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Persona 5 |OT2| Someone must have been helping you go to bed early. Talk!


Anyone know if it's possible to max-rank the wardens in a single mementos run at the end of the game, maybe during the Depths of Mementos sequence, by collecting personas, going back to the Velvet Room and fusing them repeatedly? Is there a guide somewhere that I could use to figure out the path for that if possible?

I'm pretty close to finishing the game, probably less than 10 hours left, so I want to try maxing out as many ranks as possible.

At that point of the game your level should be high enough to do it in a day as long as you have enough money.

The first page of this guide:

has info on how you can fuse the required personas for strength. Regarding the rank 10 persona, there is a guide elsewhere that can teach you how to do it without the skill card but I don't remember where that link is.


Anyone know if it's possible to max-rank the wardens in a single mementos run at the end of the game, maybe during the Depths of Mementos sequence, by collecting personas, going back to the Velvet Room and fusing them repeatedly? Is there a guide somewhere that I could use to figure out the path for that if possible?

I'm pretty close to finishing the game, probably less than 10 hours left, so I want to try maxing out as many ranks as possible.

Pretty sure, yes. You can max them in one go/one day, same was true for Elizabeth.


Build question, how did you guys set up your Morgana and Haru skills at end game?

Mona I've pretty much settle him for Wind+Healer, just a matter of Samarecarm vs Salvation vs Mediaharan.

But holy shit with Haru... Psy build vs Gun build vs Heat Raiser vs Amrita Shower @_@

One thing I always do to make sure I don't struggle with these is ignore Ma spells. I don't like to waste space with stuff that I won't use against bosses unless it's Ann's severe spell.

For Morgana I think I only kept his severe wind spell, wind wamp, samarecarm and salvation. For Haru I had a couple Gun attacks (don't remember which), Psiodyne, sharpshooter, weak spot aim, amrita shower and heat rairser. Ignore tetra and makarakarm, they're too situational.
Build question, how did you guys set up your Morgana and Haru skills at end game?

Mona I've pretty much settle him for Wind+Healer, just a matter of Samarecarm vs Salvation vs Mediaharan.

But holy shit with Haru... Psy build vs Gun build vs Heat Raiser vs Amrita Shower @_@

For Haru
Gun Boost,Gun Amp (to lazy to check the names), Triple Down, One Shot Kill, Heat Riser, Mapsidyne, Evade Nuke and Psy Amp

(I'd lean to Gun over Phys and remove Psy Amp next probably, just due to her stats if I had too).

For Morgana
Wind Boost, Wind Amp, Salvation, Samarecarm,Masukunda,Garudyne,Maragarudyne, Evade Elec

I probably would have swapped Samarecarm for Miracle Punch if I wasn't already done with Treasure Demon hunting by that point.

I was drowning in SP restores by that point between Hierophant, Temperance and Empress so the SP cost didn't bother me much.

If you're not planning on fighting the Reaper or the Bonus Boss the Evade Skills are probably of questionable utility too, so you may want to replace those with stuff you think is more useful.


This is seriously upsetting

I can't believe they cut out some many Joker lines. You can tell he was supposed to audibly react to many of things in-game.


EDIT: Awwww come on, he even has a "LET ME EXPLAIN" line.

Joker so desperately wants to be his own character and have a voice but Hashino insists on keeping him chained to the expectations of a silent protagonist. Just give the poor guy emancipation, damn shitty adults!


This is seriously upsetting

I can't believe they cut out some many Joker lines. You can tell he was supposed to audibly react to many of things in-game.


EDIT: Awwww come on, he even has a "LET ME EXPLAIN" line.

I'm the traditionalist on this matter: This doesn't bother me in the slightest, and I'm not sure what having it would have added.

What's weird to me is that they recorded it in english and then cut it. Do these have corresponding lines in Japanese that were not cut? Or was it cut in both japanese and english?
Joker so desperately wants to be his own character and have a voice but Hashino insists on keeping him chained to the expectations of a silent protagonist. Just give the poor guy emancipation, damn shitty adults!

