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Play reviews Lair

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Speevy said:
That wasn't called for.

No one has attacked Lair with any degree of thoughtful insight into its artistic merit, because very few on this forum have any.

I simply said that for all its technical mastery, the game remains visually unappealing.

I believe you used the word ugly 6-7 times in a row. (I wasn't counting)

I dunno I think I could understand why people would say this is unappealing art direction for them. (There are people that enjoyed Zelda Wind Waker art style after all)

However, I don't think it would be fair to decry it as "ugly ugly ugly" either. That's a subjective opinion at best.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
shidoshi said:
Here... made this just for you.

(And for the sake of the lord, people... THIS IS JUST A JOKE. Not at all real, before anybody gets the wrong idea.)

haha nice one.

*saves pic*
shidoshi said:
Well, I'd say that you're wrong, and I think I might have a bit more knowledge on this topic.

Also, we have Heather Graham working for us?! Why the f**k did nobody tell me this?? I'd have been begging her for sex daily if I knew that I knew her e-mail address already.

care to explain heather CAMPBELL's score and treatment delta in her two twilight princess reviews, then? i'm aware that startbutton is a metajoke, but if she can't address the legitimate flaws in the game she brought up in her "gag" review when penning her play review, i'd love to know why!


Speevy fears the day there are enough great games for the PS3 that he starts considering purchasing one. Can't really blame him, who in their right mind wants to spend $499 on a game console? I bought one, but I'm rarely in my right mind. :D


<I'm high>
NICE! I'm secretly hoping the PS3 hulks up and starts smacking the shit out of the 360. I used to love my 360, until the red rings of f-ing death came to roost. They sent out my 360's coffin today.

Nothing but love.
</I'm high>
the art direction is ridiculously noisy for a game that focuses on battles of scale, where many of your enemies are often mere pixels in the distance. really, if any game should have favored anti-aliasing over glossy shader effects, this game is it.
Drinky Crow said:
i'd suspect a more, er, halversonian origin of that horrible line about "gliding over a starlit ocean to opera".

It definitely sounds like a line written from someone who gained their aesthetic sensibilities solely from watching years of bad anime. But I don't think that it is the a perspective limited to Halverson alone. I've met that type and they are, unfortunately, legion--the same ones that would defend the box claim of Odin Sphere as comparable to "great works of literature."

Nevertheless, Halverson or not, it is definitely a line that is trite and hokey enough to make you legitimately question the perspective of the person writing the review based solely on that one sentence alone.


1080p @ 30 FPS with framerate issue which apparently has been "fixed". I will be the first to call shenanigans on that claim. Is this the same as claiming Ninja Gaiden Sigma has no framerate issues at 1080p @ 60 FPS?

I don't know about Lair though. I want to like it, but the art style just does not stir up any intrigue from within me. Some of those screenshots are really bad too. I can hardly distinguish the face of the dragons in some of them.

And certainly after reading this comic from Penny-Arcade:


I just can't convince myself to buy this game. Especially after seeing some of those videos of those dragons spitting fireballs. :(

Here's to hoping a demo will convince me!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Drinky Crow said:
care to explain heather CAMPBELL's score and treatment delta in her two twilight princess reviews, then? i'm aware that startbutton is a metajoke, but if she can't address the legitimate flaws in the game she brought up in her "gag" review when penning her play review, i'd love to know why!

Damn you drinky. It's actionbutton. I spent like 5 minutes looking for startbutton.com.

And that's 5 minutes of my time I won't have to think about jessica biel. :(
as i said on another forum which shall not be named, f5 are the kings of lod management algorithms and brush implementations. on the other hand, they're so wrapped up in engine development that they miss the details: good explosions, proper aerial physics and dynamics, and interesting incidental special effects in general. lair, like the two rogue squadron gamecube games, will be a screenshot generator first and an interesting, dynamic game experience a distant second. the holistic illusion of technical prowess their game engines post really don't hold up under the scrutiny that comes with real interaction. i can't shake the feeling that this is yet another gussied-up scene demo.


Drinky Crow said:
care to explain heather CAMPBELL's score and treatment delta in her two twilight princess reviews, then? i'm aware that startbutton is a metajoke, but if she can't address the legitimate flaws in the game she brought up in her "gag" review when penning her play review, i'd love to know why!

Well, let's be honest - I can't speak for her, I can only speak for myself. So, I have to admit that I don't know the difference, and I also haven't read her review on startbutton for myself.

What I might offer as a possible solution is that when doing work for a "professional" review versus a "non-professional" review (and I'm not speaking directly to the actual quality levels of either side), you're much more likely to not be overly harsh about certain elements of a game unless they derserve such harshness. Say, for example... Blue Dragon. What I've played of it, I don't care much for. If I'm reviewing the game for a site where outrageous personal opinions are the selling point, I might say "this game is old-school boring trash." If I were doing the review for Play, however, I'd spend much more time giving the game a chance and writing a fair (yet honest) review of it, because it's my job to do that.

