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[PCG] BF2042 subreddit mods threaten lockdown if 'toxicity' does not cease


Gold Member
Source: https://www.pcgamer.com/following-d...eld-2042s-toxic-subreddit-may-go-on-lockdown/

Since its launch last November, Battlefield 2042 has had a particularly prickly relationship with the most vocal corner of the Battlefield community. The game immediately launched to tens of thousands of negative reviews on Steam, many of them citing launch bugs and dissatisfaction with 2042's biggest changes for the series, such as classes being replaced by specialists or the lack of a traditional scoreboard.

The announcement goes on to list a few potential futures for the subreddit. If toxicity stays as is, then the mods will start locking comment threads immediately. If toxicity increases, the mods will resort to a total lockdown of the forum.

"Yes, the last two options seem nuclear, and we don’t want to use them, but we said we will do whatever it takes to drive the current toxicity down," the post reads.


They also put the thread in contest mode so you can't see which posts are sorted by the upvote categories. Which is the whole point of reddit



Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It's been suspected for a while that the subreddit is either run by EA/DICE or the mods are heavily influenced by them. Not a surprise, I mean it's a billion-dollar industry and Reddit after all, one of the premiere platforms for astroturfing. This post kind of sums it up:



Gold Member
Look at the bottom comment in blue.

A lot of video game problems would disappear if gaming was like 99% of other things you buy in life.... if it sucks you can return it for your money back. No different than a shitty box of stale cereal or a microwave that barely works. Stores and manufacturers are willing to give money back. And even worse it's physical goods. So in all likelihood the manufacturer will toss it in the garbage for a loss when the store sends it back to them. Only in some cases, a company will go through the hassle of refurbing it and reselling it again to bargain stores at 40% off.

But game companies know most of the time, once a gamer buys it they are stuck with it unless they can get a digital refund back or pray the customer service clerk at Walmart is new and will accept an open case game for refund. So most times you got no choice but to wait it out hoping it gets fixed months later. Some will fix it, some wont. But either way they got your money.

Gamers: "Game has tons of issues at launch. Bad lag, bugs, freezes, missing content/UI from the last game"

Dev: "Oh really? We didn't notice any issues during development..... oh wait, maybe we kinda did because there's a day one patch. As for issues not in the patch, I guess everyone in QA missed it, but you gamers are so great you noticed them. We'll work on fixing it as soon as we figure out what the cause is because we didn't notice any freezes or bad hit boxes the past 3 years"
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They completely destroyed Battlefield.Honestly its fcking sad how incompetent they are.Sad thing they don't even realize what they did, they are completely out of touch with reality, its like they have some sort of gas leak in office

Von Hugh

You turn Battlefield into Fortnite and cater to new players, not the old, so it's not really a surprise what happens.


Gold Member

Still seems valid to this day. Ironic.

This was another very dirty move by EA, labeling valid criticism as "toxic masculinity" giving them a free pass pretending to champion progress while playing the victim.

Make no mistake, this is a billion dollar industry and EA is one of the biggest and most ruthless players in the field. This entire "we're being bullied by hordes of toxic gamers" narrative is 100% calculated.
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And I almost bought this game thinking it would be as glorious as BF4..

I got to give my thanks to CD Projekt Red for teaching me to not pre-order games.


Gold Member
I think the issue is, people don't act like reasonable adults.

I personally didn't buy battlefield 2042, as I really didn't enjoy the beta despite being mega excited for the game prior.

If people just gave constructive feedback without insults or abuse or hassling Devs or EA staff with toxic behaviour they wouldn't be considering locking down the Reddit.

I hope they can turn the game round though for those that purchased the game and stuck by their purchases :)

Also playing other games you enjoy is a lot more fun that being angry over a bad game :p

Edit: the Twitter pages for most multiplayer games are cesspools though tbh.
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It's been suspected for a while that the subreddit is either run by EA/DICE or the mods are heavily influenced by them. Not a surprise, I mean it's a billion-dollar industry and Reddit after all, one of the premiere platforms for astroturfing. This post kind of sums it up:

Nothing new here. 90% of the internet is bot-posting and fake narratives upvoted/retweeted/liked by bots.