Don't think it's just Hashino, I know Tadashi ran into the same issue when making Maya, an already pre-established character in P2:IS the protagonist of P2:EP and was told to keep her silent.


This is seriously upsetting

I can't believe they cut out some many Joker lines. You can tell he was supposed to audibly react to many of things in-game.


EDIT: Awwww come on, he even has a "LET ME EXPLAIN" line.

This reminds me, but is there a canon way of responding to Sae throughout the interrogation? It's a clear choice between telling her the truth or keeping silent and lying, but the outcomes always just seems off to me.



Amrita Shower
One-shot Kill
Triple Down
Psy Amp
Evade Nuke

Heat Riser is pretty useless and Karn skills are replaceable by items.


Miracle Punch
Wind Amp
Evade Elec

Mediarahan or Salvation is kind of a toss-up, but Salvation is nice to have on somebody. I like the second source of Miracle Punch but it's probably the first thing to replace. Resurrect items are also common to the point where dropping Samarecarm is reasonable.
I have a few confessions Persona 5 Gaf,

As I was sitting and reading through some of the reaction threads to Altus' stance on censorship towards this game. I could really feel Gaf on how strongly they disliked censorship. But, alas at the same time, I had a nagging feeling about this game in particular. Something I could not quite shake off.

2 weeks ago, on a whim, I decided to digitally buy the game. Got about a few hours in before my significant other decided they would do the same.

Since then, I have bought the game not only digitally, but I bought a physical PS4 copy and am looking to get a PS3 copy. Oh, and I have the soundtrack on iTunes.

If that wasn't entertaining enough, my significant other has been digging deep into the Ebay gold mines to look for deals on getting Persona 1,2,3,and 4. They have decided this morning to buy a second PlayStation TV so they can play Persona 4 Golden-- ontop of getting a new copy of Vanilla Persona 4. While Persona 1 might be a challenge to find, I am sure we can both find a copy, we're just that dedicated to this series now.

I would have to say I got hooked around the 20 hour mark. The drive to play this game was so bad and strong, I was literally losing sleep last week just thinking about jumping back into this. But now with the honeymoon phase come and gone, I have taken a lot of time to reflect on this one game in particular.

I am really impressed with the level of story consistency, and dialog with this title. Not only has it been consistent with coming back and explaining key points--

It does so in a very interesting and engaging angle!

There has not really been one time during my now 60hour journey that has really put a bad stain on it.

All of the characters motivations are explained, expanded upon, and revised as the plot continues to grow. The dialog is witty and very well written. Knowing full well that at the start of this long adventure--that this was a JRPG--I would run into elements I would not understand. While during the school segments, I often did not fully understand Japanese lingo or lore, the dialog of the teacher did not make me feel like a complete idiot for not understanding what it meant. This is something I appreciate as an American playing a JRPG. I enjoy being quiz'ed and not feeling completely egg faced when I don't understand how Japanese government works.

The combat, is very fluid and I would have to say one of the best I have ever seen in a long while. So long in fact, I can't really pin it on any one particular game that followed a similar formula. The weakness/strength system is fair, and this game does NOT allow you to auto pilot. In Palace 5, they really took me on an endurance ride for the last portion of that. I actually was a little caught off guard-- but also appreciated they wanted to challenge my mettle.

That final boss fight in Palace 5? Went down to the wire. One more hit from the bosses super move would have Game Over'ed me. LOVED IT.

UI is some of the strangest I have seen in awhile. Loud, and Proud. I don't completely understand it yet, but this super flat graphic designy style really works with the attitude of the game. I would like to know more about the artist and team that worked on this UI design! I would be really interested in seeing some of their own personal works not tied to Persona 5.