From what little I know of the situation, that would be my first guess. Again, though, I can't speak for Heather or from experience having read both of her reviews for Zelda.
Y2Kev said:
Damn you drinky. It's actionbutton. I spent like 5 minutes looking for startbutton.com.

And that's 5 minutes of my time I won't have to think about jessica biel. :(

heather campbell. actionbutton. whatever! i'm on the 4th of 6 guinnesses!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Drinky Crow said:
heather campbell. actionbutton. whatever! i'm on the 4th of 6 guinnesses!

I'm enjoying the review so much, though, that I'm reading all their reviews.

Who is gonna make a magazine based around this? I would like to subscribe.
shidoshi said:
From what little I know of the situation, that would be my first guess. Again, though, I can't speak for Heather or from experience having read both of her reviews for Zelda.

what you describe still seems fairly unprofessional -- you aren't obliged to make mooncalf fanboys happy about their predetermined purchases if you can intellectually justify and articulate your dislike of a game. as a pro game reviewer, you should know when you're playing crap, and be able to assemble a good argument as to why that's the case. this is why halverson (and his polar opposites, the game informer cadre) are such disingenuous, useless ****s.

however, the delta between heather graham-campbell's two reviews is measured not in inches but ****ing parsecs. literally -- the play review is fluffy, indiscriminate praise heaped on the game ("yay zelda, now edgier") and the actionbutton.com metagag review is a monstrous deconstruction of the game that can't help but resolve as "wow, this game is nintendo's shittiest effort in ages."

and again, i've observed casey loe as a fairly astute, cynical fellow, even when caught up in his animu biases. (we'll forgive the ff7 wankery as the folly of youth.) maybe lair is a 9 out of 10; maybe play's stupidly inflated scale suggests that the game isn't as good as a 9 in other magazines; and maybe, just maybe, halverson had an editorial hand in the final print review and score. halverson's pretty nice to anyone who gives him an interview, a scoop, and a handjob: and eggbrecht's always been chummy with him. given halverson's history of gross fanboy unprofessionalism, who'd be shocked?
Y2Kev said:
I'm enjoying the review so much, though, that I'm reading all their reviews.

Who is gonna make a magazine based around this? I would like to subscribe.

yeah, i normally hate tim rogers, but actionbutton.com hits my snark buttons just right. most of those reviews are just industry metajokes, but they also manage to make some good points within the context of the game they're reviewing, as well. except for the reviews penned by erik-jon rossel-waugh. those are just embarrassing.
Marconelly said:
I don't understand how under any circumstances that third shot he posted can be considered garbage, or in fact, anything other than impressive.

Well, for one, compression ruined the detail. Also, what's that stuff in the sky? It looks like there's an ocean in the sky and the land is upside-down. Too much action in one picture.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Drinky Crow said:
as i said on another forum which shall not be named, f5 are the kings of lod management algorithms and brush implementations. on the other hand, they're so wrapped up in engine development that they miss the details: good explosions, proper aerial physics and dynamics, and interesting incidental special effects in general. lair, like the two rogue squadron gamecube games, will be a screenshot generator first and an interesting, dynamic game experience a distant second. the holistic illusion of technical prowess their game engines post really don't hold up under the scrutiny that comes with real interaction. i can't shake the feeling that this is yet another gussied-up scene demo.

That being said, are you actually going to play this to see if you're right or not? Or will you just hold on to this and not bother playing?
Death_Born said:
Well, for one, compression ruined the detail. Also, what's that stuff in the sky? It looks like there's an ocean in the sky and the land is upside-down. Too much action in one picture.
Yep. If too much is going on, it becomes hard to understand what you are supposed to do (cue the brilliance of the original Zelda's cave-with-a-sword-in-it).
$60 is a fair bit to spend just to "try" a game with a dubious pedigree, especially given how abysmal the two rogue squadron games were. i'll probably bum it off white man at some point.


Let's all just wait for other reviews to appear. So long as there's some sort of unified consensus on a general score range (~8) then we can agree it's probably a good game. Otherwise it's very, very funny to see everyone get flustered on this thread, especially the Xbots.

And saying that Lair has no artistic merit? Gah. It's jumbled, certainly, but thank god sheer majority overwhelms the freakin elitists here on GAF :D


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Drinky Crow said:
yeah, i normally hate tim rogers, but actionbutton.com hits my snark buttons just right. most of those reviews are just industry metajokes, but they also manage to make some good points within the context of the game they're reviewing, as well. except for the reviews penned by erik-jon rossel-waugh. those are just embarrassing.

It's obvious a lot of them are reactionary pieces meant to be polar opposites to the "mainstream" opinion of a particular game, but damn if Rogers isn't dead on with this Phantom Hourglass praise and the shit he flings at previous Zeldas in comparison.


