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Official Zack and Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure Thread of BUY THIS GAME!

The Hermit

castle007 said:
Awesome game so far.

I am stuck at Brabodo's castle in the level where you take a shower and shrink yourself. I am so frustrated. I was just about to look up the answer online, but I convinced myself to try to do it without any help.

I am not sure if it is the level or I am not connecting the dots...

Did anyone have any problems with this level?? Please don't post spoilers of how to beat it.

I am stuck at the part where you shrink yourself but then the snake eats you if your try to approach it

I´ve been stuck there for a while, but keep trying because you´re on the right track.

What other Adventure game are we getting on the Wii this year? The only one I know is Sam and Max and I finished that game last week :(


Baiano19 said:
What other Adventure game are we getting on the Wii this year? The only one I know is Sam and Max and I finished that game last week :(
Strong Bads Cool Game for Attractive People, also by Telltale. Then we already got Tunguska (at least in Europe). Upcoming games would be Runaway 2, and maybe Diabolik and A New Beginning, but those might be 2009 titles. Runaway 3 is coming to Wii as well, but that's definitely 2009. A Wii version of Autumn Moons A Vampyre Story might appear as well.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Junior Asparagus said:
The part with the snake was NOT intuitive at ALL, in my opinion. That was one of the worst parts of the game for me.
true that. if i have to think of a weak puzzle in the game, the snake in mad science wins the prize. it's is also the only such moment for me throughout the whole game. from what i remember, i had to replay that level once* after i had already figured the snake the first time around, and on my second playthrough i again spent time wondering/trying to remember what i had to do to that snake ; )

but the game is so fuckin awesome that that isolated flow does not help my addiction for it one bit.

* due to a gruesome combination of greed (on my part) and blood thurst (on the part of the iron maiden).


(more a nerd than a geek)
Just nabbed a copy of the game at Gamestop... $19.99 - 20% "Open Box Discount" left me feeling fairly good about that, but...

The game annoys me.

Granted, I've only played for a few minutes, but the "intro" was agonizingly irritating and, well, stupid. I don't know if I can make it through the entire game if it's going to be filled with "humor", a mugging flying monkey, and giant rabbits being "funny".

The adventure/puzzle side sounds interesting, but the presentation is awful... I like a variety of games, and I enjoy games designed for "Everyone", but this game is just... it's... I don't know how to express how disgustingly annoying it seems. I seem to spend most of my time rapidly tapping A to skip past rows and rows of inane dialogue. At least it doesn't have voice acting.

Does the game get any better, or do you just have to put up with the "bad parody of a poor Japanese game show" feel?


What the hell? I finally decide to continue playing this gem and the minute I come back on GAF I see its thread on the front page. Talk about coincidence fate.

Just played 'The Great Chase!' and what an awesome level that was. The progression, the music, the fight... I was really getting into it (as much as one can into a puzzle game :p). And man, this is one of the best looking Wii games. I know they confined it to pretty small rooms, but that allowed them to really pack a lot of neat particle effects (the clouds and smoke!) and nice looking, interactive objects into the levels - and with great IQ to boot.

So awesome.


DavidDayton said:
Just nabbed a copy of the game at Gamestop... $19.99 - 20% "Open Box Discount" left me feeling fairly good about that, but...

The game annoys me.

Granted, I've only played for a few minutes, but the "intro" was agonizingly irritating and, well, stupid. I don't know if I can make it through the entire game if it's going to be filled with "humor", a mugging flying monkey, and giant rabbits being "funny".

The adventure/puzzle side sounds interesting, but the presentation is awful... I like a variety of games, and I enjoy games designed for "Everyone", but this game is just... it's... I don't know how to express how disgustingly annoying it seems. I seem to spend most of my time rapidly tapping A to skip past rows and rows of inane dialogue. At least it doesn't have voice acting.

Does the game get any better, or do you just have to put up with the "bad parody of a poor Japanese game show" feel?
Only the first 2 rooms have the annoying chirpy "humor", the rest of the game is pretty much Gobliins style.


DavidDayton said:
Just nabbed a copy of the game at Gamestop... $19.99 - 20% "Open Box Discount" left me feeling fairly good about that, but...

The game annoys me.

