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On Era, being critical of Microsoft is a bannable offence

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Leave big, giant, mega, overlord corporation alone. You’re gonna hurt its borg feelings.
Honestly, the Act/Bliz employees who didn’t see huge cuts coming after this mega purchase were not paying attention. I bet this isn’t done yet either.


I was a silent reader here during the pre-breakup moment during Thuway,Bish etc

Then i joined Era becaue i thought they were the "right" one.

As time goes by for some reason i had the "waiddaminute" moment where i started realised theyre kinda fucked up lol

I don't think it was awful from the offset, but maybe that was a honeymoon period and I didn't notice. Actually glancing back at the timeline it's obvious how quickly things turned bad there (within a year, easy) and somehow it's gotten worse since I left. The slightest, perceived intimation of impropriety can get a hard ban while neighboring posts filled with vile, mean-spirited shit go untouched. It's a pretty old story that most outside the website who know of it know by now though. I guess if there's one thing I'm thankful for it's that the worst actors are contained in one place, although I do sometimes feel bad for the innocents caught in the crossfire who don't know (and maybe I'm being naive that all the results of containment are a net positive).


Reseterror Resettler
I don't think it was awful from the offset, but maybe that was a honeymoon period and I didn't notice. Actually glancing back at the timeline it's obvious how quickly things turned bad there (within a year, easy) and somehow it's gotten worse since I left. The slightest, perceived intimation of impropriety can get a hard ban while neighboring posts filled with vile, mean-spirited shit go untouched. It's a pretty old story that most outside the website who know of it know by now though. I guess if there's one thing I'm thankful for it's that the worst actors are contained in one place, although I do sometimes feel bad for the innocents caught in the crossfire who don't know (and maybe I'm being naive that all the results of containment are a net positive).

It's what happens when you take the balancing opinions of users of a differing inclination. I've often thought of GAF and Era like some high school plant experiment or something. One got left out by the window and one got shoved in a closet and screamed at. We observe the growth of each.


And I got a warning on here once dunking on Playstation. No place is perfect. It is what it is.
It's public opinion that ps3 and forward isn't the same with ps1 and 2, the ps3 was clearly targeting different kind of audience, no one could deny that, the PS is not ps after 2 in my book imo.
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Gold Member
A place where literal ambassadors of a specific company are moderators doesn't tolerate critical thinking or harsh words about said company?

Probably not a great place to be then if you enjoy open discourse without having to proofread every post three times for possible offense words or wrongthink.


Gold Member
That's Era in a nutshell. Thinking anything that doesn't fall in mind with their pathetic hivemind is a bannable offence


Moderated wildly
When did all this happen. There's no way they've always been pro MS. Ps4 era it was the other way around. Did MS infiltrate and get some moles in?

meet GIF
I think safe to say Ree wont implode that much beyond what already happened over the years since the ones that are left there...
have no where else to go.



Originally it was a month's ban. LOL

A "gendered slur"?! Please tell me that's fake!

I wonder if you get banned for using the word "guys" because that's gendered language. My place of work put us all on a sensitivity course last year, and one of the items that came up was telling us to avoid using the word "guys" to address a group of people, because its "gendered language".

No, it's a common way of addressing a group, has been for decades. Men use it, women use it (even with talking to other groups of women), and I know that trans people use it.


I think safe to say Ree wont implode that much beyond what already happened over the years since the ones that are left there...
have no where else to go.

You've either got to be a fucking moron to not understand and realise the amount of misogyny, racism and general bigotry that goes on over at Era... or you just don't care, or you agree with it.

Whatever, they can get fucked if they think they can come here with that nastiness.


I’ve had three 30 day bans for nonsense that I don’t even understand.

They demand equality and acceptance but they offer none. You will think and post a certain way or you get banned.

Crazy people over there
The "Paradox of tolerance" took off there and they use it as a weapon to squash anything and anyone that steps out of strict lines.

Actually, I might be giving them too much credit. Between Nepenthe the hateful racist that turns anything into a white people's fault and the rest of them with their broad hypocrisy, it's a place run on the principles of angry double standards without a shred of self-awareness.

If anyone that wants an example, go and see how many people are banned for gendered slurs, then count how many of those bans are for male gendered slurs. Alternatively, look for "boys club rhetoric" bans for commenting on a woman's appearance, then for balance see how many people catch a ban when they're objectifying men.
It’s no different to Puritanism in the 17th Century - you establish a stricter (and strange) moral code that is not generally followed - and then ostracise anyone who does not follow it. It can be very intoxicating and it gives a real sense of moral superiority.

I would say that it is fairly self-contained, but there are clearly some quite powerful people in the media looking to do this too (looking at you Disney and Netflix).

Hopefully the generation who come after will throw it all in the bin.


Many of us visit both sites and until recently I was a member there before asking for a perm. My reasoning, seeing people get banned for having critical thought about XB's efforts in the gaming industry. Today, after mass layoffs at XB people are being banned. The offence... Thinking critically.