Overall pacing is some of the best I have seen in years. System messages and explanations of mechanics or gimmicks was clear and concise. But everything also made sense in the context of the theme of the Palaces and pacing outside of the Palaces made sense to me as a player. For example; the Beginning of the Kamoshida's Palace and sequences following going in and out of the Palace made sense in term of story flow. Cause and effect if you will. Each location opened up or Palace, served a purpose and did not waste your time. I guess this could also tie into their Calendar system, the game does a really good job of saying, 'Here is the Game Over Conditions, you can play up to this point however you want and then you'll game over'. So far I am up to Palace 6 [Casino], and I've chosen to get the Palace objectives completed with in 5 Calendar days if and when possible. I did have a few times where I committed my day to a confidant, the game never ever punished me for doing so. I really like this approach to game design very much. Yeah, you're under the gun to get the objective done, but if the game throws a wrench in your Day 4 plan, it's completely fine to lose time in this manner. This also really allows a lot of players to break the monotony of their experiences. So my Palace 5 can be completely different from another Gaffers Palace 5 experience.

Phew that's a lot of words and sentences. To wrap up this post in a large shiny bow, this game is a very good example of development time and budget well spent. I whole heartily believe the team deserves all the praise and success they get for making this title. Well done all those parties involved! Have a digital cookie on me!

I hope other game studios take notice of their success!! This is a lot of elements done right, in an era where we get a lot of Day-1 patches!


I have yet to boot up persona 5 because zelda took all time. How good is this game? If i liked P3 and P4 will i like this?

You're going to love it! Story and characters are all subjective but in terms of gameplay this one is by far the best in the series.

Edit: To clarify, the story and characters are great and just as good as 3 and 4. I mean whether you personally like them more or less than the others is subjective ^_^



Haha, you started your post so ominously I was expecting some sort of twist midway through. I always enjoy reading about newcomers' experiences so thanks for sharing, glad you're having a good time. My first experience with P4 was somewhat similar as I couldn't put it down until I beat it. 3 and 4 are definitely great experiences so I hope you and your significant other end up playing them after 5.
1 and 2 are completely different experiences so be aware of that, but they have their own followers, specially 2.
The best.
Exterminating Personas...


So this may not be the place for it, but since I just finished Persona 5 I'm itching for another JRPG that's relatively new.

A list of a few I'm looking at:

Persona 4 Golden (Yes yes I know, but I'm not sure I wanna do this right after 5)
Persona Q (I think should play 4 first though)
Disgaea V
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight (I was a little disappointed with Untold 1, so I skipped 2 to wait for 5.....)

Not limited to these but just what I know exists off the top of my head. I'm hoping for a good mix of good story and more traditional jrpg gameplay. PC,PS4,3DS are the systems I'm looking at too.
So this may not be the place for it, but since I just finished Persona 5 I'm itching for another JRPG that's relatively new.

A list of a few I'm looking at:

Persona 4 Golden (Yes yes I know, but I'm not sure I wanna do this right after 5)
Persona Q (I think should play 4 first though)
Disgaea V
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight (I was a little disappointed with Untold 1, so I skipped 2 to wait for 5.....)

Not limited to these but just what I know exists off the top of my head. I'm hoping for a good mix of good story and more traditional jrpg gameplay. PC,PS4,3DS are the systems I'm looking at too.

Yeah, you really should play both 3 and 4 before Arena or Q. You can probably get away with one or the other though.

Disgaea stories are not what most people would call good stories. They are a weird mix of affectionate parody and seriousness (varying in the mix from game to game). I admit to being fond of the style though. And it's not traditional JRPG gameplay , unless you count SRPGs. Don't get me wrong, still fantastic games IMO but it doesn't sound like what you're looking for right now.

SMTIV sounds like it would suit you.

Devil Survivor 2 is an SRPG too. The story is good (though odd for an SMT title). I take it you already played DS: Overclocked ? If not it's a much more SMT story and I definitely recommend. Then again 2 is more Persona-y, 1 definitely has influences but the relationship points are much more hidden.

I haven't been able to get into Etrian Odyssey myself, so can't comment. I own them all but they never capture my attention enough for me to commit, which in JRPGs means they just get endlessly pushed back by stuff that can.

