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PES6 and FIFA 07 next-gen exclusives to Xbox 360 for one year - confirmed

i must say this has been a great thread.

i don't think PES exclusivity will do much, however, i think people keep understating what FIFA can do. the last two FIFA games were missing features and Road to the World cup certainly had some hideous player models and stupidly long grass. as many have said FIFA's appeal over PES has generally been graphics and the last two FIFAs didn't have the graphics this new one does.

this is the first PROPER next gen football game in terms of physics, animation, etc (even if it turns out to play like ass) in a franchise that outsells PES (even though PES plays better)... so regardless of what the previous games did, this is a good result for microsoft, whether it's by fluke or money hat.

neither game alone (or combined) will sell someone on the 360, but if someone is trying to decide between the two it might sway them towards the 360.

put it this way, it's not going to make anyone buy a PS3.

sony am doomed?

hell no. they'll do just fine. but microsoft need to do stuff like this to gain ground in europe and it's a good move (or a really fortunate fluke) for them. this is going to help the 360 hold onto more market share against the ps3 in the short term (which will still realistically over take the 360 in europe in a few years guaranteed).
As plagiarize said it, this is more a good news for MS than it is a bad news for Sony. The deals, especially the FIFA deal, may be enough to convince a lot of people still on the fence. I know more than a few people around here who decided they'll be getting the 360 when they heard this, especially considering the PS3 price. Anectodal evidence ftw? Who knows, we'll see.
plagiarize said:
i must say this has been a great thread.

i don't think PES exclusivity will do much, however, i think people keep understating what FIFA can do. the last two FIFA games were missing features and Road to the World cup certainly had some hideous player models and stupidly long grass. as many have said FIFA's appeal over PES has generally been graphics and the last two FIFAs didn't have the graphics this new one does.

this is the first PROPER next gen football game in terms of physics, animation, etc (even if it turns out to play like ass) in a franchise that outsells PES (even though PES plays better)... so regardless of what the previous games did, this is a good result for microsoft, whether it's by fluke or money hat.

neither game alone (or combined) will sell someone on the 360, but if someone is trying to decide between the two it might sway them towards the 360.

put it this way, it's not going to make anyone buy a PS3.

sony am doomed?

hell no. they'll do just fine. but microsoft need to do stuff like this to gain ground in europe and it's a good move (or a really fortunate fluke) for them. this is going to help the 360 hold onto more market share against the ps3 in the short term (which will still realistically over take the 360 in europe in a few years guaranteed).

What? The PES franchise is really, really huge in Europe - not as huge as Fifa (afaik), but not really far away.

If this 12 months exclusive thing is indeed true (and I'm still not sold on that*) that's really, really huge, no doubt about that. There are millions of people that buy these Fifa and PES games every year and they won't have a choice to buy it for PS3 or X360.

* Various reasons:
1) The Microsoft press release
2) This "12 month exclusive" thing. Why not just say that in terms of next-gen consoles, Fifa 07 and PES6 are exclusive to X360? It's not like EA/Konami would release Fifa 07/PES6 in the end of 2007 for PS3 (or Wii).
3) Microsoft never achieved anything spectacular in Europe with X360, why should EA and Konami make multi million selling games exclusive to a plattform that has only sold 1.3m in Europe till now? Obviously moneyhats, but still...

tahrikmili said:
As plagiarize said it, this is more a good news for MS than it is a bad news for Sony.

If you are talking about more or less casual gamers, good news for MS is basically also bad news for Sony (and probably Nintendo). It's not like casual gamers would buy two consoles for 1000€.
Frankfurter said:
* Various reasons:
1) The Microsoft press release
2) This "12 month exclusive" thing. Why not just say that in terms of next-gen consoles, Fifa 07 and PES6 are exclusive to X360? It's not like EA/Konami would release Fifa 07/PES6 in the end of 2007 for PS3 (or Wii).
3) Microsoft never achieved anything spectacular in Europe with X360, why should EA and Konami make multi million selling games exclusive to a plattform that has only sold 1.3m in Europe till now? Obviously moneyhats, but still...

read the whole thread. Lots of links to the 12 month thing. If its not then well Jim was lied to.


Frankfurter said:
* Various reasons:
1) The Microsoft press release
2) This "12 month exclusive" thing. Why not just say that in terms of next-gen consoles, Fifa 07 and PES6 are exclusive to X360? It's not like EA/Konami would release Fifa 07/PES6 in the end of 2007 for PS3 (or Wii).
3) Microsoft never achieved anything spectacular in Europe with X360, why should EA and Konami make multi million selling games exclusive to a plattform that has only sold 1.3m in Europe till now? Obviously moneyhats, but still...

despite my obvious vested interest, I have to assume one thing about the wording here... they want to make certain people don't assume the whole franchise is going exclusive, only this year's versions.


