobby and the industry as a whole.
It's hard for me to admit but it seems like this game was abandoned.

Yeah. I can't imagine they feel the motivation to continue working on it.

Put yourself in their shoes. I know I'd nope the fuck out with the way people have reacted. I know there would be absolutely no redemption or forgiveness no matter what I did to make up for my mistakes. I'd work my ass off to make good on my initial promises, and I'd still be relegated to a fucking meme; the butt of numerous jokes in the industry.

If that were me, I'd be all like "fuck it". It would feel pretty shitty knowing my efforts would count for absolutely nothing (and they won't, not ever, no matter what anyone says). Nobody will ever let them live this down, regardless of how many apologies or updates they come out with.

So yeah, I'd be a fucking ghost if I were them. I can't say I blame them. And that's not a defense of their actions; it's a commentary on the toxic nature of the industry and the internet culture behind it.

They made their bed and they have to lie in it, but I also think the community pushed them to the brink and made them feel less than enthusiastic about making up for anything. Vicious cycle. Their silence feeds into it, the hate and backlash grows, and round and round it goes until they're like "Look what these people are fucking saying about us. Look at how fucked we are. What difference would it make? I'm out!"

That's just my two cents, worthless as they are.
Why should "I still think the game's potential is huge and believe in future content updates"-posts be allowed then? There is nothing new on that front either.

No, I hope Jobbs and others will continue to remind people of the con-artistry of HG and Murray in particular. I know I will, because that shit is damaging my hobby and the industry as a whole.

Because there are dozen of threads dedicated to saying that ?
Why should the polution be in the OT when that's being used for the game itself.

The only reason why you guys came here is because you guys have exhausted every aspect of the disccussion in other threads already.
You want to convince us in order to still convinces yourselves that you are right , even when some people disagree.
We want this thread to be about discussion on the game itself. Critics are obviously allowed but that narrative is already present outside those threads. Leave us alone. If you are so right that your industry was damaged, feel free to express yourselves elsewhere.

Why don't you create a thread "NMS damaged my hobby and the industry as a whole"
. You're welcome to. You guys needs an echo chamber for your frustrations , right ?


Yeah. I can't imagine they feel the motivation to continue working on it.

Put yourself in their shoes. I know I'd nope the fuck out with the way people have reacted. I know there would be absolutely no redemption or forgiveness no matter what I did to make up for my mistakes. I'd work my ass off to make good on my initial promises, and I'd still be relegated to a fucking meme; the butt of numerous jokes in the industry.

If that were me, I'd be all like "fuck it". It would feel pretty shitty knowing my efforts would count for absolutely nothing (and they won't, not ever, no matter what anyone says). Nobody will ever let them live this down, regardless of how many apologies or updates they come out with.

So yeah, I'd be a fucking ghost if I were them. I can't say I blame them. And that's not a defense of their actions; it's a commentary on the toxic nature of the industry and the internet culture behind it.

They made their bed and they have to lie in it, but I also think the community pushed them to the brink and made them feel less than enthusiastic about making up for anything. Vicious cycle. Their silence feeds into it, the hate and backlash grows, and round and round it goes until they're like "Look what these people are fucking saying about us. Look at how fucked we are. What difference would it make? I'm out!"

That's just my two cents, worthless as they are.

Great two cents. Largely agreed. The only thing which might keep them energised would be if their new content/improvements are really good.

But who knows if that's the case. Don't think the chances are that high considering the technical difficulties the game faces.


Yeah. I can't imagine they feel the motivation to continue working on it.

Put yourself in their shoes. I know I'd nope the fuck out with the way people have reacted. I know there would be absolutely no redemption or forgiveness no matter what I did to make up for my mistakes. I'd work my ass off to make good on my initial promises, and I'd still be relegated to a fucking meme; the butt of numerous jokes in the industry.

If that were me, I'd be all like "fuck it". It would feel pretty shitty knowing my efforts would count for absolutely nothing (and they won't, not ever, no matter what anyone says). Nobody will ever let them live this down, regardless of how many apologies or updates they come out with.

So yeah, I'd be a fucking ghost if I were them. I can't say I blame them. And that's not a defense of their actions; it's a commentary on the toxic nature of the industry and the internet culture behind it.

