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Nvidia says it built too many GPUs — expect sales while it works on something ‘new’


Nvidia cards discounts incoming

First: discounts! Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang confirmed what we’ve suspected for months: Nvidia actually built too many gaming GPUs and is now being forced to sell them for less money. “We found ourselves with excess inventory,” says Huang. “Our strategy is to sell-in well below the current sell-through levels in the marketplace to give the channel an opportunity to correct.”



Gold Member
I thought it's been pretty much impossible to find a 3080 (for example) for the last two years?

That's because all the crypto bros were buying them to mine. $15 billion's worth:

What's happened since then:

Supply dramatically increased while demand simultaneously fell off a cliff. Crypto bros dumped a ton of supply on the market the moment their mining businesses went bust due the crpto crash. They also happened to be the primary purchasers of GPU's over the last ~2-3 years.

MSRPs have remained the same but both Nvidia and AIB's have no choice given the amount of inventory that has been dumped on the market in such a short space of time.

You can't just look at the prices of GPU's and jump to assumptions, you need to look at the why. The cost of manufacturing has remained the same and there are still chip shortages (and manufacturing backlogs) in certain areas (for example automobile).

Worth listening to Nvidia's earnings call for a bit more insight:

Will the price drop mean they sell for RRP?

Below RRP for now but RRP's are not changing for now at least.
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You can get a HP Omen 45l with a rtx 3090 and i9 12900k for 3000 euros now. Thats quite amazing, and should work fine until the rtx 5000 series comes along, at least if you're gonna play at 1440p the next couple of years.


Oh but I thought the prices rose and they couldn't make enough....

Fuck yourselves with a titan nvidia wankers.


They deserve this. Miners are not their long term customers its the people who play games.



Gold Member
You can get a HP Omen 45l with a rtx 3090 and i9 12900k for 3000 euros now. Thats quite amazing, and should work fine until the rtx 5000 series comes along, at least if you're gonna play at 1440p the next couple of years.
:messenger_tears_of_joy: Or you could bulid your own with a 3080 for half that, and your on about upgrading in what 24 months? The only thing amazing is the amount your pants are being pulled down.
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:messenger_tears_of_joy: Or you could bulid your own with a 3080 for half that, and your on about upgrading in what 24 months? The only thing amazing that is the amount your pants are being pulled down.
Yeah, I just meant that you can get a very capable rig for a good price now and not having to think about upgrading to the 4000 series. But yeah, obviously you can get a 3080 rig for a lot less (which will also be very good)
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They didn't produce too many.
They sold to the wrong people.

By not caring who buys and being happy with miners buying in bulk they created this issue themselves, since after the crypto bubble burst, all their "good customers" instantly dumped all the hardware, crashing their market.
Had they prioritized selling to private persons instead, the situation would be a drastically different one.

Also, this points to me to a horrible next gen, as they will curb down production and reason that with "but we over supplied last gen!" and that will drive prices up once more as availability goes down.

I feel like the 5th or maybe even the 6th series will see actual balance between price and availability.


They're still making massive amounts of profit, it will affect the 4000 series sales as it may not be worth waiting unless the next generation are twice the performance for not much more money.

Time will tell.


Gimme an RTX 3070 for €400 and I might build myself a gaming PC.
I wish. Newegg US has them for 500. Most EU amazon's show 650 - they are massively overpriced in the EU.

3080 for 450 - 3080Ti for 600. Im personally not interested otherwise.

In all honestly, if sources are true, were in for a massive drop (at least in the US). There are tons of 3xxx card siting in warehouses and miners are still trying to offload theirs.

We wont see sub 400 in the EU for a few good months. The Americans are in for a treat though, prices are plummeting fast
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Was bound to happen with crypto faceplanting. The 3080 FE at bestbuy still sells out right away, so unclear how much they will drop prices, probably up to 10-15 percent.

If you're at 1080P get a 3060
1440 3070 or 3060ti
4k 3080 or higher (40-60fps)

2023 will be pretty telling for how demanding games will be. I suspect 3080 will have some life for 3-5 years, even at 4k.


I built a 980 with 4790k (or 4970k can't really remember) approx 7-8 years ago or so. Was pretty damn powerful for a 1080p gaming PC and cost me just over $2,000 aud and that included a keyboard, mouse and Windows 8! I was looking at building a 3070ti PC from the ground up. Not including Windows 10/11, a keyboard and mouse, I'm still looking at spending close to $3,900 aud! Until they drop the prices of GPU's (i realize its not only GPU prices that are stupidly priced) I'm struggling to justify spending such a large sun for not huge gains over my series x and PS5 on my 4K TV.


