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Our desire is to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation - Phil Spencer


since Warzone will most likely remain the only BR Call of Duty will have going forward, this makes sense. Call of Duty will remain on PlayStation... as in Warzone.

once again. how easy would it have been to say "future Call of Duty games will also release on PlayStation". but that was not said here. Warzone will remain multiplat and will remain the main Battle Royale that every coming Call of Duty will have a tie in/cross over in terms of weapons etc.


It really doesn't matter to Xbox gamers if CoD is exclusive or not. I'm just happy I can get the games on Game Pass and without shitty timed exclusive content. It does feel a bit weird though as the games will be firstparty sometime next year, and still releasing on PS. If only Sony did something like that as well, but we all know that won't happen.


Gold Member
Its like saying "I have a desire to remain friends" after cheating on your girl.

He's trying to blame Sony for he when takes it away.

I don't know. Folks are patting him on the back all over Twitter for saying this so the impression is Call of Duty is business as usual for Sony going forward. He is going to pay massively if he reneges on this.

Precisely how I read it.

He wants to muscle Gamepass onto Playstation. That's literally all this indicates.

No, it isn't. Microsoft wants Sony's business in Azure with Call of Duty running on PlayStation servers in Azure.


God he's so fucking slippery with his language. Such a smarmy twat.

He's like some awful corporate lawyer.

But yeah, I take it to mean that they'd be happy to continue providing COD as long as they accept game pass. That's the obvious interpretation. Otherwise what's "desire" got to do with it? That's code for "if circumstances are right". And that means: "if you do what we say".


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Well, am disappointed if that's the case.
Why are you disappointed.
Does the release of COD on Playstation make your playstation run slower?
Just dont download the game if it irks you so


Because it's a live service game, and the updates and maintenance of that game costs money. Money that you might want to dump into something that will line your competitor's pockets and increase their hardware's market share.

Jonah Hill Ok GIF
Nah, Minecraft sale apparently had a stipulation that it remain on all other platforms. Notch must have included it into the contract. This deal apparently has no such clause.

But yes, they are going to leverage CoD to get gamepass onto playstation and there is no way Sony can say no. Sony will just have to live with $3 royalties on gamepass subs instead of the $21 digital cut on every $70 CoD copy sold.

I dont believe they are going to strongarm GP for CoD

They already get the benefit of CoD on GP and enticing users to switch to XB

That said, I think it’s in Sonys best interest to allow GP on PlayStation with PS taking a small cut like they do third party games

MS titles and studios are now too big to ignore.

For that matter, I think Sonys GamePass equivalent also should be on XB, but I don’t think Sony has the chops to allocate all the porting resources for something like that. Maybe PS5 games only or something


Why would it be their 'desire' to keep COD on Playstaion when they own COD?.
It sounds very much like its 'Sony you want it, then Gamepass is here for you'.

no it's Warzone. Warzone is the BR that ties into all coming Call of Duty games. and that will remain. look at the wording used. he could have said that Call of Duty will release on PlayStation going forward, but that was not what he said. he said it will "remain" on PlayStation.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Can this guy ever speak in absolutes? People think Jim Ryan lies all the time when everything this guy says can be taken more than one way at all times.
Statement was definitely written by lawyers. Here is a simplified version if he really was going to keep CoD on playstation without any stipulations.
I am going to confirmed our intent to honor all existing agreements upon acquisition of Activision Blizzard and our desire to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation.
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You know right fund a game which probably won't exist without Sony money it's a "bit" different than to buy a publisher and put their famous AAA games exclusively below a paywall service, right?
Don't kid yourself. ALL of those games would exist without Sony's money. It's been widely reported that they called everyone looking to buy exclusives. They didn't call people asking them what abandoned or troubled game could they throw money at to help bring back to life.

The Street Fighter 5 example is the closest to a 'game that wouldn't exist' without Sony's money as it was spun exactly that way, but I seriously doubt the biggest fighting game of all time would have just ended without Sony supporting them.
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Sony will have to pay quite well for that privilege and they will gladly do it.
Son, allowing Call of Duty to participate for profits within the PlayStation empire is the privilege.

Microsoft and Activision are already getting paid very well with PlayStation giving them half the userbase for every Call of Duty installment.

Sony is the captain of this ship.

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I don't know. Folks are patting him on the back all over Twitter for saying this so the impression is Call of Duty is business as usual for Sony going forward. He is going to pay massively if he reneges on this.
Nah he lies constantly and no one cares.