Ghost said:
Yes it has been explained, as has the fact that, coincidental or not, 360 will still have PES 12 months before PS3, and the manner in which the exclusivity came about is not really that important, unless you are trying to show Konami prefers 360, which no one (that ive noticed) is trying to do.
If people have always understood what I explained, then what's up with the disproportionate reactions to this announcement?

DCharlie said:
is this confirmed?
i mean, that sounds like your suggesting a PS3 exclusive WE11 game coming out , with no Japanese X360 version.
If there is then a european X360 version, then that would be coincidental exclusivity as well... sort of...
I havent suggested anything beyond what is plainly written in my post.

PES6 was first designed as WE10, which had the PS2 in mind. Is it not a fair assumption, then, that WE11/PES7 is being designed for the PS3, particularly since WE10 has been announced as the last PS2-based edition? I am not implying exclusivity at all. You've got to be pretty defensive to take that from what I said.


KeithFranklin said:
Yeah publishers would never consider releasing a title for the PS3 that well although incremental would sell. Nope they would never do that.
How well would it sell when so many already own virtually the same game for the PS2 and there would only be graphical enhancement? Why divert resources from PS3 development of a (presumably) new engine to capitalize on a port that would not be so lucrative?

This situation makes sense for everyone, as far as I'm concerned. Sure looks damn nice in MS press releases, too.


If this 12 months exclusive thing is indeed true (and I'm still not sold on that*) that's really, really huge, no doubt about that. There are millions of people that buy these Fifa and PES games every year and they won't have a choice to buy it for PS3 or X360.

And those millions will buy it for the console they've always bought it for: PS2.


Is it not a fair assumption, then, that WE11/PES7 is being designed for the PS3, particularly since WE10 has been announced as the last PS2-based edition?

has WE10 been announced as the last PS2 edition?
and surely the next WE11/PES7 may go to the X360 as well, and if it does , i expect the game to be designed for both machines, not just the PS3.

But it wouldn't matter anyways, because WE exclusivity is pretty pointless anyways apparently! :D
I am not implying exclusivity at all. You've got to be pretty defensive to take that from what I said.

you are reading too much into what i'm saying and ignoring the smilies!


hadareud said:
looking good, this is definitely more than just a ps2 port.

The animations are definitely more fluid, and unless I am completely stupid (which I wouldn't rule out) I can see a few new ones in there as well.

Looks exactly like winning eleven 10 PS2 only with higher textures and added linesmen.

Still going to buy it and then hopefully there will be a really new version made for 360/ps3 next year and not just an upgrade from the last gen versions.


The Translator
Prince said:
Looks exactly like winning eleven 10 PS2 only with higher textures and added linesmen.

Still going to buy it and then hopefully there will be a really new version made for 360/ps3 next year and not just an upgrade from the last gen versions.
that and better playermodels, no cut out crowd, the game running more fluid, the ball seeming to behave more realisticly amongst other things.
Prince said:
Looks exactly like winning eleven 10 PS2 only with higher textures and added linesmen.

Yep looks like it plays exactly the same certainly no difference in gameplay like there was between WE9 and WE10.
“FIFA 07 on Xbox 360 will be a must-have for soccer and gaming fans. The advanced capabilities of Xbox 360 and a completely new game engine mean that FIFA 07 reaches new heights of responsiveness, playability, graphical and gameplay realism, and fun. Innovative online capabilities make the most of Xbox Live and bring even more realism to soccer fans. The only place gamers can enjoy the next-generation edition of FIFA 07 is on Xbox 360 – we love developing for this thing!”

Hugues Ricour, FIFA 07 producer, Electronic Arts

Whee! :lol


Okey, so I just came back from Germany and it's been a great week for me. The convention was all I thought it will be. As a member of the (in)famous games press family I enjoyed it MUCH more than last years E3, which was everything but a show for 'professionals'. Sure, there weren't as many exclusive games & most of what they showed we've already seen at E3 2006, but at least I got to stress test pretty much whatever I wanted, for as long as I wanted. Great organization, surprisingly civilized crowd behaviour and chicks. And not just booth babes - they were in great minority. German women rox.

PES6 for xbox 360 and the exclusivity thing, then. As a WE/PES fanatic I was surprised as much as the next guy, although I still wonder if this doesn't pretty much confirm my suspicion that there's been a real next-gen PS3 version in the works for quite sometime now. I hope so.

