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PewDiePie reached 10 Billion YouTube views

Plenty of people work hard who do not even have 1/10th of his subscribers, regardless he plays games - lets not even categorise youtube as 'hard work.

It absolutely can be hard work. I know a lets player that puts in 12 hours a day on editing, research, SEO, networking, and at the low end that only accounts for an hour or so, actually playing the games.

As a youtuber myself, I can say it's more work and stress than I expected, though I don't put in anywhere near as much work as some of these guys.
But that's what I mean. What makes someone deserve success? If you're criteria for deserving success is you're own personal interest, than I think that's incredibly arrogant and egocentric

What the fuck? How else do we make decide on things like besides our own personal views? You saying he deserves it because others find it entertaining is your own view as well. Having a different opinion doesn't make someone egocentric or arrogant and like I said it's not like I'm calling for blood and wanting his fame to disappear, I just think others deserve be in his place due to the fact I think they are funnier. That's it, not trying to tell everyone else they are wrong for not thinking like me.


I feel like it's idiotic to compare an old and established industry like cinema to an incredibly new and upcoming medium like youtube

But it's not 'old and established ' in places like China which is growing rapidly and has even saved movies which tanked in the west.
What the fuck? How else do we make decide on things like besides our own personal views? You saying he deserves it because others find it entertaining is your own view as well. Having a different opinion doesn't make someone egocentric or arrogant and like I said it's not like I'm calling for blood and wanting his fame to disappear, I just think others deserve be in his place due to the fact I think they are funnier. That's it, not trying to tell everyone else they are wrong for not thinking like me.

It's fine you have your own views. But saying popularity isn't deserved is kind of like saying your view is better than everyone who does enjoy this guy's view. Stuff like popularity is something where deserving it isn't something any single individual can decide. If it makes a lot of people happy and entertained, why does he deserve it less than somebody who most will find less entertaining? If it's just because you dislike it, then yeah, it's incredibly egocentric
I can't stand the guy and never thought he was funny but I can't hate him. He made it doing something he likes and people enjoy it so good for him.


PewDiePie is the GOAT just for the amount of people he gets so salty. The best ones are the ones that complain that lots of people watch stuff they don't like.


Good job Pewds! A couple hundred of those views were from myself, a couple thousand from my GF. YouTube stardom could have happened to a funnier person, but not to a more authentic. To the haters, at least he made it being himself. He has his integrity and can do whatever he wants now. I look forward to many more years of content from him.


Grandma's Chippy
I think he is funny a lot, but I can also see how he can be annoying lol.

Good for him, hope he can keep it going, and hope he is smart enough to save his money because it won't last forever :)


It absolutely can be hard work. I know a lets player that puts in 12 hours a day on editing, research, SEO, networking, and at the low end that only accounts for an hour or so, actually playing the games.

As a youtuber myself, I can say it's more work and stress than I expected, though I don't put in anywhere near as much work as some of these guys.

Most of them outsource that work.

They're paychecks aren't being decided in China though, so I don't see the relevance

The relevancy is the fact that THAT will happen, we've already seen it in a few movies where they have casted established Chinese actors in Hollywood movies to appeal to that demographic, and as they become established in China - they will be paid for their star power there too.
It's fine you have your own views. But saying popularity isn't deserved is kind of like saying your view is better than everyone who does enjoy this guy's view. Stuff like popularity is something where deserving it isn't something any single individual can decide. If it makes a lot of people happy and entertained, why does he deserve it less than somebody who most will find less entertaining? If it's just because you dislike it, then yeah, it's incredibly egocentric

Why would you assume this?

Also what you are saying is if anyone thinks someone else is not good they are being egocentric? Because they just don't agree with the majority they are somehow being arrogant?

I think Dota 2 is better than LoL but LoL has a shit ton more users so does that mean I'm being egocentric to dare think such a thought when clearly so many others think otherwise.
Why would you assume this?

Also what you are saying is if anyone thinks someone else is not good they are being egocentric? Because they just don't agree with the majority they are somehow being arrogant?

I think Dota 2 is better than LoL but LoL has a shit ton more users so does that mean I'm being egocentric to dare think such a thought when clearly so many others think otherwise.
It's fine to think popular things are shit. I hate many popular things. But that's not the same as saying they don't deserve to be popular
That's cool. I don't like his content but he does promote some games which would've gone unnoticed(?) or so I've heard from others, so that's cool.


Good for him. Can't say many people can archive that.

Btw, isn't him the guy who already made like $5 million thanks to YouTube?


Don't like him but good for him

Same here. I tried watching his videos but I could not because I found him annoying and lame. If I was 10-15 years old I might've had different opinion. Gotta give credit when it's due though, he must be doing something right. Congrats to him.
Most of them outsource that work.

Do you have a source for that? Outside of Game Grumps, I can't think of anyone that does that. Pewdiepie, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye; all of them still do almost everything themselves.

The guy that I talk to, Draegast (a 200k sub channel) says that's the norm among even the big channels.
I don't find his channel all that amusing but clearly other people do and I can't hate on the man for finding his thing in the world.

True Fire

It's really not fair for people to not like him. He didn't choose to be as popular as he is, and if he's able to fetch 10 billion views, he deserves all of his success.
Good for him! Really goes to show just how mainstreaming gaming has become.

Not liking him is obviously fine, but the amount of hate this guy gets is fucking inexplicable.


Do you have a source for that? Outside of Game Grumps, I can't think of anyone that does that. Pewdiepie, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye; all of them still do almost everything themselves.

The guy that I talk to, Draegast (a 200k sub channel) says that's the norm among even the big channels.

Regardless if they do or not, that's not hard work. It's mundane and tedious sure, but not hard.
ITT: 'I don't care for PDP' and then proceeds to spend their time in this thread reiterating why they don't care but still believes he's a hack that does little work, etc

Seriously, some of you are spiteful as fuck.
Don't like his videos at all, but it's kind of weird to be mad at someone making money who hasn't harmed anyone in the process. I mean if you're mad at someone for being popular for no reason other than you don't like him it seems like a waste of energy


Not much money relative to the exposure he has though.
I mean if you compare with "real" celebrities.

I could see him making tons more if he hired a business partner/agent and really sold himself out (cough *Notch* cough)... thats why I have a little bit of respect for him since I would probably try to do what he does given the same circumstances.
My dislike of the man boils down to a few things. Most of this is based on the videos of him I saw awhile ago. The screaming at the camera, the YouTube style quick cuts, the rape jokes, his fanbase, the general shift towards people watching other people play games, the shallow content (he might cut it together alright, but it's still him just playing games and offering little insightful commentary), etc.

I don't have a problem with him making a living off what he does, I just wish he wasn't the face of YouTube and gamers.


No longer canonical
I just can't support a guy who makes money doing something that requires no talent. It sickens me that he makes more money than the people who make the games or people with actual meaningful jobs.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Now I'm curious if he's been SWATed before. I mean, he has to be like the #1 target for that kind of stuff if it hasn't been done already. Even DSP got SWATed a few months back for the first time.
Now I'm curious if he's been SWATed before. I mean, he has to be like the #1 target for that kind of stuff if it hasn't been done already.

I don't think swatting works in sweden (especially against a celebrity). Maybe he would receive a mildly annoying knock on the door.


Now I'm curious if he's been SWATed before. I mean, he has to be like the #1 target for that kind of stuff if it hasn't been done already. Even DSP got SWATed a few months back for the first time.

He'd be crazy to make his residence the USA with his popularity and equal amount of haters.
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