Granted, I've only played for a few minutes, but the "intro" was agonizingly irritating and, well, stupid. I don't know if I can make it through the entire game if it's going to be filled with "humor", a mugging flying monkey, and giant rabbits being "funny".

The adventure/puzzle side sounds interesting, but the presentation is awful... I like a variety of games, and I enjoy games designed for "Everyone", but this game is just... it's... I don't know how to express how disgustingly annoying it seems. I seem to spend most of my time rapidly tapping A to skip past rows and rows of inane dialogue. At least it doesn't have voice acting.

Does the game get any better, or do you just have to put up with the "bad parody of a poor Japanese game show" feel?

I had the exact same reaction. But I kept playing, and it gets much much much better. You don't have to put up with any more story shit, you just get to play the levels. Its actually a fun little game for $20. I'm digging it.

Having said that, its obvious to me that the reason this game didn't sell goes beyond it having a bad title. It takes like an hour before you get to the good stuff. Fucking story. Its similar to what I said about Mario Galaxy-- awesome, awesome game, shitty unskippable start.

When are developers going to learn to just let us play the game already? And here's a tip, if you're going to attempt a story, DON'T PUT IT IN THE BEGINING. Let us play the fucking game, then ease in the story.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
btw, z&w appears to be a particularly good wiimote test app.

i was replaying treasure island last night when i noticed various rotational control motions being jerky, and i am pretty positive they were not like that when i played that level originally. i did not try my other wiimote as it was out of power, but i suspect that i've busted an accelerometer or two in one of my wiimotes. that game just makes it plain obvious.


I don't know whether I'm going to finish this game. I got through nearly every level FAQ-free, and was having a good time with it, but needed hints to complete maybe 50% of Barbaros' Land.

Then after playing for an hour, I blew three fucking platinum tickets trying to unsuccessfully time the rope to trip Barbaros. I was able to buy 2 last tickets with my remaining $$, but I don't know if it's worth playing for another 30 repetitive minutes only to roll the dice on whether I'll be able to get past that part.

Far too imprecise when continues are so dearly bought - feels like luck rather than skill. Fuck it - games are supposed to be fun; I think this is going on ebay.

Eteric Rice

gkrykewy said:
I don't know whether I'm going to finish this game. I got through nearly every level FAQ-free, and was having a good time with it, but needed hints to complete maybe 50% of Barbaros' Land.

Then after playing for an hour, I blew three fucking platinum tickets trying to unsuccessfully time the rope to trip Barbaros. I was able to buy 2 last tickets with my remaining $$, but I don't know if it's worth playing for another 30 repetitive minutes only to roll the dice on whether I'll be able to get past that part.

Far too imprecise when continues are so dearly bought - feels like luck rather than skill. Fuck it - games are supposed to be fun; I think this is going on ebay.

Aww. :(

Well at least you tried it. :)


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
gkrykewy said:
I don't know whether I'm going to finish this game. I got through nearly every level FAQ-free, and was having a good time with it, but needed hints to complete maybe 50% of Barbaros' Land.

Then after playing for an hour, I blew three fucking platinum tickets trying to unsuccessfully time the rope to trip Barbaros. I was able to buy 2 last tickets with my remaining $$, but I don't know if it's worth playing for another 30 repetitive minutes only to roll the dice on whether I'll be able to get past that part.

Far too imprecise when continues are so dearly bought - feels like luck rather than skill. Fuck it - games are supposed to be fun; I think this is going on ebay.
that's quite odd, given i've replayed barbaros' land about 5 times now trying to maximize my score and digging for gold, and i managed to fail the rope scene only once
which actually turned out quite beneficial for my totem collection ; )
. what do you feel is problematic there - the move itself or the timing?


blu said:
that's quite odd, given i've replayed barbaros' land about 5 times now trying to maximize my score and digging for gold, and i managed to fail the rope scene only once
which actually turned out quite beneficial for my totem collection ; )
. what do you feel is problematic there - the move itself or the timing?

The timing - it felt as if there was a very narrow window in which to successfully pull the rope. I failed both early and late. Apparently (from a FAQ) I'm supposed to wait until just before there are nine beeps from the frog bomb.