Don't get me wrong tho. I think that the 360 version is gonna be the best PES in years, because it most certainly does not 'look like PES6 for PS2 and plays exactly the same'. The animations are much improved, so is the player collision model. But most of all I loved the ball physics - the pinball effect, which was getting pretty ridiculous in the latest versions, especially when playing online, seems to be a thing of the past! Well, the new graphics engine, if it's indeed new, actually looks and feels more like a quick next-gen update: more polygons for players, higher resolution, PS2-era textures (I was certainly expecting volumetric grass, what I got instead is the same old blurry green mess). Anyways, can't wait for the 360 version in october.

But still - what do you guys think? Do you think that the PS3 version we'll eventually get sometime next year will be build upon this year's PES6 for the 360, or is there a much more advanced (at least as far as the graphics are concerned) WE/PES in the works for PS3?


But still - what do you guys think? Do you think that the PS3 version we'll eventually get sometime next year will be build upon this year's PES6 for the 360, or is there a much more advanced (at least as far as the graphics are concerned) WE/PES in the works for PS3?

I think there will be a more advanced version of WE/PES coming next year to both the PS3/X360.
What about Sony's own soccer series? World Tour Soccer? (For some reason, they just sent me a demo of the PSP version today. Guess they ran out of the Getaway Demos).

This could just be a push by Sony to push their soccer game. I mean, they basically now own the baseball game market in the US, thanks to Take Two's semi-exclusivity deal which eliminated EA, but not 1st parties.
Zabojnik said:
But still - what do you guys think? Do you think that the PS3 version we'll eventually get sometime next year will be build upon this year's PES6 for the 360, or is there a much more advanced (at least as far as the graphics are concerned) WE/PES in the works for PS3?

Seabass seemed to infer in the GI interview that the next-gen graphics engine is pretty much in place as far as assets/fx are concerned (player models, stadiums etc.), Im gonna guess any visual improvements we see from here on out (PS3 included) will be pretty incremental. I expect the main focuses for the next version will be animation, physics and AI.


The Translator
DCharlie said:
I think there will be a more advanced version of WE/PES coming next year to both the PS3/X360.
my thoughts exactly, I don't know why some (and I don't mean Zabojnik btw) are implying that the 360 is getting a quick next gen high res upgrade while the ps3 will get the definite version next year. It will be on both platforms.

Thanks for the impressions Zabojnik. I thought I was going mental looking at the ball physics and animations and everyone saying it was the same as the ps2 version.


hadareud said:
my thoughts exactly, I don't know why some (and I don't mean Zabojnik btw) are implying that the 360 is getting a quick next gen high res upgrade while the ps3 will get the definite version next year. It will be on both platforms.

Thanks for the impressions Zabojnik. I thought I was going mental looking at the ball physics and animations and everyone saying it was the same as the ps2 version.

Nah, I'm sure that whatever PES PS3 gets next year, xbox 360 gets it too. I was just wondering if the trend from current-gen ('we develop for PS2, we port elsewhere') was going to continue or not.

You're right tho. I've been to the Konami conference and Seabass actually did say that this was the next-gen engine, that they were working on it for quite some time now, bla bla bla ... I'd understand if he'd be refering to the player models, which actually look and move great, and physics, but as far everything else is concerned - stadiums, the field, the lighting - let's just say that there's space for improvement.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Dunno if its old but the GameInformer interview with Seabass is awesome...


Really really interesting....

Yeah though if Konami is really multi-platform as Saito says, then shouldn't all their titles be appearing multi-platform(MGS)?

Q: Now are you going to continue creating current generation – PS2, Xbox – of Winning Eleven/PES?

Seabass: Yes, we will. If you look back at the days when we jumped from PS1 to PS2 we kept on releasing for about two years on the PS1. This time on the PS2 it’ll probably be much longer because we know that the fans are there. But we’re not going to make the simple conversions and upgrades each year.

Hmm it would be nice if that's not just lip service.


Thanks Dazza.

It might be lip service, but that seems to put a bullet in the throat of the "this is the last PS2 version" line.

So, Monkey, no need for you to upgrade until the PS3 actually gets a new WE game.


Konami France says : PES 6 will be launch only on Xbox 360, PC, PS2 and PSP this year in Europe. But Winning Eleven 11 is under dev on PS3 too, the game will be released in august 2007 in Japan. And the first PES on PS3 will be PES 7, nov 07.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
All this back and forth because MS actually said 12 months, and Konami claims... well it's just this version!!! Except that in the normal timeline, by the time the next version is released it WILL be 12 months... :lol
Man alive. I'd love to have visited the thread where the flip would have happened. It sure would have been entertaining watching 30 guys take shots at the one or two xbots here at the site with various owned pics, etc. :p This thread has been rather boring in comparison. :)
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