They made their bed and they have to lie in it, but I also think the community pushed them to the brink and made them feel less than enthusiastic about making up for anything. Vicious cycle. Their silence feeds into it, the hate and backlash grows, and round and round it goes until they're like "Look what these people are fucking saying about us. Look at how fucked we are. What difference would it make? I'm out!"

That's just my two cents, worthless as they are.

Completely agree. I'm struggling to think of anything HG could pull out of the bag now to turn the tide of toxic sentiment. It's a shame. For what it's worth I enjoyed the game for what it was but I'll be very surprised if any updates ever surface.

Whatever they do will just reignite the entire debacle and I can't imagine any of them want to have to deal with that all over again. Easier at the stage to just stay silent, move on and hope the internet gives up and if not forgets, finds another target.


Yeah. I can't imagine they feel the motivation to continue working on it.

Put yourself in their shoes. I know I'd nope the fuck out with the way people have reacted. I know there would be absolutely no redemption or forgiveness no matter what I did to make up for my mistakes. I'd work my ass off to make good on my initial promises, and I'd still be relegated to a fucking meme; the butt of numerous jokes in the industry.

If that were me, I'd be all like "fuck it". It would feel pretty shitty knowing my efforts would count for absolutely nothing (and they won't, not ever, no matter what anyone says). Nobody will ever let them live this down, regardless of how many apologies or updates they come out with.

So yeah, I'd be a fucking ghost if I were them. I can't say I blame them. And that's not a defense of their actions; it's a commentary on the toxic nature of the industry and the internet culture behind it.

They made their bed and they have to lie in it, but I also think the community pushed them to the brink and made them feel less than enthusiastic about making up for anything. Vicious cycle. Their silence feeds into it, the hate and backlash grows, and round and round it goes until they're like "Look what these people are fucking saying about us. Look at how fucked we are. What difference would it make? I'm out!"

That's just my two cents, worthless as they are.
Here we go again with the victim blaming.

I do blame them, HG and Murray in particular. Murray pretty much alone set the expectations that he couldn't deliver on, not the community. The only part that is on the community is that parts of it fell for Murray's bs and rallied against all warnings and criticism from other users. And baffingly, some are emotionally attached to this product even to this day and now put the blame for the sorry state of NMS on the gaming community.

No one is condoning death threats and similarly vile posts but this was not 99,99% of the backlash. Murray was called out as a liar first and foremost. This is not toxic behavior, this is just stating the facts and is absolutely needed. That they have become a butt-joke and poster-child for unhealthy hype culture is on them.

Because there are dozen of threads dedicated to saying that ?
Why should the polution be in the OT when that's being used for the game itself.

The only reason why you guys came here is because you guys have exhausted every aspect of the disccussion in other threads already.
You want to convince us in order to still convinces yourselves that you are right , even when some people disagree.
We want this thread to be about discussion on the game itself. Critics are obviously allowed but that narrative is already present outside those threads. Leave us alone. If you are so right that your industry was damaged, feel free to express yourselves elsewhere.

Why don't you create a thread "NMS damaged my hobby and the industry as a whole"
. You're welcome to. You guys needs an echo chamber for your frustrations , right ?
Projection much? It is I who needs an echo chamber... right. This comes just a couple of posts after someone suggested "no more negative posts please" also.

Anyway, I see the same couple of posters ragging on me as when I called out the "toxic community is to blame for state of NMS"-narrative a couple of pages back. #notanechochamberatall

And no, I will not create a "NMS damaged my hobby and the industry as a whole" thread because that would be creating an echo chamber where I would be preaching to the choir while you guys stay in your comfy OT bubble. I'd rather challenge opposing views in this thread instead, if you like it or not.


I don't see why Weir would lie about working on/knowing that Hello Games is working on a content update as late as a month ago if they had just abandoned ship a long time ago.

I mean I'm not really hoping for anything. If it comes that would be nice (probably, depends on the content ofc... base building would be bad) and if they gave up that's their decision.
Personally I got a bunch of fun for the money I spent on the game and have no hard feelings about the whole thing.
Projection much? It is I who needs an echo chamber... right. This comes just a couple of posts after someone suggested "no more negative posts please" also.