His desire is to force Sony to allow GP onto PS5.

Buying publishers and taking stuff away is his leverage in the talks.

And when Sony says no - he'll blame Sony. "I tried."


Looks like its going to be a long 2-3 years until we can for sure say if its going to be exclusive or not. This tweet didnt really help, but im leaning more into it staying multi.


Spencer delivering the patented Microsoft PR speak from the 90s with a straight face. Can't wait for the cartoonish reveal of their real intentions in 2023:

It's amazing to see Microsoft still running Gate's OG playbook decades later.


Can someone explain to me if they can terminate those agreements? I'm kinda pissed off hearing the word "honor" like if they are giving a favor of pity.


Also, I read that he has to say these things before the deal is finalized or he could get in trouble for violating anti-trust laws. After the deal goes through, it's his company and he can do whatever he wants. Thats why he had to play coy with Bethesda.
Of course. Stay away from trouble.


Gold Member
Exclusive deals have been going on for decades in the console industry and MS has had plenty themselves.
Exclusive deals are garbage when done by the leading team. Now that the underdogs have paid 70 billion bucks, they can finally cash in a win.


Son, allowing Call of Duty participate for profits within the PlayStation empire is a privilege.

Microsoft and Activision are already getting paid very well with PlayStation giving them half the userbase for every Call of Duty installment.

Sony is the captain of this ship.

remember when people thought sony should be scared of cd project red lol


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I dont believe they are going to strongarm GP for CoD

They already get the benefit of CoD on GP and enticing users to switch to XB

That said, I think it’s in Sonys best interest to allow GP on PlayStation with PS taking a small cut like they do third party games

MS titles and studios are now too big to ignore.

For that matter, I think Sonys GamePass equivalent also should be on XB, but I don’t think Sony has the chops to allocate all the porting resources for something like that. Maybe PS5 games only or something
Yeah, it's time for Sony to swallow their pride, and let MS into their walled garden. If they dont, PS gamers lose. I already told you how big I believe Starfield is going to be. In a few years, it will be elder scrolls. If PS gamers lose out on that because Sony couldnt check their ego then that would end up in a PR disaster for sony.


Our desire? It either COD will still be on PlayStation or it won't be.

"Basically if Gamepass doesn't come to PlayStation then we will keep some COD content off of PlayStation"

Be nice if Sony would speak on this.


Well he's definitely referring to Warzone.

If he also means the individual releases I strongly doubt that'll come with Sony retaining marketing rights, exclusive content deals, and probably even getting them Day 1 let alone ever getting them in Spartacus. But still releasing them on PlayStation for $70? That is within realm of possibility for sure.

Money talks, Playstation may pay. No reason why Sony can't pay to have their own exclusive content in COD titles while MS also provides some for its own playerbase.


Gold Member
Nah he lies constantly and no one cares.

His desire is to force Sony to allow GP onto PS5.

Buying publishers and taking stuff away is his leverage in the talks.

And when Sony says no - he'll blame Sony. "I tried."

I don't think Spencer wants Game Pass on PlayStation anymore than Sony does. But we will see.

I’m really curious as why do you believe that?

What part?


what relationship? Sony destroyed you guys last generation and even clowned you on your polices when the Xbox one launched. When has Sony ever given you anything? A relationship works two ways. Now you spent 70 BILLION dollars on an acquisition and want to share the biggest slice of the pie with Sony?? Phil has lost his mind

fart town usa

Gold Member
2 things.

1. It's not a click-bait title, it's two different things that Phil said. They will honor existing agreements and they have a desire to keep COD on PS. Doesn't mean COD will stay on PS, but we don't know that right now.
2. None of you can read Phil's mind so just relax and stop acting like you can.

Best to just roll with it and see how things play out.
Because it's a live service game, and the updates and maintenance of that game costs money. Money that you might want to dump into something that will line your competitor's pockets and increase their hardware's market share.
You buy a company...and remove the biggest source of income its main IP provides? Like...what sense would that make? They aren't stupid. They would never remove Warzone from PlayStation.

Maybe you're right though. I don't know. This week left in the dirt. I'm tired lmao


I don't know. Folks are patting him on the back all over Twitter for saying this so the impression is Call of Duty is business as usual for Sony going forward. He is going to pay massively if he reneges on this.

Pay? Pay what? To whom?

Your theory of the case is that he has to put gaming's biggest franchise on other platforms because Twitter will hold him to account?
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