The frustration was compounded when I realized I only had enough gold for two new tickets.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
gkrykewy said:
The timing - it felt as if there was a very narrow window in which to successfully pull the rope. I failed both early and late. Apparently (from a FAQ) I'm supposed to wait until just before there are nine beeps from the frog bomb.

The frustration was compounded when I realized I only had enough gold for two new tickets.

but the FAQ is surprising - the rope puzzle does have a timing aspect, but i don't think it's as described there; you can be too late, but i've never been too early on it - either there's no such a condition there, or it's quite lax so all those times i just naturally happened to pull it within the time constrains. here's a suggestion: try pulling the rope ASAP. from memory, i tend to pull it around the 6-7-8-ish mark.


DavidDayton said:
Just nabbed a copy of the game at Gamestop... $19.99 - 20% "Open Box Discount" left me feeling fairly good about that, but...

The game annoys me.

Granted, I've only played for a few minutes, but the "intro" was agonizingly irritating and, well, stupid. I don't know if I can make it through the entire game if it's going to be filled with "humor", a mugging flying monkey, and giant rabbits being "funny".

The adventure/puzzle side sounds interesting, but the presentation is awful... I like a variety of games, and I enjoy games designed for "Everyone", but this game is just... it's... I don't know how to express how disgustingly annoying it seems. I seem to spend most of my time rapidly tapping A to skip past rows and rows of inane dialogue. At least it doesn't have voice acting.

Does the game get any better, or do you just have to put up with the "bad parody of a poor Japanese game show" feel?
The first two levels make me wanna kill my self by eating infected monkey crap, but then wiki shuts the fuck up and the game is really enjoyable.


I'd been stuck on the Ice boss for a good while since UK launch (stuck being I couldn't be arsed to figure it out and hadn't played any platinum or hint dolls) and now decided to go all out hints and platinum just to get some value out of he game and I got to the point where I just got the last of the treasures and
I rebuilt Barbaros and had another one of those falling, quick do a puzzle!! moments, failed and had 0 platinum tickets. Why Capcom put ONE of these in let alone 2 I'll never know...

Anyway - just want to know whether it's worth bothering to persevere? Are there many levels after this?

Also curious, due to the housemate who bought this game giving up at the sweeping the footprints level, and myself giving up at the ice-lasers but then restarting many months later whether many people who were raving about this game at launch actually finished the game, and whether they'd still recommend it with such gusto.

My opinion is similar to others, they took a child friendly package and filled it full of grown up puzzles that are designed to trip you up. They should have either gone with a grown-up oriented animated style & story, or at least made it so the under 12s could get past the first few levels without too much brain busting. Personally I'd have gone with the 7-15 approach and then added some fiendish puzzles in the levels for perfect solutions and top points for the over 15s.


provides useful feedback
Yeah I finished the game nli10, and I would still definitely recommend it. It's unfortunately quite imprecise when it comes to motion controls (especially during the final boss scene... which you're still not quite near yet, so keep going!) and of course it has no support for lefthanded people, but I genuinely enjoyed it through and through even with all of the problems.

I hope they make a sequel.


SovanJedi said:
Yeah I finished the game nli10, and I would still definitely recommend it. It's unfortunately quite imprecise when it comes to motion controls (especially during the final boss scene... which you're still not quite near yet, so keep going!) and of course it has no support for lefthanded people, but I genuinely enjoyed it through and through even with all of the problems.

I hope they make a sequel.

oh that last battle was making me crazy with frustration...my arm was about to fall of my body. But well, it's nice to see this thread pop up on the first page after all this time, this is one of my favorite games of this gen, loved the puzzles, was really enjoying every minute of it. A sequel would be great, hopefully with some of the not-so-good stuff this game had sorted out (like the sensitivity of some motions). I know there were some rumors in the past, let's hope something comes out of it. By the way, sales-age people, did this game do well?


nny said:
By the way, sales-age people, did this game do well?

Certainly did OK in the UK in it's first few weeks, but was overshaddowed fairly quickly by Galaxy & co.

Won't have got to 100k in UK alone, possibly in Europe as a whole.

From my play experience it seems that there were loads of good decisions and loads of really odd ones that add up to an occasionally brilliant and occasionally frustrating experience. I'll have one last play tonight (maybe) before I pass it on to some casual gaming friends for a couple of weeks.