Drinky Crow said:
$60 is a fair bit to spend just to "try" a game with a dubious pedigree, especially given how abysmal the two rogue squadron games were. i'll probably bum it off white man at some point.
There were three Rogue Squadron games. Two of them were excellent titles. The last one left the series' reputation tarnished, though.
Teknopathetic said:
"lair's creature design is really strong. i remember hearing that they're working with stop-motion effects talent from the film industry. and it shows."

:lol :lol

Laughter might not be warranted. I believe the "stop-motion guy" involved is Phil Tippett. His presence might not make the game any good, but his puppetry/animation skills are godlike.


Wow, some of you guys take the word overanalyze to unnatural levels. Are you gamers or are you ****ing reincarnated SS members. Until you've played the game to make any credible arguments, your long winded diatribes are just fart wind.


Slavik81 said:
There were three Rogue Squadron games. Two of them were excellent titles. The last one left the series' reputation tarnished, though.

I thought the first N64 game was a lot of fun, but the series really degenerated after that. I don't know, but despite all the for-the-time-next-gen razzle dazzle, Rogue Leader seemed SMALLER for some reason. Smaller levels, fewer of them, and the wonky physics that was excusable in the sub-30 FPS N64 game just stuck out like a sore thumb on the Gamecube.

But what do I know? I think Lair looks pretty cool.
Speevy said:
The biggest artistic criticism against Lair seems to be the following

How many polygons do you reckon exist in this dragon?

How many effects are going off in the background?

If I flew lower, would I see that glistening, gigantic salt water simulation?

Are there hundreds of soldiers in the distance, readying their swords for me?

This stuff is UNPRECEDENTED in one seamless game.

And it's still beautiful.

beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.


Given your console pedigree and recent post in which you defend Viva Pinata by calling it a "Nature Management System" I would have to question your real motives.


Worships the porcelain goddess
vilmer_ said:
Wow, some of you guys take the word overanalyze to unnatural levels. Are you gamers or are you ****ing reincarnated SS members. Until you've played the game to make any credible arguments, your long winded diatribes are just fart wind.

You're good people. At least with this post. :D


FormulaOne said:
Given your console pedigree and recent post in which you defend Viva Pinata by calling it a "Nature Management System" I would have to question your real motives.

My real motive is to say what's on my mind in this thread.

Lair is still going to be what it's going to be regardless.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Tideas said:
So people are arguing this game doesn't deserve a 9? Err, I guess opinions don't exist at Gafs haha

Nope. Don't you know? We determine the scores and quality of games through screenshots alone! We don't even need to play them! We make .gifs with them, comment, and move on to the next victim!
No_Style said:
1080p @ 30 FPS with framerate issue which apparently has been "fixed". I will be the first to call shenanigans on that claim. Is this the same as claiming Ninja Gaiden Sigma has no framerate issues at 1080p @ 60 FPS?

Last time I checked, framerate issues are one of the things that are usually addressed near the completion of the game. And I doubt this procedure has changed. Here's a tip, all games have framerate issues before they go gold and they're usually fixed in the majority of releases. I really don't understand why you think it would be different for Lair just because it's a 1080p game. Factor 5 aren't amateurs and they won't sacrifice frame rate just to fill the screen with as many polygons as they can push.
Tideas said:
So people are arguing this game doesn't deserve a 9? Err, I guess opinions don't exist at Gafs haha

Certain people have a gift that enables them to extrapolate gameplay, graphics, framerate, physics and especially sound from a single screenshot of the game. We call these people "Kreskins" and they are revered for their abilities on NeoGAF.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm not familiar with actionbutton.com, are they purposely being 'tough' on purpose? Twilight Princess might not be 10/10, but 1/4? wtf?
Tideas said:
So people are arguing this game doesn't deserve a 9? Err, I guess opinions don't exist at Gafs haha
Christ almighty. Did I just wake up in the year 2505 or something?

Since you seem to have not bothered parsing what people have posted in this thread, allow me to make a quick summary:

1) Play Magazine gives Lair a 9/10

2) Some people say that Play Magazine's reviews are dubious, seeing as how they gave Sonic 360 a 9.5/10, or the much-maligned Rebel Strike an A-, just as examples. Play is known for their enthusiasm; this is a tremendous asset to their magazine, but it does have the side effect of making their review section an essential whitewash of fanman exuberance.

3) Some disagreement about Lair's artistic merits

4) Drinky Crow

Inasmuch as discussion of the review is concerned, all people are saying is that Play loving it has little bearing on the game as Play LOVES EVERYTHING.

If anything is being attacked here, it's not Lair...it's Play Magazine's reviews.

That was my attempt. Let's see if I'm screaming in the desert or not. Since it's you, Tideas, I'm not predicting heavy showers.
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