Anyway, I see the same couple of posters ragging on me as when I called out the "toxic community is to blame for state of NMS"-narrative a couple of pages back. #notanechochamberatall

And no, I will not create a "NMS damaged my hobby and the industry as a whole" thread because that would be creating an echo chamber where I would be preaching to the choir while you guys stay in your comfy OT bubble. I'd rather challenge opposing views in this thread instead, if you like it or not.

It's not about negative posting , it's about the same users who say the same things to prove themselves that they are right when their argument has been received and debated yet keep saying the same things over and over.

You claim that it's about the negativity , but i answer that it's about the repetitiveness.
Posters that revive the thread, To ask or to produce the same argument over and over just to "vent their stress"...
This is not about a discussion , this isn't even about a challenge of argument , there is nothing to add because that discussion already happenned and we have no news yet.

By reviving this thread in such way , all you do is to pat yourselves in the back and trying to force a situation with no new arguments to provide, a simple echo chamber for your own opinions.

What is the discussion , here ? All there are opinions about a situation we don't have any new info to comment on. What's the point of coming back , when there is nothing new to discuss. That discussion happenned , that clash of ideas happenned , MULTIPLES times.

Do you have any new info to add to the discussion that you hadn't told us a couples of pages ago ? If so , do present them to us. I'm freaking waiting for them.
I don't see why Weir would lie about working on/knowing that Hello Games is working on a content update as late as a month ago if they had just abandoned ship a long time ago.

I agree. Paul Weir is respected in his field. He has no reason to stick his neck out with a confirmation that they're working on an update if it was just a lie.

They'll never satisfy some people with whatever updates they put out, but if they can address the missing features and improve the ones that need it, and be honest about what happened, then I think they can begin to repair their reputation. Perhaps we'll see something at PSX.


Why should "I still think the game's potential is huge and believe in future content updates"-posts be allowed then? There is nothing new on that front either.
Because they're usually responses to the negative posts that are repeated ad nauseum in this thread.

No, I hope Jobbs and others will continue to remind people of the con-artistry of HG and Murray in particular. I know I will, because that shit is damaging my hobby and the industry as a whole.
If people continually need to be reminded about the status of NMS, then it should be created in a new thread. If it's not worth posting in a new thread, it's not worth bringing up in the OT over and over and over again.

The only people who don't need to be reminded of it are those in the OT.

Projection much? It is I who needs an echo chamber... right. This comes just a couple of posts after someone suggested "no more negative posts please" also.
Correction: No more negative, repetitive posts:

So how about we make a deal: Until there's something new to complain about with NMS, no more whining about the same status quo re communication/bugs/features etc. that's existed for the last few months.

That way there's no more repetition with the same old things being brought up, and when/if something does happen, people can go nuts.

You claim that it's about the negativity , but i answer that it's about the repetitiveness.
Do you have any new info to add to the discussion that you hadn't told us a couples of pages ago ? If so , do present them to us. I'm freaking waiting for them.
Pretty much. It's not the negativity that's annoying, I completely get that and can genuinely see what others are getting at. But it doesn't need repeating unless something new can be brought to the discussion.


Here we go again with the victim blaming.

"Buyer beware" and "wait for reviews" is not victim blaming.

And no, I will not create a "NMS damaged my hobby and the industry as a whole" thread because that would be creating an echo chamber where I would be preaching to the choir while you guys stay in your comfy OT bubble. I'd rather challenge opposing views in this thread instead, if you like it or not.

Yeah, you show those people who like what you don't like! That'll teach 'em.

Shame as what he has shown looks pretty good, I jumped on the Kickstarter when it was up. It's a one man show and he's doing well with it, he is right in his criticism of HG too, how a company can go total silent after a big release is disrespectful to the customers. Surely we deserve some kind of update on what happened to what was claimed to be possible in the game? Is it still coming, did it get canned for valid reasons etc
I can only see a couple of possible outcomes:

  • Hello Games are being silent to allow the controversy to blow over, and the next time we hear from them will be to announce they are working on something new.
  • They are working on an extensive expansion/repackage (basically think Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn), in the hopes of salvaging what worked from the vanilla release, and developing it closer to their original vision for the game. (this would not be just DLC though, it would be a way to try and relaunch interest in the game).
Realistically, I think it is a case of them moving on. Despite them selling a shit ton of copies, I think the well has been poisoned by the critical reaction towards the game, and most players have probably moved on. Further developing the game could just be throwing money away, especially if it is small scale DLC.
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