Gold Member
This is essentially the cycle about any big budget game that gets criticism, corporate gaslighting. Like it or not, its now a standard and effective PR strategy, think about any large game recently with any Controvesy surrounding it, like clock work the PR machine comes out and deploys the "our community is toxic" solution.

Just recently the exact same strategy was used by 343 on the Halo reddit, resulting in the entire subreddit being locked because it was soooo toxic for awhile, press sites jumped on the story about the now toxic halo community.

Of course if you point this out you have very real people who believe what these PR accounts are braying and will then die at the hilt for their franchise of choice, that's the end goal, to have unpaid morons defending the product rather than people you pay, I mean why wouldent you?
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Gold Member
Before the game launched, EA and Dice loved gamers. They promised the heavens, just to get people to pre-order BF 2042.
Now that they have gamer's money, gamers are mean for wanting what they paid for.
This is exactly like a scammer being angry at a victim, for being caught.


Still yet to see examples of this 'toxicity'

As far as i have seen, that subreddit is full genuine complaints and people angry about how EA/DICE have butchered a beloved series.

The fact of the matter is the game is a complete scam, it is so evident that this game started live as a Battle Royal game and changed direction probably in 2020 and was mangled to turn into some sort of Battlefield game.

Imagine making a mediocre and rushed game with loads of missing features but getting immediately upset when called out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Ah recent experiences of forums make me empathize with the mods, if it really is a rage'y shitstorm...

That's quite seperate from whether or not i think the game deserves that kind of a response. It's craptastic and they should suffer or correct it, but yeah a suffocatingly toxic forum blows.


Ah recent experiences of forums make me empathize with the mods, if it really is a rage'y shitstorm...

That's quite seperate from whether or not i think the game deserves that kind of a response. It's craptastic and they should suffer or correct it, but yeah a suffocatingly toxic forum blows.

Its not toxic though, as i've said, im yet to see examples of this 'toxicity' they claim to be present in the subreddit.

The subreddit has nearly 200k members, the threads are 95% complaints, reports, concerns, venting etc and justifiable so. The game is a shit show, the 'full' experience cost $120................ if i payed for that shit id be just as angry.

Thank the lord for my free 10 hours.

From a business POV, i can fully understand why EA wouldnt want a subreddit with 200K people slagging off the game 24/7...... but if they didnt want this kind of response, they shouldnt have made a shitty game.
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Winter John

Still yet to see examples of this 'toxicity'

As far as i have seen, that subreddit is full genuine complaints and people angry about how EA/DICE have butchered a beloved series.

The fact of the matter is the game is a complete scam, it is so evident that this game started live as a Battle Royal game and changed direction probably in 2020 and was mangled to turn into some sort of Battlefield game.

Imagine making a mediocre and rushed game with loads of missing features but getting immediately upset when called out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"I hope all the people involved die of a herion OD. Bcz this isn't battlefield…this is a blatant robbery.And I've been a BF fan since 2006. Fuck u and yo family…the audacity of asking ppl $100 got this piece of Apex42 bullshit……fuck yall. I hope y'all lose your jobs… For robbing your loyal fanbase like this. Sincerely a loyal BF player…FUCK YOU"



What a load of bs.

Sounds to me like DICE just wants to cover their ass.

Still, it's sad that communities nowadays have turned into this.
snowflake microscope GIF


Simps for Amouranth
It's been suspected for a while that the subreddit is either run by EA/DICE or the mods are heavily influenced by them. Not a surprise, I mean it's a billion-dollar industry and Reddit after all, one of the premiere platforms for astroturfing. This post kind of sums it up:

It's incredible to me that people think what they read on the internet is somehow not under the influence or control of some corporation or other, especially social media, it's just one big fuck off advertising machine designed to feed you shite, it's so blatantly obvious I removed all traces of it and will never allow my kids access to it, I'll block those fuckers at the router if I have too.