Strange Journey is as close as I came and it's the only SMT game that I've made it through the first Dungeon and never finished. I'm sort of waiting for Deep Stange Journey to see if it captures me more.

PK Gaming

Uuh what the hell? Like half of them aren't in the game. Are the equivalents present in japanese at least?

This is so disappointing. I was excited to see Mobus in the cast, and what we did get gave Joker some decent amount of personality, but having all these would have been great, ugh.

I'm the traditionalist on this matter: This doesn't bother me in the slightest, and I'm not sure what having it would have added.

What's weird to me is that they recorded it in english and then cut it. Do these have corresponding lines in Japanese that were not cut? Or was it cut in both japanese and english?

It's probably the latter. It was the same in P4 where the cut lines were also recorded in English. For whatever reason.
It's probably the latter. It was the same in P4 where the cut lines were also recorded in English. For whatever reason.

I suspect it's hard to tell what part of a game script dump is definitely cut lines until translation is pretty far along.

Unless by some miracle , there's some kind of dialogue path mapper available, so you know you have an exhaustive list of everything used.

Otherwise it's probably cheaper to pay to record a few extra lines at the time, than to have to go back and rerecord what turned out to to be a dialogue that happens in some absurdly specific circumstance that was missed.
I suspect it's hard to tell what part of a game script dump is definitely cut lines until translation is pretty far along.

Unless by some miracle , there's some kind of dialogue path mapper available, so you know you have an exhaustive list of everything used.

Otherwise it's probably cheaper to pay to record a few extra lines at the time, than to have to go back and rerecord what turned out to to be a dialogue that happens in some absurdly specific circumstance that was missed.

Yeah. That's how you get stuff like the untranslated text from SMTIV:A I'd imagine.

Reminds me of how in P3 they recorded lines specifically for any circumstance in which the player hacked to give themselves an advantage. (P3 Final boss spoilers) Here's a video.


Got the first bad ending.

Palace 6 was fun but that boss fight was kinda... what was the point of that gimmick?? It was just a boring fight with no weaknesses.

At least they're finally showing that Akechi's bad, because I've known that for most of the game, with increasing amounts of context because people won't be quiet on Twitter. The past couple palaces have been really frustrating plot-wise because of how much they dragged this out...

Meanwhile I've known a specific endgame twist since before I started (thanks, Twitter user who was trying to intentionally spoil people) and I hope that comes up before, uh, the final boss fight because going by a vague (but not vague enough) ending guide that might be the case...

Not Spaceghost

I wonder if through enough fusion bullshit I can find a way to make a jack frost with Satans ice spells, instead of having to spam inherit them.

Hmmm I think im gonna make the strongest jack frost ever.
One thing I always do to make sure I don't struggle with these is ignore Ma spells. I don't like to waste space with stuff that I won't use against bosses unless it's Ann's severe spell.

For Morgana I think I only kept his severe wind spell, wind wamp, samarecarm and salvation. For Haru I had a couple Gun attacks (don't remember which), Psiodyne, sharpshooter, weak spot aim, amrita shower and heat rairser. Ignore tetra and makarakarm, they're too situational.

Up against the final boss, I think Ma spells would come in handle.

For Haru
Gun Boost,Gun Amp (to lazy to check the names), Triple Down, One Shot Kill, Heat Riser, Mapsidyne, Evade Nuke and Psy Amp

(I'd lean to Gun over Phys and remove Psy Amp next probably, just due to her stats if I had too).

Is Triple Down really that good?

I also get that people would lean more to gun spells than her Psy spells, but due to the equipment I have on her, Noticeably her +10 magic axe and her +3 magic armor, my Haru has higher magic stats than gun by about 10 points lol ^^;;

I was drowning in SP restores by that point between Hierophant, Temperance and Empress so the SP cost didn't bother me much.

Yeah but it still takes a turn to use the SP item.