A sequel that uses a similar system to POP sands of Time where I can rewind to a certain point if I mess up, or the ability to buy more hints & platinum tickets while on the continue screen would be useful. I'm not playing to be punished for not spotting things first time round
especially when I nail some of the so seemingly harder bits like dragon scales & potion showering levels unaided

Z&W is a great way to update the old style graphic adventure and make it more accessible, but there are still too many rough edges (random instant deaths for one) to make it a classic.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
nli10 said:
Z&W is a great way to update the old style graphic adventure and make it more accessible, but there are still too many rough edges (random instant deaths for one) to make it a classic.
random deaths is one thing Z&W clearly does not have. i guess you meant 'sudden'.

as about your original question - i beat the game to its credits screen (and beyond) and i savored pretty much every moment of it. yes, i was playing it along with other games, but that i always do. also, i used two tickets throughout - one of them due to me being really dense in one situation in the fire realm, and the other - because i had completely forgotten at one point about one of the basic control functions of the wiimote : )
DavidDayton said:
Just nabbed a copy of the game at Gamestop... $19.99 - 20% "Open Box Discount" left me feeling fairly good about that, but...

The game annoys me.

Granted, I've only played for a few minutes, but the "intro" was agonizingly irritating and, well, stupid. I don't know if I can make it through the entire game if it's going to be filled with "humor", a mugging flying monkey, and giant rabbits being "funny".

The adventure/puzzle side sounds interesting, but the presentation is awful... I like a variety of games, and I enjoy games designed for "Everyone", but this game is just... it's... I don't know how to express how disgustingly annoying it seems. I seem to spend most of my time rapidly tapping A to skip past rows and rows of inane dialogue. At least it doesn't have voice acting.

Does the game get any better, or do you just have to put up with the "bad parody of a poor Japanese game show" feel?

I just recently picked this game up for the first time, and this post echoes my sentiments exactly. The presentation is atrociously corny. The motion controls feel lame and disconnected as well at times. Still, the puzzles seem interesting. I'll try to plow through.

"Zackuuuuuuu!" Argh...
What? I loved the presentation, the voices, the characters, the graphics.

if anything, the gameplay was too difficult for me at a certain point :lol but the game had that special charm I love about certain platform / Nintendo games.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Fourth Storm said:
I just recently picked this game up for the first time, and this post echoes my sentiments exactly. The presentation is atrociously corny. The motion controls feel lame and disconnected as well at times. Still, the puzzles seem interesting. I'll try to plow through.
It's really, really horrible in the beginning, at least. I feel like I'm watching a really, REALLY bad cable cartoon mixed with a typical sitcom and with a side of the "wacky" concept Drinky Crow always claimed everything Japanese had.

Moz La Punk said:
What? I loved the presentation, the voices, the characters, the graphics.
if anything, the gameplay was too difficult for me at a certain point :lol but the game had that special charm I love about certain platform / Nintendo games.


Okay, I don't know what to say. Zak & Wiki's first 15 minutes are horrible. Perhaps the rest of the game gets much, MUCH better, but this is one of the few times the presentation is so utterly horrible as to dissuade me from even attempting to play more of the game. I will... eventually... but, well, the game is just plain annoying.


DavidDayton said:
It's really, really horrible in the beginning, at least. I feel like I'm watching a really, REALLY bad cable cartoon mixed with a typical sitcom and with a side of the "wacky" concept Drinky Crow always claimed everything Japanese had.


Okay, I don't know what to say. Zak & Wiki's first 15 minutes are horrible. Perhaps the rest of the game gets much, MUCH better, but this is one of the few times the presentation is so utterly horrible as to dissuade me from even attempting to play more of the game. I will... eventually... but, well, the game is just plain annoying.

It stops being stupid after the first few levels and thank god for that!


nny said:
oh that last battle was making me crazy with frustration...my arm was about to fall of my body.

It worked great, when you discovered how to do it (by reading gamefaqs). After getting the speed up, you stop the swirling and point the remote at the screen (Similar movement to throwing a real lassoo)


kottila said:
It worked great, when you discovered how to do it (by reading gamefaqs). After getting the speed up, you stop the swirling and point the remote at the screen (Similar movement to throwing a real lassoo)

Yep, that was the problem..I couldn't get it to work, no matter how many variations I would do to the motion. It wasn't easy..and quite tiresome.