As for gaming mega corporations like EA, Sony, etc they'll have a ton of people on payroll with multiple accounts all over the show posting positive shit and spreading lies and or damage control, there's a few YouTubers out there that you just no aren't in the pocket of these cunts and my favourite is Angry Joe, fuck off I like his style and Alex is always spot on but Joe just rips these games and companies a new arsehole when they release shite like Battlefield, FIFA etc and you see others praising then like the shills they are yet these cunts still have followers...

Humans man, so fucking stupid and gullible


Its not toxic though, as i've said, im yet to see examples of this 'toxicity' they claim to be present in the subreddit.

The subreddit has nearly 200k members, the threads are 95% complaints, reports, concerns, venting etc and justifiable so. The game is a shit show, the 'full' experience cost $120................ if i payed for that shit id be just as angry.

Thank the lord for my free 10 hours.

From a business POV, i can fully understand why EA wouldnt want a subreddit with 200K people slagging off the game 24/7...... but if they didnt want this kind of response, they shouldnt have made a shitty game.
Aite, i see what you mean, if it's legit that's fine.. wish they'd just do something about it


It's incredible to me that people think what they read on the internet is somehow not under the influence or control of some corporation or other, especially social media, it's just one big fuck off advertising machine designed to feed you shite, it's so blatantly obvious I removed all traces of it and will never allow my kids access to it, I'll block those fuckers at the router if I have too.

As for gaming mega corporations like EA, Sony, etc they'll have a ton of people on payroll with multiple accounts all over the show posting positive shit and spreading lies and or damage control, there's a few YouTubers out there that you just no aren't in the pocket of these cunts and my favourite is Angry Joe, fuck off I like his style and Alex is always spot on but Joe just rips these games and companies a new arsehole when they release shite like Battlefield, FIFA etc and you see others praising then like the shills they are yet these cunts still have followers...

Humans man, so fucking stupid and gullible
Humans have always been retarded. It just that, we have now tools to show how dumb they are. I dont blame the corporate at all. Its the people who ruin stuff for themselves, that is the problem.

It always starts with small thing, then you get shit like this. Mtx started with small 0.99$ content, and now there is 99.99$ packs. People buying games day1, pre-orders and all kind of shit people are ok with, and you end up with shitty day products. Corporation is just making money from stupid people.

Blocking your kids access from these stuff, will make them fall for it. You need to teach them, not protect them. That is why this generation is stupid. They lived in a safe world, which their parents created for them.
This was another very dirty move by EA, labeling valid criticism as "toxic masculinity" giving them a free pass pretending to champion progress while playing the victim.

Make no mistake, this is a billion dollar industry and EA is one of the biggest and most ruthless players in the field. This entire "we're being bullied by hordes of toxic gamers" narrative is 100% calculated.
It's a common tactic these days, unfortunately. All they have to do is call out obvious trolls and they get the sympathy they desired from gullible idiots. See: Last of Us 2, Ghostbusters 2016, Captain Marvel, etc
No it wasn't.
It started out as something with good intentions. One of the owners was a free speech absolutist.
Another co owner sold it out and it became a hollow, corrupt, corporate interest.

Now it's a detestable shill hole that holds nothing of value.

I use since the beginning in loose terms. Very soon after the site launched, corporate and political actors began using it to create a false consensus.

Most people are dumb and if their "peers" seem to share an opinion then they will adopt the same opinion for fear of being ostracised. So since the very beginning of reddit there were bots manipulating the voting etc. Ghislaine Maxwell (u/MaxwellHill) is a member since 2006 and used her influence to try to normalize paedo shit

The creators seeded the site with fake accounts at launch to make it seem more popular.


People really haven’t learned to stop preordering games yet? You’re paying top prices at launch to essentially play betas and be a tester.

Jimmy Fallon No GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

As for the reddit stuff- I guess trying to place accountability on the publisher is now considered offensive. It sure as hell isn’t offensive though to take people’s money and deliver a sub-par product. That’s totally cool. /s
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