If you're not planning on fighting the Reaper or the Bonus Boss the Evade Skills are probably of questionable utility too, so you may want to replace those with stuff you think is more useful.

Well I've already defeated the secret boss so I'll probably remove Haru's Evade Nuke to make space.

Heat Riser is pretty useless and Karn skills are replaceable by items.

Is it though? I get what people are saying that party wide buffs are better but I think it's not so unusual to have a situation where you Heat Riser Joker or Ann.

Mediarahan or Salvation is kind of a toss-up, but Salvation is nice to have on somebody. I like the second source of Miracle Punch but it's probably the first thing to replace. Resurrect items are also common to the point where dropping Samarecarm is reasonable.

It may come as a waste but I'm thinking of keeping all 3 healing- Diarahan, Mediarahan and Salvation, with Salvation as my "OH SHIT!" button.
Finally finished the 4th palace last night.
Other than the Egyptian motif I wasn't a big fan of this one, however I really liked the boss battle. It was much more engaging and required some serious debuff turn management to not wipe. I hope the rest of the bosses are this fun.


More post-palace 6 thoughts or: fuck Altus
for not subtitling any of the incredibly important TV footage or Futaba's phone? Love to just see people react to something when I have no idea what's being said? What the fuck were they thinking?
I wonder if through enough fusion bullshit I can find a way to make a jack frost with Satans ice spells, instead of having to spam inherit them.

Hmmm I think im gonna make the strongest jack frost ever.

It shouldn't actually be too hard, only Fire and Physical Inherentance types can't learn Ice spells.

At a glance Satan x Arsene = Horus, Horus x Genbu = Queen Mab, Queen Mab x (any lower base level Magician) = Choronzon , Choronzon x Pyro Jack = Jack Frost

None of them seem to Physical or Fire type inheritance at a glance.


More post-palace 6 thoughts or: fuck Altus
for not subtitling any of the incredibly important TV footage or Futaba's phone? Love to just see people react to something when I have no idea what's being said? What the fuck were they thinking?

Oh, damn, that's true. There are several moments like that if you're playing with Subs :/

Not Spaceghost

It shouldn't actually be too hard, only Fire and Physical Inherentance types can't learn Ice spells.

At a glance Satan x Arsene = Horus, Horus x Genbu = Queen Mab, Queen Mab x (any lower base level Magician) = Choronzon , Choronzon x Pyro Jack = Jack Frost

None of them seem to Physical or Fire type inheritance at a glance.

Haha I was actually just staring at the fusion calculator just now and this was pretty much what I came up with as well. I just need a way to get magical ability and, ice boost and ice amp onto the little guy. Possibly even fire absorb.
Man, I found Haru difficult enough to choose abilities for in my first playthrough without having to cope with Evade Nuke on top of it. That said, IIRC she's the only party member who has gun skills, so you may as well focus on that with Psy skills on the side like Chie with physicals/ice in P4/G.
Man, I found Haru difficult enough to choose abilities for in my first playthrough without having to cope with Evade Nuke on top of it. That said, IIRC she's the only party member who has gun skills, so you may as well focus on that with Psy skills on the side like Chie with physicals/ice in P4/G.

I'm thinking of sacrificing her evade nuke after beating the secret boss, my Haru has high magic stat from her equipment so I can't fully not support Psy. I'm thinking of:

Psy boost
Psy Amp
One shot kill
Heat Riser
Amrita Shower

Given a choice, I would always go for single target over multi because of enemy composition and SP
Geezus christ, the end boss for Palace 7 was easy but super cheap at the same time:
When Shido turns into his last form and buffs himself and debuffs all your party members his attack pretty much wipes out the whole team, I even had Girimehkala equipped which Repels Physical/Gun attacks and MC was still pretty much down to like 10% HP, all 3 other party members were wiped out.

Also, is it me or did he continually always cast magic that would was weak against Jokers persona?