Pardon my ignorance but what site/forum is ERA? Or RE? Is it Reddit?
This is the only one I’m on


Rodent Whores
How is being critical of MS a bad thing when a bunch of Xbox fanboys on there got mad and made their own splinter forum? Those things seem mutually exclusive, unless time is a bigger factor than I think.


It’s no different to Puritanism in the 17th Century - you establish a stricter (and strange) moral code that is not generally followed - and then ostracise anyone who does not follow it. It can be very intoxicating and it gives a real sense of moral superiority.
Didn’t Nazi germany do a similar thing? Vaugly remember them getting into trouble over something like that?


I'm surprised by the number of people on here who use this forum tbh.....there are some evil fucked up people running that place.I signed up for both forums back in the day when I was looking for some gaming discussion,had no idea what the situation was,just wanted gaming info......needless to say I only come here now,soon realised what a bunch of commie alphabet nutters are running Resetera,lol.


Gold Member
Reee mods are playing 10D chess.
Im pretty sure you'll get banned you for getting ban there.
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On neogaf you can get reported to hell and banned for bad mouthing Sony, so all is good in the world /s balance restored.
On XBoxEra you can get banned for not being happy with XBox sales . Anything with ERA in it is a joke and full of WOKE nutjobs.

I'll rather the PS fanboys on here any day of the week to the Era nutjobs
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You vaguely remember Nazi Germany getting into trouble? I guess that's one way to put it.
I mean I didnt think a /s was needed for that bit but I guess I was wrong. I get it, nuance is hard to portray in this format.

(I’m part polish btw who’s family fled from Poland during the war, so of course I remember)
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Took a week ban for making a comment about how absurd it was to use a psychotically in-depth post full of colour charts to determine whether a piece of Pokémon fan art was whitewashed or not (and naturally according to Era it was). I think I got off lightly to be honest.

That was over four years ago and I haven't posted there much since.

Can anyone pls explain what kind of values the people on RE have?

They represent the extreme of the modern internet-bred collective of 'left-leaning', negative-thinking individuals addicted to paranoia, fragile tribalism, attention-seeking, misplaced virtue and self-pity who opt to feed their indiscriminate misanthropy by utilising both the weapon and defense of political correctness to judge, condemn, and punish, all the time doing so with complete impunity because political correctness cannot be questioned in the public eye, and they know it. They're shamelessly oblivious to the irony of their hypocrisy and double standards. Just awful, awful people.
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Took a week ban for making a comment about how absurd it was to use a psychotically in-depth post full of colour charts to determine whether a piece of Pokémon fan art was whitewashed or not (and naturally according to Era it was). I think I got off lightly to be honest.

That was over four years ago and I haven't posted there much since.
Thats Racist GIF

What’s your avatar pic btw that looks awesome?
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King Dazzar

Era is an absolute shithole of a website.

How to survive there:

•ensure you understand the proper narrative when entering any thread, and don’t dare diverge from it with any semblance of original thought or disagreement
•if you risk to diverge in even the slightest, preface your post by profusely apologizing for your ignorance, and be prepared to be immediately dogpiled
•make your contempt and hatred for white people known, and realize that it’s impossible to be racist against them due to historical circumstances and power dynamics
•if you are white, make sure to flagellate yourself in front of everyone for the sins of your forefathers, the more the better, and understand that your opinion is worthless, simply by virtue of your skin color
•become intimately familiar and abide the victim hierarchy at all costs in consideration of everything you post
•agree that socialism is the best solution to everything, and capitalism is evil
•hate Republicans and Trump
•agree that violence is a viable alternative, but only for whatever self-righteous cause they deem appropriate

Probably missing a lot more. Follow these rules, and MAYBE you can manage to survive past the first few days. Find one of the racist mods to suck up to (Nephenite-sp?), and you’ll improve your chances. Era isn’t a forum in any sense of the word. It’s a pathetic echo chamber for leftist snowflakes who want to wallow in their hate and intolerance while posturing themselves as morally superior in their self-righteous indignation.
I found the best way to survive there was to simply read and try not to post.

When did all this happen. There's no way they've always been pro MS. Ps4 era it was the other way around. Did MS infiltrate and get some moles in?

meet GIF
There's others far more knowledgeable than me. Because I dont usually pay attention to the drama. But my understanding is that XboxEra was created because of their perceived PlayStation leaning once upon a time. So not sure when it changed or if it ever did. I was attacked over the XSX UI resolution and then again when I suggested a UI ad infested version that was released into the Insiders wasn't very good and I didn't like the direction Xbox was taking things. Mods left me alone, but loads of users went mental at me on both occasions. And I do mean over the top. Very bizarre place.


After being banned because I said I liked the idea of xbox controllers being used to pilot tanks in Israel, I decided to erase my account. Era is the last place I’d like to discuss anything.


Wait where have I seen this before...... ?

OH! In Communist China, being critical of the government or the supreme leaders is an offence seen as an act of treason, subjected to imprisonment or deprivation of political rights.

Fuck Resetera, they don't even give you a chance to explain yourself, much like most totalitarianism regimes.
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