Was bound to happen with crypto faceplanting. The 3080 FE at bestbuy still sells out right away, so unclear how much they will drop prices, probably up to 10-15 percent.

If you're at 1080P get a 3060
1440 3070 or 3060ti
4k 3080 or higher (40-60fps)

2023 will be pretty telling for how demanding games will be. I suspect 3080 will have some life for 3-5 years, even at 4k.
What if I want 1080p, 60fps, high/ultra + high/ultra RT, do I still only need a 3060?
What about 1080p, 120fps, high/ultra + high/ultra RT?
What about 144fps, 240fps?


I hope AMD releases mid range RDNA 3 this year.

Otherwise NVIDIA will keep shoving their 2 years old, overpriced, power hungry RTX 3000 series down our throats till late 2023.

As apparently nothing is stopping them from doing so with no real competitors around.
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It doesn't have anything to do with a crypto crash. Crypto crashes every few years, just like the stock market but at a larger scale.

This has to do with Ethereum moving to Proof of Stake(PoS) from Proof of Work(PoW) in a couple of weeks. PoS does not require graphics cards to secure the network.


They're still making massive amounts of profit...

Their operative revenue is borderline of breaking even, and with the shrinking margins, the value of the company has to shrink too. Jen Hsun had to admit that the company is not in good shape and wont be for a few months. They are sweating bullets.
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“We found ourselves with excess inventory,” says Huang.
Gee I wonder why you found yourself with that. Maybe you should have stuck to your customer base.


"AnandTech report that they're dropping the price of the GTX 780 by $150 to $500, and the price of the 770 by $70 to $330."
"The GeForce GTX 970 has also received a price cut of $25 US. The card was already selling close to $299 US and would now be available with a starting price of $279.99 US. Newegg has listed down EVGA and MSI GTX 970 for $279 US"


As suspected, RTX 4000 cards wont see the light of day in 2022... thank god.

A 50% discount on current prices is what we need.

Glad i waited to get my 3080, i can wait till the end of the year.


This statement seems wildly at odds with market realities on the ground. AIB cards are by in large still listed and selling for $50-100+ premiums over their "launch" MSRPs. Now 2 years old and effectively discontinued, they should logically be selling at $100+ discounts under normal circumstances, nevermind a threat of mass miner liquidations, or alleged mountains of unsold cards rotting in warehouses. If AIBs were really sitting on alarming amounts of surplus, there's no way one of them wouldn't have long since cut their whole lineup down to at least FE pricing to firesell it off and leave everyone else holding the bag. Would present quite the opportunity for that company to buy up the lions share of 4XXX inventory and make bank.

As suspected, RTX 4000 cards wont see the light of day in 2022... thank god.

A 50% discount on current prices is what we need.

Glad i waited to get my 3080, i can wait till the end of the year.

Would be a pretty stupid thing to do after waiting this long, even at less than half price (which is realistically never gonna happen). The "$399" 4060 will almost definitely outperform 3080 longterm, and the "$499" 4070 definitely will by a wide margin. So unless you're anticipating like $299 3080s, that doesn't seem the wisest move.
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King Snowflake
They're still making massive amounts of profit, it will affect the 4000 series sales as it may not be worth waiting unless the next generation are twice the performance for not much more money.

Time will tell.
This also impacts those who typically fund upgrades by selling their old GPUs. The price got for selling used 3080s when the 4080 launches will be lower percentage wise than the price recouped for the XX80s in the past.


One of the green rats
Now I want to see radeon 7000 series come out at the end of this year and be a Ryzen level update.


“We found ourselves with excess inventory,” says Huang.
Gee I wonder why you found yourself with that. Maybe you should have stuck to your customer base.
I called it here some time ago, they were hoarding chips in order to drive prices up. Glad to see the thing blowing up.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I called it here some time ago, they were hoarding chips in order to drive prices up. Glad to see the thing blowing up.
I don't think they were hoarding chips, just that a huge market segment that would buy as much as they could put out just evaporated over night leaving them with excess manufacturing capacity.


Nvidia can F***k off . Trying to sell us RTX 3060s for 400euros. Even at MSRP of 330 is overpriced considering is barely any faster than the card it replaces that came out 3 years ago
Only way i will be convinced to replace my rx 5600xt is if they sell me an rtx 3070 or a rx 6800 for 400 euros
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