Came across this video yesterday
I had no idea the twins could do shit like these damn, they did one shot me once with god hand after freezing me with bufudyne but attacking all of your teammates weaknesses like that.
damn atlus u scary.
Wow this game has really triggered my Min/Max reflex. I spent most of the day building personas for each of the damage types. Now I just need to actually sit down go through all the damn fusions needed.
Sorry if this has already been answered in this thread, but I'm at what I assume to be the final dungeon and I was fighting what appeared to be a regular penis shaped enemy (not the large ones on the chariots, but one of the normal small ones). When I held up the group of them, its text block was the "..." that you see typically under unrecrutible boss enemies. I happened to get the automatic recruit choice to pop up, so I recruited it and it joined my team under the name RESERVE (all caps). It's level 1 with no abilities to learn, doesn't show up in the persona registry, strong against all elements, turns into a "blank" item (which the game won't even let me create), and gives no experience if used to strengthen another persona. Is this thing an error? A secret? Did my game just give up towards the end? It seems like your typical unit that's meant to become really strong if you take the time to raise it since it's strong against all elements, but the way the game is acting (and that name...), its whole existence seems like a mistake.
Sorry if this has already been answered in this thread, but I'm at what I assume to be the final dungeon and I was fighting what appeared to be a regular penis shaped enemy (not the large ones on the chariots, but one of the normal small ones). When I held up the group of them, its text block was the "..." that you see typically under unrecrutible boss enemies. I happened to get the automatic recruit choice to pop up, so I recruited it and it joined my team under the name RESERVE (all caps). It's level 1 with no abilities to learn, doesn't show up in the persona registry, strong against all elements, turns into a "blank" item (which the game won't even let me create), and gives no experience if used to strengthen another persona. Is this thing an error? A secret? Did my game just give up towards the end? It seems like your typical unit that's meant to become really strong if you take the time to raise it since it's strong against all elements, but the way the game is acting (and that name...), its whole existence seems like a mistake.

The "torn king of desires", aka "Mara slimes" are suppose to be uncaptureable. They're not required for the compendium.

A mistake is probably right lol


Post-palace 6 question:
can I no longer get library books? I could so easily get the "read all books" trophy during all the time before the deadline I have little to do during, but I think the few books I never read are in the library...
The "torn king of desires", aka "Mara slimes" are suppose to be uncaptureable. They're not required for the compendium.

A mistake is probably right lol

Huh... I ran into them again but during the hold up this time it just wouldn't talk to me. I guess that's what was supposed to happen.

Well I guess I can't complain. I tossed a null physical card on my buddy RESERVE and now the only thing that can touch it is gunfire. In exchange, I just have to look at a penis every time I use him.
And probably a corrupted save file when I wake up tomorrow,

PK Gaming

I'm thinking of sacrificing her evade nuke after beating the secret boss, my Haru has high magic stat from her equipment so I can't fully not support Psy. I'm thinking of:

Psy boost
Psy Amp
One shot kill
Heat Riser
Amrita Shower

Given a choice, I would always go for single target over multi because of enemy composition and SP

Keep in mind, Triple Down actually outdamages One Shot Kill (2nd strongest skill in the game after God Hand), so it's better during boss fights. You also don't need both Psy boost and Psy Amp since Haru's using Psy skills to knock enemies down.
Keep in mind, Triple Down actually outdamages One Shot Kill (2nd strongest skill in the game after God Hand), so it's better during boss fights. You also don't need both Psy boost and Psy Amp since Haru's using Psy skills to knock enemies down.

Is there a list of P5 skills with detailed information like power or accuracy, or do you just know that Triple Down is that strong from your own testing? I ask because I loved looking at these skill lists for Persona 3 and Persona 4 but the Persona 5 one is still incomplete.


Keep in mind, Triple Down actually outdamages One Shot Kill (2nd strongest skill in the game after God Hand), so it's better during boss fights. You also don't need both Psy boost and Psy Amp since Haru's using Psy skills to knock enemies down.

Seems like Triple Down is more inaccurate though?
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