Unregistered007 said:
I nabbed this baby and 360 hd dvd drive for 17.99 and 19.99 CDN each. Now I am going to wait for the wii price drop.

If only you could play it on the hd-dvd drive, hm? And good luck waiting for that price drop :D


Yay just got it and played it to the last level of Volcano world. Amazing game and they really nailed the graphics. I'm pretty impressed how well they balanced the sudden death and "you figure it out" moments. Could be more challenging but what game couldn't?

So what should I do when all the puzzles are ready in the Dragon level and you have the giant hammer ready, but can't climb it?? I tried bullying thr baby dragon so the big dragon would shoot at.... well something?

I also used the hint dolls for the first time and what piece of crap advices they give you :lol



Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
zoukka said:
So what should I do when all the puzzles are ready in the Dragon level and you have the giant hammer ready, but can't climb it?? I tried bullying thr baby dragon so the big dragon would shoot at.... well something?

I also used the hint dolls for the first time and what piece of crap advices they give you :lol

just take your time on the hammer, the rest will come naturally ; )

that was one of the two places in the game i used a ticket too.


Finally got to play it. My god...everything about this game is geared towards kids except for the freakin gameplay.

Anyway, the last level on the lava place...
with the baby dragon. I got the hammer all the way to top, filled up the diamond bucket with water...what to do next?


yoopoo said:
Finally got to play it. My god...everything about this game is geared towards kids except for the freakin gameplay.

Anyway, the last level on the lava place...
with the baby dragon. I got the hammer all the way to top, filled up the diamond bucket with water...what to do next?

climb up the hammer, wait for the dragon to shoot a fireball at you then climb down the ladder quick, making the fireball hit the hammer.


Kryptonic said:
climb up the hammer, wait for the dragon to shoot a fireball at you then climb down the ladder quick, making the fireball hit the hammer.

That puzzle pissed the shit out of me and is one of a few things I used the Oracle for that I don't think I would have gotten on my own. As far as I recall, it isn't exactly as you describe it.
You have to shake the bell to draw its attention, or the fireballs won't hit the pillar. I mean, it looks they are hitting, but, no, you have to do arbitrary bullshit to make it work.

The 'kiddyness' disappears a little bit of the way in. Only a few levels after the first have any 'story', and even then the sequences are very brief.


So I bought Zack & Wiki and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (new) for £30 today, which I was quite smitten with since brand new Wii games usually go for £35-£40 each. I had a little go on Z&W and I'm hooked, the game is visually lush which is nice for a Wii title and the puzzles are already a joy to solve after only a few stages.

Its a shame it took me so long to pick up the game.


Could anyone tell me if this is Spain-only?

Proein (Capcom's distributor here when it's not Nintendo) has relaunched the game... today, at a 29,95€ retail price.

I think it's great for people to BUY THIS GAME this Christmas if they don't have it! Also, it will advertise it a little more, being on the shelves again.

Fake edit: best Wii game for the Winter campaign? :lol
Fake edit 2: hmm it's strange because it was Nintendo who distributed it back in January.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Figured I would bump this thread for a little bitch.

I really have enjoy this game right up until Barbarosa Land.

I mean the Wii controls were forgiving enough throughout the entire game but the non responsive swordplay and need from precision in this level is driving me crazy.
Just received my copy through the post. I haven't actually got a Wii yet, but that's never stopped me before. People were saying this game is quite hard to get hold of, new. So I snapped it up for £14.99 Play.com's sale. In spite of resigning from my job, and not having anything lined up in this gloomy recession. But more importantly I am one incremental step further from being part of the damned problem. Yay.
Do The Mario said:
Figured I would bump this thread for a little bitch.

I really have enjoy this game right up until Barbarosa Land.

I mean the Wii controls were forgiving enough throughout the entire game but the non responsive swordplay and need from precision in this level is driving me crazy.

Yeah the controls there do get a bit iffy. And don't even get me started on (don't read unless you've beaten the game obviously)
the boss fight
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